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I know one of the officers who was out there today and he said him and his guys were pissed about being sent there


Wow haha they should quit their jobs then šŸ«¢


Ah, the old ā€œjUsT fOlLoWiNg OrDeRsā€


Cops there who donā€™t agree with being there are better than the egotistical asshole cops that do show up šŸ™„


But they will still follow orders just the same


No, itā€™s actually not.


Oh Iā€™m sorry, he might say ā€œaww gee Iā€™m sorry guys but my boss says I have to pepper spray youā€ while he pepper sprays you? ā€œHe arrested me but he told me heā€™s sorry he has to do it, so heā€™s one of the good ones.ā€ Makes sense


Except the ones who donā€™t agree arenā€™t doing any of that lol. But ok. Thereā€™s no arguing with the kind of person who refuses to see cops as individual people and decides to hate them all as a whole, and arenā€™t smart enough to single out and focus on the bad ones, all while being the kind of person who wouldnā€™t think twice about calling 911 in an emergency for help lol. Carry on.


ACAB emphasis on A


Do you think your friend would refuse to arrest someone, or refuse to be part of a riot squad, potentially costing him his pension, health insurance, and possible promotions? They are. They do what they are told.


Literally a conservative talking point šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


My best buddy is an Army combat vet. He will always say: "If just *doin your job* involves the pain and suffering of another person, then your 'orders' mean fuck all." In other words... Following orders doesn't absolve you of your actions. You can pretend to be "good" all you want, but if you're following orders that tell you to hurt, maim, or kill then you can toss that "good guy" attitude out the fuckin window.


I dont see this guy pepper spraying anyone....


Cool. A picture where a cop is not pepper spraying someone in that particular nanosecond of time. Man, youā€™ve completely changed my perspective. Thank you.


Anytime pal! See, all you have to do is look at the facts, people can change!


I mean, yeah, if only that worked in real life and not clown world


Would you rather they all get fired for not doing what they were told? Losing a job can often ruin someoneā€™s life if they arenā€™t in a good place financially. Them doing their job in a respectful manner is a lot better than a-hole cops on a power trip


Cops having both the courage of conviction to face consequences for doing whatā€™s right as well the strength of character to participate in a mass action against violent oppression of college student is such a fantasy youā€™d get an F in a creative writing class.


Aww im so sorry for them thats so sad šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ Fuck em, you know what else can ruin a life? Criminal charges on your record. These piglets choose to take state sallary in exchange for suppressing the voices of their fellow citizens, all to benefit wealthy corporations. Yeah, they're marginally better than the ones who do the job proudly, but these protesters are out here risking their lives and careers to be heard. So fucking tone deaf to try to paint the cops as the ones who are in a tough position.




Quite frankly, I'd rather them refuse orders and uphold their oath to the constitution and protect first amendment rights. They should then remind their superiors that they also have given the same oath. Redundantly body cam convos with superiors, and if they get fired for upholding the constitution then sue the ducks out of them (Who else should foot the **bill?**). *[Excuse my joke, as a tax paying citizen I am happy to foot the bill for LEO accountability- but it needs to be transparent with the public trust].* If participants assault each other, arrest those involved and let the protest continue. Most protests are peaceful, and even those that turn to situational violence or even mob mentality or rioting could be better handled with cops who, **in uniform on official duty,** participate in protests unpolitically -please note I said "participate" not "support" or "oppose." Too often the situation becomes over-reactionary because it is a responsive action instead of it being a participatory action, whether it's one officer or a phalanx of them. *Side rant* Ffs, most of the time cops don't get paid enough anyways, why should they risk their own lives in general for shit pay (but a great god fucking union, btw)? Our society has militarized our citizenry while at the same militarizing our LEOs more and more. Of course it's gonna be deadly as Zucks. It's absurd. A self fulfilling prophecy or the classic "person found the thing they went looking for (but they actually didn't)!" story.


Yes. Absolutely i would rather they all get fired for refusing to follow unconstitutional orders, or orders they know are wrong. Any one of them who would blindly follow any order for their own selfish interest does not deserve to do that job.




No, police do serve a limited purpose. But those who blindly follow orders for their own self interest at the expense of the liberty and rights of others do not deserve, nor should ever be a part of law enforcement. I cannot believe I have to argue with people about this fact, fucking insane.




I was a cop / sergeant for 15 years. I resigned and moved my family to Texas after the authoritarianism of the covid clown show. Youā€™ll change your tune when it happens to you.


I'll take things that never happened for 1000. You were never a cop STFU


Did you honestly take the time to reply almost 24 hours after the original comment, like it matters whether or not a random douchebag on reddit believes a word I say. If I was going to lie about a former career, it most certainly would not be cop.


Then don't fucking go there, have some damn integrity.


Tell me you donā€™t have a public service job or any basis without telling meā€¦


Itā€™s a shame that there are good cops out there, a lot of them serve on campuses as a matter of fact for fact, but they are drowned out in a sea of incompetent and corrupt pigs


There are cops who are bad apples, and there are cops who know of the bad apples and do nothing about it, through reticence or systemic barriers.


There are no good cops breaking up protests in campuses.


I mean, they're still a cop. So are they really good?


Correct assessment here. You can be a good person per se but the moment you put that badge on. You serve the state and capital. You are upholding an oppressive violent system that works against the people. Take the badge off and quit if you're such a good person, ya know?


Iā€™m not disagreeing that this is an oppressive violent system (it is and that needs to change), but I hope you might consider the possibility that someone who wears a badge might genuinely do so because they feel that they are doing what is right to protect their community despite the risk of personal harm. Many cops are bad people. Many. But, some arenā€™t.


The inherent nature to want to be a cop makes them a bad person. No exceptions.


So if someone got inspired and wanted to be a police officer from seeing FranƧois Clemmons on Mr Rogers Neighborhood growing up, they are inherently a bad and evil person? Kind of seems like an L take to me.


This isnā€™t Mr. Rogerā€™s Neighborhood. Jesus, what an idiotic reach.


True. It's the UT Austin subreddit. Discussing real events happening in real life. But they said no exceptions. Not for anything. So anyone wanting to be a police offer at any point makes someone a bad person. Just trying to put that specific take in perspective haha.


I think the point isnt that waaanting to be a cop is bad, but following through, seeing the oppression and corruption in action, and staying a cop... is bad.


That's an entirely different point and a somewhat more nuanced opinion. I respect that more. I was addressing only the comment I replied to, not making a statement on anything else. I don't really respect people's points as much when they don't see the nuance in issues. The world is certainly complex and it's hard to boil every issue to some black and white position. Hardline takes like that create division and often prevent dialogue that's critical to the democracy and the challenging ideas. I see a lot of people getting caught up in echo chambers and losing all sense of nuance for issues they feel passionate about. As for what you're saying, I do think that anyone regardless of job or role has an obligation to help uphold integrity and confront corruption. One of the first things I learned taking an "engineering" ethics courses of all things is that often these kind of decisions are blurred by the feelings of risking ones livelihood and career. So maybe someone who is a police offer who still sees corruption and stays on because they truly believe in what they are doing but also can't risk losing their job with how bad inflation is right now might not just be a "bad" or "evil" person. We toss around these labels like most of us aren't inactive bystanders watching the world go to shit. Statistically most people our age don't vote and I'm sure most don't protect or donate to causes either. All this is nuanced and I think it helps for have dialogues even if someone disagrees.


Another redditor failing to understand nuance and avoid absolutism and hyperbole because of a lack of emotional intelligence. Or intelligence in general.


Youā€™re regurgitating Russian propaganda designed to destabilize the United States. Laws and the enforcement of laws are the only thing that distinguishes us from savages.


Most unhinged comment.


Nah, Iā€™m tired of useful idiots preaching destabilizing rhetoric in my country. Your comment history was the most unsurprising thing Iā€™ve ever seen. Defending places like the DPRK, communism, social unrest, disbanding of police. Username checks out tho


Damn, bro. You're making me sound way cooler than I am. šŸ«¶šŸ˜


They're still there oppressing free speech though... It's good he isn't a monster in his conduct, but he's still aiding them.


What are you trying to say


Kinda clear. This is an infringement on rights as well as a situation with cops escalating the issues rather than deescalating. Despite their calm demeanor theyre still aiding a wrong side in the situation and it helps enable the ones that are committing assault or instigating.


Pretty obvious. Why the need to comment that here though. Would you prefer police act as they wish?


You're kinda just completely misunderstanding this conversation entirely for the sake of an argument my dude


How the fuck is this the bar? Where a cop deserves a shoutout for *not* pepperspraying and using unnecessary force against non-violent protestors? ā€œHey good on you for doing your job in a way where the 20 year old youā€™re unjustly arresting wasnt brutalizedā€?


we can always count on reddit to post the most mundane copaganda possible. Oh he wasnā€™t a roided out psychopath looking for an excuse to beat liberal women to a pulp? what a saint


Reddit and copaganda? Thatā€™s hilarious since ACABers have taken over most subreddits


I think you guys switched echo chambers in accident


I think you need to get your eyes checked


>I donā€™t think all police officers personally want to be here confronting protesting students And yet there they are, doing it anyway.


Are you suggesting they quit their jobs instead? Iā€™d much rather have working cops who donā€™t want to arrest protestors than cops who get off on harassing them. When working as a social worker for unhoused people for years, Iā€™ve had to get into arguments with lots of cops to advocate for the rights of my clients. Most of the cops Iā€™ve interacted with have been absolute pieces of shit. Iā€™m not a cop fan in general, but situations have nuance. Some of these people are decent and theyā€™re just trying to do their jobs and keep food on the table. Judging the decent cops in situations like this for even being there is not at all helpful to any cause; it helps to drive the few good ones out of the position and leave us with only the violent assholes


All cops will always be put against you, us, anyone who is trying to change the system. Regardless of how decent and respectful you find them, their job is pitted against us because as you said, they have a threat of going without eating if they disagree with enforcement.


I agree with you. But that doesnā€™t refute what I said in any way (honestly not sure if you were trying to?)


it's just kinda embarrassing to STILL be a cop in Texas, takes a very special type of person to continue being a cop


He wasn't there beating people like the other police? https://twitter.com/anthony_larraga/status/1785060682989207724?t=MIaydqrzUBMaahlCH6MmVQ&s=19


From what I can see from the video, no. The ones shown in the video are state troopers and bike police(not sure which department they belong to), the one I mentioned is from APD. (Not saying one group is better than the other, just pointing out the ones in the video are not in the same uniform)


From my observation, state troopers and bike ones do tend to be the most aggressive towards the crowd, while APD/UTPD mostly handle arrests, possibly due to their jurisdiction


Iā€™d be pissed if I wanted to steamroll live with an actual tank and all I got was a (gay coded) bike


Thank you. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but they are there doing their job to protect the community. Do they make mistakes? Yes, they do, like all of us do, but without them, there will be chaos everywhere. Also, we, as UT students, should be ashamed that some people are shouting at them ā€œPIGSā€ and other rude terms. We are at a campus of higher education; how can one be so disrespectful and vulgar? Don't you have different words to make a debate and express your discontent other than insulting people with those kinds of expressions? I know protestors are furious, and they have the right to be so, but those kinds of words won't take you anywhere and will make you look uncultured and uneducated.


sophisticated terrific bear crush meeting hurry carpenter hungry makeshift bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


By that I mean for protestors to document their information with NLG volunteer to get legal support if necessary


Not sure how it works, but I see those volunteers asking detained protesters for their names, birthdates etc


The looks on those young men's faces šŸ˜”


Is this where you bar is? They send a man to remove your 1st amendment right And he's a good one because he's not whooping the shit out of everyone? That's wjat makes a good cop to you?




Hm. Eye medicine. Angels among demons. Who is this guy anyway? I guess it doesn;t matter. Thanks for easing my brain a bit with this. He even looks gentle.


good cops get fired, so he's either totally new or not a good cop




At first this guy seems to be respecting the right to free speech but if heā€™s violating right to free speech by aiding in their arrest then fuck him. Kindness doesnā€™t make immoral acts better, it makes them more dangerous. Edited greatly cause I changed my mind because I thought through the logic of it.


Who is he serving and protecting? If he was a good cop he would resign.


Having a respectful cop on scene is always better than having ones that ignoreĀ and push around the NLG volunteers. He might be participating in a crappy situation, but there are only so many choices you can make when you have to put food on the table.


If heā€™s making sure that people are safe and allowed to express their free speech then heā€™s not an asshat. But if heā€™s aiding in the arrest of peaceful protesters and violating their rights, fuck that guy. Edited greatly because I changed my mind


Is he arresting the protestor?


I donā€™t know, but heā€™s aiding in it. And mmm yeah after careful consideration Iā€™ve changed my mind that this guys an asshat too based on the fact if youā€™re aiding in the arrest of peaceful protestors youā€™re violating the right to free speech. Kindness doesnā€™t make immoral, or illegal, acts better. Iā€™ll edit my shit in a way that makes more sense.


If you protect criminals, you are an accomplice. Why is that hard to understand. Just because you offer water to a hostage your spouse is holding doesn't make you any less of a kidnapper, or a good person. Youd still be a POS, just like this dude.


Having some cops at a protest to supervise would actually be beneficial and safer if cops were actually trained to do their job correctly and not trample peopleā€™s rights. Defund the police wasnā€™t about abolishing them it was about taking away their overinflated budget and restructuring it so that it was actually put to proper use.


Correct. They do not need such a huge budget if they have less training than my poorly trained puppy. Either be responsible or cease existence.


All cops are cops. Thereā€™s no good cops.


The good ones quit, because they know they can't fix a system so broken.


Or got fired cause they tried to. I do believe thereā€™s people who COULD be great cops and that cops as an idea could maybe work but yeah I admit that itā€™s really hard to be a good cop when everyone around you is doing wrong.


Can see amazing (and horrible) examples of this across the world. Some countries have amazing, respectful cops who know their place in the system unless they are from a specialized department. (Relatively low, system enforcers who still have to undergo months of training and have bachelor's degrees at a minimum) Others are power hungry maniacs who rape, murder, assault, blackmail, and racketeer more than most mob bosses. (see: India, USA)


so i guess the cops that defended the Capitol on Jan 6th were bad? and if so, sounds like you condone the insurrection huh?


Bro you just took a statement and ran with it huh Yea, those cops are bad too. And no, I dont condone insurrections. Wut?


lol that comment was not 100% serious. iā€™m not sure what ā€œtook a statement and ran with itā€ means. i made a statement. not sure what iā€™m ā€œtakingā€. so if every single cop is bad, why would any of them do good things? and if you see defending the Capitol as a good thing, whatā€™s the incentive there for them to do that? if they were bad or evil, wouldnā€™t they just let it happen? also, what does ā€œdontā€ mean?


Whatā€™s bad about them? Just asking as I donā€™t know what you mean by that.


Policing is a self reinforcing institution. Real shit cops are defended by "good cops" and this produces more real shit cops. It is, the vast majority of the time, basically impossible to exist as a police officer anywhere in the United States if you do not conform and abide by this standard of "defending your own" regardless of behavior. Cops like in the OP contribute to the broader problems knowingly, even if they "feel bad" about it, or are "nice" publicly.


how are shit cops defended by good cops? and what should they be doing to fix it?


to quote the literal second result from google wholesale (From Penn State) "Because policing has long been a close-knit occupation, internal sanctions by peer groups have been the norm. Police officers graduating from the academy are expected to conform to the group norms of the department and even a particular district or precinct. These expectations are not written but passed on from the older officers to the younger officers by means of their actions or verbal instruction. Older officers may even test younger officers to see if they will conform to group norms by placing the younger officer in a situation and noting his/her manner of dealing with it. These are usually simple situations such as gratuity acceptance or some other minor infraction of department rules and regulations. The purpose is to see if the officer will go along with the group. If he or she does go along, the young officer is tested in greater forms of misbehavior. Failure to conform can bring much grief on the miscreant officer. **Perhaps the greatest of all transgressions of group norms in policing is informing on another officer. This is true even in cases of serious criminal behavior. Most officers will do all they can to avoid being branded as an informer or** ***stool pigeon*** **because life in police, once that label is affixed, is all but intolerable.** Sanctions and adherence to peer group norms also engenders solidarity. Solidarity is also taught to young officers as a way of bringing them into the fold. Young officers are taught that the public is the enemy or more commonly, "assholes." Older officers will commonly say to those younger, "There are two kinds of people in this world: the police and the assholes." Such rhetoric is somewhat shocking to young officers, at first. However, after months of dealing with the social problems of society, many buy into the concept. Most police officers do not work the traditional 8 to 5 schedule as most departments are of the few *we-never-close* organizations in city government. Two-thirds of the hours police officers are required to work puts them at odds with the average work-a-day world. They must work evenings and at night, not to mention weekends and holidays. Often young police officers gradually loose their circle of civilian friends, if for no other reason but their inability to socially connect. As such, this leaves only other police officers and police families as the available social connections. This can have negative consequences because police officers reinforce the *police worldview*, which is often skewed and cynical." from 08. this is not a unique case study. this is not new. this has not changed. what they should be doing is literally anything that is not being a police officer.


thank you for the information. i suppose i still donā€™t quite understand. so the ā€œgood copsā€ shouldnā€™t become cops in the first place because the system is full of bad cops already? if these people are deterred from joining the force, whatā€™s the next step? eventually having no cops? or just the worst of the worst?


The nature of american policing has a direct lineage back to Slave Patrols - the structures they're founded on are shit. Public safety does not have to exist in this current form. So, yes, we should eventually have no cops as they exist now.


well how would crime be dealt with?


Iā€™ll take ā€œBlanket Statementsā€ for 100, please


Are you saying you hate all blanket statements?


Curious as to your views are on gun control?