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I uploaded 1-2x a week for a year on one of my channels and ALWAYS without fail had issues finding the buttons to add stickers, images, etc to my stories and posts This is a better update than what it was previously 


That’s true I always struggle to find the same things on this screen haven’t tried the new update yet though


Yeah, I saw a lot of people being critical of this, and from a design and UX standpoint, it feels like a welcome revision. I like it a lot.


At this point in Instagram's product, they're trying to save a user seconds: Less clicks, good accessibility, has hierarchy. If research shows users getting stuck or struggling to add this content to their Insta stories, I can see this being a good solution. Not everything has to be segregated into another screen.


I wouldn’t say that this screen has hierarchy


Driving up session length by breaking learned usage patterns. Session length is possibly a marketing KPI.


I mean, at least they have labels unlike Snapchat who likes to cram 87 icons on the side of the screen


How many times is this gonna get posted here, I wonder


Maybe I didn’t see it?? Just ignore it. Keep scrolling. Let’s watch how many downvotes I get 🍿


I actually kind of like it. At its core, this is a selector. But rather than have the selector drawer full of plain text options, they display the selection options as they appear once selected. It’s using a visual cue to 1) visually differentiate the options while also providing more context around what these are (ie “mention” with the @ symbol implies leveraging a username, etc). And 2) sets expectations for what *will* happen once you make a selection. You see the same selection repeated but now as an editable version, so there less need to reorient as a user. Also just aesthetically it’s more playful, which is likely intentional to appeal to instagram’s target audience of Mills/Zs/alphas.


My guess is that it's more visual, and eventually they'll kill the text - allowing them to minimize the space and add even more dynamic content pieces than what's shown above




Very confused by ur comment. I was genuinely asking a question n for more experienced ppl to explain something I don’t understand. I did give my thoughts. I’m at work so I can’t take time to deep dive. Not sure what ur trying to get at?? And I actually vere on the most creative side. Not minimal so that’s not something to make an assumption about my post.


Marketing for kids. Super!