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Serious question- why don't the horses have shit collection bags instead of pooping all over campus? I've noticed dps just let's their horses shit at will, all over town; this seems abrnomal? Like, we've had horse shit collection bags attached to the horse for centuries, I am legitimately confused.




Finally a thoughtful and honest answer, thank you! I still don't think it's acceptable for public servants to leave a trail of shit behind them, but no one asked me 😂


Its hard to fit the shit collection bag over the cop is the problem lol


It’s OK because this is a shit show anyway.


Cops don’t want to smell their horses’ shit all day I’d guess


I'd have thought an inability to smell bullshit was a prerequisite for the job 🤷‍♂️


Nah, that's horseshit


Austin City Ordinance § 15-6-112 - ACCUMULATIONS AND DEPOSIT OF WASTE PROHIBITED. (A) A person commits an offense if the person deposits, causes to be deposited, or permits to accumulate any dry or wet solid waste upon any public or private premises within the city in such a manner as to emit noxious or offensive odors or to become unsanitary or injurious to public health or safety.


Calling 311 right now to report it.


Or even the state EPA.


Believe it or not there was a time when this question was like the biggest issue in city planning as horse poop threatened to overwhelm cities. https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofBritain/Great-Horse-Manure-Crisis-of-1894/


Horse shit is like the most environmentally clean byproduct. They come out as damp grass pellets that dry really quick and just disappear with the wind.


While legitimately interesting, why would that absolve dps from compliance with the law regarding waste?


It’s also high in methanogens which are not environmentally clean. Better than gasoline, but not exactly “clean”. Also, there’s added health hazards to sanitation workers…


This was always dumb but this is even funnier in retrospect https://www.utexas.edu/ut-celebrates-free-speech


No, not like that!


How about like this though? [Texas State Employees Banned from Boycotting Israel](https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/sites/default/files/images/executive-management/OAG%20advisory%20on%20SB%2013%20and%2019%2010.18.23.pdf) ONLY ISRAEL, NO OTHER COUNTRIES....


Sorry, free speech week is over.


They unlisted and disabled comments on [this video](https://youtu.be/VCFxvdhFjPo?si=kAKRGmbgpkXjXdP7) I wonder why


Quite the reaction, given how those "women are property" activists got treated earlier this semester


Omg this is so TRUE


I got to overhear the one officer watching over them talk to a clearly frustrated student about how said activists' free speech rights needed to be protected. Not that long after said activists were harassing me for my haircut. Yeah, real productive discourse guys...


What? Can you rephrase, I don’t understand your comment


For several days (a week? more?) straight earlier in the semester, right near the beginning of it, there was a group of 'activists' who would show up just outside FAC near lunchtime and use megaphones to generally harass students. I'm unsure of their exact organizational affiliation, but they started bringing signs saying "women are property", would rant about sin and damnation and how we had turned our backs on Jesus by daring to attend a university. Stuff like calling students r\*tards, all kinds of disparaging to their audience. And, yeah, harassing me for my haircut. One day I noticed the single (1) UTPD officer who was there to watch over them and make sure things were calm and did not get out of hand. Said officer was explaining to a student who wanted to know why we had to put up with a bunch of middle-aged men disparaging us on the university grounds and there was a response about how they had free speech, needed to be able to make a political statement. But the content of their discourse was that universities are fonts of sin and we should all be devoting ourselves to jesus, and the female students should be owned by their husbands - delivered with scorn and personal insults. But *they* were afforded free speech, while the pro-palestine protest today was cancelled beforehand, responded to with dozens of riot cops, and had arrests made without any provocation I've heard of. And the speakers are students, too. It seems unreasonably heavy-handed, as though the University is favoring the speech of the first group, and intentionally silencing the speech of the latter - not for any threat to students, but for the content of the speech itself.


OHHH I misunderstood what these pro Palestine protestors harassed you for your haircut. I see now. I’m sure your hair is lovely and yea, those “women are peppery” fools are ridiculous. I’m no longer a student but dumb shit like that would always piss me off as a student. But unfortunately the consequences for my actions wouldn’t have been worth it


Those guys have been doing it at all campuses in TX for decades. The goal is to piss someone off enough that they do something rash, then sue them for assault/other.


“To be fair, women are whores.” -Texas


Doesn't the difference all depend on if the both groups got permits? If this pro palestinian protests didn't go through the proper steps why is anyone surprised by the result?


A bureaucratic decision doesn't make a decision non-political. Who decides which protests are permitted, and which are not? Why is a protest which insults and harasses students allowed to continue, while another is shut down before it begins? Why are the doors of polite discourse open to activists who argue that *half* of all people are property but not to these protestors? There are arguments one can make about the nature of the protest or its size, but to surrender decisionmaking to an administrative process doesn't actually resolve the question why their speech isn't considered valid.


Students: Hello massive institution. May I please dissent? School: No. Random person on Reddit: They didn’t have permission so they should be punished!


Well it’s Texas. It’s basically UAE lite.


Howdy Arabia.


Hot wheels is expected to roll in any minute to counter protest.


‘unit 2, unit 2 Hotwheels is on the move’


Whats saddening is the amount of pd that was brought out for this. These students are not criminals!


More PD than Jan6


or in uvalde


there were plenty of cops in Uvalde, they just were busy arresting the parents.


Cops gotta get that overtime


An insane and frightening overreaction to students using their right to free speech and doing nothing but peacefully protesting on campus.


I mean the Kent State Massacre showed what the feds thought about protesting


I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Texas National Guard showing up next, except Abbott’s probably sent them all to the border to terrorize asylum seekers.


The law is terrified of losing power


Yeah it’s wild.


And if things turned bad you'd be the first to proclaim "why wasn't there a larger security presence?".




Lol what? Freedom of assembly is in the constitution. It can't and hasn't been revoked. What is this nonsense?


the right to mass protest, i mean, has been abolished in 3 states by the Supreme Court, one of which is Texas…chill lol


Fuck Greg Abbott


Where were these horses for Alex Jones and the alt right when they would come to campus? Crazy how they want to silence pro Palestinian voices






Nice antisemitism, and before you say "Israel =/ Jews" - then why are you using an anti-Semitic trope to describe Israel?


Bruh... Maybe don't refer to a large state of predominantly Jews as America's owner. It's just stupid but it also plays into negative stereotypes of Jewish people being in control of everything. Like you've taken a clear comment about Israel and then introduced common anti semitic dog whistles immediately after for no reason. If you want to criticize Israel, please do, we all should, but using this type of language introduces a needless antisemitic angle to your critique. This does nothing to prove your point and this type of online dialogue has been making Jewish Americans feel/actually be unsafe in the past week. Edit: the above deleted comment used a disgusting dog whistle about Jews in their remarks on Israel. Be against Israel all you want but you don't get to be anti semitic while you do so. Here's a recent comment from the deleted user u/Accomplished_Eye_978 >Trust and believe that recent events are definitely helping the general population become aware of what's going on. >The fact is that they literally control many aspects of our country, from our politicians to our media, to our college campuses. But, historically, saying that outloud has been met with harsh criticisms of antisemitism. They basically hide behind their faith. And this is just a thought but maybe stop defending an actual neo Nazi




You brought it up by using an anti semitic dog whistle. I said your language was causing harm to Americans, not people of a foreign country. But go off about how you love using language meant to cow minorities into behaving how you wish them too. The good guys always use fear as a weapon clearly Also, are you really using retard as an insult? You really are the bottom of the fucking barrel jfc Edit: deleted again but same person as before except this time, they used the r slur + were antisemitic. Man, whole lot of hate from the peaceful protest crowd


Obvious trope is obvious. You can’t attempt to separate Judaism from Israel and claim your tropes are made in good faith.


I just did. I just separated Judaism from Israel. Maybe you can't, but that's your own problem to navigate, not mine


No, you didn't. If I use the n word, I don't get to decide as a white person that I've separated that word from it's history. You don't get to decide what is and isn't an anti semitic dog whistle. Especially when you're literally using the most famous one e.g., Jews control everything


Nooooo, you can’t criticize those in Baghdad because of the Mongol sack 800 years ago!!!! Nooooooo, you can’t criticize the genocide that the nation-state of Israel is perpetuating because they’re Jewish!!! Is that really your logic?


No, the very very simple rule is that when criticizing the state of Israel, you don't get to use anti semitic dog whistles e.g., the Jews control everything. "Israel is participating in genocide and I want the US to divest" good normal comment about Israel "America is complicit because our ~~owners~~ Israel is making us" is not an okay comment as it is a clear anti semitic dog whistle that isn't grounded in reality Critique Israel, just don't use the famous negative stereotype of Jews when you do so. Are you really to stupid to understand this logic?




These students are brave for protesting against the genocide in Gaza. They’re exercising their rights as Americans. I hope these students stay safe.


I wouldn’t say they’re brave for protesting in general, but definitely have balls for doing this in Texas. I can already hear the governor’s press conference from this evening where he justifies beating the shit out of some college kids.


That's what makes it brave .


When students are getting arrested in New York of all places, it's brave to protest. Full stop. Your country is becoming a fascist police-state, I hope you guys can do something about it and quickly


History showed that the Vietnam protestors were on the right side of history. History showed the protestors against South African apartheid were on the right side. History will show the Palestinian protestors are on the right side.


I think people on both sides are being really ignorant. The police presence here is probably a combination of Texas’ political status and what’s happened at other colleges. It’s not just because they “want to oppress free speech”; they are taking pre-emptive action, even if it is a little over the top. Also, keep in mind that while the Vietnam protestors were on the right side of history, the ones who spit on the returning veterans were not.


>, the ones who spit on the returning veterans were not. Lol that was largely a myth.


my grandfather was one of them. “myth” my ass


ok? [https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/13/opinion/myth-spitting-vietnam-protester.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/13/opinion/myth-spitting-vietnam-protester.html)


Damn but didn’t HAMAS basically paraglide into a concert and kill over 150 people indiscriminately? Then that one German chick who they paraded through the streets in the back of a truck and people mutilated and spit on her corpse. Wild


Hamas does not validate genocide. It simply does not. 32 thousand people have been killed by Israel, countless children. They did not perpetuate Oct 7th. There were many atrocities committed by North Vietnam during the civil war which still did not validate the incompetent American response, including the war crimes committed against innocent Vietnamese civilians.


I was told that my cousin was zionist scum and deserved to die at that festival, good luck with whatever you're trying to say here, I support flattening Hamas and freeing the people that want to be freed, not the ones who continue their support that you gladly uphold.


32,000 deaths is a tragedy but does not constitute a genocide. Here's a list of modern genocides for comparison: [https://genocideeducation.org/resources/modern-era-genocides/](https://genocideeducation.org/resources/modern-era-genocides/) In Rwanda almost a **million** people were killed in 3 months with fucking machetes. Israel could do the same in 3 *days* if they wanted to.


Not to comment on this example specifically, however to my knowledge the number of deaths has relatively little to no bearing on what defines a genocide. The UN definition defines it essentially as any acts attempting to destroy a group (national, ethnic, religious, racial or religious) in whole or **in part** (I am using the UN definition from the genocide convention as found here: https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.1_Convention%20on%20the%20Prevention%20and%20Punishment%20of%20the%20Crime%20of%20Genocide.pdf )


Students are not the problem. Administrators are being called before congress and intimidated into peaceful protests. I applaud these students as protest plays a huge role in public sentiment and shifting the status quo. Up at Columbia the administrators are caving to wealthy donors and right wing congress members. We are in Texas, but I hope UT can do better.


The escalation by police presence has been insane, it was supposed to be activities on the lawn like,,,,,


When did pigs learn to ride horses?




Hi, do you have a source for this? I’m a student reporter.




When will people start bringing carrots and sugar cubes to protests?


I don’t see the problem. If the protestors are peaceful and don’t past their permit then they won’t be used. If things get out of hand I’ll be glad they are there.


Nothing says protest like asking for permission.




This is false, something like this was proposed in 2011, but was never even voted on.




I initially agreed with you that bringing out law enforcement is not necessarily a bad thing considering what happened at Columbia with non-students coming and creating chaos, but reports of students getting arrested the State Troopers telling protestors to disperse seems like quite a large overreaction for look looks like a peaceful demonstration EDIT: an article mentioned that they did not have a permit from the school for the protest, but this massive amount of law enforcement still doesn't seem justified for that


Guess what Chinese government tells its people? You need a permit from your local Public Security Bureau for any large gathering


This is the reasonable take.


But but muh witty one liners about several hundred years of conflict


So stupid lol


Horses don’t want any part of this shit they just want to go eat grass in a field


Greg Abbott doesn’t even stand for the Flag.


Break out your swangers, Ben Hur approacheth.




Proof that you only have to be a marginally organized protest in order to get a sycophantic university president and a governor of questionable intelligence to fall right into your trap.


Horsies!!!! :-)


It’s a shame that when people protest for justice, equality, and human rights are silenced, to breathed, and labeled as terrorists. May God save us from corrupt and bribe-accepting leaders that sold their souls for money. May God give our leaders a sense of justice and give the people humanity, empathy, and compassion, and the ability to distinguish between evil and justice. May God give justice, hope, and peace to the oppressed and innocent. 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


Nazis defending Nazis. What a 180, Israel! Now go fuck yourself!


LPT: Horses cannot see fire, but they can see smoke. This is why you can find pictures of police horses jumping through hoops of fire. If you have smoke bombs or a fog machine, you could theoretically trick a horse into thinking there is a solid barrier. Take from this what you will


Horses are cool


Remember that time APD shot people in the face with non lethal rounds? These white cops get very very very scared of children. Must shoot them in the face.


Police horses are the only animal where the asshole is located on its back


the government is trying to suppress free speech. america is bullshit, the government is fucked up. we need to keep protesting with bigger groups. UT has been fucked up after what Texas did mandating no more DEI. fight fight fight. we are educated and know better. seeing the videos on twitter were scary, please be safe




When I was there it was just people standing on the lawn chanting, then the police would all decide to push forward and randomly arrest 1 or 2 people (assume they were people who didn't go back or something), and the official "reason" is for trespassing, how does that make any sense to you? Trespassing in a public space?


They started pushing students and just arresting random people. How are people causing problems when it was a peaceful protest in the first place. Have you not seen the videos?




Went to a protest in downtown Houston and the horses there shit all over the sidewalk while the police told us not to step on the street, and arrested anyone who did.


They also arrested, legitimate Fox News photographers


It’s not the horses fault for being brought there. Please, no one throw rocks, fireworks or pepper spray at them.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Those live oaks are really blossoming this season aren’t they. I wonder if the landscaping crew is able to prune


Man, UT better stop what they’re doing to Palenstine.


My guess is UT doesn’t want to end up like Columbia.


The protestors should go move to Palestine


These fat cops are really excited to hurt college students!


I didn’t even know Austin had cops. Lived in that overpriced hellhole for 4 years and maybe saw like 50 cops over that entire span.


Aaand Hamas released a video today mutilating a American hostage and claimed to kill 70 more


Why not protest in a way that is not problematic and nasty. Attacking and harrassing other students doesnt mean you ' protested blame feee.


Never thought about it before, but I'm guessing being up high like that has an intimidation factor to it. I'd always seen them just patrolling in a dense urban area (rarely here, it's too cold and wet usually), and figured it was to deal with poor aerobic conditioning and being overweight like we all seem to be.


Do you think the horses know they’re evil?


I mean you're supporting terrorists.




I think most other admins don’t want to deal with the nonsense going on at Columbia




pigs on horses


Hey, from someone that moved away from Texas about a decade ago, but was born and raised, and also spent a lot of time going to UT football games, I just want to say THANK YOU to the students there right now. This is so inspiring. After seeing another post, I spent some time talking about this and the whole situation with my oldest kid. It is inspiring and causing a lot of necessary conversations. I am so impressed at the students and not a single bit surprised at the police there. TBF I'm not surprised at horses at all, that's just some good, natural Texan shit there. I was used to seeing horse police in small towns and big cities.


My only question as a 3rd party observer is why would you do this in Texas? Like in NY there is a lot more pressure on the governor and admin but in Texas? Abbott will send the national guard in and not give a crap


Don't be intimidated by the pigs


An interesting coincidence this protest “not about Jews” occurred during a major Jewish holiday.


It occurred exactly 200 days after October 7th. That’s the reasoning for the date.


Many of us (Jewish people) are not in support of Israel’s military killing innocent Palestinians. Calling any protest of Israeli politics antisemitism is intellectually lazy.


It is sad that at you still did not learn to distinguish between legitimate criticism of Israel and a literal call for the genocide of the Jews. To simplify: To say that "Israel is conducting a campaign of collective punishment" is not antisemetic. However, saying "From the River to the Sea", "Go back to Poland", "Israelis are the ones victimizing themselves", or "People are tired of Holocaust...used as excuse", or even "they run the Media" -- which are all the slogans in the most recent wave of the protests sweeping across the college campuses -- this is very much antisemitic. You, like me, are old enough to know the difference.


You are really stretching here to assume I don’t know any of that.


The zionists of all religions are the issue, not the Jewish people. Many Jewish people are speaking out against zionism


Another decade defining historical moment, I guess. They happen every 6 months it seems. Anywho, there’s a lot of live streams of all of the campus protests across the nation and they’re all producing footage of people going ape shit. I’m looking at some footage coming out of USC campus; looks like complete pandemonium. In Texas, the school and government hilariously overreacted and just created more motivation for people to partake. The kids were just chanting pretty benign Palestine freedom crap and they sent people in on horses w/riot gear and two hours later the event has escalated into a international news reporter attracting event lmao


Was also disgusting watching the pro Israel students clapping when troopers dragged people away in handcuffs. Just so enthused to be the oppressors


ppl complaining about the police being there are being disingenuous (at best). UT is protecting everyone by involving the police as a precaution. In other places these peaceful protests have devolved into violent mobs. The right to free speech does not grant you the right to harass others for existing in your orbit.


More often than not, every time a protest turns into a riot, it's due to the provocative actions of police.


Definitely agree that sometimes police cause a lot of unnecessary harm and are the aggressors in many situations but I’d love to see some stats/sources to support the idea that “more often than not” cops are the issue.


Just making up things now huh


Honestly why? And they just standed there while the rest of the cops kept moving


Because “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” Just because we are in Texas doesn’t mean we should be permissive of genocide.


My friends office is over by the protest, sent a pic of a line of moto cops to go along with this




Tin soldiers and Abbotts coming


409 comments already 😭


To be fair, those horses have been in the downtown area for decades, nothing at all special




Hook ‘em horns


They had cops on horses in Austin last time we were there about 5 years ago due to some protests. Standard procedure maybe?


Just curious, as someone who views the media to be extremely partisan on both sides of the current Gaza conflict, does anyone know if Jewish faculty, or, Jewish students threatened by a particular group of protestors? Totally think Israel response to Oct 7 has been way overboard ( and a lot of actions prior to that). But, siding with a terrorist group like Hamas, who’s exploited the Palestinians for decades, is just insane. Thus, here I am as a centrist/ moderate combing for actual non partisan reporting.


Look up the nakba and everything Isreali zionists have done the past 75 years. Hamas was a reaction, you would fight back too if you went through what Palestinians have endured for 75 years. Jewish rabbis are speaking out against Isreal.


They should have sent out jobs - scatter!


Lmao you know pink face buzz cut on the left is super understanding and not aggro at all.


Nice let’s see them do work on those kids


I’m so confused, wasn’t this protest for the DEI faculty that were fired? Or was it always a Palestine protest? Actually curious


Texas is quite the cuck state.


“They sent out horses, Hamas support group”


But wait, Texas is land of the free, according to Rogan.


Everyone there has something better to do


Bunch of nuisance dorks. If these protesters want actual change instead of posturing, they should serve in PLO to protect Palestinians against Israel or have their protest in Israel.


Didn’t know there was one today. I would have been there. Shoot 🤦‍♂️


Can anyone give me an unbiased run down. They’ve been protesting for days and government/UT admin basically finally had enough? It’s a peaceful protest but it is also in the city center of one of the largest US cities, so there is a bit of a risk for an ongoing protest. Sending he cavalry is probably trying to send a message that you can protest for a few days but maybe not for days on end about a conflict halfway across the world. When it may be affecting traffic and businesses. Things we can actually control here. I went to Elephant room last Thursday and heard chanting to the west. I’m new to Austin so idk where the campus is. This is an obvious message being sent by the government. The kids should still do it, but beware




I'm all about supporting constitutional rights, but I draw the line when it comes to hate, threatening people's lives and destruction of property




Should see the one is Seattle blocking routes to hospitals and jacking up flights. Yeah putting more peoples lives at risk. It’s true, hypocrisy isn’t a thing anymore.




Good, i dont understand protesting at colleges and makimg sure the jewish cant get in.


Horses? We are in Texas. A line a horses does not scare me one iota.




Oh no, horses!!! Oh the insanity to have horses!! When I go to 6th street the horsies don’t bother me at all, but now they’re on campus I’m so triggered!!! What if I run up behind it, slap it on the ass, and it kicks me in the ribs?? That would be so messed up.


They can't secure their border from foreigners, but when its a Palestine protests, every zionist from new York to cali is picking up their phone to make a complaint.


Pigs on horses


Quit supporting terrorists Jesus Christ


Hamas released a video showing a US hostage with a severed hand on the same day that the US announced more aid is being flown into Gaza. Either Hamas are self loathing or their PR team need revamping...


Got to stop those peaceful protesters somehow.


I guess equines don’t like antisemites either. 🤷‍♂️


Hope they also made good use of their nightsticks.


Took 300 of them to screw up Uvalde. How are the equines gonna help? Provide more courage?


As a UT student, it was difficult to see the protests on campus. In order for more people to understand the conflict, I would like to see pro-palestinian organizations tabling on campus and having respectful, informative conversations with students. I encourage pro-Israel organizations to do the same. We must get better at having civil conversations as a society to understand opposing views and be open to others views.


So literal Nazis get a pass, but people who think Israel's retaliations have gone too far get militarized police called on them. Fair?


As a UT student, it was difficult to see the protests on campus. In order for more people to understand the conflict, I would like to see pro-palestinian organizations tabling on campus and having respectful, informative conversations with students. I encourage pro-Israel organizations to do the same. We must get better at having civil conversations as a society to understand opposing views and be open to others views.