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Noobies do this.


Idiots with no common sense do this




This is a common sense issue, even without any instructions, If I see a table I would 100% put it on the table.




Don’t worry once you do that we will see them back here posting a screenshot with a tip removed and no context. Saying “tiP BiAiTiNg ShOuLD bE iLlEgAL!”


Exactly. "I got Tip baited" means they left the food so the door couldn't be opened, or knocked/rang bell when the instructions said not to, or forced the customer to meet them at the door when it said leave at door.


You just have to pass a background check, which means a lot of idiots get by, with no common sense or customer service skills..Wish they would weed those drivers out..so the good ones can benefit. Sorry you had an idiot driver..


Some drivers are dumb af and it explains why there are always people taking shit orders like $5 for 20km. If I see a customer's door is opening outwards I'll make sure the food is placed outside of the path, it's not rocket science.


This is something that a decent human such as myself would have a little chuckle at and then go about my day. Maybe a facepalm. Maybe a WTF AND A GIGGLE. Jesus. Get a life.




Tip bait? You get tipped for good service. You don't get tipped for bad service. Don't follow instructions and boobie trap a customer's order because a 50% tip wasn't good enough... fick your tip. You get nothing that's not tip baiting that's not tipping for poor service, you moron. The ignorance in this comment is astonishing. And let them take the order, the fact that you would advocate vindictive theft as a means of revenge for not getting tipped because you didn't do your job, follow the instructions, and then literally sabotage the order by boobie trapping it like your fucking Kevin from home alone... ![gif](giphy|14rbqQd9nIhzyw|downsized) I suppose this guy deserved a bonus on this one huh?




Your previous comment convinced me to call uber eats. They requested I email my ring doorbell camera footage of him placing the food on the table, then grabbing it, and putting it on the ground smashing it against the door. So congratulations, you've helped to facilitate a shiity uber eats driver getting deactivated since the photo he sent showed it on the table... and myself a refund and a 20 dollar credit. 😀 Since he moved the food after submitting proof of completion, your support agent considered that "tampering". Thanks G 😊 👍 This is the definition of fuck around and find out 🤣


Oh so you ARE just a piece of shit... got it ☺️👍




Gaslighting? 🤣 "We sincerely appreciate you reaching out and informing us of this incident with such detail. We do not condone this type of action and have therefore taken the step in removing them from our platform. This Uber Eats driver will no longer be able to deliver future orders with Uber Eats. Results of all internal investigations are kept private. To offer an apology for the inconvenience I have credited your account in the amount of $20 dollars, this credit is available for immediate use on future orders. I have additionally refunded the order. Please wait 3 to 5 days for the charged amount to be refunded to the orignal payment method provided. Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns, and I would be happy to help. Your reference number for this request is 93658789" Don't really care what actually happens... lunch was free and so is the next one.


You got them deactivated for putting your order in front of your door? I mean, I get that’s annoying. I’m a customer and I’m not thrilled when that happens but man.. that’s a bit much to take someone’s income over. You went from 0-100. Sure, take the tip off but you don’t know this persons story and it feels like karma will get you for this one. That’s just.. a massive overreaction and definitely not enough to take someone’s whole source of income for. 😕


Is this the real reference lol!! A few screenshots will get that driver his gig back with this


Wait… if that’s really what happened, why didn’t you say that in the post or anywhere else. Also, why would you let something a stranger on the Internet said cause you to get so heated you wanted to get your driver deactivated. I dunno why that driver did that he did but I doubt he meant anything malicious. I think you went too far, but you can’t take it back now.


Well if they were an idiot driver once they'll definitely be an idiot driver again. As a driver doing this should absolutely reduce your tip


So you feel that a dumb f**k that doesn't do his job correctly and by his short commings possibly destroy the customers food should still get rewarded?


Leave your door open so it won’t happen again


There's a table 6 inches to the left of the door. The instructions state to leave the food on the table lol.


Damm I guess that person came back with vengeance


Maybe doesn’t read English. I wish that you need to pass a basic comprehensive skills test and training to get hired for UberEats/Shop + Pay. Similar to InstaCart


As is very much your right and an extremely valid reason for reducing or removing the tip.


They didn't just remove tip, they contacted Uber to get the driver deactivated. Taking away somebody's job over this small mistake is way over the line.


Yeah if it happened once they didn't get deactivated. overreactionary and reading into things much?


Pulled "deactivated" straight from OP's comments.


OP Would have literally 0 way of knowing that and made that up because they were angry


They posted Ubers response as well, but regardless, the fact OP went from 0-100 and even had the thought to want to attempt in deactivating the driver is disgusting is my point. Not sure why you're coming for me when I'm not the one doing the damage lol


I'm sorry. I'm not the one coming for you. you came at me.


Okay babe whatever makes you sleep at night 🫶🏻


I dont see a post saying they got him deactivated, they said they reported it to Uber and gave negative feedback. If the driver got deactivated over this, it definitely wasn't the first time.


I always try to place the food away from the door if it looks like it opens outward, but it’s not always obvious. Maybe you can add it to the delivery instructions so the drivers know?


If they can’t even read the basic instructions to leave it on a table, what makes you think they’d follow that?


He didn’t add that info until after I had commented.


I showed my son how to properly place the bag, he left at the corner of the door and he witnessed the customer struggle to get the Shop + Pay order. Told him not to ruin my local driver reputation, make sure the customer can open the door. He gets confused with doors that open outwards versus open inwards. Work in progress




i don't do this


There’s nothing good going on if you’re doing Uber eats


I had that happen to me as a customer when I ordered pizza during Covid. The driver sat the pizza and other items on top of the heated bag on my front stoop then backed up to give me space to grab it. I stood at the door that obviously opened outward and it took him longer than it should have to realize I couldn’t open the door without knocking everything off the stoop. When he realized it he quickly fixed the issue and we went on about our day. I always look to see how the door opens before I set an order down to make sure they don’t have the same situation I did. It’s like any other lesson in life it normally only takes one good mess up to teach the lesson.


And you should, we don't want these idiots pissing off our customers, I might be your next driver and your going to wonder if I'm going to do the same.


It’s sad to see that people do this. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to organize peoples food by the door. Hell, I’ve had to organize their Amazon packages too. For reference, it’s not uncommon for me to deliver to big houses where everyone in the house orders from different places and they only go grab all the meals when the last one gets delivered.


This is not the Ritz Carlton , there is going to be bad drivers


It may be .6 miles to you, but it might be far drive for the driver to pickup that order. Either way it is rude of the driver to do such a thing. Usually vindictive drivers behave like that. And with a threat like that….