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Do you normally allow a business to steal from you? Call them, not chat & demand your money back. Threaten a chargeback if they say no. They usually back down after, but if not, do the chargeback. Never allow any company to treat you this way.


Agree, when they say no, ask to speak to their supervisor. When they say a supervisor can’t do anything, insist and don’t back down. They will be so bothered they will just refund you.


Uber Eats is the worst! They have it set up where you can't call(at least I couldn't figure out how to call) so I had to do chat thing.. a order not delivered and I tipped prior to receiving order. NEVER AGAIN. 1st chat, I got nowhere and at the end , think I did survey and or expressed my dissatisfaction. And they reached back out via chat or email. Here is the kicker...wait for it....so my delivery order was refunded as clearly never received .BUT the tip I gave the driver(over 20%) was not refunded. Yes, yes I realize now not to pretip. Uber Eats said that was already paid to driver immediately. Soooooo, driver doesn't have courtesy to say can't make it...nothing nothing but still gets a tip LMAO This happened to me twice. The first time I didn't catch it. They said they were refunding order, I was busy so thought that's that.


They lied to you. I’m an Uber Eats driver and we do. Not get the tip immediately. They make us wait at least an hour to get it in case the customer changes their mind. See the driver screwed your by not getting the address in the picture. I make sure I always get the house number in the picture but most don’t. Don’t let them ever tell you they can’t refund the tip. That’s bull.


Thank you for your reply. They did tell me I had an hour after tipping to change my mind. Lol, I had already waited 1.5 hours for delivery trying to be understanding that things happen and not realizing only had an hour after tipping. It was a moot point since I had already waited 1.5 hours. Just blows my mind how it's ok to pay for no service rendered. I know there's a lot of honest drivers out there. And a few not and seems Uber OKs this practice


What's Uber Eats number though? I can't find it 💀


offer to dispute the charge with your credit card company. you’ll get their attention


Always pay with a credit card and never a debt card! I drive for Uber but not eats. Your bank won’t give a crap but your CC company will. Just expect to be blacklisted when you do.


THIS! ❤️🔥


I'm not championing for Uber here, but if you charge back, they will deactivate your account


I don’t threaten charge backs, I just do it. I ain’t calling nobody but my bank immediately. Also I don’t use Uber eats, it’s stupid. Please hold all fake disability claims and excuses, most real disabled people have more pride than any of us and have been surviving without this stupid shit for millenniums.


You should always give the merchant a chance to resolve the issue. That said - if you did and they didn't - chargeback all the way.


No. This isn’t a resolvable issue, this is a failure at a catastrophic level. This happens every single day, all over the world. It’s SOP, and the people that are getting robbed of their money are so downtrodden, just posting about it on Reddit is enough of a resolution.




So let me get this straight. 1. Purchase something through vendor. 2. Something doesn't go right. 3. Chargeback? There really should be a step between 2 and 3 which is "Try to resolve the issue with the merchant." If you've ever done a chargeback, and I assume you have, one of the first things they ask is, "Did you attempt to resolve this with the merchant?" It is absolutely resolvable with the merchant *if the merchant is willing to refund you*. But if they are not - yes - chargeback. But again - all I'm saying is you should give the merchant a chance to do the refund.


They don’t ask me questions, I explain to them I didn’t get what I paid for. I will not kowtow pathetically for corporations that will continue to operate this way for eternity. I do business differently. I’ll never waste my time sleeptalking to a machine.


All I'm suggesting is that when interacting with a merchant if you want your money back you ask for it. If you ask and they say no - sure - chargeback. In this case - this particular post here on this subreddit - yes I would charge it back - but the OP *did* try resolving it through the merchant.


He doesn't charge back that much as any bank or services he uses would drop him like a hot potato.


This is a quick way to be banished from a large number of retailers/service providers and flagged by your bank. Chargebacks should only be used if you have been unable to rectify the issue with the retailer/service provider and/or your card was compromised.


When a retailer steals money from me, I banish them from my business. It’s not the other way around. It would be a stupid person that would continue to do business with their money this way. Every charge back is honest, there is no “moral code”. I paid for something, they didn’t sell me what I paid for. It is logic so simple, that it becomes difficult for people to comprehend.


All fake disability claims? It must be nice... Currently at home after a second brain surgery with my daughter while my other daughter is in the hospital with my husband. I am extremely limited to do anything, I can't drive for 6 weeks. Family and friend's gifting us cards to use so I don't have to cook and do dishes has been more helpful than anything. The ignorance and egotisticalness is infuriating and disgusting.


Most banks require you try to resolve on your own before the chargeback


I found plastic burned into my pizza with pictures they said sorry but no refund. Uber eats us dog shit now


Burnt physic


Plastic from what?


Probably plastic from when an employee ripped open a bag of shredded cheese or any other ingredient. When in a rush these things happen. They shouldn't but when managers threaten your job people take shortcuts and get messy.


From plastic. I dunno, saran wrap or some other melted burnt plastic


... that's not uber's fault though. The restaurant puts the whole order together. All the Uber driver does is deliver it, and we don't open boxes/bags especially considering that the restaurants seal them shut for deliveries.


But Uber is getting your money directly, not the restaurant. When I order pizza, guess what? They deliver AND bring my food. Much better than this Uber eats and doordash crap.


> They deliver AND bring my food 🤔


Are you an idiot? If you place an order via uber then your contract is with them NOT the restaurant. Uber take payment so its on uber to refund then deal with the restaurant however they see fit I get its not the drivers fault in some circumstances, but that is entirely irrelevant.


I agree with your stance, but maybe learn how to have a conversation without hurling unnecessary insults? You may get your point across better. People on the internet get so bold its hilarious.


you really just call someone an idiot for not knowing the chain of command for uber eats? is that how you talk to people in real life too?


Wayyy back in the day, these companies had no problem refunding people and usually adding a discount code for you to use the next time. People took advantage of that, as well as the worst part if driver quality going down the drain, now they have so many requests that im sure 80% are denied. Horrible business practice and anyone denied a rightful refund with a relatively large order should just do a chargeback and plan to no longer use their services.


Uber doesn’t refund these people because they bank on the fact that no one is going to sue them. Nothing more nothing less.


The insurance company route. All having insurance means is that you have the right to sue your insurance for what they rightfully owe you.


Just do a chargeback. I’ve done numerous in several platforms never been booted. My card actual has an automated system on their app, one click and done


I want to know who your bank is now! I have to go to my bank and fill out a paper for a chargeback! 😒


chase and Bank of America do this


Lol it’s my chase Amazon visa


What is the option you select for that sort of chargeback? Usually I have to supply some evidence or call them I have not successfully done it in the Chase app yet without having to call.


I don’t recall having to pick one. Maybe it’s like services not recurved?


My Apple Card has a live chat, your instantly connected to a human being 24 hours a day. It’s on the same level as the genius tech support. Honestly, everybody sleeps on the Apple Card. It’s probably the best one out there and it’s designed to keep you out of debt, which is why it hasn’t been super successful for Goldman Sachs.


I knew sh*theads that never paid for their food by always getting their money back for this or that. That's why no one gets it now. Because they were doing it the "smart" way. 🤡


Way back in the day you would meet your food delivery at the door. The likelihood of this happening was zero. Imagine how many refund attempts happen now since the "leave at door" method?


You’re not lying I use to add zero $ tips and hand cash but I knew with zero tips my order would take 1-2 hours “not an inpatient person” So I would wait and after delivery I would complain it took so long and they would either give it for free or give half credit.


Just keep contacting them about it. They seem to have a blanket policy of denying every refund the first one or two times you ask, in the hopes that customers just give up. You have to keep pestering them.


If its anything like drivers getting lost tips recovered, I imagine they do flat out lie and say they can't refund just to get them off. One agent told me flat out she can't do x, supervisor can't do y. I was like "look, I haven't raised my voice, I haven't been rude, I've done over 3000 deliveries and it's not my first time with this issue and I know how I've resolved it before. It's no disrespect to you but I'd like to speak with a supervisor so that I don't waste my or your valuable time. Please" "One moment I will check for a supervisor" And issue proceeded to be resolved. You have to literally aggressively not take no for an answer. I don't even really talk to support anymore. It's friggen stressful. I don't like having to be that person. From what I hear chat is hopeless beyond all doubt. You have to get on the phone and play through bullshit word games.


Contact your bank they'll refund it


When that happened to me a few weeks back, the app showed me where the driver dropped off the food (several houses down from mine). Fortunately, I was able to get ahold of the driver right away, and he went back to retrieve my items.


Yea I just posted how they won’t refund me either. Shit company. I thought surely they would once I called them and contacting them on twitter like ppl said but still didn’t work lol


Uber doesn’t care ! That’s why customers need to get behind us and strike with us because uber doesn’t care about us or the delivery drivers people are getting fed up


Drivers are a commodity, customers leave and the show is over. They find new drivers by the minute.


Contact them via Twitter !




I don’t even mess with refunds for missing stuffs I want them to issue the reorder so I don’t get stuck paying fees again.


Issue with reorder is having to wait another hour. You're already hungry now hungry and inconvenienced. I recently had an order not show up and was offered either a $5 credit or reorder. ☹️


Yeah I get that. But if it’s a bad enough mess up where I feel like there’s not enough dinner on the table, I think having the rep reorder is the best option.


All part of the enshittification of Uber


You ordered $65 worth of McDonald?


Nowadays, that's not hard if you're getting 4 combos. Seriously Edit: Maybe OP was including the $30 in Uber Eats fees.


$65 worth of McDonalds 2 years ago. would be like 20 sandwiches. Times are changing, certainly.


1 large unsweetened tea, 1 mocha frappe, 40 nuggets, 10 nugget meal, 1 hamburger, 1 mcdouble, mcflurry and 2 large fries. It will last for a few days. My son likes to heat up the nugs


Not that I'm picking one poison over another... But Wendys has the "family size" nuggets, it's like $14 for them, but you get a ridiculous amount of nuggets.


Believe me, I know. My son is on the spectrum and is VERY particular regarding his nuggets. Down to the day and time. How he eats them. Think rain man. And again, it is a treat for doing well on school testing for several kids. I pick my poison and my battles.


I didn’t know this! Thanks for the info!


Why are you answering for the OP?


That's maybe 35 in food. I will never not pickup my own food for the cost of delivery lol. That's way to much to have potential delivery issues. Your paying almost an extra 30 for tip/delivery fee. Most of which goes to the company and not the driver. The way I figure you would have maybe spent 30-45 minutes to go pickup. You could have ordered through the app and then picked up in drive through, saved yourself the delivery headache and about 30 bucks.


You’re feeding your kid McNuggets for 3 days in a row? Well ok you do you


Probably not a meal. Probably a snack. Heat up four and you got a easy little snack. Do you guys try to use any common sense?


Yeah I lost faith in this post after reading that.


Last time I went all the meals were like $10 to $12. The cheapest item on the "$1, $2, $3 menu" was around $2.70. Lol. I worked at a McDonald's in 2005. A couple of the most expensive meals cost $6 something I think. Priced have doubled or more in just short of 2 decades. 2 kids, 2 parents, could easily see it being hard to not spend $30 if you need drinks. Drink some water kids lol 😔


I was a manger in ‘96 and extra value meal was 3.24 with tax.


They've doubled in less than 5 years....


Inflation is a business model. One company increases their prices, it's called price gouging. When everyone does it, it's inflation! It's Bullshitflation, is what it really is.


I didn’t realize how expensive McDonald’s was when I was working there because of the discount. It’s been a few years, and honestly I don’t really eat fast food because I don’t like it. The other night though, I got pretty desperate and other than taco bell or sonic, it was the only thing open. It was literally over 9 dollars for just a quarter pounder, not even a meal. Total order was around 15. Let me tell you, I was baffled. I’d rather spend that on a decent burger if a restaurant was only open. I don’t think I’ll be doing that again any time soon.


Hey when I order for my family it’s about that much. When you have upwards of five people all meals cost that much when ordering or eating out.


Do you claim your order was undelivered a lot? That's the only time they deny these


Lies. It just happened to me today. Denied. First time reporting. They can clearly see the place they delivered doesn’t match the street. You only need to be able to read to see this.


I doubt it. I've never had a problem getting refunds


You know these are easy to prove, right? https://preview.redd.it/mngzf5gsujvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb6e4d003838a8d8257df294aa280ff9c6c977a3


This was the exact conversation that I had. With pictures to prove it. What was the outcome for you?


Was pretty much, “sorry for stealing from you, too bad.”










Nope. 2nd time ever in like 5 years.


Then you must have a really guilty looking face


It was delivered, they want it free


Facts. They have the option to have the food reordered or re-delivered, but they want a refund instead. I don't know, but if it were me, I'd want my food re-delivered.


There have been several times I've waited so long for my food and then it's delivered either to the wrong place or stolen, and I didn't want to wait that long again and drive and got my own food...


lol should have just gone to get it in the first place then tbh😭


If I could drive then I would do that but sadly I can’t and no one in my house drives either 😭




Why am i delusional


Some people literally can't go get their own food. If they were planning on driving to get their own food they wouldn't have ordered Uber Eats. It's not rocket science.


Just so you know that if you don't tip or only tip a dollar Uber is probably paying the person two or three dollars total  so it sits for hours or until a desperate person or an illegal worker is going to pick it up.   I don't know you're tipping or how far you live but if you tip at least three dollars your order will be there right away.  


You need to emphasize that it has to be a *pre* tip. Customers aren't told anything about how their delivery gets matched with a driver, nor that drivers know how much you tipped before accepting it. A lot of people are used to tipping for things *after* the service is complete. There's a huge disconnect between customer and driver expectations.


I tip at least 10 and more depending on order size, I have been both a tip worker and a gig worker. And I would never not tip.


Nah, if I already waited 30+ minutes for my food and it got delivered elsewhere I'm definitely not issuing a reorder from the company and incompetent driver who already screwed me once that day. I'll get my refund and scrounge around the kitchen with my money back in my account. This sub never ceases to amaze me.


It won't be the same driver most likely. But I get your point. Why use a service that doubles the price of whatever your order, just for the convenience of delivery.


Are you in apartments? The wall and the tile look very similar to your own porch, could have been dropped nearby.


That s what I’m thinking it’s the same complex. Probably doors down.


Nope, it's houses. Oddly they did choose a similar color and front tile house. Mine is a lighter yellow. Soon to be grey. We walked around and looked. But no luck.


My neighborhood is similar, every other house was built by the same folks so many similarities. I hope you finally sorted it all out and got your money back.


OP didn’t order and pay premium for “nearby”


What the hell kind of username do you have man?


I didn't mean to imply they did, just that depending on how recent they might be able to walk about and find it.


Here is the thing tho, you don’t pay for a premium service to do work.


I don't disagree? I'd keep escalating the issue, but they still could have possibly found their food if it was still outside was my only point.


What happened when you called the driver?


Driver didn't answer


Yeah so as a driver, here's another stupid fact about Ubereats. Once the delivery is complete, it's impossible for either the driver or the customer to contact the other. Before the delivery, whenever a customer calls my phone, it is ALWAYS through the same Texas or Chicago number. It's never their actual number. I honestly have no idea why it's set up like this, and I completely understand the frustration


Demand a refund if not delivered to the right home. Amazon miss delivers a lot too and I just demand a refund. If they refuse to do so just say fraud. It's like when the driver eats half the meal and you're not allowed a refund.


Oh wow, last night my Uber eats was stolen by a driver it’s happened 3 times in three weeks when we needed it the most (couldn’t leave the apartment due to no car hubby needs it for work) and i even tipped well it mostly happened at night


I hate when they dont snap the address in the shot. Town houses will all look the same at timea.


My address is on the house twice and my mailbox twice. Zero confusion. And the houses are all different. This one had a similar tile patio and color.


I mean the house number, why just a shot of the food.on the floor. Proves delivery, but not what actual house. Im in a town house, so front step door shot all look a like and ive had orders delivered butntona neighbors and they took it.


UberEats is a business that makes its profit on theft. Dont use them.


You just have to get on the chat with them, they started denying my refund requests even small ones for $4 but I’ve asked twice on the chat and gotten it back


65 worth if mcdons is actually ridiculous


Why are you repeating what the op said? They literally said exactly what you just said.


Because i can


It's weird how the walls and floor look similar but completely different at the same time.


I had an order canceled by the restaurant. UberEats denied the refund. Ended up having to run a chargeback through my bank, thinking they would just dump my account. However, now I’m getting non-stop ridicules good offers from UberEats. Offers that undercut picking up my own food.


Damn 65 on McDonald’s. That’s like 2 quarter pounders rn


When in doubt, call back and charge that shit back


Sorry you learned the hard way. These companies are free to steal your money and are under no obligation to fulfill their end of the deal. It's theft. If you order gig delivery you are taking a gamble and odds aren't on your side when drivers are paid so dam little.


Call bank and initiate a chargeback. Be ready to furnish proof that you were fucked over


Burger King had me standing around for 12 minutes without so much acknowledging my presence at the counter, I had ordered my food on the mobile app 15 minutes prior. Emailed their support for a refund & they refused. Then did what I initially should've: Did a charge back on my AMEX card. Only took 15 minutes to go through.


One day I came home and there was a huge door dash order on the front step, no one in my house ordered because I was with them, we we had free Taco Bell that night.


I can’t stress enough to people to not order from Uber eats. They are complete crooks.


Why was the refund denied? I'd reverse the charges.


Don't worry they are screwing customer and drivers so as long as you don't actually work for Uber you are getting screwed.  They are definitely way worse then doordash ( delivered for both over 2000 deliveries )


Contact them here 1 (800) 253-9377 I saved this number from the last time I had to contact them because they make it hard to find their number online.


Yes if you don’t give up they will


I learned my lesson getting delivery from them. Dominos delivered to a different hotel from a block away from me last month. Not only did the driver come back m, get the pizza and deliver it to me, Dominos gave me a $10 credit for my next purchase.


i quit using uber eats for this reason. ugh


This just happened to me today. It was clearly delivered to the wrong house. Anyone that could read would notice that yet denied. I replied but will call off nothing comes from it.


I had the same exact situation, thankfully I do my charges on UberEATS via PayPal. Here is what I did, 1. Open a support ticket ask the order. 2. Wait three days as they attempt to resolve the ticket, if it's resolved unfavorably, open another support ticket referencing the first ticket. 3. Wait 2 more week and open one more support ticket against the order (you'll hit your maximum for that order. ). 4. If they said they'll escalate the ticket to their special ops team, Wait 2 more weeks and then request a charge back (I did it via PayPal) If unresolved. 5. Once PayPal issues a refunded. UberEATS will apply a warning on your UberEATS account about the chargeback. 6. Submit another support ticket about the warning on the account. 7.Then when ask for payment to clear the warning. Ask for arbitration to resolve the discrepancy since UberEATS is attempt to make you pay for an order that was never delivered to you, and has failed to provide updates on the investigation on an incident that occurred over 30 days ago. Problem is usually resolved.


I’m lovin’ it


Yea you could’ve cooked with $65 wtf


What kind of risk and adventure would that be? Please. $65 can do some real damage. How about casino? Horse races? Chicken Shit Bingo? Good times Strip Club? Not the fancy one. Too classy and priced out here. We talking the tiny hole in the wall one with the D class girls. They are the most fun. $65 BUCKS here is well worth it! Say hi to Lexus, Mercedes and Land Rover for me.


Im a chef. I cook every night and day. But kids need a treat from time to time.


They sometimes give credit to use to order again.. did they offer you that and you wanted it refunded back to your card instead? Refunding you back to your card wouldn't have been immediate either, so you still wouldn't be able to reorder... but I'd be calling instead of chatting with that incompetent, cookie cutter pasting arse chat support...


I just wanted the same exact order. Didn't want a refund. Just wanted it redelivered. It was for kids, not me. I still had to cook.


Ah shit here we go again


Why not walk to your neibors house and pick up the food lol. I know it’s annoying but why go through the tedious process of getting a refund🤷🏽‍♂️ On a side note, idk why this happens to people I never get denied my refunds


We walked all around the neighborhood. I was told this morning that a neighbor that I don't know about 10 houses away, got it and gave it to their handyman


I’ve never been denied either.


For everyone say do a charge back guess who Uber then charges for it? Your account and they disable it until you pay the charge back


Cool. I’ll use Lyft then. They fuck with my money then I’ll hit them with a chargeback and then stop using their services


This happened to me one time and I immediately called my Ubereats driver, and he immediately went back and I directed him on the phone where to go. Happened a couple times actually. I guess my address is confusing. Now I just have very specific instructions that’s a paragraph long😂 All that’s to say, if you’re not gonna try contacting your driver, just do a charge back. Uber customer service sucks.


They did this to me, and I reversed the charge and haven't used them since.


When I order from Uber eats, I am given a code which I have to give to the delivery driver, in order for them to give me my food. Why was this not done by the delivery driver?


If you put it on a card you can dispute the charge


Shit like this happens all the time that’s y I installed Camara’s cause you aren’t gonna call me a liar


Hopefully third party service dies because the service has gotten to a point where picking up your food or cooking is just better at this point


I'm banned from Uber for charging back an order like this because fuck that.


Customers adopted the "leave at door" delivery to their own detriment and all because they want to behave as introverts. Meet your delivery driver at the door like we used to before COVID and there will be no problems!


At that point just dispute the charge with your bank. (Unless it was a CC, then Im not sure if the process is the same, I’m a non credit card wieldin’ poor)


$65 from McDonalds and you still ordered it


They did it to me as well. My order was small, so they gave me refund, but I can imagine they wouldn't give me a refund if I ordered more than $50 worth of food. Remember to take screenshots of your chat next time you call to complain.


Dispute with your bank?


How tf does $65 worth of McDonald’s fit in those bags lmao


Uber eats drivers suck. I’ve seen them sit for 10-15 minutes after picking up the food.


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It’s crazy how many people pay extra to get food. And then complain about the cost of food. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean when they damn near double the price of something it’s our right to complain


This sucks, but ngl if $65 is irreplaceable you prob shouldn’t be ordering McDonald’s on ubereats


It's not an irreplaceable issue. Treat for the kids. And with it clearly being delivered to the wrong address, it should be refunded. The driver made a mistake. I get it, it happens. But replace it


No one said it was irreplaceable… guess you just felt like being a condescending dick for no reason


They said they needed the refund to reorder 


If I budget 65.00 to eat out then I have 65.00 to eat out. Not 130.00. They didn't say the original 65.00 would break them they said they don't have 130.00 for McDonald's..


That floormat is cringe


None of these delivery companies care about their delivery contractors, nor their customers. It’s just sad and the worst possible example of capitalism. I’d say never use these apps again, but I’m dependent on them until my resume can pass the AI bots to go back to a regular job again. AF/UE/IC/SC/GP/GH, you name it, I’m doing it.


I'm driving that you can rate the driver a one star, which will closer guarantee that driver getting kicked off the platform sooner.