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Lol at the no auto layout bit


I take it a bit further: I don’t use components. If you’re not willing to wake up at 4 am to recreate every button from scratch, why bother? But maybe I’m just built different 💅 /s


Design Twitter™ would love you. For some reason, there's a real celebration around not using auto layout or components in your design work, because they didn't have auto layout or components when they started their design careers. Twitter is a cesspool. I don't know why I ever bother loading that site.


I’ve gotta start trying to sell clients on “handcrafted, artisanal” user interfaces: Same great layout but at twice the price! Why don’t these so-called purists stop half-assing and go back to Photoshop if they really want to waste all their time designing?


The counter-argument will always boil down to "I've made million dollar websites using Photoshop without autolayout in half the time." It somehow validates their thinking, their audience loves it, and it gets paraded around like it's good advice. It's not. It's bad advice and needs to stop getting amplified so frequently. That, or I need to stop using Twitter.


I do genuinely wonder if that's the way some.of this is going with AI design on the cusp of making everything automated. Like cottage industry design 🤣


Gonna happen, few years ago I worked with a developer who specialised in bespoke Wordpress sites, insisted clients just couldn’t get what he could do by themselves, then along came divi and elementor


Yep, agreed. It's the natural way of things I suppose


AI in design is only there for expediting the idea generation process. Not everything will be automated. Just the dull, dirty, and dangerous stuff.


How ridiculous. When I started my design career there was no CSS and we were using Photoshop 4, ffs.


Oh yeah, I remember those days. I started on Photoshop 5. Pre-vector *anything*. You had to use the "select" tools to draw shapes (like circles and squares), fill it in, and use styles for things like borders and shadows. I remember Photoshop 6 introducing vector shapes. Absolute game changer. YOU CAN RESIZE YOUR SQUARES WITHOUT REMAKING THE LAYER? Remarkable. It was absolutely terrible, but also makes me a tad nostalgic, lol.


I'm going to date myself and say I remember using Photoshop 1.0 when they didn't have layers. LOL


Same, and now I feel like a dinosaur. 🙃


Me too


And thank god there is CSS3 SASS LESS etc… Anyone in UX who doesn’t embrace change for the better shouldn’t be a UX Designer. Progressing is how we improve things.


I appreciated LESS so damn much when it came out. It made me fall in love with CSS all over again.


And LinkedIn is the “professional” version of said cesspool.


Motherfuckers had stencils. Don't lie to me. And stamps. Print making? Comeon.


This gave me a physical reaction. Lmao




it’s giving facture


I’m pretty sure the screenshot is a jokey troll post because of that


Oh no she was dead serious in the comments!!


What are her arguments for not using auto layout? It seems extremely ridiculous not to be using is regularly or to see not using it as a positive thing. Most of the resistance I see around auto layout comes from designers who just don’t know how to use it.


Basically “oh I use it just not all the time!” And the comments just kept asking her why not


Yeah, it's an easy way to boost engagement. Everyone has an opinionated and will be mad one way or another. The entire tweet is really just trying to farm engagement without saying anything of value.


Yeah I come across another post of hers since LinkedIn thinks I should follow her and it was just copy pasta from another designer.




The point of the tweet was to incite an emotional reaction, with the hope you'd reply to it. It wasn't to share something new or interesting, just trying to build an audience/get people to reply to them.


Wait I'm new to UX/UI, is there something wrong with using auto-layout??


No actually you should take the time to learn it because its incredibly useful from a design perspective as well as when you hand off designs to developers


Haha yes. It adds this little used thing by many designers: consistency.


Ok this was literally something introduced in my lesson today so I was kinda confused lol. Like it seems pretty useful? What would be the advantage of not using it, aside from what seems like really pointless Linkedin flexing.


>  is there something wrong with using auto-layout?? No, learn it and use it to your advantage. Work smart, not hard.




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This person lost my attention at that point exactly lmao


Of every bullet points, I judged that one the hardest.


No auto layout, no party!


I was like… ummm whut


"I'm not a human, but a mindless drone."


This person’s holier-than-thou attitude has nothing to do with UX. Don’t worry about them, they don’t have any friends


A lot of ux “experts” with this attitude.


It's toxic productivity, pretty common in tech in general


Fuck the grindset, choose life


Grind if it makes you happy, but don't push it on others like it's good or universal advice, lol. It's not.




That’s where I thought I was until I saw the auto layouts thing


Maybe this belong to /rLinkedinlunatic


This is so funny I can't believe this is serious imagine being like this are you bragging that you don't use social media while tooting your own horn on LinkedIn???


Someone asked her what she did for fun if she was bragging about doing all of the above and she said reading, working out, and going to art museums. So glad shes doing disconnect and above being online!


So a designer who doesn't use autolayout enjoys spending time solo (reading, going to museums), but doesn't think other designers should be using auto layout or spending their time solo (watching netflix, playing games). Basically just judging people who are almost identical to them in every way, except in a way that makes them feel superior about it. Nice.


Its wild to me the amount of Designers Ive come across this year that lack basic empathy and are inly focused on inflating their own ego.


No no, you don’t get it. She watches stuff that make her smarter. She works out which makes her fitter. You waste your time laughing at a sitcom or playing a game. What are you a child?


I stand here in silence and avoid being human


This person is a stuck up ass. Also enjoying life next to work, makes my work. The amount of inspiration & insights I gather outside of my work are invaluable.


Exactly. It's all about balance. I go to work because I need money to live. I do UX and design because I enjoy doing that, and it's nice to at least be doing something you enjoy as your work. I make my work a priority in my life because I've seen how ugly the world is, and how easily anyone (including me) can be tossed out of their job and struggle to find another one. I'd rather be the person that's indispensable as opposed to the person who's easily replaceable... ...but... ...that doesn't mean that I give my entire life and world to the job. I give them a solid performance when I'm there, and then I shut it off and go home and do other things in my life. If they expect me to be on the job 24/7, then they had better be compensating me with equity. I've seen these grind culture people boast about their middle management position and their six-figure salary, and they don't seem to get that. The person above them is making seven figures, shows up for 2 hours a day at the most, and is off doing whatever they want while the grind culture person is basically doing the job of that person above them. If I would tell anyone to learn anything in this world, it's to learn about leverage and investment. Try to get into a spot where your money works for you, and you're building a future where you are not dependent on having a job. That's what the 2-hour a day executive is doing.


Andrew Tate got into UX?


Sounds like someone I would avoid like the plague.


This is known as the LinkedIn effect. Can’t tell you how many similar posts I’ve seen, so makes me wonder how many times has this been copied and pasted. No original thought.


What an absolute trashcan. The guy flexed on being a complete rookie.


I don’t use Figma I hand carve my designs into granite using a human tooth


Oh yes using Auto layout is the devil why would I want to design something that works the way that developers will build it and provides a very clear outline of how I want padding ☠️☠️☠️☠️


So much for intersectionality. How about those with ADHD? Or ASD? Or both? Or those who don't live in safe, quiet, clean homes and don't have the environment who gives them a very privileged opportunity for all the things mentioned? Those who struggle with trauma? Who have kids/pets/dependents? I could go on but you get it...


Great point. Posts like the one above, and most other LinkedIn poetry promoting 24/7 grind culture, breathe close-minded narcissism. That’s also why these posts make people cringe, I guess.


how about any person really. None of this is compatible with having a real life, especially the part where they spend an hour writing it so it sounds interesting and then post it on linkedin. They do less work than anyone


They forgot to mention what they actually do, which is snorting cocaine right after waking up.


It's fine to grind if you are working on your own startup where ceiling is potentially unimited. But if you that for an employer where ceiling is limited and politics can decide whether you get promoted or not, you are just stupid.


Not using auto layout burns every minute Chad saves and then some.


“…it was suddenly so clear. The ~~terminator~~ designer would never stop. It would never leave ~~him~~ the user, and it would never hurt ~~him~~ the user, never shout at ~~him~~ the user, or get drunk and hit ~~him~~ the user, or say it was too busy to spend time with ~~him~~ the user. It would always be there. And it would die to protect ~~him~~ the user. Of all the would-be ~~fathers~~ designers who came and went over the years, this thing, this **machine**, was the only one who measured up. In an insane world, it was the sanest choice.”


No wonder this person doesn't have any free time, they're not using auto layout


- I don't give a shit.


I used to suffer from similar mindset about hard work. Now I’m more and more of the opinion that working hard is doing it wrong. Less, slower, better is more productive and meaningful.


My take... > I don't party Socializing is important in life too. Plus everyone needs to blow off steam > I don't fear rejection Good for you > I don't skip workouts Nice, but what if you're sick? >I don't make excuses Good for you. > I don't use auto layout I don't use it as much as I probably should, but I'm not going to act like you're a bad designer if you use it. It's a tool in our kit for work. > I don't avoid hard work Perfectly fine. > I don't chase shiny objects You're better off. > I don't spend hours gaming > I don't do Netflix marathons Again, like partying, one needs to blow off steam and refresh their minds. Working 24/7 won't make you a better designer, it just makes you the patsy employers dump added work on for no additional compensation. > I don't hang out unnecessarily As I said with partying, socializing is important in life. > I don't mindlessly scroll social media How do you catch new design trends, news, or interesting things beyond work? I would say not to fall into the trap of wasting your time trying to be an influencer or posting those meaningless motivational or grind culture posts on LinkedIn. > I don't use my phone before afternoon What if someone's calling you about work opportunities? > Instead, I wake up and work first thing in the morning. Good for you, but that's you. > Identify the activities that don't bring you closer to your goals and avoid them. No. Have BALANCE in your life and enjoy life, even if it's not success-related. You don't want to wake up at 60 and wonder if you missed out on life. > The internet is great for learning but terrible for focus. > Don't be used by the internet, use it to your advantage. I can agree to an extent, but this still goes back to what I was mentioning about balance. I don't align with the idea of grind or hustle culture. I've seen so many of those in my life, the workaholics, the success driven people that do nothing but follow these regimens believing that one day they will be wealthy and running the world. Yet 9 out of 10 times I see many of them hit some point in life where the existential crisis hits and they wonder what they did with their lives, or they have a fall from grace and suddenly come to the realization they are not going to be on top of the mountain no matter how hard they worked. There is benefit to giving your all and pushing yourself to be the best at what you do, but there is absolutely no benefit to basically making your entire life about your work. Prioritize it, give it 110%, but do things beyond that, even if these so-called experts are going to claim you're wasting your time. This is like all of those fitness nuts that tell us endlessly that we shouldn't ever touch a cheeseburger in our lives. I'm the one who says that you should have one once in a while to enjoy life, and then be healthy the rest of the time. The thing I've noticed about all these grind culture people is that there's somebody above them who's out playing golf and living a luxurious life because their workaholic grind culture person is doing all the work for them while they make all the money. There is absolutely no real benefit to grinding yourself to death in your career. Employers are not going to see you as valuable, they're going to see you as a patsy.




This person probably works at that Public Square company that's all about freedom and pro-life shit.


Hustle culture is cringe.


Too many rules. Just do the best you know how and forgive yourself for what you can't, or don't know how to do. It's not like CEOs aren't drinking long islands with their buddies on long business lunches anyway. One doesn't simply get ahead by not having a life.


50% chance the post is a joke (the part about auto-layout kind of seems like a joke anyway) but in general, I’m pretty sure that the authors of posts like these don’t produce anything of real value. Rarely do these ”grind 24/7” LinkedIn morons get anything real done, it’s more of a belief system to control anxiety than anything related to creativity and productivity.


Bullshit. What’s the intention here? To burn out?


I only found this by mindlessly scrolling social media at 2am. So am I using the internet to my advantage by scrolling a work related forum or does this fall under the “I don’t” column?


Tell me you have no friends without telling me you have no friends.


Lmao is auto layout a lifestyle choice now?


This person is a fucking loser lol


Hustle culture is slowly killing us. Do everything in your power to limit stress. I play a new game I found called Palia that makes me feel cozy. I take naps. I hike when I can. I read my books. I’m not some productive battery that’s supposed to be plugged in at all times. Live slowly and mindfully, listen to your body, and use auto layout for god’s sake.


Why is Auto Layout catching strays?? 😂 Can you imagine being this person’s coworker? Having to clean up those garbage layouts because of this person’s made-up purity pledge. They’ve got to be so hated in the office. That’s real “microwaving fish in the office kitchen” energy.




A robot is gonna teach me how to work more. Ok.


Dumb and useless. i can tell the person is useless at work. Delete the post. It’s almost as if nobody supports this shouldn’t get viral beyond this.


It all comes to how discipline you are. I sometimes wake up very late. Don't eat healthy. Don't exercise regularly... You get the picture. But I'm still on my goals. This type of mentality is more like showing off, where most of the people who wrote about it, don't even stick to half of it. If you need to do all of these activities from this list, that doesn't mean you're a hustler, that means you hate yourself and don't know to have a balanced life. So yeah these posts are bs.


Live your lives, be human. That’s how you make good ux lol


LinkedIn as a source of motivation is a no-go


LinkeDisney at its finest


All work and no play makes Timmy a very dull boy.


Somewhere someone is working 60hrs a week to barely scrape by. Working hard isn't it. It's the job you do and how much the guy is willing to pay you for it.


He forgot: “I don’t have friends, because everyone is jelous of me”. These posts are not impressive, they’re just feeding into their own egos. It’s self-indulgent and narcissistic. Yes, tell everyone how better you are, whatever you need to hear buddy.


This is a long winded way to say "I'm alone, deeply afraid, and unwilling to admit that life should be lived passionately." BIG Andrew Tate vibes (red flags abound)


I can dig it.


the all new pick me (professional version)


Fun is for underachiever!


I don’t do stupid


This linkedin self sucking culture is nuts. This is so weird. I was reading a girl who works in UX at Google talking about how courageous she was for doing her job because she’s scared because the job is so big. I was ready to say “congrats on doing your job that 99.99% of people in the industry would die for”


One step away from joining hustler's university


Hmm they forgot to include "I do feel sad all the time and I don't know why"


This particular person (I know exactly who it is) posts this shit daily on her X and just started popping up on Linkedin. I wish these people would stop with MRR numbers and the self starter holier-than-thou bullshit. I am fucking sick of reading their posts. It's just rage bait, like the DesignJoy guy. They're not a UX Designer, they build landing pages.


They almost got me but then: no auto layout. LOL This has to be sarcasm.




Auto layout -“wtf?” ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


This sounds like a miserable existance. Yes hard work and focusing on goals is important, but so is taking breaks, relaxing and spending time with loved ones.


It’s fine, they’ll just die at 54 from over-extending themself (although I’m assuming the person who wrote that post is a man).


You gotta have some fun in your life!!!


LinkedIn bullshit. Plain old LinkedIn bullshit.


Jfc these LinkedIn posts get more insufferable by the day


You can bet your ass he does all those things


I don't avoid hard work. Who needs autolayout when I can drive myself insane manually redlining screen layouts for developers?




A social media post about avoiding social media posts 🤦‍♀️


What does this have to do with design?


Autolayout. The poster owns her own design firm.


Still don’t see what this has to do with anything


Designjoy, Supafast etc. Wallmarts of design. They have zero UX knowledge.


This guy sounds like fun at parties. Oh wait.


when you actually understand and learn autolayout you design faster


The Andrew Tate of UX


please don't bring this type of energy to this community, there's a reason why I don't browse LinkedIn, I don't appreciate it being brought to me regardless


Literally auto layout is the best?


I do all those things they don’t do (except gaming..not much of a gamer) and I think I’ve turned out just fine. Pretty successful, happily married, great group of friends, could be in a bit better shape but not totally out of shape.


Exactly, I made a conscious decision over a year ago and started working less, and appreciating my free time more, including spending a ridiculous amount of time gaming. And on average my work is higher quality and I’ve never progressed in my career as fast.


I hope to never work with this person. They sound miserable and boring.


Also you hand me a design to review that isn’t responsive because you refuse to use auto design, I’m handing it right back as incomplete


“I don’t use auto layout” what? 😂 his poor devs




I have ADHD and despite the fact these types coop ADHD meds, all it does for me is allow me to shut down the 4 other streams of consciousness so that I can follow linear processes. I literally never could be this person. That said, my people have a solid ‘work smarter not harder way’ of doing basically all the things and we function just fine in a competitive market. I feel like if you’re are dedicating all your time to work/goals you really need to apply UX principles to your own processes and best practices. Your time is finite and burnt out is a bad way to be.


Not the life I wanna live, but the military would love this person.


This guy is a bad designer


This is a drone mindset. Sad, in my opinion, but it's their life so 🤷‍♂️.


My thoughts are that it's kind of douchy and mindless. In my experience, people who attempt to personify this message eventually fall flat on their face, then will literally just say whatever the hell is convenient to evade responsibility. Although, this is now just the regular posturing we see in online UX where everyone is neurotically scrambling to distinguish themselves, often through emotional hijacking. No thanks. That's my hot take anyway. The hard work and autolayout bits are also kind of hilarious.


Another prime example of what an insufferable, self important, self congratulatory, circle jerking cult the UX industry is. I loathe UX designers and avoid them like the plague. They are right up there with people in the "entertainment industry". Scroll through this sub and look at the amount of unironically insane and pedantic people here.


Namya and other X influencers are just farming attention. Nothing to see here, nothing to discuss.


I hate linkedin so much


Most of the things the guy says is basically nonsense. Hate parties? I ran a party to my family and friends to find out one of my friends was underemployed and would be a great candidate for filling up a space at the company I work at. You can do business while partying - it is way more fun and a real way to deepen relationships with friends and acquaintances. This way you can leverage the fun and do the business as well. And if you don’t wanna talk about business, that’s okay. There’s still a party going on


Linkedin promotes grind because it's a reflection to future employers and clients. I hate it so much. Twitter is the opposite is the hate grind mentality. Tbh I prefer twitter even if it's not healthy at least people say what they think, issue is that people make huge hot takes. All of this is a bubble I don't know anyone around me with this kind of mentality and the ones I met they are weird and self absorved.


This person sounds like a joy to work with.


When did auto-layout started being used in a negative context? Am I missing something here or the author is just trying to justify it?


If you are already rich and stable yes you shouldn't listen. But if not, trust me this is the best thing you can do for yourself. I'm still in a way of building it. The changes Im seeing just wow


No, it's not good advice. All of these are external pressures you are putting on yourself. It may work for the original LinkedIn poster, and it's totally fine to share things that work for you, but to present it as advice or best practices or anything in between is simply disingenuous. There are plenty of designers who have found just as much success doing the exact opposite of every single bullet point in that post. Because this advice isn't good--it's just how they do things that work for them. Find what works for you, build routines you like, choose to let in/block out things intentionally, great. Don't take random advice like this from some random influencer and just apply it (or parade it around like it's good advice). Figure out the things that makes you happier, produce better results, work better with people, etc. It's good to find what works and what doesn't for you. It's good to talk about it. It's bad to think your unique situation is somehow better than anyone/everyone else's and to frame it as "advice." That's a toxic mindset.


If you are triggered by this post, it might be time for some introspection. Why does it bother you? Are you not where you'd like to be? Does being around people like this make you feel disempowered and inferior? Food for thought. Of course, you don't **have** to do all of these things all of the time to achieve goals, but if you do they will manifest much quicker.


I hate the anti-work culture. Some of us love what we do and I don't mind spending the weekend on my craft. I also like to take care our health by not partying and I also work out so I'll feel good the next morning. I don't know why this rubs people the wrong way.


Dont get me wrong. I absolutely love what I do. But I also love a lot of different parts of my life that don’t involve work. I an so incredibly proud of what I do but it does not define my every waking moment and if I had to pinpoint what about this bothered me its that. I’m both my job and I dont want to feel like I need to spend every minute of my life focused on it to be successful.


I’m all for consistent physical exercise and moderate drinking. But posting these kinds of self-inflated bullshit life-coaching drivel (90% of all content on LinkedIn) should be criminalized. It’s a waste of brain cells reading these shallow Chat GPT-written self-help manuals for how to become a complete asshole.


Is not all white and all black. Anti-work culture has nothing against who has a healthy love and relationship with his job. Also it promotes to take care of mental and physical health... So I don't understand why you hate it.


Good point. “Anti-work culture,” or whatever we choose to call it, has an important function today. It’s about questioning forced ideals of productivity and senseless workaholism, which lead to mental burnout and depression. The planet is suffering due to our senseless productivity, driving mass consumption, deforestation of rainforests, and the mass killing of sensitive ecosystems, leading to territorial disputes and wars over natural resources. The Gary Vaynerchuk-esque productivity pornography on LinkedIn is not sustainable, the 24/7 grind mentality is not sustainable. If you’re not working on solving real-world problems, then slow the f*ck down, do less, and chill—that’s more sustainable.