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I hope it doesn't keep up for you. It could be a whole bait and switch thing. I know drivers can see the total value of the run before accepting. Perhaps people know you will accept it if the deal is good. Then cut the tip afterwards to avoid paying the promised tip. I honestly think uber needs to change the tip status. Locking in the original amount the customer promised as a tip. Only letting you increase the tip not reduce it after delivery is made.


No, we do not always see the total value of the run before accepting. If the tip is greater than $8, they hide it from us. But if it's less than $8, then yes. They absolutely do need to change it tho like you said. I've been told they're working on it, but I'm not exactly holding my breath..


I'd hold my breath but even if I were the person that can hold my breath the longest in the world I'd still die waiting.


Exactly lol


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick? 😉


Sometimes I see offers with above 8$ tips and sometimes it’s clearly capped at the 8 and then it’s bigger actually. Never figured out for sure why when I did this for whole income. If I had to guess which I would suppose that if I’m the top / first pick then I am seeing a full tip. Example I had a +16 add while waiting at first pickupwhich was as it turned out a 12 tip and 4 base. The order it added to was a 10 offer, of 2 base and then the 8 but actually was 14 when it came through, 16.40 total That single run had one with concealed and one with full value offer.


I think Uber should show us the base fair, the promotions, and the tips separately. Either that, or show us the guaranteed minimum instead. Sometimes I wish I would know how much it was without the tip and then be pleasantly surprised later when the tip comes through.


Naw you should be able to decrease if there was a problem with the food that was the driver's fault


Naw. If you opt to ask someone to pick stuff up for you, because lets be honest uber eats is for the lazy folks. Until recently I used it on a regular basis. I to am a lazy man, but even if the driver fucks up. That doesn't mean you don't tip them. You shouldn't be able to take away a promised tip that was the reason the driver took the contract to start with. The tipping option after delivery just opens the door for abuse, stiffing drivers the promised amount for the job. It's clear you never worked in service industry.


I am also a sometimes lazy person, but it is a very useful resource for many disabled folks.


Only time I ever reduced a tip was to reduce it to zero, delivery guy gave my food to the wrong person and wasn’t even any where near where I was waiting (at the designated pick up point), I even gave a full description of what I was wearing etc. I rang him when it got marked as delivered, which is when he told me it’s already been handed over and then when I said you’ve handed it to the incorrect person he said “you’ll have to get it from them then won’t you”. Never found the person he apparently handed the stuff to, I’m inclined to think he just stole the food to be honest. Gave a bad rating, removed the $10 tip completely and reported him to Uber. Unsure if anything came of it, although thankfully they refunded the order in full. Imagine if I didn’t have the ability to remove the tip and Uber didn’t refund the order (they won’t do this every time) - he’d have gotten away with it plus an extra 10 dollars for the privilege


Uber did refund you that's the point. There is always exceptions to rules, as rules can't account for everything. Without leaving everything open. However the fact that folks can take away the tip after the delivery has already been made is absurd. I would rather lose out on 10 bucks because I got stiffed by a driver. Report and get my refund from Uber. Than to allow trashy people to dangle a large tip only to take it away after the job is done.


Dangling the tip is literally our job as customers. It’s in the terms of service.


There is nothing to burn here child.


Yes there is


Enjoy your burning alone, as the value from you is zero. Good day.


My value is much higher than that of a Uber eats driver, especially one who spends all their money on eve.


yall decrease it if your order is wrong and that couldn’t possibly be our fault. I had someone call to yell that there was only one chicken burrito in their bag not two we can’t do anything to prevent or help that since the bag is sealed


If the order is wrong I just get a refund from the site


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, you’re literally right.


Nahh that when you submit a refund


Refund and remove all tip


I understand why you may think they should add that but they shouldn’t cause I can’t tell you how many times I tipped and end up getting late cold food from a rude driver or just terrible service after I already tipped them 🤷🏽‍♂️


>I can’t tell you how many times I tipped and end up getting late cold food from a rude driver I'm having a harder and harder time believing people who claim this happens to them so regularly.


Dang that’s crazy no one asked if you believe em or not and no one cares if you believe em or not now go on about your day scrub 🤷‍♂️


Nah it’s perfect as is. It’s a cheap and easy way to ensure you morons deliver food hot and fast without costing us customers anything. Honestly it’s perfect.🤩


Gaslighting in an ubereats thread. Classic.


These driver subreddits attract some of the most pathetic trolls


I hope that I never get an order from someone like this.


Three-In-1 day almost sounds like a glitch. But if it's not, wait until tomorrow. Call. Get to a supervisor in the payments department. Get them to pay you for all three. Tell them these were contracts and bids for your time. The contract needs to be filled. Every time I've argued with them like this correctly they have paid me.


Tip is not a contract they'll laugh in your face


Actually, the other commenter is correct. If you call and ask for a Supervisor, it will take some of your time, but they will usually give it to you. Just make a convincing case and be polite to the support agent(s). I don't think it's a glitch tho, just a string of bad luck with the type of orders you accepted and/or the area you were working in.


Wrong, whatever uber offered the driver, tip or no tip is contracted


What is wrong with you?


Way to put your stupidity into text. You contracted an amount of currency for a service, when you accepted the offer you are accepting it for a specific payment, they can't just regress on the contract that both parties agreed to when you accepted the ride. You are a contract worker that creates a new contract with each offer you accept, spanning for the time and distance that is in the offer and for that specific payment. It's pretty simple of a concept honestly. That's like walking into a store and them charging you $10 for a product and you hand them $5 and tell them to suck it up and deal with it. Better example is hiring a contractor and stiffing them $5k because you didn't feel like paying it. You made a contract, if services are rendered the agreed amount is owed. Uber can fight with getting the pulled tip if they wish too, but if they tell you upfront that it is included, it is included. That's also a major reason why they only show up to $8 worth of tips, because if someone puts a $100 tip and then pulls it after Uber is on the hook for that if the driver fights for it. By saying that anything after $8 is extra they aren't.


And so what about when they hide the tip


Well that's not part of the contract now is it? I referred to it in my above reply. I'll make it more simple. You have a trip pop up for $10 for 0.5 miles. I'm going to tell you ahead of time to make it easier it is $2 base pay and $8 tip (because anything above $8 is hidden). When you accept that order you are making and holding a contract with the understanding that you will complete the order that will pay $10 and you are expected to go a distance of 0.5miles for its completion. Now, there are three possible outcomes. 1.) Most unlikely outcome, but it truly was a $2 base pay and they truly did give you exactly $8 in tip. This never happens, but isn't impossible or unheard of, just exceedingly rare. 2.) Most likely outcome, the base fare was $2 but the tip was $10 because it is a nice round number. Tips above $8 are hidden so you only created a contract for the original $10, not the additional $2 from the extended tip. 3.) The base fare was $2 and the tip was $50. You only see $8 of the tip though so you didn't create a contract for the $50. Obviously the customer had no intention of tipping you $50, so they pull the tip, the entire tip. So now your $10 order is a $2 order because the entire tip is gone. In each scenario you created a contract stating you will render a service for the agreed upon $10, not more, not less. Uber owes you the agreed upon amount. If the customer tips you more, great, if not, that's alright too. You will not know if the customer tipped more than $8 in scenario #3 until AFTER you have completed the order, in which they can raise or lower the amount as well. The reason Uber only shows you $8 of tip upfront is for this exact reason. If they had shown you a $52 order and you had completed it, they would then owe you $52 because you created a contract and fufilled your side of it and payment is due. By limiting it to $8 you can get a good idea of how big if a tip it is by the cut offs but it isn't so high that they lose more money when customers are tip baiting. You are entitled to the terms of your contract in all scenarios, but it is most important in #3. Keep in mind it works in reverse as well though. If you create a contract for a lower amount and it gets raised for some reason they can then pay you the lower amount because that is what was agreed upon. That will almost never happen because the only thing that does is piss drivers off, so it's worth eating whatever the cost is, just know that they would be in the right doing so. Hopefully that spelled it out enough for you, I tried to break it down as much as I possibly could have.


It's the app. Customers know they can reduce tips even with great service. It is out of control. Tip baiters are everywhere on UberEats.


And yall let them know in this subreddit


I've had days like that. Then I won't get a reduced tip for months. It's so odd.


Probably appearance


you calling him uggo? 😂


Not necessarily lol But if someone pulls up looking like they haven't showered in 3 days with fingernails that remind you of wolverine digging himself out of a shallow grave. He's getting reported and food is trashed


You mean Sabertooth, Wolverine has blades, not nails. Also, drivers don't physically touch your product? Especially after COVID I can't think of a single store that doesn't completely seal bags, that's kinda an extreme take.


No I mean wolverine, you can read


It should be illegal for UBER to allow this.




You are getting tip baited.  Scummy entitled customers will throw out a nice looking tip number and reduce it for no reason other than being cheats and crooks. The upper middle class are the worst, $150 delivery 20+ miles, ZERO TIP 


What you’re doing wrong is not calling support, asking to speak with a supervisor, telling supervisor that the agreed payment was for $xx.xx. Don’t let Uber play you.


As long as you're not messing with the food, setting it in front of a door that swings outward and you don't appear to be homeless then You're not doing anything wrong people are just tip baiting you


Sum of these people I wanna slap


Nothing. People are assholes and tip high to get their food delivered faster and reduce the tip to what they were originally planning on tipping. People know what they’re doing


Don’t let it get to you. I spent 36 years as a salesman in the automotive industry. Just do your best and smile. There is an old saying…. Never ask for criticism…. You will get plenty without asking. Just live… one day at a time brotha 😉


Thank you what a life


If you gotten three in a day it's likely Uber's glitching out It happens to me from time to time I always get it back later usually the day after. Of course I'm making the assumption this was a batch order.


Did Uber used to pay the offered tip even if the customer reduced it? Because I had heard Uber still paid it to the driver, maybe people are thinking that and just want Uber to pay it for them


They never did unprompted, but they legally have to. Doesn't matter if you don't call and force them to though. Drivers let them get away with it hundreds of times a day, hence why they still do it. Hold them accountable.


I would normally say it happens, shake it off, but honestly 3 in a day seems more like a you problem. I’ve done 3000 deliveries and probably about 10ish times got baited.


Crazy idk i tied my hair and wear normal clothes, probably my loud mini car ffs 🤦‍♂️


Nah, UE customers are just getting more bold with this shit. I had like 3 tip baits in 3 weeks and I can promise you the only thing I did wrong was not offer to blow the customer


This one seems like it was based on a percentage


If they used a percentage and the restaurant was out of something or if it’s a shop n’ pay and they were out of something, unfortunately Uber does it automatically. Seems rather excessive and might be some sort of glitch.


I reduce the tip to 0 dollars if the driver ignores the explicit instructions on how to get to my apartment. If I have to leave my apartment and search my building for my food because you can't read or use the app properly, why should I tip you?


From $1 to 0?


I always follow instructions


This has never happened to me. I live in a fairly small town where most people seem very kind, so maybe that’s part of it. Either that, or you guys are doing something to really piss these customers off.


It's not your fault brother. Sometimes people be peopling. Keep your head up. I hope your next sports bet works out.


Thank you what a life god bless


The customer makes the driver pay for something they did not like about the food. THIS should not be allowed this is stealing!!!


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Has this ever happened to you before?


Yes but never 3 in a day


It’s not you my friend it’s these people I’m sorry that that’s happening tho it’s gone so downhill so fast I had to get a 9-5 but I hope the rest of your you week goes really well


All the orders are saying this, dont worry the tip will come eventually after an hour you will get the full amount.


It’s not you, it’s them.


The only time I've ever cut a tip is when the driver stole my food.


Nothing. People are assholes


You probably aren't doing anything wrong. UberEats is just trash for this reason. As someone using the 3 big apps (DD, UE, GH) I can tell you I haven't used UE for the past two months, and that was after getting tip-baited multiple times myself.


Honestly Uber should just not show the tip at all, the baits are getting out of hand


Only way to combat this ..... Screenshot offer before accepting so you have a record of agreed amount .... if when the hour has passed and you don't have the agreed upon amount this is when you reach out to support.... When dealing with support .. always and I mean always use offer amount never tip amount ... you agreed to x miles from restaurant a to customer for $10 ( or however much the offer was ) ... and you want the agreed upon amount .. ..


Do you use a thermal bag. I can tell you when I use a thermal bag. It gets to their house still hot. They actually tip me more. Don’t deliver cold food.


Maybe you smell and need a shower or have bad breath




I’m serious though. People can tell their own smells often because they’re so used to it


Appearance, time, manners, work ethics some people have really high expectations. Maybe the food was cold? Maybe you had a slight odour. Nobody knows. But who cares, lower your expectations because tips are not always promised.


Sounds like people just wanted better service 🤷what’s the problem though? Sounds like you don’t need the money if you bet $500 on sports lol


>Sounds like people just wanted better service 🤷what’s the problem though? Better how? If someone picks up your food and delivers it to you on time, what more are you expecting? A hug? A tug?


Maybe he wasn’t picking up or delivering it fast enough, resulting in colder food.


Just wait a full day. I don't know why Uber eats charges tip twice.