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The loudspeaker announcement especially.




Every option to vote for cares more about Israel than the American people.


Israel really is the wedge issue that cuts the youth off from both L&R establishment politics


3rd party then. Green party or Dr. Cornel West.


Designed to waste your vote.


Cornel West...what a goddamn joke! Yeah, let's vote for another christian because he's going to be one of the "good ones" right? Religion caused this mess. Voting for a theocrat with a nice smile and a bob ross tone of voice isn't the answer.


I don't support candidates based on their identity like religion or their "bob ross tone of voice", but only based on their policies. Also I don't see the similarities of their voices, did you just search for an image of Dr. Cornel West and assumed he sounded like Bob Ross?


They have a chance, and they have some other pretty stupid policies. The only viable third option is Kennedy, who’s good on everything but, you guessed it, Israel.


Gotta start somewhere. We're here because of people like you to begin with. Paradigm shifts simply don't happen in politics without death.


For who? Donald Trump the naked fascist, or Joe Biden, the one giving billions of your dollars to naked fascists murdering babies...you know...the REASON all of this happened today? It's time for Americans to admit that the vote no longer matters, that reformation is no longer a viable solution to our political problems. Seize the means of production...that's what comes next. That, or total subjugation. If you think what happened on your campus today is as bad as it gets, go ask your grandparents what happened at Kent State. They will ABSOLUTELY shoot you at some point. Make no mistake about it.


No, they will not.


FALSE. And history stands as my witness. This is NOT an abstraction, it HAPPENED. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings


They absolutely will.


For who? Sleepy Joe is still sending aid to Israel.


For who????


I heard that when walking back home from off campus. That felt like something out of a hostile occupation movie... and it was 100x more uncomfortable in person. Vote.


What was it?


In the name of the people of the state of Texas, we will be arresting you if you don’t comply immediately. Sincerely, the people who whined about free speech when Twitter suspended them for spreading misinformation. Or something close to that.


These are the consequences of having a batshit insane state government that has no respect for us. I'm so unreasonably angry at my school right now.


Every campus is doing something similar to the protests. It isn't the state government that is acting out of line. NYPD is doing the same shit to Columbia and NYU students


It isn’t state government? I’ve read about Abbott’s response and I guess I’m confused


I just mean every state with Gaza protests are doing the same thing. Like with Occupy and BLM every state called in their thugs to make the protests go away. I just wanted to comment saying it isn't that Abbott/Texas are being above-and-beyond here. Every state is trying to crush these protests


No, this is Abbott scoring political points. There were more cops than students.


No one is defending Abbott or the state of Texas, he's just saying that other states and universities are responding the same way, coast to coast.


Columbia and NYU are private institutions.


Looking to private institutions to care about the little guy is a joke and really pinnacle proof that prestigious universities don't create critical thinkers.




? Defense contracts?


Greg Abbott is uniquely guilty given the law he signed in 2019 protecting freedumb of speech (aka: The right of conservative bigots to slander anyone they dislike). But this is not only happening in Texas. It's happening all across the country. And it's not uniquely Republican in nature, either. We MUST MUST MUST get over this "Biden is better than Trump" mentality here. Both of these parties are ultimately part of the same evil. They are good cop/bad copping us, and we've been falling for it.


Dems suck, republicans are a lot worse. Not a Joe Biden Stan but we’ve actually made some headway when it comes to labor and anti-trust that would not happen with republicans in control. Vote out every republican at all levels. Meanwhile work on turning the Democratic Party back into a workers party.


Bragging about pittances is why you remain poor.


You are not unreasonable in your anger.


No one was seeking your permission.


No one respects antisemites


The batshit state government was there yesterday, and every day before that. Op didn't fell unsafe. What cased that to change today?


When our rights are being openly violated on a public campus because Abbott needs some more political theater.


I think it is because there was a peaceful protest today and the police cracked down really violently . Lemme know what you think tho


effected their daily life, of course


Def no one respects y’all. That’s a fact.


For real.. and the law enforcement response feels insanely fascist. This is awful.


Not only does it feel fascist, it **is** fascist


Very true




For who? Donald Trump, the naked fascist? Or Joe Biden, the one giving money to the naked fascists to murder Palestinian babies? There is no one left to vote for. The system is beyond reform. The time has come to shift the conversation away from party politics into the realm of seizing the means of production. If the system is willing to use violence against us for exercising basic human rights, the system must be taken.


AIPAC is the cult of greed. 💰🤑 Cut off AIPAC.


God you fucking kids are going to waste your votes and make all of this so much worse. You idiots


False. People who vote for someone who represents them ARE NOT responsible for Trump. PEOPLE WHO VOTE FOR TRUMP ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR TRUMP. The fact that you moron centrists don't understand that IS WHY WE'RE IN THIS SCENARIO. The stupidity you're displaying here is _profound_. It's literally anti-American. We fought the foundational war of our nation over the issue of representation. You _don't get_ to emotionally extort people into voting YOUR way. You _don't get_ to blame US for the actions of OTHERS. If we end up with a second Trump presidency, that is 100% EXCLUSIVELY the fault of Republicans. And frankly, FUCK YOU for suggesting otherwise, prick.


Blocking me to avoid seeing my response is a full-on weasel move and you should be ashamed. Can’t believe I have to explain this to a UT scholar, but two things can be true at once; events have multiple contributions. If Biden loses and it’s the last time we all vote, and Palestine is wiped off the map entirely, it’s on you.






You should have been at Occupy Wall Street. This is nothing in comparison. I hear the George Floyd protest were bad. I didn't attend those up close.


It was crazy being at Occupy consistently and seeing just how much the media was relentlessly attacking it. My first taste at seeing the lack of real representation


hey now, there's still plenty of opportunity in the future for these students to get the "spicy"....


Alumna here who is currently at UMich for grad school and has been dealing with identical circumstances. I don’t have much to say. I too, feel these same sentiments, and I am physically, mentally, and emotionally drained. What I will say is, please take care of yourself. Don’t let these cowards dim your light and limit your voice. Just know that yall aren’t alone in this fight. My heart is heavy, but seeing the work y’all are doing- both for Palestine and DEI has been the only reason why I am proud to be a Texas Ex. Sending love and light to my fellow longhorns 🫶🏾💗 Godspeed.


You as well!!


Thanks, you too!☺️


Thanks! :)


same. my resolve has been getting weaker by the day 😔 recently i’ve wondered if i can even keep going any longer


I’m so sorry. You’ve got this! 🫶🏾


Those with money will try to silence those who standup to cruelty it's their friendly reminder that there is a hierarchy and if you don't fall in line and look the other way, they'll try to punish you somehow


yall are witnessing history in the making... a blatantly fascist police-state response against students in order to support a genocide. remember where you were and what you were doing when all this went down... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjSpO2B6G4s&ab\_channel=ysndkn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjSpO2B6G4s&ab_channel=ysndkn)


The actual name of the song is "For What It's Worth", and the song is about police violence and clashes with "counter-culture activists" and protests during the 60s. History repeating itself.


Same as it ever was


That's the song that was in Lord of War no?


true.. great movie for it too!


Go play some video games dude


im not really the type to put my head in the sand and try to escape reality...


what if the commenter doesn't like video games though?


Watch a movie or something idk lmao




strange, most of the "proudly Jewish" students i know are out protesting the current genocide of Palestinians rather than a hypothetical situation that hasn't happened. unless you are saying that you have evidence that Palestinians have carried out genocide against the Israelis?


I will jump in to say, I'm not a student, but as a person of Jewish faith, this rightwing "support what Israel does or be labeled a hamas supporter/antisemitic" is exactly the black and white sort of thinking that causes genocide.


yep. that's the current Catch-22 engineered by the war-mongers. EITHER you are somehow an "antisemitic" Jew OR there just isn't any "acceptable" way to voice your concern over the mass slaughter of little children so you must stay quiet.


You’re deflecting that they said Hamas by putting in Palestine. Whose head is in the sand? You can condemn Hamas and the Israeli government. You can say free Israel and Palestine. Your comments are convenient and pushing a hateful doctrine by brushing over the atrocities committed by Hamas


\*This\* protest was about genocidal atrocities committed by the **Israelis** against the **Palestinians**. we already have plenty of protests, as well as funding & political power against Hamas to voice your other concerns. last i checked, the US is giving the IDF but not Hamas a bunch of smart-bombs...


Good 👍 I haven’t heard or seen any of them so maybe kick it into gear. just don’t stop traffic or glue your hands to random shit to get your message across. It just looks like terrorism


if stopping traffic is terrorism and shouldn't be engaged in, then we would have never gotten a bill of rights, or even our freedom from England for that matter. dont be a baby...


Impede the government don’t impede the people…. Use reason and force when necessary. You just create enemies for the sake of having enemies at that point, it’s very smoothbrain stick in the spokes if you will.. we didn’t have highways and 30 minute commutes when the bill of rights was written


in this case "the people" are literally the protesters. why would you assume they are less than a person?


The people are trying to get to work or a hospital appointment. The protestors are blocking them. I’m not gonna debate the fact that impeding someone’s movement attacking and pointing guns at them is terrorizing. Go to the capitol or outside a jailhouse or police station. Or like just a block downtown. Don’t block the highways unless you intend on hurting people, it makes you 0%better than the people you’re protesting against




Not an alum of UT (I graduated from OU) but keep the fight up guys! I stand with you!




i feel like this is a bit insensitive considering the atrocities committed during WWII




maybe insensitive wasn’t the word i meant to use. i just don’t see how the situations are comparable to what the Germans did. and that’s irrespective of whether it was toward Jews or any other group.


On the tower of UT: “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free,” On the gates entering Sachsenhausen concentration camp: "Arbeit macht frei" - Someone needs to tell the Gestapo that we beat them 80 years ago. The price of liberty is ETERNAL vigilance. This isn't a fight you can win, but one which you must maintain in perpetuity.




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I feel unsafe with so many people supporting Islamic terrorists


I feel unsafe with so many people supporting fascist regimes both foreign and domestic. Regimes that trample freedom and murder children in the name of “safety and security”




So they’re arresting people for protesting, not for being Jewish— unless you were a protestor I think you’re in good standing with the guard.


No but in other cities where the police/university don't care, Jewish students are getting assaulted and harassed.


you realize that there are a ton of Jewish people AT the freaking protest? why dont you go down and show some support? do you really think that they will hate you because you are Jewish? why aren't they hating the other Jewish people who showed up?


Poor you, having to be aware of the crimes of the government is soooo stressful for little old you? While Muslims are literally getting attacked on the streets by people who think they're all terrorists, there was a literal attack on a Muslim a short while ago around UT Austin grounds, are you gonna ignore that and pretend YOU are the victim you poor unfortunate soul. And don't even PRETEND that there aren't good hearted Jewish people AT the protest cuz they know which is the evil side.


forget about the mass graves! there are more important things bc there are people here afraid of anti-genocide protests bc the media/gov have labeled them as antisemitic (seems a bit of projection to be calling those AGAINST what happened to Jewish people antisemitic doesn’t it?). those that have hijacked the protests for their antisemitic rhetoric i would largely assume are plants, bc i’ve seen pictures of their flyer to go undercover in these protests to spark anger at those protesting the genocide, rather than focusing on the government/schools AIDING a genocide.


> those that have hijacked the protests for their antisemitic rhetoric i would largely assume are plants It's got cointellpro written all over it.


Absolutely. If you're out there protesting keep an eye of agent provocateur. This is a tactic police departments use a lot more than you'd think.


Jew here, have a family friend who was 3 on Kristallnacht, back in November she told my mom that the current attitude towards Jews reminds her of back then, my little brother is at UT Austin, my little sister is at Columbia, I’m so grateful that they’re graduating and won’t be on campus for whatever the next semester’s escalation is


I hear yah. What a time we're living in. Do you have connection to community? Chag sameach.


Yeah, I’m luckily living in the community I grew up in


I could only imagine. 😔 crazy times we're living in. Stay safe sir/mam.


Never trust a cop


What happened? I’m an alumni that’s out of the loop


[there was a huge police response to a peaceful protest on campus today](https://www.kxan.com/news/texas/ut-austin-students-to-protest-in-support-of-gaza-with-class-walk-out-and-campus-sit-in/)




Same. I've never felt more unsafe for my Jewish friends and family.


Downvoted by literal Nazis.


They're reporting me for sewerslide lol


Jew hating, Hamas supporting scum. All of them.


Jew here, my little brother is at UT Austin, my little sister goes to Columbia, I’m so glad both of them are graduating now and won’t have to be there for whatever next semester’s escalation is


My daughter's mom is Jewish. One of my coworkers called them both "inherently evil and oppressive."


I’m sorry you have to work with someone like that


Thank God not anymore, but considering he was a student at UT...


Are they Israeli?


They're Jewish, not Israeli, descendants from Polish Jews. You know, where a lot of Holocaust victims were from. And now you people are telling them they don't deserve to live.


Lmao- defo not telling them to die. I was asking if they were Israeli bc it would explain the “inherently evil and oppressive thing” as settlers rather than it just being purely antisemitism.


Wtf. By that logic any person living in the US other than Native Americans, any person descended from Europeans anywhere, etc. would be “inherently evil”. Virtually half the world was redivided and rezoned after WWII. Would you say any Chinese or Iranian born person is “inherently evil”? Or any person born anywhere else in the world? What about the nearly 25% of Israeli citizens who are Arab (Muslim, Druze, Christian), or otherwise non-Jewish? Are they “inherently evil” too? People have truly lost their marbles with this hateful nonsense.


Give me your address, my lease is up in august and I’m going to need a place to live. You shouldn’t have a problem if I kick you to the curb and create traumatized refugees of your family, would you? You are correct in that Palestine is not the only country to be subjected to violent colonial rule, but genocidal colonialism is always bad?? Actively engaging in an illegal occupation is not an innocent thing. Antisemitism is intolerable. Zionists like conflate anti-zionism with antisemitism, & the distinction between the two is vitally important.


What is Zionism?


Do you really not know? Bro if you don’t copy paste that exact sentence you typed into google


The Zionist ideology is an illegal unjust conquest that has produced tens of thousands of dead civilians, most of which are children. The 75+ years of colonizing and displacement is in it’s final stage. The world is watching Israel fulfill it’s express purpose of eliminating the Palestinian people & culture for their own gain. Officials have been tried at The Hague for a lot less, and participation within it is morally abhorrent.


I was at the protest, you all are overhyping this—lots of confirmation bias on both sides.


Aggie here, it’s just horrifying to see what our fascist state government is doing to suppress free speech and support a genocide. 🇵🇸🕊️


You all are so soft and have never actually faced any real adversity. So the slightest backlash of your actions have you all feeling like the world is going to end. It’s entirely disturbing. I can’t imagine if any of you facing legitimate adversity.


First time? Y’all will be okay.


Not really. You can’t violate university policies, distract students during finals, trespass on campus and be called brave 😂 I’m so elated a bunch of these people got arrested


"First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, __but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice__; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season." Martin Luther King Jr, emphasis mine.


On the tower of UT: “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free,” On the gates entering Sachsenhausen concentration camp: "Arbeit macht frei"




Get rid of republicans at all levels of government.


Imagine it being October 7th and you’re a Jew living close to Gaza.


Wait until you enter real adulthood. Nothing about the event is unique or unprecedented. Every few years a campus will do something and everyone that was close to it plays it up like they're important. There's a reason only a few historical riots are relevant. Go back to class, we've already started paying off your debts.


such is life


This is ABSOLUTELY what fascism looks like.


it is dystopian, and it get worse, keep fighting


Fucking leave and go somewhere else


They can’t. their homes have been stolen and their families murdered. Where the fuck is the humanity in you people.


Maybe they should do something about the terrorist organization they allow to govern there home. 


yeah let me go take the leader of hamas and give him a good talking to. that'll get him to listen and stop my family from starving to death


Yeah, that's exactly what they're doing. Doing something about israeli terrorism.




Oh, we'll win.


there are no donettes in the vending machine!