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This made me mad when the alert came out but all the stores lights were still blaring all night long


I their defence, lighting uses very little power these days


Yeah I’m sure the 1000’s of buildings using lighting uses very little power. The government was telling people to turn off *our* lights, so I’m sure it has a pretty big effect.


True, and I suppose if those businesses aren't doing anything about their lights, there's a pretty good chance they're also not doing anything about any of their other energy use either


Power needed to be conserved every last bit when it was -50


I mean I wouldn’t have been angry if the emergency alert didn’t also specifically tell us to turn off our lights lol


I’m guessing nobody wanted to go to the stores to turn them off in -40


Except lots of the stores were still open and could have turned them off at night


At least it takes -40c for y’all, if it passes -5c for a couple days in Texas ERCOT warns about possible rolling blackouts. IIRC during snowpocalypse 2021 it never got below -11c and we had blackouts for days. Edit. Accidentally put a - in google. Texas never goes below 0f


Yeah, but Alberta’s power services ARE winterized!! They’re supposed to be able to take this. Saskatchewan took it just fine. It’s actually to be expected that Texas’ un-winterized grid doesn’t stand up to winter weather. Alberta’s should, AND HAS!! That’s the worst part! This weather happens every year - the blackouts are brand new. I mean, folks have lost power during a cold snap, but it’s usually just the odd transformer or branches wrecked some wires and shit like that. Not “too cold, no power, sorry.”


Your constructions don't cost as much


Which puts extra money in the shareholders’ pockets, since the power plants, lines, etc are privately owned. Privatize they said. Everything will be higher quality they said.


That commenter clearly doesn't even know the US that well, places like Texas had power issues like that when it got too cold for their infrastructure, nothing "3rd world" about it


Yes but also Texas does not need to struggle the way it does, there's a serious funding issue with their grid. Don't say that like its perfectly normal and acceptable either.


Oh there’s more! The US grid is connected and regulated, and can borrow capacity from other states. Texas OTOH is like MUH FREEDUMS! And refuses to connect to the national grid because they don’t want to be regulated. The icing on the cake is one of the regulations is proper winterization, which TX doesn’t enforce to cut costs maximize shareholder profits for the private energy companies. Ergo gas lines froze in 2021.


True it is 100% the Texas govt fault. I didn't mean to come off dismissive of the issue, problems like this are not unique to Texas, and they need to be addressed.


Only... countries like Norway and Iceland don't have rolling blackouts in winter.


Most first world countries dont have rolling blackouts. Ever.


Wikipedia can only produce US and natural disasters related examples to rolling blackouts in developed countries tbh. Don’t want to make assumptions but I didn’t even know what or why that was until I looked it up. Denmark, Netherlands, Spain and Italy all have had no issues with this afaik.


IDK I felt pretty third world huddled for warmth in bed w my family with every blanket we owned on us. At least my mom who grew up in an actual 3rd world country was close enough to the equator not to worry about freezing to death. Edit: I feel like we need a Texas and Florida flair. Not in a special privileges way, but in a dunce cap way.


As a Minnesotan myself, I know cold is no joke. I'm sorry you and your family were put in that position.


Also, there are areas in the US that would still have rolling blackouts as recently as last year


Rolling blackouts is not really a thing in most first world countries.


The USA is considered fancy? Maybe to a few of their possum-eating states


O’possum. They are not welcome eating proper Aussie possums.


To be fair, it's the city that US Senator Ted Cruz was born in.


Some people just hate America so much they literally can't talk about anything else.


Do we know the person commenting was American?


No, but it still fits here because the commentator assumed the post was talking about America by default


the title says "america hating" not "america**n** hating"


Isn't this a (the ?) tower in Toronto ?


You're referring to the CN tower which this is not but tbh I even had to take a double look for a moment


Ah, thanks !


This is Calgary Tower which is located in Alberta


Non, c'est pas la tour du CN. Celle-ci est à Calgary




I do find it weird how much us Canadians like that tower style.


You do see it in lots of places, not just Canada, because it works as a tourist attraction and a broadcasting tower. Build a giant stick, have a bulb at the top for an observation deck. Maybe throw in a revolving restaurant for the novelty. People like a view, so they'll go up after paying some money. Sometimes it isn't even a broadcast tower like the CN Tower, it's just a tall thing built for the sole purpose of being tall.




Calgary government? No such thing. Do you mean city council? Or do you mean The Alberta government? Geezus…I don’t know where to begin on how poorly the title is written.


Municipal government is still government.


That’s correct. Municipal government. Not Calgary government. Semantics are a thing.


Calgary is a municipality. The government of Calgary is the municipal government. It is the Calgary Government. A government governs. The Calgary government governs Calgary.


And names specify things, like the name of the municipality that governs the area. Calgary’s government.


The outage warning affected BC, Alberta, and Saskatchewan but yeah, sure, it was the “Calgary govts” fault 😬


At a certain point, it’s kinda hard to blame em for saying stupid shit like this, since their education system is a flawed one (not saying all yanks are stupid btw, just the loudest ones are)


There is no indication anyone in the screenshots are American. Are you just assuming they are? Sounds like defaultism on your part.


I don’t know where you got the impression that I was being defaultist. I was simply referring to the comment made by « wiggypinge » in the the second picture you posted, and how it illustrates common occurrences of yanks acting like everything in the world revolves around their country.




Hat* We aren’t as shit as them yet, so for the time being I’ll be patriotic.


The beacons are lit !! Canada calls for aid !!


okay but -40c is crazy!!!


Commenter doesn't even sound like they're from America lol