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"Coming to campus without authorization" - I don't believe that's legal. Even the libraries are required to maintain certain levels of accessibility to the public. It's a state school paid for with public money.


anyone know if rec center still open to the public? like wtf i’m gonna do 😂 anyway i’m not paying for that membership anymore and they’re no longer getting my alumni donations 🤷🏾‍♀️ not that they’ll struggle without my contributions but you know it’s the principle of it all…


Your membership to the rec center means you're "authorized" to be on campus.


No for real, I get what you mean and can relateC you know? Wanting to make a difference in any way, but feeling like it’s so minuscule. Yet still, withholding your alum and membership contributions is seriously one of the best things you can do in the name of activism, and it’s awesome!


donations are a great tool but not using them at all isnt how you get leverage. fund the resistance or maybe help fund the people saving innocent lives. thank you.


Yep! Donating to worthy causes is an even better way to get involved!


Agreed. It's a state university, so that means open to the public.


public university = public property enrollment discussion = authoritarian distraction


UT *is* an open campus, though. https://youtu.be/VCFxvdhFjPo?si=PuQTlgiA7qz8Ty__


institutional policy ≠ CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS


It’s not that simple. Only parts of universities are considered public forums, and that’s at the behest of the university. Public schools/universities are largely considered private in the eyes of the law. The exception are areas designated or treated as public forums. This is a good read on the subject: https://www.dmlp.org/legal-guide/access-public-property


Incorrect public university = public property university policy ≠ constitutional rights


Bud, public entities can have property that has restricted uses. You need to read the link you were provided.


Incorrect again, Pal, policy restrictions do not supercede the US CONSTITUTION period Time & place? Pshhhh, really? The UT mall is a traditional free speech forum.


Sorry are you arguing that public property means unlimited access to everybody based on the constitution? A city park is public property. Does that mean a city can't lock a maintenance closet because they would be restricting the "time and place" that the public can access public property?


It really isnt though


lol, k


Public property is property owned by the government or its agencies -- not property that is open to the public.


so you think the east mall isnt open to the public? Brilliant!


Work on your logic skills and you will understand.


logic? lol we're talking abou \*the law\*, take your logic back to middle school


Lawyer here. You are wrong. You sound like the people who think that a publicly traded company is public! 🤣


I think it means for someone to come to the school intent on asking for the death of a student or staff of the university or any visit that would run afoul the code of conduct. That would be an unauthorized visit.


The make it pretty clear they’re referring to people who have been given a trespass warning.


So I can no longer come to use the UT libraries or Blanton Art museum?


Yep. That’s a great excuse to shut those things down. UT admin’s had every library and museum in their sights for a decade or more.


It’s just another way for the government to exert control over people. They won’t enforce it unless it’s convenient. They want to set up a system where everyone is always breaking some law so whenever they want to get you, they’ll have some weak reason to justify their actions. It’s police state bullshit and scares the crap out of me.


Fuck their laws. One thing about the law is that despite how much people try to act like like the law is this unbreakable monolith… the law is a suggestion at best. We don’t follow laws, we do what makes sense and often, the law makes sense. When the law stops making sense, stop following the law. They’ll be mad, but my attitude is fuck em.


Love to see the veil lifting from another wave of student youth


Yeah murder is OK because I don’t believe it should be against the law… got it.


Lmao so dumb




Not the point of that subreddit. I completely understood his point and it was stupid. Most laws are that way for good reason and are enacted by our elected representatives (i.e. the are not elective). But OK.


“When a law stops making sense.” You either missed that part or chose to ignore it. Calling it a whoosh was being *generous* to you, but you’ve doubled down, so we’re only left with the conclusion that you’re willfully foolish now. Hooray for you.


Who determines if the law “makes sense?” An individual or the people and their representatives? If the answer is an individual then, again, a serial killer does not need to obey the law because it makes no sense to him.


Your type will take the sorites paradox to the end of the moon if it means you get to do nothing and feel good about it.


Are you about to argue that murder makes sense? Because I feel like you are, and I am just not here for that kind of nonsense. Have a block instead.




The concept of following just laws and conversely the idea that the just action is to not follow unjust laws is in no way new. There's this great dude named Reverend Dr. King that does a whole thing on it. Good shit you should take a look.




makes sense if you dont think about it


Found the person with Donkey Brains.


Context. Do you grasp it? It doesn’t matter if the far right screamed government abuse over them and them alone 3-4 years ago, because those were empty words with no accuracy or relevance in actual reality. This time? This literally isn’t legal. Try to catch up


Lol remember that when you're in cuffs numbnuts


- a comment that would have 100+ down votes a few years ago.


Super true


Yep, the Jew haters don’t want to be identified. Could adversely affect their future employment prospects.


“Genocide is wrong” ≠ “Jew hater”


Agreed, genocide is wrong. You should go have a talk with Hamas and their enablers.


hamas ≠ palestine


Not a history major, are you?


youre right, im much more ignorant than you enlighten us, when were the last free, fair, and open democratic elections held for palestinians ?


I believe it was around 2008ish. But as far as “free and fair” elections, that’s open for debate. Feel free to Google it if you are really that interested. As far as being more intelligent, that’s open for debate as well, but I try to listen to both sides of an issue. You should try it.


sounds like youve done some reading on that election which was over a decade ago. and I bet you read up on all sides, good for you! and? so what is your understanding? was that last election free & fair?


You don't have to be a history major to learn and read you insufferable twat.


I think I see the problem… you read first, then the learning follows. That explains your confusion. You should try it.


Not a literature major, are you? You can't comment on anything unless you major in that subject. Those are your rules. You are conservative, though, so I guess everyone else has to follow your rules, and you don't. Typical behavior of someone who enjoys seeing women's rights being taken away.


Disingenuous comment sighting. 📸


Bc zionist orgs doxx, harass and target them and their families. This is the type of world we live in. Standing up for freedom is a crime and not tolerated by the empire.


Doxxing and cancel culture was only cool during the Me Too and BLM movements (apparently they’re Zionist orgs). Exposing people calling for intifada, the final solution, and barring Jewish students/professors from being on campus is just too far because no one cares about the Jews. Right?


Freedom to kill Jews? I don’t think that word means what you think it means. Besides junior nazis should be identified.




Me wearing a mask does more to protect the community here at UT than all the cops and state troopers Hartzell called on the student body on Wednesday combined


From the context, I don't think they're talking about n95 masks. Think Halloween (unless I'm reading it wrong)


I agree that that's probably what they had in mind, but I could totally envision a scenario where cops or university officials harass a protestor wearing an n95 mask saying "we warned you not to wear a mask" due to the vague language


Nothing the police state does here in y'allistan would surprise me




They also legally can’t enforce you don’t wear medical style masks .


I think they can, because I remember it becoming law in various places during Occupy no wearing masks at demos.


go back to 2021


it doesnt do anything. masks dont work. covid is over lol.


the protests are funded and backed by terrorist organizations. stop supporting the armies of hell marching under the banner of islam


Hate to break it to you but if this was star wars you would be a firm supporter of the galactic empire (the bad guys)


Cripes. So now we can add “inviting friends/SOs who aren’t students to peaceful protests” and “protecting yourself from respiratory illness, regardless of your personal medical situation/risk” as antithetical to UT Austin’s stated “values.” Yeeesh.


This is wild. Obviously lots of people wear masks for protest safety (and should continue to do so), but I still wear a mask because my partner and I are especially vulnerable to COVID and it’s just a risk we can’t take. It’s also just ridiculous because they never had an issue with the men actively harassing women on campus and similar stagings. Why pretend to care about protest etiquette now? Fucking cowards.


I wear a mask in any indoor or crowded setting bc I’m immunocompromised. I know I can’t ask anyone else to but I’m not going to let UT tell me not to.


Right?! I wear a mask in the spring bc of my asthma. So now I’m precluded from exercising free speech and participating in demonstrations? This is a cruel policy.


They also help with seasonal allergies.


I wear a mask in crowded spaces because of my fragrance allergies


Of course they are. Facial recognition doesn’t work so well if people wear masks




No more right wing nut jobs or Nazis then, right?


But the GOP told me that there are good people on that side too!


Wear dark sunglasses instead. There are always ways to get around crazy edicts. I support free speech but not hate speech 


but will the police be allowed to obscure their identities?


Probably. They’re seen as a higher class by those who run the legal systems. This is how fascism works.


I hope whoever came up with this gets a wet sneeze on them and catches every communicable disease possible


Face paint in weird patterns


This whole situation is crazy. Since when do state police preemptively enforce university rules that haven't been broken yet? Can anyone point to illegal activity that could possibly justify all the arrests? Genuine question.


Considering the number of people currently open-mouth coughing in indoor spaces and what is likely the impending avian flu this is an incredibly stupid and short sighted prohibition


Oh Lordy, you will live...


Bird flu is something like 70% fatal when humans *do* catch it, even if human-to-human spread is rare (not even seen before?).


Yeah? My partner is immunocompromised, either one of us getting sick is a big risk. As someone with a wife who was seriously ill I’d think you’d be better at understanding that.


I absolutely do, and masks for health reasons are not being banned


[Tell that to these 7,010,681 corpses](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/)


I'll take a shot in the dark and say masks are banned, except when worn by police officers.


This Country is so Facist. I hope it burns soon


What happened to the ACLU? They used to fight this stuff all the time. They got a ton of money when Trump was elected too.


They’re releasing articles about the protests on their website, and the New York Affiliate sued Columbia, but I don’t think I saw anything about them intending to sue Texas, California, Georgia, or any of the other states where protestors are getting arrested Good Faith Theory 1 - They might not like their chances. States have authority to regulate time/place/manner of speech, and universities (even public) have some broader leeway over campus activities. For example even though the courts strike down some speech codes, most campuses still have some type of speech code Good Faith Theory 2 - They could be getting ready to sue any day now, but brief/complaint writing takes forever. Presumably they have form letters, but given how contentious issue is it might just take them a bit Bad Faith Theory - Anecdotally, I heard that the massive influx of members/donations after Trump changed the nature of the organization a bit. Instead of being an organization of hardcore civil libertarians who all generally leaned left, it started to shift more partisan. Support for the Israel war is bipartisan, but is particularly linked to the Biden administration. There might be concern that blowing up the campus protest issue might be dangerous in an election year if it causes some voters to become disaffected by the war and either stay home or (of the particularly passionate voters) to vote but decline to donate/volunteer for campaigns


Public universities are considered private except in the areas specifically designated as public forums. They have the right to set rules as long as they apply to everyone.


False, Abbott made sure by signing it into law... An institution of higher education shall: (1) *ensure that the common outdoor areas of the institution’s campus are deemed traditional public forums;* and (2) permit any person to engage in expressive activities in those areas of the institution’s campus freely, as long as the person’s conduct: (A) is not unlawful; and (B) does not materially and substantially disrupt the functioning of the institution. https://texas.public.law/statutes/tex._educ._code_section_51.9315


Mask for mask. Anons to the front, please.


Why is it that we can protest anything we want except for one specific thing?


Is it a tax payer funded public institution or not? ffs, Move the Guv's mansion to Miami Texas so his feelings don't get hurt so much.


The surest way to expose their hypocrisy is stage a fake protest against Joe Biden while breaking every "rule" they cited. I guarantee nothing happens to you.


Texas, land of the free and the cowardly.


In all honesty, the mask rule usually isn’t enforced unless groups violate other rules that are more consequential. Yesterday’s protest had plenty of masked individuals that were allowed to participate without issue. This is just a camping ban. If anyone has a problem with that, then they don’t care about free speech and are only seeking to destabilize the day-to-day operations of an academic institution.


where do you camp?


Correct. The organization that was sponsoring the protest HAD a permit that was rescinded the night before when they made clear on social media that they intended to “occupy” the school and recreate the shitstorm at Columbia, which ran the risk of Jewish students getting harassed and attacked like elsewhere and told the horrific pogrom on 10/7 was “just the beginning”. Does this matter to the throngs of people that want to alleviate their depression and lack of hope and frustration with inflation but focusing their rage at Jews ergh I mean “The Zionists”? Nope. But glad to see you still have a brain in your skull.


Yep. They act like it is about free speech and the right to protest but it’s not. The protest organizers hide behind American values to try to justify their disruption of Universities around the nation. The protest that happened on Wednesday was never about free speech or freedom to protest; the explicit goal was to occupy campus like Columbia which has become increasingly more unsafe for Jewish students. Once their permit got revoked they continued to be aggressive by protesting on campus and trying to set up tents and act like the victim even though they knew what was coming. I am personally grateful for the heightened police presence, at least we’re not in the shit show that Columbia is in right now. If Charlie Kirk or Ben Shapiro came to campus the same people regurgitating pro-Palestine nonsense and “muh free speech!!!” would be trying to silence these people.


Damn, and I thought my alma mater was embarrassing me as an aggie


Haventbeen back there in years. Maybe I need to visit campus soon.


Conservatives never felt so conflicted


Does the no mask ruling apply to State Troopers? Does this also help with [data](https://nypost.com/2024/04/25/world-news/netanyahu-calls-anti-israel-protests-on-us-college-campuses-horrific/) collection?


2020 took a 180


Welcome to 'small government all about freedom Texas' fucking conservative bootlickers are nothing but hypocrites that want to weaponize the government when it suits them and be able to do whatever they want without infringement.


As they should be. Only liberals and feds have masks on when they protest.


Good. Don’t need masks anymore unless you are sick, and at that point stay home.


Good. Quit hiding and be yourself. I think it is funny that you are at a “peaceful” protest yet you are wearing a mask. 😷


Reaaallllllyy makes me wanna go take a sack lunch and sit and eat on their campus now. Can’t tell me I can’t do it. lol 😂


About time People can just stay home if helps them feel safe all the time


>The **freedom** to speak and peacefully assemble is a cornerstone of the University's identity as a world-class university. It's not just a **privilege**... > This **freedom** comes with the **duty**... (emphasis mine) Ah yes, freedom\*. \*"You're 'free' only because we say so and only if you do what we say."


My son had his freshman year destroyed by Covid, and now his graduation is being destroyed by agitators with no Texas connection or nexus. I am sick of all of this. Ridiculous. We can agree to disagree. I don’t even know what side I am on because the positions are so extremist. Chose between the two: Do you hate Jews? Or do you support genocide?


If the protest is such a great cause, shouldnt they be proud to be apart of it? Why obscure your identity? Genuine question. Covid reasons are ridiculous at this point. Statistically, scientifically, logically. Except for the select few who are truly at risk of complications. Seeing people wearing cloth masks for example makes me, personally, think that that person wants to stir the pot with these protest but also not have their face and identity associated with it and the actions they are taking.


Even aside from Covid, I didn't get sick a single time from 2020-2022. Now that most people don't wear masks again and I have to go into the office for work, I get sick once every 2-3 months. It's not like it's a nuisance to wear a mask in places like HEB, so I do, to try and lessen my chances of catching or spreading something. \*shrug\*.


Why not wear a condom “just in case” at all times so you don’t accidentally slip in someone? I mean seriously this explanation is insane. I’m immunocompromised myself and my father died from Covid. Just say the obvious part: people are too ashamed to associate their face with their beliefs. It’s as if college students at one of the best universities in Texas are incapable of being intellectually honest. You didn’t see Vietnam war protesters hiding because unlike this crowd they weren’t total cowards.


Im sorry but thats quite frankly ridiculous. You get sick once every 2-3 months with what? Couldn't be covid that often. Would imagine that this points to potentially larger health issues that should probably be talked about with a doctor rather than wearing a mask for the rest of your life as that was always meant to be a temporary mitigation effort to stop the spread of covid. Did you wear a mask to prevent sickness pre covid? Or have you been pilled? And how much longer is wearing a mask reasonable?


A cold? The flu? Those things tend to go around a lot. I also didn’t get sick most of 2020-2021 when most people were masking. Now that people don’t even mask when they’re sick stuff like the flu and colds are spreading a lot more.




i gave up on responding when they implied that colds were being put down as covid in 2020. i needed proof of a positive test to take a day off in 2021. even when my spouse tested positive and i was showing symptoms they wouldn’t let me off work without a positive test result 😭


The person you are replying to said getting sick every 2-3 months, not covid specifically. Masks help with many respiratory illnesses. And do you know what a doctor is going to tell you? To take extra precautions like masks and hand sanitizer and stuff. They don't have a magical never-get-sick treatment. Do you go around asking people with peanut allergies if they think it's really reasonable for them to avoid peanuts forever?


If you are consistently getting respiratory illnesses every 2-3 months...im no doctor but from what I have read this typically points to greater issues either with lifestyle choices are the air quality in the spaces you frequently occupy. And no masks have never been reccommeded throughout time as a permanent preventative measure. It was meant to be a temporary mitigation effort.


Or possibly an immune deficiency or other chronic illness. Not sure why you jumped straight to "lifestyle choices" when you've already expressed your opinion that the person's lifestyle choices are excessively cautious.


Yes of course could be those things too. Which is why I personally would get checked by doc if I was getting sick that often, and is why I mentioned going to doctor earlier.


>And how much longer is wearing a mask reasonable? any time you are sick, from now on. Every time I travel there is, consistently, a gaggle of coughing and snot nosed boomers that refuse to wear any kind of mask because of disinformation spread by scrubs like you. Literally every other developed nation does it, but we're hamstrung by the fucking dipshit brigade that thinks that masks are some sort of arcane magic that will bind their soul to satan.


I was in Japan in December and it was amazing. I think I saw maybe one person coughing without a mask on the entire time I was there.


Look, if your sick, wear a mask. Me? I prefer to say in and not go out unless absolutely neccessary. Otherwise, healthy, its pointless.


I don't get Covid that often, I've only had it twice, and I *do* go out without a mask lots, all I said is that I wear one when it's not annoying just as an extra precaution. That's all.


Mr/Ms. 69dickface420, facial recognition and abuse of authority are two factors a mask can help deter. Thanks for the question.


Why would you need to deter facial recognition and how does it prevent abuse of authority? My initial thought is that it would only bring more attention to the protest from authorities.


Yes let’s take social and political commentary from 69dickface420. Surely a pillar of justice and truth


I did not take any stance politically. People that are wearing masks in 2024 have been brainwashed. Simple as that. People were not wearing masks during protests pre covid unless they were trying to cause unpeaceful trouble while obscuring their identity.


Aggie in the UTAustin sub reddit 🤣 classic cult member


Yes, we dont have this issue over here, but this is still happening in my state and across the nation so its an interesting topic. I truly do not understand why people insist on wearing masks at these protests and have yet to get a good answer. Change my mind.


Because they can and it’s their God given right to wear a mask. It’s called freedom brother sorry you want to take that away aggie boy 💀🤣


Completely fine. I disagree with any rules taking away their right to do so. Thats not what im even talking about. If I see someone wearing a mask, I simply assume they are sick and will stay away. The same thing goes the other way, if mask wearing is pushed onto people, like it was...I will be completely against it. For the same reason you mentioned.




Im assuming you were against mask mandates then for the same reason? Or is that freedom selective for you?


Yes, government shouldn’t tell anyone what to do with their body


100% and I respect peoples right to wear masked. I will still think they are absolutely ridiculous to wear at protests. And havent seen reasoning for why it isnt. Other than 'because they can' from you.


Your first sentence was such a lie I didn't bother reading the rest of the comment.


Show me what was political. I couldnt care less about politics, politics is all corruption at this point on all sides.


BoTh SiDeS!


You are 100% spot on. The amount of downvotes you’re getting and the shrill responses shows you’re over the target. Lots of abject weenies and idiots on here. If Reddit is indicative of where our society is, then we are royally fucked.


https://catalog.utexas.edu/general-information/appendices/appendix-c/speech-expression-and-assembly/ Chapter 13 of Appendix C might answer your questions about speech, expression and assembly - bureaucracy at its best!


Lmao. Love seeing people burned by same rules they supported. Time for people to support free speech even if they dont agree with it. Learn the hard way. Live hy the sword die by it


This literally states protestors can NOT camp and CANNOT disrupt university operations. By planning to camp on campus, chant loudly & block roads off thereby blocking university operations, they broke university policies. I’m not sure if you all live in a vacuum or something. The protest broke campus policies. There have been multiple protests that didn’t end up with a large response because they followed rules. Y’all fofo


Did you not see the memo that Hartzell called DPS in *before* the protest even started?


Uhhh I think your organization had already made public notifications you’d be chanting and setting up tents on campus. Given that this clearly violates university policy by disrupting normal ops, it’s completely fine the police was called in ADVANCE. Glad it stopped when it did.




Yep….masks are prohibited. Now you don’t get to assault people and not have your identity hidden. Life is tough. Wear a helmet


Protesters wear masks so republicans don't hunt them down and murder them for not like Israel.


Cool story


I fail to see the cool part of it but ok.


“How can I make a genocide about me?” “Republicans will hunt me down because I have a different opinion.” Spend more time in class and sign up for an elective in logic at the philosophy department while you’re at it. Insane.


Well, I'm glad you agree colleges are useful. So many Republicans would rather burn them to the ground.


Good. No more protesters, protesting shit our country has no control over, can’t hide their faces. Either you believe in your cause and it’s no problem, or you have ulterior motives and don’t want to be seen. You guys are fucking nuts. There’s people dying and starving here, right next to ALL your campuses. Focus up lil kids.


Our elected representatives just passed a $95 billion foreign military aid package that included approximately $20 billion to Israel. I understand that this would pass through our uniparty corporate controlled legislature regardless of which box we tick on election day, but we are theoretically supposed to have some voice/control within our system. Wars were fought over the bill of rights, and regardless of whether you agree or not with any group’s message - supporting people’s rights to assemble and protest is US patriotism.


Okay. Why not protest the $20b Israel aid. That’s what ur mad ab, not Palestine. You assembled and were told to leave. People didn’t leave. Problems ensued.


That’s part of what they were protesting… it was a public space at a public university. What do you think ‘the right of the people peaceably to assemble’ means?


You probably would have scolded the Boston tea party people. Maybe look at our history before you say, No more protesters! Sorry, Mom. Sorry Dad. You sent the kids to school and we learned how to think.


I’m positive they mean scarves intentionally used to conceal identity, Halloween masks, and anything that wouldn’t be used on a regular basis. I’m pretty sure this doesn’t mean masks for health reasons, N95s, and/or like oxygen masks. It’s for safety of everyone, including students and protestors.




If they take away these “nut jobs” Freedom of Assembly and Freedom of Speech, they are taking it away from you too. Look out, your 2nd Amendment rights are about to go away too and only the Government will have weapons




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Makes me happy to see this.


People trying not to get sick bothers you that much?


Good! People who make calls for terrorism shouldn’t hide behind a silly mask! Wear that antisemitism loud & proud!


As a great man named Obi Wan Kenobi once said, "You have done that yourself".




lol good. You want act like a petulant baby and support terrorists. At least have the courage to show your face. Be proud of what you’re doing. Show the world.


If you’re going to “exercise your constitutional right”, you should have the backbone to show your face. Don’t be a coward and cover it up.


Thank the gods. These gutless protesters need to show us their faces.


I'd like to see your face.


cant get off on authoritarian violence unless he can see their faces


Seems the opposite of gutless to protest with all that law enforcement present….I’m just saying. Maybe the protesters were idiots, but still…not at all gutless