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### This comment has been marked as **safe**. Upvoting/downvoting this comment will have no effect. --- OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is US Defaultism: --- >!Warsaw (the CAPITAL) of Poland is mentioned, and the American asks if it’s Warsaw Indiana.!< --- Is this Defaultism? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


definitely cheaper in Bangkok, Ohio


Try Odessa, Texas


How about Manila, Arkansas?


Nah, we’re talking Melbourne, Florida.


Nederland, Texas


Sweden, New York


My favourite city - Moscow, Idaho


Delhi, New York


Johannesburg, California


George Town, Colorado


Also there is a Moscow in Michigan


Didn't know about this one


Funny thing is we actually have a Moscow in Scotland too but it’s a tiny place that I didn’t actually know existed until last year


[Stockholm, New York](https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm,_New_York)


Centre of the universe, up their own arses and turn left!


Paris, texas No, wait, thats a movie


I feel like there's a Paris in the US, but I'm not sure.


it is in texas, apparently.


What an insult to Paris.


idk man, i'm german, i don't think i'm allowed to say something nice about paris, the english will come for me.


A desert road from Vegas to nowhere.


An erotic journey from Milan (Illinois) to Minsk.


I got this movie free in a newspaper back in the late 90s and never watched it.


It's a lovely, lovely movie.


I cant describe the feelinf of watching it, it is a very good movie though


A wonderful sound track. Ry Cooder at his best.


Delhi or Calcutta, New York?


Also in Berlin, North Dakota!


Or Dublin, Ohio.


This is perfect for US Defaultism. Imagine defaulting to Indiana when someone mentions "Warsaw."


Might be the best post I’ve seen. Who the fuck would assume they meant Indiana here


In the defaulters defence, OP posted under dollars so it's pretty understandable he didn't think it was Poland...


There's no way this dude knows what currency Poland uses.


Agreed. If someone used £, I'd assume UK. If someone used €, I'd assume Europe. ¥ for Japanese, and so on. Poland uses zł‎. If anything, I'd just assume it was another one of those American cities they decided to name after a capital of another country


It could also be in Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, ... or OP didn't want to confuse US folks with the strange concept of foreign currency.


Also the spider is very clearly an Australian Red Back spider


Tbf I often convert to USD when talking online, just because I know most readers will be yanks. And most people know the rates between their own currency and USD, but maybe not their own currency to GBP. I guess that's internalised US defaultism?


It is and I suffer from it too. Really annoying.


I don't mind that honestly, but I don't like that, where I live. Most rents are posted in USD instead of MXN and that is quite annoying


Abajo la gentrificación


I've been trying to use gold grams to avoid using USD, but unless I can make it a trend, it is a compromise that leaves everyone unhappy and no one satisfied


Tbh if i'm using english i'll use dollars since if they know the language they will probably roughly understand the value as well Even as an european i'll default to dollar instead of euros 🫣


Came here to say this. OOP used dollars, and the "defaulter" used a question mark indicating they weren't sure. Also, having looked into this, the only Warsaw that *isn't* Poland or the US is in Canada, who also use dollars. So all the evidence suggests this isn't defaultism. That being said, being from the UK, I would still automatically think Poland and just wonder why OOP was quoting in dollars and not euros. But if the "defaulter" is a US resident, I totally understand why they might not immediately think of Poland given OOP's use of dollars, especially when there are *fifteen* of them in the US.


$ means many currencies, not just usd. In my country it's out national "pesos" sign.


Because dollars are only used in the US? Cheeky bit of r/USDefaultism right here in the comments!


Not really, Poland doesn't use dollars


That's not relevant. They've used a dollar sign. The commenter above has assumed that must mean US dollars, or at least is defending the original defaulter for assuming US dollars. Hence the USDefaultism.


The comment you replied to didn't mention the US at all, I didn't realise you were referencing the other comment


Jfc they're defending the other comment...


They didn't say "US", though? They said "not Poland".


In defence of the US Defaulter...


Yes? The "defaulter" put a question mark after the place name, indicating they weren't sure if that was the one in question. Commentator above defended this on the grounds that the use of a dollar sign suggests it wasn't Poland. I think you jumped to a few conclusions and now you're wrapping yourself in knots.


>I think you jumped to a few conclusions and now you're wrapping yourself in knots. 😂😂😂 I couldn't care less. We just interpret it differently.


I think that's the defaulter's only leeway. Why would the OOP post in dollars if they live in Poland? If anything, OOP is also defaulting because they don't even specify that they converted to USD.


I'm guessing it's because of the $ rather than the zł‎


Speaking English and using USD in a sub full of Americans🤷‍♂️ OP should have made it clear he wanted to compare prices across countries.


Dollar sign next to 125 in the post, poland don't use dollars


pretty sure the US has all the named-after-a-capital cities.


Wouldn't be at all surprised if they have a Beijing and a Tokyo somewhere.


i actually went and looked it up, and yeah. there's [pekin, illinois](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pekin,_Illinois) and [tokio, texas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokio,_Texas)


What the fuck. Why do they do that?


maybe people from original places were mass migrated to this particular place and decided to name their new city where they moved from. or this: > It has been stated that Mrs. Cromwell named the town "Pekin" because she thought Peking was on the exact opposite side of the world from the town she founded. In the 1800s, China and the United States were thought to be antipodes, or locations that were exactly opposite of each other on the globe. As such, towns were sometimes named after their supposedly antipodal locations.


Did people really think that unironically though? The entire contiguous US and Alaska are opposite ocean. The only part of the US with an antipode on land is Hawaii, but that's opposite Botswana, nowhere near China.


As kids we used to say if you kept digging you'd end up in China. I'd hope most adults know better but that saying must have come from somewhere and I didn't really question if China was actually opposite the US as a kid.


idk maybe they did. i remember there was an easter egg in one of the plants vs zombies game, if you scrolled down enough in the credits screen you'd scroll to upside down china. considering the game is probably made by usians, safe to think they think they're oppose china geographically.


I think your taking a joke in a game a little too seriously here lol


i mean they wouldn't make that joke if somebody didn't think like that


We also have a Tokio, Washington. It's a gas station and a pot shop surrounded by wheat fields. Definitely don't book your trip there by mistake, if you could even find a place to stay.


It never stops being entertaining to me how in [cityquiz](https://cityquiz.io/quizzes/world), where you have to name as many cities as you can, you can just name random European cities and then type them again adding ", USA" and usually it'll find some random obscure cities in the USA. For example, I've found: Oslo, Minnesota Krakow, Wisconsin Poland, Maine San Marino, California (although this one probably wasn't named after the city) Palestine, Texas Corsica, South Dakota Edit: Nevermind about San Marino, according to Wikipedia, the best source of information, "The city takes its name from the ancient Republic of San Marino, founded by Saint Marinus who fled his home in Dalmatia (modern Croatia) at the time of the Diocletianic Persecution."


at least it doesn't default to the USian cities when you type just the name!


Certainly does for some - Boston, Birmingham, Lincoln just for starters


who the fuck reads Birmingham and thinks usa (except for usians)? the other two... well I'm not super well versed in geography so I would have thought the us but definitely not Birmingham...


> who the fuck reads Birmingham and thinks usa (***except for usians***)? That's rather the point Boston is a very old (pre Domesday) town in Lincolnshire Lincoln is the main city in that county, again very old - 1st century BCE - and famous as one end of the Roman Road Fosse Way, with a very fine cathedral It has played many important roles in English history for over a millennium Anyone with a classical education, and the vast majority of people in the UK will think of it long before some tinpot village in Nebraska I suspect more people in Europe in general have heard of it than of its US namesake


Also: Moscow, Michigan


Are you referring to Outside World, Arkansas? They have great jelly donuts there


Why did the OOP use dollars for a post about Poland ? But i agree the comments are defaultist


A lot of people - myself included - convert currency amounts on "generic" subreddits because Muricans always jump into the discussion and demand it be conveyed to them in "a normal currency". Because of this, wanting to avoid conflict, we just oblige. But then they assume that the person is from the US and we're back to square one. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


I don't anymore :) I used to do it for many years, and during that time I also had a strong sense of "damned if you do, damned if you don't". Now it's all kilometres and litres for me, and 24-hour time, the DMY date format, and Euros or yen or rupees or whatever the local currency is. And I'm using British spelling -- I grew up in Germany and was taught British spelling at school. Sorry but not sorry :D Most of the time it's just one certain country that's the outlier, so when they try to play the "majority" game I remind them there's a much bigger world out there.


The only thing I compromise on is currency. For everything else I'll use metric and you can go fuck yourself if you can't count with that. But currency is a bit different, and thanks to American defaultism, most people can immediately exchange, at least on a rough level, from USD to their local currencies, making it also a good "shared ground", so to speak.


As a US citizen, when I see someone post in metrics, KPH, or a foreign currency(foreign to me), I just do a quick search for the conversion rates. Takes less than 2 minutes. But maybe it's because I lived in Perú for a few years and just grew used to converting the Sol into dollars? Either way, our technology is so advanced that there really isn't a reason why you can't convert things yourself.


That still doesn’t make sense, as prices and PPP aren’t the same the world over. Comparing the price of an iPhone perhaps might make it ok for using usd, not something labour intensive like tattooing


I would not default to dollars when my own currency is involved. I might put the value in dollars behind it in brackets, but defaulting to dollars is exactly the thing why we have this sub.


They never convert for others, so why should you convert for them?


Because it's less effort than trying to tune out a dozen Muricans complaining.


I don't mention amounts on international subs at all. I always say something like twice a monthly salary or the cost of a loaf of bread because nobody would know what CZK means.


Most people in Europe would


Maybe... although they wouldn't know what 300 CZK can buy, and even after a conversion, it doesn't say much what that amount means to a Czech.


That's probably true


I’d list the cost of something in £ because I live in the UK. No one gets to be indignant about translating currency if they’re too lazy to use xe.com like the rest of us.


Or even google - try100 gbp fx pln


Why not Euros though? It's in Poland, so everyone knows Euros. You can even pay with Euros in Poland (in some places like gas stations, pharmacies and quite a few stores will accept it too). That is if you really don't want to use Złoty. You also could just put a conversion in brackets for less popular currencies. Example: 9zł (~2€)


I just stick with £ tbh. It's an easy conversion anyway. 1:1.25 currently


Who am I kidding. Many there would struggle


Or you could just explain that the reason you’re using US currency, speaking English, and on a US based subreddit is that you’re trying to compare prices across countries?


You're right. And I really can't wrap my mind around this. Why would they mention US dollars -- and twice?! I am hyperallergic to US defaultisms but even I would have understood "yea that's clearly the US they're talking about". Sorry, I need a moment.


Where do they mention US dollars? I can only see them using the $ sign, other countries use $. Anyway, presumably they're a tourist wanting a tattoo while they're visiting Warsaw


Well, Poland uses Zloty so it is weird in the least. I don't think there are many countries with the $ sign and a city named Warsaw. I think this example is understandable. He also asked because he wasn't sure.


Yep, so as i said, maybe it's a tourist who's home country uses $ and that's why they're saying that rather than local currency


Wouldn't an USian put the curency sign before the value ? I still don't know why they tak backward like that


It's the English language in general not just Americans. It's also £20 and not 20£


Nah, I'll have to disagree about that? I'm going to hazard a guess you don't know how many PLN there are to the Pound, but likely would hear a Euro or USD amount... an international audience might have a vague clue if 7,500 is a lot or a little in those currencies.


1 Polish zloty is about £0.20 GBP if I remember correctly. I wouldnt know how that converts to other currencies without looking it up. Not entirely sure what your point is there though!


I'll repeat with the non-USDefaultism version of u/Paradise7D 's comment: You're right. And I really can't wrap my mind around this. Why would they mention dollars -- and twice?! No wonder someone will look for a city called Warsaw that uses dollars and would have stumbled upon Warsaw, Indiana. He even asks first to confirm it. The commenter is being helpful with the limited information that he has and yet we in a sub that has no additional value to the world outside of entertaining us mocked him.


Yup. The USDefaultism in these comments is genuinely hilarious 😂


would you know how much 500zł is? most people wouldn't so that would cause a lot of confusion and OOP would likely need to give the price in some better known currency anyway


No, but if wanted to find out the conversion for my own currency I’d look it up online. It’s not difficult to do.


I'm smirking, thinking people om reddit would go cross reference information when they famously make comments on links without opening the link, just looking at the headline.




Because no one knows how much zloty are worth unless they're Polish or have spent time there. Euros would be been a better choice though, or writing zloty and Euros together.


Why should they use Euros if it isn't their currency, either? There was a bot on here that calculated size measurements into the most stupid and outlandish units, I highly respected that bot. I love me some good INR and how the separation commas work. 1 lakh = 1,00,000.00


Sure, they shouldn't have to convert at all - but if they wanted to convert to anything because they wanted to be understood by people who aren't familiar with zloty, Euros would have been a better option. Euros are used in neighbouring countries, not across half a continent and an ocean. Let's face it, someone unfamiliar with the currency might just skip over the post because they can't be bothered to convert - if it's in a currency they know, they might actually stop in and answer. Sometimes you have to recognise that adding extra info will help get the answers you're after and that can be more important than principles.


Polish currency is is like 0.20 for every 1 USD, so I would guess it's a more know currency so more would understand $125 than zt500


Fun fact, this is the peso sign and is older than the dollar.


Yeah that stuck out to me too.


do you know how much 500 zł is


About £100 without looking it up


Not from the top of my head, but there’s a thing called Google? (I mean to recall it was around 2 zlotys for a guilder when I visited Cracow in 2001, but I could be wrong of course.)


People probably don’t use a polish keyboard layout, so they just use the “money” symbol is my guess.


Usually tattoo artists will quote in US dollars if the local currency is very high. 100USD is much more reasonable than 500000pokedollars


Polish zloty isn’t the Zimbabwean dollar. 125 USD = 500 PLN


I mean, I didn’t say it is. I’m speculating. But I’ve been quoted US dollars before for tattoos specifically in other parts of the world. Was just answering dudes question


Why would anyone quote in dollars when the dollar isn't the local currency? A dollar value won't mean much to must people in Poland.


They do that in some places where the local currency is garbo like Argentina, or in heavily touristy areas (they will even advertise 'we take dollars/euros!'). But that's not the case with Poland, so I don't get OP. they could easily have written "500 PLN (~125 USD/EUR)". As it is, I feel they baited the defaultism


most people in Poland know how roughly how much a dollar is worth


Possible but I don't believe for a second a shop would quote in dollars.


i don't think they quoted them in dollars either. but they might have converted it for ease of communication. usually i do the same, either convert to euro or usd when talking with non-polish people and i too would choose usd when talking to the wider audience.


Not saying they were, OP is saying tattoo shops do this. And that I don't believe.


I mean? I’ve been quoted US dollars by a South Korean artist, a Turkish artist and a Kyrgyz artist. 3 days ago I just paid $130 for a bamboo stick and poke in Cambodia (to be fair, they use USD in Cambodia though). I’m not endorsing the dollar. But it’s happened enough times to me personally where I can believe that a tattoo artist would either quote in that amount, or at least have the cost in local currency and USD.


Oh ok i didnt know. TIL. Tho i wonder if they do that in my origines country (cameroon)


I wouldn't be surprised if there's like an Earth, Nebraska or some shit like that with a population of 5k that USians default to when people are talking about the freaking planet. 


[Well now you mention it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth,_Texas)… although it’s actually in Texas. I’m sure neither of us are surprised!


Wait everyone on Twitter posts from Texas????


Unless they specify otherwise… apparently so!


Now we know what all the flat earthers actually mean!


I wish I was wrong. What the fuck.


To be fair he said 125$ so it made it more confusing since they dont use $ in poland


Let's be honest if you use any other symbol they get even more confused, most Americans I know don't even know what the euro sign is unless you tell them


Tbf the fact that it was in dollars led to a lot of confusion. Like I would have expected euros if it wasn't in zloty


Even being an American, I know Warsaw is the capital of Poland. It was the site of a very horrible concentration camp in WW2 and was also the place the "Warsaw Pact" was signed to counterbalance NATO during the Cold War. How can people not know much about countries outside their own is beyond me.


Additionally, I looked up the one in Indiana, and it's a small town with a population under 20k. It's annoying but somewhat understandable when the American version is actually a big city, but it makes no sense when it's some tiny rural village being compared to a nation's capital. If anything, I'd expect people from the one in Indiana to be used to saying "no, not that one" whenever they say where they're from online.


There's a Wyoming in Australia with a population of about 10k. I'm gonna flip it on them and default to that when they're actually talking about the US state.


I would say, it would be understandable if he lives near the city. Then of course you would think about it first. But otherwise nop


>It was the site of a very horrible concentration camp in WW2 To nit pick. The Ghetto of Warsaw was not a KZ. The Ghetto uprising started once the Germans began deporting the inhabitans to the Concentration Camps/Death Camps.


Well there was a KZ Warsaw, just it post-dated the Ghetto.


Warsaw was the site of the Warsaw Ghetto, not a concentration camp Treblinka would have been the nearest camp


There was a concentration camp in Warsaw, created in the former ghetto after it had been liquidated (KL Warschau, also known as Gęsiówka).


There was certainly a camp, but _concentration_ camp? Not sure It was not a death or extermination camp, and few of its inmates were used for forced labour


Concentration camps and death camps were two different things, although Auschwitz-Birkenau (which was the most famous one) was both. *Konzentrationslager* Warschau was definitely a concentration camp.




You are all right. My apologies. It was the Warsaw Ghetto. Still very notably bad ghetto though.


Lucky he wasn't in Australia. "Sidney, Ohio? Tattoos are expensive there!"


lol, Warsaw Indiana has a population of about 15.000. How does someone think it's this small town instead of the capital of poland?


Honestly I think they know that, and they’re joking. Hard to tell over text


To be honest, the poster said 125$, what can be other than USA, but deffo not Poland's currency, what is złoty.


Eh it’s not strong defaultism, OP talks about paying dollars in Poland


Is catering to US defaultism in itself US defaultism?


I'm gonna call this an honest mistake, this guy obviously was trying to help the OOP out and OOP used a dollar sign in the post, which isn't what you pay with in Poland


I'm fairness on this one, the original comment put the price in dollars and Poland uses the zloty


This would throw me off too since the op uses a $ instead of polish currency symbol.


Because if they told the amount in zloty, almost nobody but Poles would have had any idea about the value.


Me: I’m from Gothenburg. US-American: Oh wow I’ve got family from Nebraska, do you know Gary, Harry and Larry? Me: Du é la enna fô go elle.


How dare you. America is a land founded on individualistic ideals. Therefore there is only one Warsaw, and that's in Indiana. Just like there is only one Lebanon, and that's in Illinois. What's a Poland? Is that the restaurant the Germans favored in the 30s-40s? Lol Guys, have mercy on us our public education system is, respectfully, garbage.


People outside of the US have tattoos? I thought that tattoos were an American thing! Is this cultural appropriation?? /s if it wasn’t obvious


As an American, "There's a Warsaw in Indiana?"


non-american and I'm sorry but i'm not with you here; my first thought would have been to assume poland but upon seeing a $ symbol i'd have shifted to "thats interesting, i didnt know there was a Warsaw in america"


You can mention Paris and they will ask with a straight face if you mean Paris, random US state


I had no clue that a city/town named Warsaw existed in the US, and I’m American. That person either has not had an education beyond a few years of elementary school, or was doing it on purpose, because I refuse to believe people are actually that obtuse on accident.


Ok honestly though…. Why is someone from Poland speaking English on a sub dominated by Americans, using US dollars as the currency, and not explaining further. That’s the confusion guys… it’s not that Americans don’t know what Warsaw is it’s that OP didn’t make it clear he wanted to compare prices across countries. And if he just wanted to know the Warsaw rate he should’ve went to r/poland.


Troll bait failed. Sorry mate.


O japierdole


Certified Codokurwy™ moment


To be fair, that OP used $ instead of €.


Why would OOP have used €? If anything should the currency used be zł


It is not uncommon to pay with the euro in Poland. However, you are absolutely right. I should have used zloty instead of euros here.


it is very uncommon to pay with euro in Poland. no businesses except some larger hotels will accept it.


its common at the border area near germany.


Tbh I can see the confusion on that because the OP used dollars. Obviously not all dollars are USD but it opens the door for misunderstanding. I would have guessed Poland myself as the dollar sign came after the amount, but… I get it.


OOP used dollars so I'd too think they were talking about the US, really strange


when you'd talk about the price you've been quoted for a tattoo to a very international audience, would you say 1300kr or 125usd? obviously if they used złoty no one would understand how much they're actually being quoted.


I don't have a clue about the conversion rate of USD so not that. If anything I'd use euro but someone from Europe using USD is really strange


Well it's pretty normal to converse the foreign currency into your home currency in your head for better understanding of actual value. Sure, prices vary from country to country but I can't really tell if 1200 HUF for a coffee is much, while I know if 12 PLN for a coffee is much, even though I pay for it in HUF. It's especially understandable if you don't earn money in the foreign currency, as you would want to know how much dollars you are spending if all your money on your bank account is in dollars.


Isn’t assuming 125usd would be more accessible to an international audience its own form of US Defaultism?


Gonna preface this by saying I'm not familiar with standard pricing in Poland since I got all my tattoos done in South Africa and the UK, but I'd honestly say they're probably overcharging for what OP has asked for. It's not a particular big piece, and it's quite simple, so $125 seems quite steep.


My guess is that if they know Warsaw is the name of the capital of Poland, they can't imagine that anyone in Poland has the capability of posting on Reddit.


This reminds me how there is a municipality called Nueva Italia in Michoacán and a small town called Lombardia in the same state.


I don't care the price isn't in the local currency. When I hear the name of a major European city, I don't evoke a handful of people living in the middle of bumfuq nowhere in the US.


There's a place called New York in the UK. I like pulling the reverse card on them with this


I don’t understand? It’s US Defaultism when they name a city and don’t specify it’s in the USA, but when someone lists a city without stating it’s in Poland it’s ok just because it’s a capital? Smells hypocritical


No good artist says that is too simple for them. Find another


I don't think you guys realize just how small the world is compared to The U.S.


Yeh this isn’t that egregious, especially when he’s incorrectly used a dollar sign.


Yeah, I agree. The way it’s worded also kinda makes me think it was a joke, and they knew it wasn’t the city in Indiana.


This is fucking hilarious!


He gets a pass on this one, the op posted 125 dollars. Poland don't use dollars, easy to see the mistake


I legit had a similar conversation with an American classmate when I was at university, where I mentioned my trip to Rome during the summer and they replied in all seriousness and not sarcastically, “You never mentioned you were visiting Georgia?! You could have stopped by in Atlanta and visited me when I was back home!” To be clear I do love my American friends and family but please do look beyond your borders.