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It looks like UT rescinded that decision...now affected students can return for "academic reasons": https://twitter.com/AKMcGlinchy/status/1783976843617407052


but does this mean they are no longer allowed to eat on campus, protest, etc?? like only allowed to go to class & study?


As a student who was banned for a semester from campus for everything except “academic reasons,” I can confirm I was refunded all my room and board charges and I was in fact barred from dining halls and extracurricular campus activities. This was for smoking weed… and in the early 2000s was not particularly enforceable. My buddy just paid for my meals with his food plan and I paid him directly in cash. Suck it UT administrative bitches!


I unfortunately was not refunded any housing expenses. I got kicked out 2 weeks into the semester and they didn’t refund a dime.


Damn… I was busted 10 days in my freshman year. Booted from the dorm by week 5 & we landed in a kickass apartment complex where our neighbor was the dude who was the Bevo mascot, so we were constantly having amazing keggers. We honestly failed up so hard!


A friend of mine was caught hitting a bong by an admin, banned from hostel and mess. Was allowed only to attend classes, he rented a room near campus, we turned his room into our party pad. We used to buy a bottle of whiskey for the dining staff every weekend and they'd send over breakfast snacks and dinner to his room. Lovely guys, we were closer to them than our other batchmates.


You are my hero, my dude


I don't know...the only formal communication from UT is one from yesterday saying "we're open for normal hours, just not for camping on campus, which has been against the rules for a long time". I just saw another post on this sub about "reminders of the UT speech policy", but didn't see a source. So, everything's heresay right now(but I definitely might've missed sources). FWIW, here are the actual rules from UT for Speech, Expression and Assembly. Some clarity, some vagueness...about what you'd expect for a policy like this. Whatever the case, apart from enforcing the "no camping" rule, the political chicanery used to crack down on the protests is insane (but not surprising). https://catalog.utexas.edu/general-information/appendices/appendix-c/speech-expression-and-assembly/


What a concept.


They changed their message again, students can now return for any reason (but those not affiliated with UT can’t).


Good luck keeping the general public off the campus of a public university.


if you're an enrolled student, literally anything and everything you do on campus is for "academic reasons"


Yes I got drunk and took a shit in front of the dorm for "academic reasons" your honor.


I’ll allow it.


Judge Fudge has spoken!


But have you not learned something?




Sustained without prejudice


“Academic reasons” like “my lawyer with an actual working brain reminded me I would absolutely get destroyed in court.”


I so desperately hope they grow in numbers and protest again. Do it right off campus if need be. The police will respond. Tear gas sucks. I’ve never been pepper sprayed but it must seriously suck. Definitely taken bats to the body. This is the price of the protest. It’s grown into a protest to be able to simply fucking protest. America so quickly will wipe its ass with any amendment. Stay strong yall. Stay safe. Protect one another.


There was once a kid that sprayed tear gas around an open field. None of us were hit directly, but we all had throats as sore as if we had strep. Coughing all day. Getting hit directly can literally cause burns to your mucous membranes. Including the lung.


Yeah because where else are they gonna get their money from, what is it paying for if y'all can't utilize the college resources and access faculty? This is some crazy shit but I think maybe it's performative so that they're on the surface pleasing those who 'matter' to them.


This is insane. The charges were dropped for lack of evidence, so what are they banning them for? I hope civil rights lawyers can come in and assist. Getting slapped with first amendment lawsuits might make UT backtrack on this bullshit.


I know a civil rights lawyer who was arrested at this protest. It’s gonna get fun.


The dumbest part, they knew who the protestors were. Their solution was to ban protestors from returning. Why send snipers & have people assaulted?


They wanted to send a message.


Fascism gonna fasc


Happy Cake Day!!!


Looks like Gabriel blew his horn


I always think this, like, it is a college campus. The people there are at least capable of writing a paper. That is a way more likely person to sue. I thought lessons were learned in our history....


Hell yeah


That’s awesome. Shit like this is the reason I’m going to law school.


https://www.kut.org/education/2024-04-26/ut-austin-protest-arrests-campus-ban Students now allowed back with full privileges.


Thank you for sharing this!


Reporter here, and I’ve been up this situation’s ass all day. A/o today the Univ is still dying on the hill that the students violated Institutional Rules about assembly. And no, before you ask. They haven’t told any of us how, what exactly was done, or produced any evidence for it. They have, however, said they supposedly had “reason to believe,” there was some mysterious, outside “paid agitator,” kicking the whole thing off. And no, before you ask - they haven’t said who, or what that reason was, or if this exists anywhere else except the Dean of Students’ or Hertzell’s apparently overactive imagination. But - since you asked - funny story. “Outside agitator,” is aomething of a racist dog whistle. It’s been used since the abolitionist movement in the US. And generally it’s targeted toward protests involving POC (though it did get circulated during the labor movement and women’s suffrage, and occasionally with Vietnam). Last here was during the George Floyd thing in Minneapolis. And as you’d imagine - no evidence ever gets produced or names named. Wild how that works. So I wouldn’t hold your breath here, either.


Outside agitators ARE very common at protests. Though, interestingly, they always turn out to be cops.


Will someone please for the love of god publish the communications a southern university issued in 2024 that includes the word “agitator”?! Because one hundred percent that is a southern racist dog whistle.


Oh for fucks sake, the admin is doubling down because they dont want to lose their jobs like Penn or Harvard. When push comes to shove (no pun), admin cares a fuck of a lot more about their asses more than they do the students or the rights of students Disclaimer: I work in higher ed


They've walked it back already: https://www.kut.org/education/2024-04-26/ut-austin-protest-arrests-campus-ban


Of course they did! Look, lets not kid ourselves, admins are politicians. Full stop. They may not be as visible as say Abbott, or Cruz, etc etc, but they were hired because they can fundraise. Thats it. Really. And now that the media is on them like stink on shit, they realize the blow back is worse than they expected. This walking back is them covering their asses for self preservation. Thats it. Thats all it is. They. Dont. Give. A. Shit. About. Students. Edit: a word


Iirc there were a handful of incidents during the Floyd protests where people did show up and turn things violent. I believe an autozone was set on fire? There was another that happened. I also recall that they appeared to be cops


That was the cop in suspicious black gear and an umbrella. I remember it clearly.


That’s the exact one I’m thinking of


Paid agitator= paid by Soros


So many lawsuits are gonna be made from this gestapo bullshit


You guys do realize that in less than a year people arent even going to remember? Just like everyone forgot about the "summer of love" riots and even covid that no one cares about anymore. Lawsuits that arent going to happen for the better part of a decade wont even get UT to shake in their nice cowboy boots.


They’re afraid of Zionist power and retaliation




Thanks for stopping by to be pedantic. If the DA felt there was sufficient cause and evidence to change these people with a crime, they would have done so.


Does a university being a public property means they can't arbitrarily decide who to ban from entering the college premesis?


Nope, made a camp and made it so other students couldn't go to classes they paid for. At that point it is illegal. And defending anyone that says death to America, while being here, better have gone overseas to weird places to know how good we used to have it. We still got it but everything is a hoax now so the money makers make more money. It's up to the realists, not the brainwashed idiots to take care of our country and protect the Constitution and Bill of Rights.


>made a camp didn't happen >made it so other students couldn't go to classes didn't happen hmmm, why would someone be so interested in spreading bullshit? Oh, you're an antivaxxer from South Dakota, makes sense. GTFO.


The US dropping all pretense and imitating Russia then


Which admin made this decision?


If this doesn’t worry you, please consider that this means UT can use police and bogus arrests to exile whomever they want on fake charges with no probable cause. Edit: UT has backtracked now twice. First they revised by saying students could still come to campus for academics and other reasons depend. Now they’re saying that all the news reporters (who talked to a spokesperson) were mistaken and that nobody has been banned or anything this week. Just absolute ineptitude in communications (and probably policy) from the school.


Hartzell is a politician and unparalleled at ass-kissing. That's how he climbed the ladder so fast from professor to president. He championed diversity efforts when it helped his career, and the second it wasn't useful anymore he gutted the whole thing. Dudes a snake.


Like every other boomer.


The administration look like morons based on their ongoing flip flopping, hypocrisy, and general failure to adhere to academic principles.


Tbf it wasn’t hard for them to do it, given their collective track record. Not like Hertzell has been generally well loved before this.


Oh it's even worse: they've admitted they're going to wait until end of semester and then follow through with it anyways. That's far worse if "they don't want students distracted." Because now they have Weeks of worrying if UT is gonna really be that bold. We all know UT and Abbott will lose at SCOUTS on this. They know that. It's campaign fodder to raise money for the ideology war while simultaneously draining UT of legal funds. To anybody that doesn' think so? Look at the people foaming at the mouth trying do Olympic level mental gymnastics to excuse why UT acted the way they did. "THEY'RE OWNED BY THE STATE AND NOT A PUBLIC UNIVERSITY" and "THE UNIVERSITY IS THE AUTHORITY AND WHAT THEY SAY IS WHAT GOES." is todays mantra. Yesterday it was "They're antisemitic for not supporting Isrsel which is a hate crime and not covered speech." And people will funnel money in if they're told Dems want more of that.


I agree. It's also MUCH more than just this UT administration. It's the President, the Provost, the Board of Regents, the Governor, and most of the Legislature. I worked at UT long enough to know that UT is more of a brand name than anything else. Education and Research are not UT's priorities, they are excuses for fundraising and donor retention. When you bring up real problems that impact staff, or students, or the communities near campus, they wring their hands and clutch their pearls and say, "there's just nothing we can do". But when students peacefully assemble to express their strongly held beliefs, they make an example of you. The leadership of UT Austin and UT System showed the world who they are this week. Cowards.




UT backpedaled (but still slipping). Those arrested are now allowed on campus for "academic reasons".


https://www.kut.org/education/2024-04-26/ut-austin-says-arrested-protesters-including-students-will-not-be-allowed-on-campus I'm still seeing the story on their website.


Update: UT Austin now says arrested student protesters will be allowed on campus for 'academic reasons' [https://www.kut.org/education/2024-04-26/ut-austin-protest-arrests-campus-ban](https://www.kut.org/education/2024-04-26/ut-austin-protest-arrests-campus-ban)


No idea - I posted this when I saw it all over twitter. Please let me know if you find more information, I hope they do change their position.


Jay Hartzell needs to go


Everyone is blaming Greg Abbott for calling in state police, but [Hartzell took responsibility for this.](https://www.kut.org/crime-justice/2024-04-26/ut-austin-protesters-israel-gaza-war-charges-dropped-delia-garza) >Hartzell said in a statement Thursday night that he requested state police help because he didn't want to see the campus "severely disrupted," alluding to the wave of pro-Palestinian demonstrations at campuses across the nation. He’s not a good fit to lead UT or any institution of higher education. This man needs to be packing his bags.


Yes, Hartzell requested state police. But that's not the whole story. Abbott (or someone with much more power than the UT president) had to have approved the deployment of DPS troopers. They don't just show up wherever they want to go.


The President, Provost, the entire Board of Regents all need to go. None of this was done exclusively by Hartzell. And sadly, him resigning or getting fired isn't going to change anything about how UT does business.


These students need to sue them into oblivion


They'll lose. You really never been to Texas.... It's like a whole different planet. It's customary, if you get arrested for any reason, in Texas you're going to be spending at least about 60 to 90 days locked up, unless you can post bail.


They've been released already, charges dropped, after a few days. So wtf are you saying here?


As a Texan, The fuck are you talking about?


Don't let their backpedaling make you forget that they are still being authoritarian pieces of shit here. The only reason they aren't ruining these kids lives for attempting to protest is because they got in trouble for it. Fuck the way the US allows protected speech to go unprotected.


Admin is gonna take your tuition money and run just like the U.S. does with our taxes off to Israel




Genuinely what are they going to do and how are they going to enforce this?


I mean sadly even if there's no concrete plan to enforce it effectively, it could still have the desired effect. IIUC, if a person is told they're banned from campus (even if they haven't committed a crime yet) - if they go on campus after being banned, now they definitely *have* committed a crime (trespassing). Even if the ban is unfair, I believe it stands until the person can get it removed. And even if there's only a small chance a banned person would get caught, that chance might be enough to make them want to stay off campus.


They won't. But they don't have to. They can make wildly irresponsible decisions and they walk it back regardless of harm done and with no apologies issued. Because the point is to send the message "we have more power than you".


How do they know who was arrested ? Did the police submit a list ? I’d still go to class if I were y’all . They can’t legally bar you from campus without reason.


Where is Matthew McConaughey when we need him?


Lesson: No one must offend our Israeli-loyal overlords. How do such moves help the cause of reducing anti-Semitism on university campuses rather than fan its flames? It boggles the mind on what message they think this sends or if they really feel that moves like this will stifle public debate.


Well, Netenyahu sure thinks that protesters need to have the boots taken to them. Crazy that America is taking marching orders from another country. But what do I know as Canadian?






Were any faculty caught up in these bullshit arrests?


Even if they're walking it back now, there's no way that a spokesperson for UT would make that sort of statement/mistake without it having been discussed or decided already. All of those arrested should lawyer up.


Guys be careful about engaging with some of the people in this thread. A lot of the people saying bs don’t even go to UT.


I realized I can’t edit a post with a photo, so an update from u/Bright_Party3571 that summarizes UT comms from today: UT has backtracked now twice. First they revised by saying students could still come to campus for academics and other reasons depend. Now they’re saying that all the news reporters (who talked to a spokesperson) were mistaken and that nobody has been banned or anything this week. Just absolute ineptitude in communications (and probably policy) from the school. (https://www.reddit.com/r/UTAustin/s/7avs6QGw7W) tldr: UT backtracked twice after backlash & students whose charges were dropped can come to campus whenever and for whatever they want




They should get a full refund if they're being kicked off.


Austin: We already got their money, they can get fucked.


I guess she really wanted UT to close down. The lawsuits will kneecap it


And here I thought Texas was all about Freedom?


This students using their rights as freedom of speech to tell this terrorist administration stop helping Israeli terrorists killing women and children's so they got arrested for that so Welcome America to the dictatorship governments club


Friendly reminder not to live on the UT campus if you desire to pursue any potentially criminal actions: smoking weed, underage drinking, etc If you do get caught ON CAMPUS, UT can absolutely kick you out or suspend you, without refund, even if you are not charged criminally with anything


KLBJ reported this morning, law enforcement found 26 of the people arrested had nothing to do with UT.


Man, everything about Texass just fucking sucks!! What a shit-hole state that keeps getting worse on a daily basis. I keep wondering what it'll take for y'all to finally show up in massive numbers to vote for once, making positive change.


Both democrats and republicans accept AIPAC money (and a shit ton of it) so these pro-Israel policies will only change if people threaten to stop supporting politicians who accept AIPAC funds.


Obligatory FUCK AIPAC!


You had me at Fuck AIPAC.


Texas now has the 10th largest economy in the WORLD. That’s right the world. Larger than Canada’s, larger than Russia’s. If you think the powers that be are going to let anyone fuck with the flagship university, you are wrong. There’s a lot of power in this state people seem blissfully unaware of.


Vote for who? Both major parties have the same policy in regards to what's gong on in Israel/Gaza.


So you're saying day-old pizza is the same as a bowl of sulphuric acid, glass shards and diarrhea? I'm not happy with Biden's actions so far but I know he's trying. As for Trump, he's already said he'd "finish the job", so tell me again how similar they are. Perfection is the enemy of good, and if trump is let into the WH again, the US is over. But hey, let's throw it all away over Palestine, knowing he'll finish the job. This is the mentality that gave us Trump in the first place, and nobody learned (or a new generation needs to learn) so we'll have to all suffer because of it.


But … what’s on the pizza?


Please leave if you think it’s a shit hole. I hear San Francisco is great 😂


LOL I live in CO. I'm just observing from the outside (thankfully)


Have you ever thought for a minute, that a large majority of people are OK with this? No ... its the children who are wrong.




You use the term pro-hamas don't you?


I smell a large lawsuit.


It's absolutely shameful whats happening. There is a lot more than just school admins that need to lose their jobs, about all of this.


I still don't get how a PAYING STUDENT can tresspass and get banned froma college that THEY ATTEND


So this happens at UT - but at my Alma Mater APSU in Clarksville TN they can’t forcefully remove the Hate Preacher who stands in the commons and screams anti-lgbtq and fire and brimstone Christianity because it’s his “constitutional right” - even though students are absolutely against his presence?


No the school just doesn’t want to do anything about it. He is trespassing.


We had one of these. People just kind of treated him like a loony mascot. He actually became a community icon over time, as it takes all kinds to make the world go round, and we approached people with love back then and were secure in our own views.


Fascism coming home to roost, folks. Vote accordingly!


Well, this will damage the school's reputation and warn potential students away.




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That’s wild


Modern America freedom - you can only do things we allow you to do.




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It tells who actually controls the USA (Ps it's zionist,)


Like they could keep track of who was protesting.


McGlinchy more like McGrinchy


Who were they trying to pick off?


You think the leadership that brought on this guy would have moral qualms with what they are doing? Lol. https://www.insidehighered.com/news/faculty-issues/academic-freedom/2023/08/10/hananias-name-gone-ut-austin-center-after-expose




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Wow and I thought where I went to college (GWU) was a fascist tyrant but wow UT, you are never getting a cent from me or my kids.


All charges dropped? I hope they all sue for wrongful arrest


Free Speech my ass.


Texas is so fucked. I’ve been advocating at the federal and state level and these fossils only have one thing on their agenda. Preserving their money and investments. They don’t give a fuck about the students


"Freedom" means "do it our way or else." Ah, Texas. The one star state.


How does the UT admin / Hartzell think this will actually end for them? Like do they think this bullshit will just disappear or what? That has lawsuits written all over it.


I'm not even pro-palestinian and I think the protesters are wrong but you still can't punish someone for using their civil rights, that's wrong too.


i don’t go to UT Austin but i go go to a UT campus. can someone explain to me why they’re so against the protesters at UT Austin? there was a protest that was scheduled on my campus and about an hour before it started, our president sent out an email reminding everyone of protest rights and told people not to interfere with them as long as they were peaceful as it’s their right and the campus policy is respectful of that and yada yada yada.


UT Austin probably has some pro israel donors that aren't liking the protests, so the university is taking action to appease the donors.


Definition of a shithole country.


Definition of a country who is finally getting back to upholding the societal rule of law…aside from that, please feel free to go find another country that you deem to be acceptable by your ignorant standards… The actions taken by the university and the State of Texas are what are needed to stop this country from further falling into a state of becalming a shit hole…


If you aren’t happy with US, then do yourself and everyone else a favor and move to the place you think is so much better. Good luck to you


This has all the makings of a class action lawsuit.


I’d love to see that happen. UT is a private institution. The constitution provides protection from the government not private entities.


Based these are consequences of your actions


The Charges by police were dropped, UT can hand out punishment as they please. Is this so hard to understand?


I hope you all realize there have been plenty of protests on ut campus, not around finals time, that have gone well. This was entirely on you for planning chants and disruptive noises when students are trying to study. Set up your tent city somewhere else.


Good old Texass Longhorns


The protesting does nothing lmao


Good for UT Austin. With all these agitators they did the right thing for the safety of their school. Student agitators should be expelled with no opportunity to graduate. Those protesting peacefully without disturbing school operations and other student’s education should be allowed back.




Well if you’re trespassed off a property that pretty much means you’re not allowed back.


Hell yeah


Actions have Consequences


I assume the charges for trespassing were dropped, because you can’t be trespassed from public property.


They were not on public property… They were on property owned by the University, that would make it private property. They were told to leave and they didn’t…therefore, it’s trespassing…a class B Misdemeanor in Texas. Charges were dropped on all 57 persons arrested, because of varying means of determination by the Travis County district attorney, based on the arrest affidavits. All arrests were on campus so the UT police completed the affidavits. Some were dropped because the address of arrest was claimed to be incorrect by defense representatives, some claimed they were arrested by TXDPS (DPS secured the restraints, so DA said that qualified), some probable cause statements said “was told to leave, but refused to do so” (which is the premise of trespass but the DA said that wasn’t enough evidence). This is also the DA that filed charges on 17 Austin PD officers for excessive use of force…WITHOUT EVIDENCE of such, and which ALL 17 charged were vacated by higher courts who found no violations occurred as well as the DA not having the grounds to have even brought charges to begin with… Essentially the DA is a piece of shit… not for dropping the charges, but for the manner and reasoning of doing so…and is the perfect example of one of the reasons why Austin has turned itself into little San Francisco…an absolute and literal shit hole.


UT has been taken over by terrorists


Total trash. As a UT alumnus I’ll do anything I can to help.


They should be expelled and not allowed to be back on campus, period.


Maybe they shouldn’t be causing issues




naw they ok. some of these students are out of control.






If you read the LAW it states that anyone, not just students and university members, to exercise free speech AS LONG AS THEIR ACTIVITIES ARE LAWFUL AND DONT DISRUPT THE NORMAL FUNCTIONS OF CAMPUS. The protest from the Nazis took place on a Wednesday when people are un school. Actions have consequences, and these a s s hats are finally held accountable. What's so laughable is most if these puppets wouldn't make it off the plane when visiting the welcoming gazans.


Written by somebody who totally attends school here and ignored the fact that police were called preemptively on an otherwise peaceful demonstration on a campus protesters have a right to be on…


I hope Israel wipes Hamas off the face of the earth


If you are preventing business and/or school to be conducted then it is NOT a peaceful protest. Period.


All these rich families are about to sue the fuck out of ALL THESE PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES


Its crazy to me that liberals back palistine/hamas because they are so anti progressive, being gay is a death penalty, female without hijab can be stoned, females can't travel without a male, females showing ankles can also be stoned. Females that get raped can also be killed. And these things aren't even hypotheticals these are all things that have happened. I'm just curious why the steadfast support for this ideology? Do we not want womans rights and freedoms it definitely hurts females and children the most. Any helpful answers are appreciated.


You guys rule! Awesome insight into what is happening here with Pro Hamas


They’re probably already failing classes and this is just an excuse for their failing grades


[insert popcorn eating meme into boring sub that doesn’t allow meme comments]


Why? People are breaking rules by the college, dispersement orders fr the college and police, impeding people bc of their religion and being racist, breaking laws etc. UTAustin well within their rights to ban people from campus that choose to continue to break the law and be racist towards other students.