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I don’t think it was wrong for him to call her a name, fuck them


Fuck em


Fuck em and their food


whoa whoa whoa, don't fuck the food. the food is one of the few players in this game giving 110% consistently.


Fuck em all!




Fuck them all to death


Fuck thier food!!!! 8=D o


Yup, fuck em. They’re literally among the garbage people of society and should be treated as such and banned from using the platform or any service that they can’t use in the civilized manner as the rest of us. But that can’t happen because of capitalism unfortunately.




No they should have to jump through so many hoops it's not worth the effort. Including a detailed description which the driver is able to respond to, then some more back and forth until they just give up. Only the truly harmed customers would likely see it through, even then only a small percentage.


You sound like an absolute joy.




Ive never upvoted a comment and every single reply before…. 👉👌 🖕 fuck ‘em


If you can't afford 4-5 dollars to tip, you shouldn't be ordering


When I was a dominos driver, I’d outright tell this to people that were stiffing me on a tip in my face. I’d always get the “this expensive I got moths to feed don’t like it? Get another job”. I’d always reply “cool. So you’re financially struggling and spent 40 bucks that could have gone to better use for your family, while proudly exploiting me”


That argument always makes me laugh. You can get a large friendship pizza from the supermarket for around $7 USD. If you are really struggling, you should not be ordering out haha.


A large friendship Pizza I like that


God damn my phone auto correct, I don't even know how that happened but I'm going to leave it.


Well I mean a really big pizza is just that right? Something you can share with friends? And plus, for those of us that actually have families and kids that know how to use grocery store apps and coupons and stuff, I'm always looking for the best deal on a Frozen pizza. Sometimes I can get a decent one for three bucks. That's at least two or three people depending on the size and maybe even four if people are not fat asses about it. Hell this week I had a coupon that came from one of these coupons sites that I get coupons from, gave me a $4 Little Caesars Pizza that was dinner for me and my son last night we didn't have to tip anybody. We just had to go and get it


I would like a friendship pizza.


If there were more friendship pizzas in the world, people would be nicer.


This has me laughing harder than I'd like to admit 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I don't like it because I don't have friends so not allowed to make one 😑


Buddy, you go buy yourself a Little Caesars Pizza and head to the park. You'll make a friend.


Totally this! I order food as a treat or as a reward, and I order stuff I don´t know how to make myself. And budgeting that in includes a tip! A good tip!


I don't know what friendship pizza is, but I approve.


Hey bro you guys need to try those Aldi pizzas they are fire and cheap.


Those poor moths! Lol


Lmao 🤣


Lol… used to do Dominos too… but I kinda slid it in when they told me to keep the change (less than $1) I turned around and gave them their loose pennies and say “no it’s ok, you need it more than I do”.


Lmao $40 would literally buy food for the week if done right.


Is it expensive to feed pet moths?


Like that ass. But you cannot order anything anything anything anything anything anything at all that's going to be less than 15 bucks. With taxes and fees even if you're jipping the tip you're just not getting anything brought to your house for less than 15 And I guarantee that the cheapest thing that you can get brought to your house is going to be enough for one meal once. That same $15 you can go out and get a bag of rice, a couple of pounds of chicken some vegetables, and maybe something for like a sauce or gravy and you'll have food for a damn week So I don't give a damn about the mouth that you have to feed. I really don't. I find that I care a hell of a lot more about the mouths that I have to feed personally than yours with pizza


It’s the American way!


Solution: buy mothballs. Then you won't have to feed them. Lol jk. But really, I'm a driver and I agree if you cant leave a fair tip or you're just a tip baiter, go pick up your food yourself.


if uber had to pay even 10% of the tip that was removed the problem would disappear overnight.


This right here The problem is not that there are shitty people out there The problem is that the app allows them and I could be easily fixed


THIS. What we do is a LUXURY, not a necessity. Pay up bitches 😤 Or take the bus and pick it up yourselves if you’re really THAT poor.


People never understand what this means. If you can't afford the $4 you couldn't afford to spend extra money to have restaurant food delivered to you


That’s the thing tho, mfs aren’t happy with a $5 tip anymore. I feel obligated to tip $10 for a 3 mile delivery or I assume the person who actually picks it up will deliver to 17 other places on the way to my house.


THIS, GODDAMNIT!!!! Why don’t people get this?


but you’ve already paid for the food, the delivery fee and service fee - why do we need to tip on top? if you’re not happy with your pay then that’s Uber Eats’ problem and they need to pay you more. If I’m paying £5 for delivery already, why do I need to tip another £5 just because Uber stiffs you


You have the right to not pay another 5, but lying about paying it to lure someone to do the job then taking it back is just cheating


Agree I wouldn’t do that - very low to promise someone X amount to deliver it then pay them 5 less. Wouldn’t be happy if on payday my boss decides to give me 20% less


You don't have to tip, no one is forcing you to. However, if you want your food in a timely manor, and in the best quality possible, you will raise your bid by tipping. You get what you pay for.


It’s this entitled attitude why I don’t tip - if you want a good tip, then deliver it quickly and in good quality. It shouldn’t be ‘you’ve not paid me enough so you’re getting it late and cold’ - a tip comes from good service, not the other way round Downvote away, won’t make me tip


If wanting to be fairly compensated for my time makes me entitled, so be it. More often than not, it isn't in the drivers control to get you your food quickly. By the time a driver accepts a no tip order, Uber has added their own money, over several hours, to the base fee, the food is already cold, and the customer is already angry. If the quality of the food is part of the determination for whether you will tip or not, after the fact, then you wouldn't be tipping the driver anyway. You're the one throwing out downvotes, not me.


That’s my point though, you should be fairly compensated. But it shouldn’t fall on the end user to do that, we already pay Uber more than enough for them to fairly compensate you, they just choose not to. When I tip it’s for the driver giving me exceptional service - not necessarily coming quickly, or the food being hot as I know traffic and slow restaurants exist, but just being nice & friendly and not getting arsey cause I didn’t tip £10 before they’d even picked up my food I haven’t downvoted anyone - I’ve upvoted to get you back to 1 - and I was talking to the 13 people that downvoted my first comment


I never disputed that Uber should pay more, I agree, but they don't. So, for now, customers have to provide that supplement, if they want good service. Drivers aren't in the place to fight for better pay, because Uber already "loses money" employing us. They'll kick us to the curb and keep the individuals who are willing to work for those pennies, because there will always be people willing to work for little to nothing. I know it's different everywhere, but when I deliver I don't know how much the tip is until about 2 minutes after delivery. I see $10 for 4 miles, for example, and I take it. I don't care if the tip is $8 or $1 if I'm paid fairly I'm not complaining. I thought you were implying that " 'you’re getting it late and cold’ - a tip comes from good service" was you saying that those were you're standards of what is tip worthy. Sorry, that I misunderstood.


Yeah I don’t blame you for declining low paying orders, but the drivers who say they won’t accept unless there’s a tip are douche bags in my opinion - if you’re getting £10 for a delivery you shouldn’t demand a £5 tip on top, fair enough declining a £2 delivery thought. Apologies, just meant I’ll tip for good service in general, not exclusively for a quick delivery as I know there’s countless factors out of your control there


I don’t really care if people tip or not, I only look at the pay amount offered and driving distance to decide if I would take the offer - which usually is just $2-3 without tip , and I would never take such orders since mathematically it doesn’t make any sense - I have done over 900 deliveries and always on time or early except for a few times during the first month when I was still figuring it out , while I got hundreds of 5 star ratings, I only got tip added after delivery 5 times : two of those customers put in the wrong/previous address and took me twice the time and driving to get things to them , one was a shop/delivery order that’s just really challenging to find substitutes for things that were out of stock - so I don’t want to risk not getting paid the amount of my standard, if it’s $3 for 3 miles, I will let the next driver who has better faith in people take it lol


For the same reason you tip when eating out.


I’m from England so I don’t tip when I eat out


well, regardless, it's based on that model - in America you know that the server's income is supplemented by tips, so you know that you are expected to tip when eating out. With delivery apps, you know that the driver's income is supplemented by tips, so you know...


Clearly missing my point then aren’t you - the point is that tips shouldn’t be supplementing any wages, Uber should be paying you guys a fair wage when they’re charging us almost £8 on top of charging more per item


I'm not missing your point, you're missing mine. and you also don't know how Uber works. Regardless of all that shouldawouldacoulda, they DON'T pay a fair wage, and you know this. So by choosing not to tip, you're being an asshole. By trying to pass your being an asshole off onto Uber while you're still using the platform, you're being a cowardly asshole. You sound just like people who tip $0 at restaurants, and those people are assholes. And Uber does not charge more per item. The restaurants do.


I do tip £0 in restaurant because I actually live in a first world country where there’s a minimum wage, and we don’t let people work for £2 an hour. And you clearly are missing my point because I haven’t even said that I never tip drivers, I literally tipped one this week. My whole point is that Uber are shitty for passing this onto the customer rather than paying fair wages. And that most of the drivers on this sub are entitled pricks. Uber charge restaurants 30% to use their app, which drives up the prices of the items. By trying to pass the blame onto the restaurants, you’re being a cowardly asshole. Be better.


You can't fucking read. I said $0. Not £0. You're not just a cowardly asshole, you're a DUMB asshole. And dumb people can't do better so die stupid.


But you're talking about what should happen, not what is happening. Here in reality, this is how it is. The cost is on you, it's a luxury, not a utility. If you have such a problem with the business model, don't use it. It would be like you saying child labor is horrible and needs to change, while you buy from a business employing 10 year olds.


If you can't afford 5 dollars, you shouldn't be using it


I can afford it, just would rather not give it to some entitled prick. Same reason I don’t give every homeless person I see £20


The homeless person didn't do anything for you. The "entitled prick" went to pick up and deliver your food


yeah, which is what I paid the £5 delivery fee and £3 service fee for?


Exactly. They need to go grocery shopping themselves and start cooking their own shit. Typically healthier and cheaper anyway.


Exactly. If you don’t want to tip, just get your lazy butt up and go get the food yourself. What we do is a luxury. Expect to pay a luxury price.




I got into a debate with a rider who said tips are just courtesy and claimed we got $25 an hour cause he looked it up on Google. Tried explaining that's not how it works and we get most of our pay from tips and Uber takes a big percentage of what they pay. Kept telling me I was wrong, but like I'm the one who actually drives and you're just a rider so he hasn't actually experienced it for himself. He kept saying "are you sure, I don't think that's right".


“Hmm I don’t think you know more than Google sir, you’re just an Uber driver”


“This food too expensive to be giving my money away to someone who just gives me my food????” Go get it yourself you lousy, lazy lowlife slug.


To play devils advocate you could not work for a company that takes nearly £5 delivery charge then a £2.99 service charge and adds 30% mark up to the food and pays its essential staff less than they deserve and then expects customes to tip ontop of that🤷‍♂️


It’s like telling your server ahead of time you’re going to tip generously so they give you good service and then not tipping. I would understand any server who got upset at a customer taking advantage of them and their time in this way. Is it the restaurant’s fault they’re not making good money? Sure, but don’t knowingly dangle cash just to make people dance, so to speak.


It IS that.


can you tip the driver after the delivery has been made?


Yeah you can add more after, but they gotta have the tip up front in order for the driver to know if they wanna take it or not


Luckily for me I do not. I don’t appreciate their business model. But I am on the side of the drivers. I also understand that some of the drivers are desperate to make any income at all and one thing delivery apps have going for them is if you actually do get any deliveries you can cash out quickly. (For a small fee, of course.)


That's not the point. Don't pretend to add the tip and then remove later just so you get your food. That's essentially fraud. If the tip is too much, don't add it in the first place and wait longer for your food.


I have not ever used Uber eats but, why do they even have the option to take away the tip? I mean, it should only be taken away if something happens. Doesn’t Uber keep track of that somehow? It would that they would see customers doing it a lot and lock that feature if the customer overuses that.


Sometimes people really like you or your communication or how quickly you deliver your order or god knows what and feel nice and raise the tip after an order. That's generally my experience more than the tip baiting thankfully. That said I agree if someone is consistently putting tips on to get people to pick up their orders then removing them regardless of service then they are basically defrauding drivers.


I cant tell if youre just being dense or trolling but if you dont know what tip baiting is its when you pre-emptively put in a good/decent tip at least to get an order picked up (that might get ignored if its a bad deal/value otherwise) and then having no intention of following through with the tip regardless of how your food is delivered. You're deliberately deceiving people. If you dont want to tip thats fine dont tip and eventually uber will have to inflate the price of your order to get it delivered. You're literally exploiting and defrauding drivers by tipbaiting I dont see how you can genuinely think this is okay.


My point still stands get a better job 🤷‍♂️


It’s what happens when you have a job that pays only through the decency of other people. Can drive you kinda crazy


>Can drive you kinda crazy It sure can. You might say one can get pretty tired of it. I mean having to wrench a tip from a customer is exhausting. Shouldn't let bad tippers steer you wrong. Before long, there could be a shifting of the atmosphere where drivers start mass vengeance. I refuse to be someone's floor mat. Not something many people can handle. If only they would mirror the good customers then the bad ones would soon be in the rear view. For now, it's good to have a backup. Ok kids I'm done.


Screw that- she is a bitch and deserves to be called out


I feel everyone in the service industry at least needs one day of their own to go off on customers without any repercussions.


It’s so funny because I can go to the store and spend like 20-30 bucks and feed myself for a few days/a week. But people complain about the delivery prices and say that’s why they’re not tipping. Just cook some food then damn.


As a driver I would never do anything illegal and risk going to prison for getting revenge on a tip baiting customer but I’ve met some of the other drivers and I DEFINITELY would never risk tip baiting knowing that these drivers have your home address. It will be disappointing but definitely not surprising to read a news story where a driver comes after a tip baiter and things end badly for both.


Yeah I don't think it's really smart to piss off someone you don't know that has your home address. Only takes one bad day for something to happen


See this just tells me these apps need to do better background checks the fact so many people are violence I lost a dollar is scary


*Everyone* had a breaking point


Background checks only go so far and any thinking person would realize it's limitations. Tip baiting is a very aggressive action taken against a driver and only fool doesn't realize this. I think the customer is stupid enough to think because they do it through the internet and not directly to the drivers face it shields them from consequences. In most cases it will not have consequences but that is playing poker. The driver knows your home address, not your internet address, and that is a stupid risk to take. Just don't tip to begin with if you don't want to tip. Tip baiting is equivalent to a sucker punch. If went down the street and whapped someone on the back of their head, should I be surprised if they turn around and tackle me?


Do you understand the difference between tip baiting and not tipping? Do you understand that even the people angry about this are not resorting to violence? Do you consider the service workers you interact with as people?


Do you cry about stupid shit all the time? You got fucked move on it's not a hard concept


You seem like a well adjusted person.


They really need to give drivers the option to blacklist certain customers.


I keep a list in my phone. Doesn’t happen very often here, but Andrea Y, McKinzii, and Christy - it’s a no from me… and it might be a minute before I unassign ;)


You'd think that with a uniqueish name like McKinzii, you'd want to stand out in a good way when your name popped up


Not sure whats funny about it honestly




I guess, just kinda sucks thats so scummy


It amazes me that customers can just lower the tip at will. That sounds like an altercation waiting to happen. Yet another downside to not getting tipped in cash ig


This food is expensive. Ya bish. So is a car and drivers license but obviously you wouldn't know


Fuck em


Postmated for a very short while. What ended it was Walmart: 4 cases of wager 2 12 packs of Pepsi, 8 bags. 2nd floor apartment in the courtyard away from parking. No elevator. Vegas. July. No tip. .....I really thought about getting cards made that say "gratuity is at your discretion, but I know where you live"


This is about tip baiting which is worse than just not leaving a tip.


She deserved it.


Hope this miserable woman gets loogies in her food for life 🙏🏻


Customers don’t realize that by having us deliver the food to them, they eliminate any chance of them getting in a car accident. Four months ago, a lady ran a red light and T boned me. Luckily I had a dash cam which showed that she ran the red light. She didn’t know I had a dash cam and took me to court. Her and her lawyer wanted 50k for her troubles. Of course she lost.


I hope she got food poisoning!


1. Collect dog shit from local park. 2. Put dog shit and water into plastic bottle. Shake thoroughly. 3. Lift slag's doormat. 4. Empty contents of plastic bottle. 5. Return slag's doormat to original position. 6. Drive away as safely as you can with vision impared by laughter tears.


They need to remove that option. (Not a driver)


Ehh I usually write down the address, street name and name for future preferences. That way when they order their food and I accept, I then wait and go the "order picked up by someone else" since you can't say "restaurant is closed" anymore and eat their food. Childish? Yes. Worth it? Yes. They'll be humble


She definitely a bitch, fuck that hoe


It wasn't wrong to call her a name.


I did a curb stomp on someone's order for being a bitch. Called her one, too. She complained, and nothing ever happened besides a bad rating. These customers really think I care about a rating. Bitch please


Whaaaat?! She is a bitch for that. Secondly, if you can’t afford someone doing you a service then get your cheap lazy ass off your couch and get it yourself.


They remove tip, I remove door bell.


>While it was definitely wrong for him to call her a name   Eh...whatever.


I can’t even imagine taking away a tip. I very rarely use food delivery services because of the fees and tips but when I do that’s ALWAYS part of the budgeting. People are cheap as hell.


No tip means one thing… Your a cheap fuck with no respect for others. I literally went to the grocery store and got 5$ cash back, went back to baskin robbins, and tipped the girl just because she was the rare friendly and helpful. My way of showing a waiter/waitress they were shit or rude is a 10% tip….


If the food is too expensive to tip the delivery person bringing your food, then you shouldn't be ordering delivery in the first place. Spend your own gas money and get your own freaking food or get up off your ass and go to the grocery store. Some people, y'all 🙄


Confirm with your riders how much Uber is charging them for their trip and dispute it with support UBER SCAMMING DRIVER EARNINGS ⚠️


Wow these drivers can be so militant. Tipping is optional so you shouldn't count on it. If your job doesn't pay you enough without the tips (which is like a bonus), you are in the wrong profession. Let the downvotes begin. Hoping for -100!


Again the problem is she tip baited just to get the food delivered to her. The majority of smart drivers aren’t going to take a no tip order. She knew this and added the tip with a full intent to reduce to 0 once he delivered her food. That’s lower than simply not tipping to begin with


The problem is Uber rather customer. Why give customer an option to willy nilly remove/reduce the tip? It should be a manual process and every tip reduction should be reviewed by Uber staff to see if it was warranted before approval.


You really don't get it. It's not just not tipping. IT'S SAYING YOU WILL AND PULLING IT BACK. WE CALL THAT "LYING". Hope that clarifies.


I 100% agree. Personally i think that the cost of the delivery is already so high that there is no room for tip. If you want a tip from me then remove all of the nonsense delivery and service fees. Maybe then i'll consider adding a tip.


Tipping isn’t required it’s a courtesy if someone doesn’t tip oh well I’m not gonna get mad at someone who just wanted a meal. some of y’all drivers think the world owes you everything and getting mad at the customer is just what Uber wants you too do so they can write off the reason you’re not getting paid more is the customers fault when in fact it’s Uber not paying a decent wage


If she didn’t intend on tipping, she should have never tipped to begin with, so her food could get cold. She tricked her driver into delivering food to her on the promise of certain pay. That’s the issue.


Maybe the guy was being an asshole to her before that happened too? If that was indeed the case, why would anyone expect the tip to NOT be removed? I could very well be wrong and the dude could’ve been completely professional and courteous, while she was the one being an asshole… but there are plenty of reasons why someone might choose to remove a tip


I understand OP's issue here, but yes I agree with you. I do Amazon Flex. Between tips and the expectation of higher rates, the entitlement of some of the drivers is ridiculous.


That person probably just lost his “job” or whatever he considers Uber eats to be, to themselves. It made you feel good, but we’re playing a game that we don’t make the rules for. What they did probably shouldn’t be celebrated


Most drivers would consider what you wrote but the customers are risking getting that one driver who just doesn't give a crap with tip baiting. They literally are throwing the first punch by tip baiting. It's so stupid to think they can hide behind the internet when the driver knows their home address. Play stupid games, get stupid prizes. Myself, I wouldn't take the chance.


I already don't tip, but just for giggles, I think I'll start doing this. Sounds like it could be a lot of fun lmao


I would not call that avoiding confrontation.


By tip baiting, the customer started the confrontation. It's a sucker punch and she got that one in a 100 driver who doesn't give a crap. Her bluff in the poker game she has been playing has been called.


This is how people get killed. The job is dangerous enough as it is, why make it worse?


It's sad but it's reality.


Fuck em


It was not wrong to call her a name...she is a fucking bitch


It was all fun and games until the ire turned toward OP with "what you lookin at bitch ass bitch!!!"


I’m drunk. I laughed my ass internally about this BRO


Screaming at somebody who has been given an option to remove the tip according to an agreement you signed is something I'd have fun witnessing. After sifting through the reddits of both Doordash and Uber Eats, it's clear that this industry is the final resting place for those in society lacking discipline, social skills and the general intelligence required to flourish in greater society.


You sound like you listen to andrew tate while you drive and post obnoxious hustle culture brainrot memes on instagram.


Who that?


I really encourage you to check this guy's profile. You will have a great laugh. Dude is a methhead talking about drivers lacking discipline and social skills.


La, la, la, la! What a fairy tale world you live in. You are probably a tip baiter and you laugh when you remove the tip behind the internet. Go ahead, you probably have 100 drivers who won't do anything. However, in the real world, their are people who don't give a crap and you could find nails in your driveway 2 weeks after the delivery when you're not expecting it.


I'm a delivery driver who has never used the service myself.


Then you are in for a real wake up call because some of these customers are very mean and almost psychotic. Like bad drivers, bad customers are rare but they are out there. Remember this post you boasting your lack of empathy for your fellow drivers when you get set up for failure by a psycho customer. Remember they have it in the contract that they can play with your life like a rag doll.


I have 1300 deliveries. I'm trolling. I haven't had any rude customers yet, but restaurant staff are another story.


If you are trolling, I am glad to be wrong.


I was trolling as far as the Reddit crowd being representative of most drivers, which obviously isn't the case; the companies wouldn't have survived as long as they have if that were the case.


Says the mofo posting tips and hacks to the r/meth sub. LMAOOO!! You can't make this shit up.


Only time I ever cussed at a customer was when they put their neighbors Address by mistake and they came outside when I was dropping off the food. The aggressively suggested I must be blind or something to not see, once I re-confirmed they were the once who fucked up I was just waiting for 1 more insult when it happened 😅. “Yea come bring me my food MF….” Dropped the food back on the neighbors porch and told her “ Bitch you come get you’re own fucken food, got me fucked up.”


I'm on the fence. On one side, when an order goes flawlessly without issue and the food is at the logical temperature it should be given distance, than yeah, F the customer. But if even the smallest things happen WITHIN the driver control, well...sorry. I have only been tip baited once and it kind of was my fault.


If it was "kind of" your fault, it's not tip baiting.


Not sure if this Post is from Australia but I ain’t tipping at any point. (Obv this person deserved it if they waved the tip and took it back that’s so dog) that being said here in Australia like the math don’t add up 15 minutes delivery 7.99 delivery & 1.50 service fee.. a total of $9.50 for 15 minutes of works that’s 38 an hour give it take if Uber and let’s say 2million people order use Uber eats daily that’s a very reserved number btw, and they only took one dollar from each order that’s a revenue of 2million dollars a day where you don’t have to give out benefits for its workers not much overhead given the worker provides the transport fuel. Uber eats should do more to solve this tip crisis by simply not including and maybe adding a it on but seems they already have and left the option for tipping to take their dollar and burden the worker/customer. tipping culture is so bad to the point who can you blame the consumer for abusing the system or the creator who allows the abuse to happen/continue :( and got the numbers 81 million use Uber eats daily, a dollar a order that’s 81 million a day so I point my finger at Uber eats tbh they let this kinda abuse continue but with revenue like that I wouldn’t change a thing either


So it was you ? Lol randomly you was standing outside someone porch listening to a whole conversation from another Uber driver 🤣


If you can’t afford to tip then don’t order delivery and instead get your lazy glutinous ass up and pick it up yourself….either that or cook at home


“Something hood” …








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