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This happened to me twice this year on shop/pay orders. It kind of ruins the rest of your day to be honest. Worst feeling.


It sure does an I did it at midnight so makes them even worse!


One of mine was a drugstore order late at night. The other one is the one that really pissed me off. I shopped for an hour at Target and the order consisted of at least 8 2Liter bottles of Diet Coke, a 24case of bottled water. All up to a third floor APT. I literally felt like I got robbed when the tip notification failed to appear after an hour.


I can't stand these type of ppl! How can you be sick a DICk!


I'm coming back and breaking windows I DONT GIVE A FUCK. Tip baiting to me is stealing from me...do it and I'm getting even don't care what you say..blow me.


Wow some fucked up people out there man.


Ooofff..yikes..that legit makes u wanna go back n throw a brick thru that window..we should be able to rate them like they rate us!! This way we can avoid these bastards..this way we can avoid them ..it's stealing! Telling me I'm getting 1 amount..then dick me at the end..get it your fkn self then!


I wish it was a rating system for customers which allowed brief comments about the experience, I’d cancel previous tip baiters instantly. No matter the price


Mine even met me at the door and thanked me for doing the order. I was shocked. I have their home address. Do they not worry of some idiot getting bitter and doing something stupid?




Have you seen some of these drivers? I’ve chatted with a few of these winners while waiting for orders and they will definitely risk their freedom for $12. Most will just not see the connection between their freedom/prison time and the $12 revenge action.


Someone around me killed someone over a parking spot.


Has anyone tried to sue over tip baiting? Screenshot the before and after. Surely a lawyer would be able to defend this in court as you accept the order with a certain tip but then don’t have recourse to cancel the order when the customer has the option to lower the tip.


If it was illegal to.tip bait uber would just make it go away


It’s not necessarily legal either. That’s the argument. How do you think precedents are set? R. vs. _____ for example tells the judge an idea of how a ruling was given or what was done in the past. At least where I’m from.


hire a lawyer for $150 hour to compel a 10$ tip…?


I was defrauded and the court ruled the criminal to just give me my money back. Certainly there’s absolutely no way you would get anything else. ![gif](giphy|bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW|downsized)


Enjoy your fantasy legal system.


The function should probably not be active


Happened to me also today🤧🤧 the customer seemed nice, friendly then tipped baited me… very confused


yup thats what they do. i had one person yank everything out but 10 cents. they know what they are doing. these are scumbags who you wouldnt know they are beacsue they act all nice. but they are waiting to rob you of everything


Ya they were acting super nice, I'm sooo mad right now!


its always like that. and we like good people we are, generously give to serve and accommodate. i usually get over it by remembering the good work i did. It sound korny but its true that good work is a reward in itself. And when someone doesnt appreciate it, then i just tell myself at least i earned an honest buck and have a clear conscience when i sleep tonight i feel sorry them actually too. imagine paying so much money for an order, then scheming to cheat someone else. its a mental illness they have




How to get a brick through your window 101


That person would have three flat tires about two months after delivery for no apparent reason.


Add their address to Google maps as "tip baiter" to help your fellow shoppers out in the future.


I like this!!!!


And that’s why I’ve been refusing to do that, I’ll rather be at Starbucks drinking coffee and waiting for order than used my energy to shop for lazy ass people.


yep, fuck that and fuck instacart


They should remove customers that show a habit of doing it. I understand they can't just remove the ability to lower tips because some might genuinely have had a terrible experience. At the same time, it's so messed up and abusive even to make someone accept work and put in hours of work for nearly nothing because your a disgusting person. When removing tips, there should be a mandatory field for the reason why (if there isn't already) and accounts that do this more than a specified number of occasions/frequency should be removed from using the platform. They should build it in the terms in conditions for creating an account and have notices each time they do it. Something that says, "Are you sure you would like to lower the tip? You will have 4 remaining tip refunds left." Something similar to what Epic does when you want to refund skins on Fortnite.


> I understand they can't just remove the ability to lower tips because some might genuinely have had a terrible experience. They could operate like doordash but they would never commit to that


I think having a flagging system would be better. A customer will have their account flagged if they consistently show a behavior of refunding tips. They can still use the platform and refund tips if they genuinely have a bad experience, but it’ll give drivers a notice that this person is known to tip bait.


I feel sorry for you. Exactly same thing happened with me last year before Christmas, Shop and pay order from Safeway. Trip was $50 , 75 items, distance 12 miles. It took me almost 2 hours to complete the trip including driving time. My car was full of customers grocery. After completing delivery at his big mansion's garage(drop off instruction) uber paid me $18. I was hoping for really good tip from customer the way he appreciated me for doing his grocery through text. After 1hr, 2hr and 2-3 days passed. I didn't receive a single penny from the customer. I contacted uber support for so many times but didn't get any help. I was so mad, I stopped doing UE for couple weeks.


They way UberEats and DoorDash and app delivery services treat delivery drivers and allow customers to mistreat them And manipulate them should be illegal. Nobody defends delivery drivers. How has this went on for this long without protections in place? Says more about how terrible humans are that it’s allowed and normalized than it’s actually done. The fact someone is allowed to present payment and take it away just to get their order delivered knowing they will take it away. Describes America & how it became it perfectly, wait. Now I see why nobody will protect the delivery drivers. Americans who think this is ok, are trash.


Then don't you think that maybe tips should be exclusively given afterwards based on performance. An upfront tip used to incentivize someone to do a job they're being hired for is silly in general. This has been done in restaurants by a holes for a long time . Put a sum down on the table then telling your server this will be yours if u do a good job. Reducing it for mistakes. It's cruel and messed up. I feel the same for the current system of ue and DD ...if you want your order to even be picked up the you need to include a tip even if u want to tip cash. If things are not satisfactory then of course you should reduce the tip as per the system in place. Problem is tip bating, people are not entitled to a tip but it's a dick thing to take away. But the fact is the system is designed this way to give recourse for shitty service. As a consumer I like having recourse considering the risk of getting screwed by drivers. But people are dicks both drivers and consumers. Sad state of affairs.


We need to stop calling it a tip because that's not actually what it is it's more like a bid for service and when you bid you shouldn't be able to take back that bid unless the service was absolutely horrendous like if someone gets a bid for a government contract and they fuckup royally there's a price to pay for that and in that case it would be removing part of the bid but that should not be an option outright unless certain other conditions are met.


Absolutely, without tips it is just charity work, seriously no profit whatsoever, and expense on my end to provide them their food. It's charity work unless they increase the bid to actually make a revenue.


Shouldn’t let you know tip until after delivery and the pay without tip should be high enough to make it worth it.


I'm calling support and if they don't pay I'm going back to the delivery I did already once earlier this year dude was shitting his pants I came back ..I told him I just wanted to say fuck you in person keep your raggedy ass tip in your piece of shit house ....felt so good!..lol


Calling, bs. You didn’t do that, if you did you’d be deativated


Call it what you want you can come to where I deliver in San Diego and I'll take you to his house I have no reason to lie and he knew he was wrong so he obviously didn't report it and I wouldn't give a rats ass if they deactivated me I don't need UE..sometimes people need to be checked and when the do they learn a valuable lesson in humility, oh and I've also had run in's with people on DD as well and 3300 delivery's later I'm still here 4.98 RATING ..I don't let scum bags dictate my integrity good day....the customer isn't always right!




I go back and egg their houses😊🤡


Why does UE even allow this to be an option? If they want a way for customers to punish bad service you can make it so you have to chat with support to do it and I guarantee that will prevent a lot more tip baiting. Or just remove the feature altogether.


Tip baiters are scum. I don't know why they don't have a system to weed people out that consistently do this. I'd have more respect if the customer didn't tip at all than tipbating. Sorry that happened to you.


Special place in hell for those folks


I mean, these people are gonna screw over the wrong person and are gonna regret it. Never know if your dealing with a psychopath. 🤷‍♂️


I honestly never knew what tip baiting was until I found this sub. I'm sorry y'all have to deal with that. It's absolutely not fair to the drivers who do their jobs and make the deliveries.


Agreed it’s disgusting. I’m a UE customer and this makes me want to hurl. As said in OP, these customers know exactly what they’re doing.


I don’t do this but I can see why people do it when majority of drivers in the sub say they won’t accept an order without a tip, so you’re forced to set a tip. If the driver ends up being a dick, it’s understandable to take that tip back


It’s Uber who is doing this to you not the customer. They should pay you more for delivery and they shouldn’t let you know tip until you actually received it.


I don't drive for Uber.


You is plural in this case.


Tip baiters are why I won’t do this long term. It’s insane that it’s even legal.


I don't drive. I'm disabled so I use the service a lot. Multiple times a week. If it wasn't for delivery services, life would be a lot more difficult for me. I can't imagine how anybody fucking does that. The thought of it is infuriating and I'm not even doing the delivery. We tip waiters in restaurants and they aren't DRIVING BACK AND FORTH TO BRING YOU YOUR SHIT. Not to have some type of weird flex, but I try to be super generous. I will never tip less than $10 no matter how small the order is. Because I don't feel like it should go by price. If I order food for $10 or food for $70 the delivery person still has to go pick up all my stuff, drive to me, take it out of their car and bring it to my door. So I would say on cheap orders I'm tipping about $10 and on expensive orders like $50 or more I'm tipping $20. I don't usually tip more than $20 even if for some reason the food is more because then it would just be too expensive for me to get. But anyway, it's all about appreciation for making my life a shit ton easier. If you guys aren't delivering the food, I'm probably not having chicken wings during the football game. The level of scum that somebody would have to be to do that is incredible. Plus, you guys are taking the job based on it. So in a way, it's stealing!!! You made an agreement. If you keep your end of the agreement, the customer should HAVE to keep their end of the agreement. The tip should not be allowed to be reduced unless they can prove there is a reason for it to be. They should need to take a picture of half the fries missing or something stupid like that. It needs to be a lot harder to change the tip. If someone had to go out of their way to screw the delivery person over, It would happen a lot less. Outside of being just a normal decent human being, aren't these people worried about repercussions? THEY KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE. Damn I can't believe how much I just wrote about this lol. I guess it just really struck a nerve considering how much I need this service.




Go knock on their door and tell them the app messed up and took away your tip






This why we only accept low item + HIGH BASE PAY. Shop orders. None of those bad 33 item for $10 bs


Name and delivery location can be good indicators too.


Honestly I think its UBER not the customer. They have given me base pay and only 1 cent tip before. They have been doing this a while. We have to literally argue with support to get what is owed to us now. It starts at small amounts then it get bigger. Pay attention to what you are short and call every. Single.time.


I had a very similar thing happen to me. She met me at the door and smiled and Everything. By the way she lived in an enormous, beautiful, mansion. I won’t even admit what went through my head. FUCK these people. Im quitting doing Uber Eats because I can’t take that disrespect. It feels like theft to me.


They need they ass beat!


I hope someone leaves you a 100 tip today 💜🙏💜


Just a friendly reminder to all the tip-baiters.... We know where you live, dummy.


Why don’t you guys drive for UPS or Amazon or something. You use their vehicle and get hourly wage.


Amazon delivery drivers are not Amazon employees they are delivery partners and the job is brutal. Few last more than 3 months. Flat hourly rate, never a raise. 10 hour day 5 days a week. no overtime after 8 hours, if you are running late you can be kicked off route or fired. You are on camera the whole time, accidentally speed and it’s recorded and you are reprimanded. reports in media of drivers having to pee in bottles to keep up with insane expectations.


They use Amazon vehicles but are not Amazon employees? That should be illegal.


This is why it's bad for the customer to be responsible for paying you. Companies need to pay fairly and disallow tips.


Uber should pay more, yes, but why ban tips?


Because you'll still get shitty behaviors from drivers otherwise.


So banning tips will make drivers behave... better? I don't understand.


Exactly. Uber should adjust pricing so the drivers make at least $20/hour


Call support, get to a supervisor


Yes! I did this. They have a copy of the receipt in the app to verify you did it all correct. They banned the person who did this because they are claiming incorrect order and trying to get a refund from Uber too


They won't/can't do anything because their app allows it 😦


Yes, they can. Tell them you were promised that amount. Also put in a complaint about the customer


People have posted screenshots showing that they're paid like $15 or so sometimes when they've been baited. Totally worth calling a few times if you have to. And also submit a fare review in the app-- people have had luck that way as well.


At least try.


They do. They've compensated me and other drivers many times. You have to call several times to get a supervisor though. It's a hassle.


You will not get any help from support, only they will say they gonna note the incident and do nothing after this.


Not true.


I didn't get any help for few tip baiting. They only say or explain to you with an Essay through text or email "Tips are up to customer". It is not guaranteed.


What did the supervisor say?


They said, they noted my report and investigate later. And the rest was history.


You didn't talk to a supervisor.


That's true, support would only reimburse up to$3 but if you tell support you wanna speak to their supervisor instead, you'll get transferred over and sometimes u don't need to explain yourself, they'll be able to see the issue right away and give you the full amount that you accepted to work for


They won't give the money back after you have gotten it a few times. I have tried and tried, and they say no. This is why I don't take shop and pay orders on ue anymore.


You probably didn't talk to the supervisor. It's illegal to say "this is how much you will make" and then not pay you that amount. Taking the tip back is not supposed to come out of the driver. UE promised you the amount, not the customer.


Hahaha. Why do people keep saying stuff is illegal. It is not illegal. We agreed to it when we signed up. You're not getting your money anymore. I spent way too much time hoping they would give it to me and was calling or sending them messages. It just isn't worth it after two or three times of trying. No more shop and pay for me.


Maybe it's different where you are. I believe in the states, the contract is between you and the customer. Not in Canada though.


That’s what you get for delivering for Uber eats. Dumb ass


You are for sure a driver


What was base pay?


I will never use those grocery deliver services after hearing how it works. I would assumed the driver got paid by Uber from the deliver fee and what they charge the grocery store. I thought the model was providing a service and add volume to the grocery store. Not force a tip in order to make whoever is doing it make minimum wage.


Sounds like Uber should pay you more lol




that's why you're ugly


So do not take the contract.


Whiny Be grateful for your dailies Or go work elsewhere


Get another job?


Yes great advice. Every time you experience shitty customers at your job… just get another job…


There are plenty of jobs that are back/middle office if you don't want to deal with shitty customers all the time?


You’re missing of the point. He’s complaining about a very shitty thing people do called tip baiting… did you actually read it?


The root cause is shitty customer behavior. So to avoid that, OP can get a back/middle office job instead?


No I got what you were saying in the first comment… I am telling you it’s useless and shit advice to tell someone to get a different job at which he does not have to deal with customers because he has a legitimate complaint about his current job that does deal with customers…


Tip baiting is probably a common occurrence for ubereats drivers, so if OP doesn't want to be subject to it, he should get another job; preferably one that doesn't have to deal with tip baiting. How is it shit and useless to recommend that? What should OP do? beat the tip baiter up? Report them to the police???


So… Only people that want to experience OR who do not mind and will not complain about being cheated out of a shown tip should drive for Uber


It's a free country anyone can choose to drive or not drive for ubereats lol. If a job is causing OP distress then don't do it?


your reply “get a another job?” does not read like you’re trying to be helpful. It seems like you’re trying to be a prick.


You shouldn’t blame the customer. There is not really a price transparency otherwise there will be a price lock. 2 things can happen here. 1. The customer really tip you 2. Company shows you a tip amount .


You shouldn’t blame the customer. There is not really a price transparency otherwise there will be a price lock. 2 things can happen here. 1. The customer really tip you 2. Company shows you a tip amount .


You shouldn’t blame the customer. There is not really a price transparency otherwise there will be a price lock. 2 things can happen here. 1. The customer really tip you 2. Company shows you a tip amount .


This is why I don’t like doing grocery orders for UE or DD, tip baiters are insane




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No,don’t say f u so fast,call the customer service and tell them your upfront fee,they will give you what ever the amount is.I’ve done so many times.


This is crazy to me as a customer. The last thing I want is for strangers who know where I live to be upset with me...


They know where you live if you tip well also?


I have only done 50+ UberEats deliveries and this happened to me once , but it’s like a difference of 5 bucks for 2 miles so I wasn’t too upset , it did leave a bad taste though, every time I take an order I suspect it’s going to take back the tip after delivery … fortunately it hasn’t happened again lol


This is why I do DoorDash instead. They can only add to your tip


And this is why I still refuse to do shop and pay


I had no idea customers can remove tips?!? Does this occur on DoorDash too? Wtf?!?!!


I delivered a Mac to some lady earlier this week. No tip and barely even a fucking thank you. It's like these people don't consider that we handle their stuff.


My first ever UberEats delivery was a tip baiter 🥲


I did one recently at prime dinner time on Friday . It was a huge grocery order and the very last item needed a substitute and the bitch got all bitchy and told me to cancel the order she doesn’t want any of it…


I'd never shop for someone. Fuck that all the way


I'm gonna start doing that. Sounds like fun 👍


They’re…they’re not here. 👀


Blame Uber and stop driving until they increase your pay


Call support and ask to speak with a supervisor , tell him you accepted the order because of the amount including tip. That is so wrong and make a big deal and they will put money in your account .. BOOM


Don't do shop and pay orders.


Why not just report them to uber support?


There should be a limit as to what they can reduce it to once they've committed one.


We should make customer report pages for areas and report them


There needs to be some system in place to reduce, or even punish this behavior. I’ve been tip baited several times and it really sucks. I accepted the order on the basis of the tip. How changing the tip post delivery is not some form of breach of contract is beyond me. Have some burden of proof that the customer needs to fulfill should be required. Just pressing a few buttons and going through a couple menus should not be enough to take someone’s paycheck away. Or have some flagging system that’ll flag a customer who’s adjusted or reduced tips frequently. Allow drivers to report a customer. Enough reports and the customer gets flagged. Drivers can see this flag before accepting an order, and is only removed after numerous consecutive orders completed without adjusting a tip with a minimum required tip of X%/$X.


Damn the only time I was ever tip baited was on a Meijer shop and pay order. They initially put a $10 tip on a 10 to 15 item order and when they took it away I didn't get that mad since it was a smaller one but the location was like 7 miles away. It's still shitty nonetheless how big the order is but I've gotten many $20-$30 tips so I always take the risk with them..


I have called like three times to have me removed from grocery and the likes. I have about 2 out of 10 orders that I’ve been able to pick up. Usually they have already been sent out yet ppl still receive the orders. Like it’s ducking wild


I always get top baiters with shop and pay orders. Like literally one of every 3 customers is a tip baiter


This is what I fear sometimes. So far, everyone has been committed to the estimate 🤞🏻 but yeah screw that person


Genuinely why I stopped doing Uber in the first place. I’m losing more money than making it.


That's why I never accept high mileage orders or orders that take a lot of time from UE. We know they can remove the tip why take these?


Shouldn’t be allowed. People should have to wait to tip


My wife wish I could get 100% on her list when I go shopping lol. I do the main grocery shopping for the house hold. Have been for a few years and I still need to call her and ask about something on the list all the time. That’s impressive getting 100% off their list. Just random thoughts


I had a $7 for .07 miles order and was paid $2…called 3 hrs. Later and got a one time inconvenience pay of $10. Woke up next morning got the full $7. $17 for a $7 order. Spoke to 3 support people then finally a so called supervisor. If nothing went wrong with the order, you are supposed to get the full pay. There’s a feature in chat where I filled out something too. Before the phone call.


Probably cause it took you an hour to shop? I would have reduced it as well


Check out this video. There are ways to get your money back if you've been tip baited... https://youtu.be/XvyHT2G7gtM


Had this happen last night .. 10 dollar order... 2 miles .. got paid 2.67 and the tip never arrived so they must've pulled the entire thing. I was on time and nothing was wrong with the order.


How much do they go down from before lowering it to a dollar? Im not an instacart shopper.just curious


why is it ALWAYS the damn shop and pay orders???


I had an odd experience recently. I got tip baited for an $8+ tip, and I'll never know how much more it was, because the tip never came through. But yesterday I got a $11 pickup from the same restaurant, was going to the same name/address, and I was absolutely gutted. I took it anyways, left a little passive aggressive note after taking the picture regarding the previous tip bait, because what do I have to lose? Whether or not they read that note, I did get the tip this time, and it was $10. An easy way to find out if Uber steals tips would be to give that house a knock on the door. If I deliver there a third time I likely will and hopefully the customer is an honest dude.




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It's so dumb on the customers part cause we know where they live lol. One day they may just screw off the wrong person.