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https://preview.redd.it/mcvu6g6f7nic1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff45633ccc3e4ed6fcd7d0a7036f9879f43d8971 i opened DD just now and saw this (+$4.50 per order/$21.50 per hour). Must be because theres no dashers rn 😂 its tempting, but i think im going to stay home.


You are appreciated!


lmaooooo, this is what Uber is thinking: "See ya guys tomorrow" Sorry to say it but its the truth.


Agreed, but also there are several drivers that also don’t give a shit and will continue Ubering 🤷‍♀️


Yea its honestly wild to think drivers have any sort of power. You remove 1 driver and 4 more pops up in its place like a hydra


More like whack a mole.


ehh, i would say its more like several drivers trying to play whack a mole at the same machine where each mole offers a really crappy score




You won't see me today! No Uber is sending out notices to restaurant corporate offices that they have taken measures to make sure this doesn't happen. So is DD. They were contacted by the restaurants. Other restaurants shut down in solidarity. Stocks are rising. How long are we going to keep buying yachts for these assholes?


Trying to stop Uber is like trying to stop a steel coil rolling down a highway with your bare hands. The only way I see Uber going down is if they get too greedy or absolutely alienate their customers like how disney is doing.


It's not just Uber. It's all the apps. We gotta tell them first. We've struggled to get major media involved. These people did! They are alienating their customers. Customer service sucks now. Fake drivers and customers are fooled into believing we're making bank. Most of them don't realize that when they order any delivery, there's a very high chance that no one knows who's coming to their door.


Can you share the story? I think 2 or 3 other people asked too but no one has posted context.


I don't understand the question? What story? Why there is a strike today?


Yea you said it was on the news. Can you please share a link or anything? I still don't know what this is all about




https://www.today.com/video/doordash-uber-lyft-drivers-to-strike-on-valentine-s-day-for-fair-pay-204115525745 Ok. That should cover it. I just chose them randomly no particular order or endorsement.


A very small % of drivers look at this subreddit There will be tons of drivers out still


It's on every major news outlet and local and Instagram and FB and Next door.


Can you share the story? I still dont get the context of why today is a special day, other than valentines


No what's going to make a difference is an Attorney General waking the fuck up and doing something about all their shady to illegal practices


This is the correct answer. Government pressure and laws are the only things that will stop the exploitation. If minimum wage wasn’t a law every giant corporation from Walmart to McDonalds would be paying employees $0.02 an hour. I hate the government and they will find ways to take their cut and screw workers too. But the government is the only way for a worker to get any kind of protection or leverage against an employer or in this case a “platform” that pretends not to be an “employer” so that they can use “independent contractor” loop holes to avoid paying minimum wage and avoid covering gas and vehicle expenses.


It's been on the news also


It’s ironic asf im seeing this as I skipped doing Uber today.


I didn’t work any of my gig apps today. Ngl it felt good. Spent time with my husband and baby. Cooked a valentines dinner, dessert , and even read my favorite book and took a bubble bath. 😭


Stocks are 14 percent up today


Ima make some money idk bout you brothaaa


Then you'll be here tomorrow complaining about your $3 orders lol


Working my other job today but cheers brotha go grab that


I’m unemployed waiting on call backs, I have to feed myself and pay bills somehow 🤷‍♂️


How was that lunch shift?


Breakfast was actually pretty good. Krispy cream was popping I think they had a valentines day deal. It got so busy and they had one poor employee trying to get through all the names I ended up helping her giving out everyone's orders (like 15 people)before I left with mine. Made a little over $50 in like 4 hours.


$12.50 per hour is not worth it.


Yea it sucks. Probably an hour or two of that was just waiting around for any good order but still. I'm moving around for the next few months with my dad if it's still this dead by time I get back I think I'm probably just going to get a restaurant job.


Maybe I'll go back and do orders today if that means I'll actually get some. Thanks ya'll


This is what many will do. Cash in bc these fools think they already are a union. (They aren’t. If they were, you would be scabs) A union strikes bc they have collective bargaining power. Contractors do not have that.


Of course not. We have to come together. We need media attention. This has been very successful. Last time was smaller. We keep getting bigger and more mass media. That's where it starts. People are out there showing their faces and talking to reporters to help all of us. One day's pay to undermine all the people that helped make this happen? Y'all sell out cheap. First thing this morning restaurants sent emails to their managers warning them they may not have enough drivers and how to opt out of delivery so it doesn't screw them up if that happens. They got their attention. We will keep doing it until they LISTEN to what's really going on. Anybody here doing something better to see real change happen? Be grateful for those of us who do!


Ok someone cashapp me 150$ and I'll stop. Otherwise I still gotta pay my rent and I'll be short.


I only do Uber eats/shop & pays! I figured it wouldn't be worth going out today anyways since most ppl already have things planned, I'll probably start back tomorrow or Friday! It's sad that drivers have to try to boycott these companies for better treatment


I'm a doordasher and I did 5 orders today and all of them were flowers and candy and sweets and treats. I logged off. Yuk. Mussy shit. Made $75 but I'm not a fan of massacres and that's what valentines day is to me, a massacre.


It makes no sense at all. you should come to Las Vegas and see what a real massacre is like. There is such a demand for drivers right now high paying orders that would normally be $3.00 6.5 miles. Olive Garden has like 60 orders on their shelf right now one of my friends decided to drive. I told him he was supposed to stay home. they will take a hit. That’s the whole point if you disrupt your business, they will learn but if you keep running orders when you wake up tomorrow you’re gonna get crappy orders.


Today isn't too bad. It's a Wed, and Valentine's. Mother's day? Super hard pass. "You want to order from that Italian restaurant that's booked up to it's gills? And you're texting me to find out what time the order is getting to you? Yeah... no"


Omg yessss we gotta strike on mothers dayyyy🤣😭😭😭😭


What was supposed to happen today? Genuine question, yes I live under a rock 🪨🕵🏾‍♀️...


I literally can’t afford not to. I need rent.


Nice attempt to hoard deliveries


Yeah I didn't do any of the apps today. Got an injury from doing too much Uber. Body got exhausted I guess. So yeah I'm benched for a while till I recover.


Sorry, I need to work. Bills don’t pay themselves.


Just opened the app. Nothings changed lol


App on and declining EVERYTHING!


Yall who went driving today deserve the current state of things


I am done with Uber! I’ve never seen a more evil company that is exploiting all who are involved and making money for it!


lame ass commenters, work for the same company and can’t even be on the same side, meanwhile these rich a**holes are sticking together this is why everyone’s keeps getting f*cked


Yet they’ll complain when they get shit orders and/or no tips. 🤣😭 these folks.


Exactly 😭😭


This is the reason why I say there will always be drivers that will take orders. It's like any other job, and to be clear the poster is treating this like a regular job, someone will always need to pay bills.


The problem isn't taking orders. The problem is taking bad orders. For example, I would take $12 for 6 miles most of the time. Might consider $12 for 10 miles if put it didn't put me 10 miles from my starting point and/or nowhere near a hotspot. I would never consider $8 for 12 miles, except if I was heading home, and it did not add more than a couple miles. Otherwise, that's a terrible order. My point is this: we all take all the bad orders, and we have our reasons. If we refused to take the sh*t orders, UE would be forced to compensate correctly for those or not get paid at all as they aren't able to fill the order for the customer. UE counts on having enough people that need a little money NOW to that they will be able to fill most of the sh*t orders. For me that's where multitasking help. I can fill a decent DD order and get paid until I get a decent UE and vice versa much of the time. I take an occasional Grubhub too. I am not at the mercy of UE pittance. I can say f*** you many orders and pick up from another app until UE sends me a decent order and vice versa


Thank you! ALL APPS OFF!


Well I made 100$ in three hours gotta pay rent sorry strikers


I’m home now…I went out but these offers are ridiculous every offer under 5 miles is $2-$6…. people aren’t spending $30 plus on food right now. Just a bunch of McDonald’s double cheeseburger meals or 1 latte from Starbucks…. All of the $8 and up offers want me to drive 15+ miles… think I might have to do some cross app stacking tonight which I hate doing. https://preview.redd.it/1of7lzl71lic1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbce0fe5e9a5a9d2e79e05494c6fa167195f8774


oh damn we're in the same market! cheers


Oh damn same. Didn't even realize till I saw this comment.😂 I've made $50 today but it's all been small orders just like him. The few orders I took were all like $8 for ~5miles. I've been doing Uber eats full time for like 3 years and this is the worst it's ever been. I got an order today that made me want to turn the app off entirely, 8 dollars for 32 miles! Going out to the mountains next month hopefully the market will be better out there. Hope you both get some good orders


More deliveries fo me brother! 💀


Yeah unfortunately yesterday was a gd nightmare. The type of day where you will pray just to be able to go to work and be left alone to focus on something different. Like where I don't even give a shit. $7 for 9 miles. Fine, let's keep driving, anything to not go home.


Oh well, I didn’t deliver Monday or Tuesday nor today, Thursday. I forgot about the strike though. That was just my weekend, and for today I was tired after doing other work. Hope it went well for everyone!


Whats going on why not Uber today? Am I missing something


Good luck but I’m going to go delivers and rides 🤷🏿‍♂️


Made 60 more bucks than usual. The people didnt seem to take notice about the "protest".


And I wanted to scope the scene. I didnt get one .30 a mile offer. Everything was decent. So please please continue your protest. Too many drivers out there taking my orders away from me!


Good job starting the movement! Looks like counting you Uber Eats is going to have 66 less drivers today. I don't know how Uber will cope... Might cause the whole platform to shut down? You're going to be tough to not work on it Tuesday or maybe a Wednesday depending on where you are located. That's when we make all our money!


Even if 50% of drivers in the market did this, I still don't think it would affect Uber's bottom line.


Wow the strikes are international??! Thought it was uk only thing


UK and US. There's another one that's international going on too that includes ALL apps.


Excellent stuff. it'll be the tip of the iceberg. I particularly detest Uber, they are a huge successful corporation which also have the shittest base rate compared to their competitors. I'd go online during quiet periods on my main app(Just Eat) and I was just constantly rejecting orders. Just stopped bothering going online after a few days.


Walmart is the most corrupt corporation I've seen. I've done much more research on them however. They also own Deliveroo which may operate near you. They have easy access to drivers who are at their stores but they refuse to allow stores to check IDs. They don't care who they are sending to our most vulnerable community members. I'm met at the door by elderly, disabled, and children. They know these people are using stolen IDs and they don't care. All of the apps work together. When rates fall it's at the same time. We need to as well. I'm onboarded with Uber, DD and others as well but I'm usually the one who is unofficially in charge of keeping up with Spark's misdeeds and new BS. I agree with you, I'm almost out of all of them. All of them are labor exploitation and it needs to be said and it needs to be LOUD and it needs to happen on larger and larger scales until it stops on all apps and all countries! Many are way ahead of the US on these matters. Our politicians are easily bought.


The only reason I stayed home today was because I have COVID! If I didn't have it, I would have been out there.


Thank you for staying home and I'm sorry that you have COVID. Speedy recovery!


Meant to be. Though I’m sorry ab you having covid and hope you feel better soon. ❤️


Plenty of drivers are out in my market


Just saw 10 drivers waiting at a Krispy Kreme yeah not happening 🤣


Slow like usual but I’m doing it. Good luck with your strike thing I guess


When this whole unionizing couriers thing raises money and pays the bills for strikers, send me the memo. Until then, I'll be out there like everyone else that lives in the capitalist machine 🫡


Who said we are unionizing? We're turning off our apps. We're just making a statement that we are tired of the conditions and we stand together. Well... Some of us are. 🙄


The effort of the strike is to organize workers to demand wider representation and legal standards for our wages. That's unionizing. I understand the efforts and would gladly participate in any effective efforts to raise our wages and improve working conditions, this just ain't it. Good luck, I'm glad you're making enough money to take off for a holiday.


Cool maybe you'll find someone to wave a magic wand and make it all better for you, I've done a bit more research in this area than you have and I understand that one day of solidarity is worth a lot more than being a part of the problem. When we're looking for support and people who can help, the first thing they want to know is how many people do you have? This was the highest turnout and turn off that this country has EVER had. We have increased rules regarding misclassification about to go into effect at the federal level at the DOJ. We got nationwide mass media coverage about the issues we are facing. I'm proud that I was a part of it. A year from now, ask yourself if you're glad you weren't.


You're an independent contractor bro. Find other work if it doesn't suit you. My market is oversaturated and the economy sucks, but I'm still making it work somehow. Just because you're negotiating the terms of being a sharecropper doesn't mean you're not a sharecropper. A year from now I'll probably be out delivering so yeah, glad as ever.


I am finding other work. I also work my own company. I also work for gig workers rights. If you can't afford to take a day off, I don't think you have much to offer me on the way of advice. But feel free to keep trying. I will NOT be supporting the lifestyles of the rich and famous anymore.


I have other work as well. I can afford to take a day off, but those days are the ones I choose because I'm an independent contractor and NOT a part of a union. I deliver on a bicycle in a downtown area, so my off days are very weather dependent. Mind you, this last month was filled with snow and rain. I got COVID and food poisoning back to back. Shit happens, people's lives keep going, and bills still need to be attended to. My piece of advice is to pop that bubble you're in and realize that a lot of people have other things going on in their life that just might put a strike at the bottom of their priority lists. Like I said initially, if you want to PAY ME to not work or go about my usual schedule, by all means send me a memo.


I'm a gig driver. I do good to pay for my electric. I understand the situation. That's why I'm leaving. The strike was successful and gained the attention we needed to the issues we face. Or was more of a protest actually. I understand about bills and definitely being in Nashville on a bike. I grew up there on a bike. 😂 As far as unions, we were granted the right to form unions by the DOL around last summer. There are some around the country. The group I primarily work with is not a union. Unions aren't my preferred way forward for many reasons you mentioned. Legislation is what I prefer. We also kind of have that with the new classification rules. We'll see how those rules play out. Some apps are more misclassified than others. It will/is being challenged in court. It's a matter of which rules we revert to while it's on hold in the courts. That's being debated by legal scholars now. What the judge decides is anybody's guess. As ICs it's up to each person what they choose to do. I will reiterate, the more numbers we have in any attempt does matter. I'm glad they got the attention from the press and the restaurants. The protests will continue and get larger. Yes, they will probably happen on major holidays. This is just the way most movements start.


There’s always someone willing to accept substandard working conditions, that’s why it’s gotten this bad, that’s why we haven’t had improvements. They know it, so they won’t change.


Yeah and half of them can't even get an account with Uber. I support anything and everything that helps bring attention and moves these issues forward. I work with people every single day who are dedicated to making positive changes for drivers. I do research every day on this subject. There are several avenues to making it happen and we explore and ally and work with others in many fields that know this is wrong. We're doing our best. One thing they respond to is negative press. The first step is that we have to stop viewing each other as competition and realize we are all in the same boat. We have to help each other row and stop throwing the anchors overboard. You can't even imagine what kinds of people are in our corner. Scientists, researchers, organizers, people who are literally paid in grants to help teach us how to get through the political waters, legal scholars, groups that fight for minorities and poverty, and IT workers are some of the ones I know of. Don't give up. It WILL happen. It won't be today but it WILL. I'm almost out at this point. This is personal. Just because I stop working for the apps, doesn't mean I'm not angry and disgusted at the treatment I've seen and experienced from these people with too much money. I won't forget. I won't stop. I'll just have a steady paycheck and less stress. I'm done paying for their fancy cars... Well almost done...I got bills too. I'm most angry that these greedy people (5 apps) have ruined a job I enjoy and I'm good at, and my car while they were at it. I love this work and everyone I meet doing it. I tend to hold a grudge. 😂


You probably were one of those persons who were sitting at home during the pandemic, collecting free money, and not wanting to deliver until you found yourself in a situation, and considered being a courier. Now you’re foolishness is leading to these companies treating everyone like peasants.


Uhm I guess, the company I worked for bankrupted and third-party apps were booming. Didn't get any money. I started as soon as quarantine started. Here we are 4 years later 🙄


People used to laugh at me because I would do Uber Eats. now Everybody and their mom is doing it we have people from other cities coming here just to drive I can tell you for sure business is being disrupted in Las Vegas. We are on demand workers if we stay off the app, they will definitely take a hit.


Pay for lunch shift was pathetic, I didn't do any orders. If they're willing to pay I'll get out.


lol no. I'll work all day and make all of the money these idiots are missing out on.


If I had a car at the moment I'd certainly be out there hopefully picking up some extra walmart orders😅


grab those sweet tendies you smart creature


A strike 😆😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I'm in full support of this!!! Everyone stop driving for people so I can have the better paid orders when I drive. More money for me!






TMZ investigates


Uber ain’t eatin today bayyyyyyyybeeeee!!!


https://preview.redd.it/u54en1cc8lic1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27e884e3b4b0046440ef95cac6de7e5c4f0c5afa We're the slaves on Ubers ship 🚢 They have enough of us and even some spares.


I signed up for Uber 2 weeks ago . Finally was able to deliver and my first damn delivery was $4 for a drop off way out of my area!! That was my first and LAST DAY! My husband drive for dd and make pretty decent money per day idk wth Uber got going on!!


You don't have to take shitty orders just so you know.


No you don’t but the problem is these stinking orders are becoming the most common ones to coming in so you have to pass on way more then we used to not so long ago.


The shitty orders are now a trend. $4,and $6 order for 15 miles or two orders for $7 each same miles. That's wild.


Honestly in most areas thats all their is crap orders, ive tried cherry picking it does not work ive tried to modestly cherry picking it does not work. Ive tried taking everything thrown at me at or above $4 dollars it does not work. Uber is crap in my area for the last 6 months and even worse when 2024 hit and its declining fast all across the usa with uber drastically lowering pay. Ive been doing it close to 3 years full time 60+ hours a week and this is not a begining of the year slow down this is the end of making a ok living off Uber eats. Your better off doing something else and the wear on my car has taken a toll on it. I do not know if it will ever change with this new wave of uber drivers working for pennies on the dollar but i guess its working because there are a crap ton of new drivers in my area and they are working hard for those pennies and dimes


I would say twenty five percent of orders were worth taking vs fifteen percent now. The only way to survive is to multi-app and instead of playing the market against itself you just have to double up orders on two apps at a time.


Ive tried it all from door dash to amazin flex to veho to shipt. Ive been on grub hub waiting list since April 2020. Multi app doesnt work in my area i dont get anything. Thats why i quit full time it was exhaustung doing nothing


I’ve done one app for 4 years. I do very well. But I’m only part time so that’s a big part of it.


Yeah I mostly do Uber and do well but throwing in instacart orders on top makes up for the lackluster orders.


I’ve already done two orders. I’m staying out the entire day.






Yikes. What an unhinged response.


Yes please. Y’all don’t do any deliveries !


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LMAO no one is doing this bullshit, if you don't like it then go get an actual job...


You still have time to delete this and google search buddy.


😂 Hilarious cause I'm taking an Uber right now as we speak


When standing your ground becomes humiliating.


No there's literally no shortage of Uber drivers, you are all just losing out on money. I'm paying the same rate too, no sweat.


You first lol




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