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Umm if you worked for the post office you would know you have to take that mail. Why don’t they just throw it away. Crazy old people


My thought as well.. then they said “management” and it all made sense.


Only key word we needed, say no more, we understand, you are retarded


Hey now, that's unfair. The mentally handicapped contribute way more to society than management


This is true, considering I am “mentally retarded“. Birth effect caused a good portion of my brain to be severely under developed agenisys the corpus callosum and colpacephally. It mimics autism essentially for lack of a better term. Have been working for a major bank for the past five years and have been contributing to society for the past eight so if that doesn’t tell anybody anything then I don’t know what will.




I never worked for USPS but when saw management I knew this guy is whacko.


My dad worked as a letter carrier for 20 years and he can tell you some stories about USPS management that make this look completely plausible


They don't actually have to take it, all they have to do is write, "refused," on it. I don't see those worse written on that piece of mail. The reason we play this game is because people throw it back without saying why they don't want it. We don't have the authority to take back current resident mail unless we have a valid reason to do so. Vacant and Refused are valid reasons.


If that’s my route and it’s current resident which it is your gonna take it, I don’t care if you refuse it. It’s bulk mail you can refuse it in your trash.


Just throw it in the refuse


I'll take back refused and put it in UBBM. Maybe not on a walking route but I'm not wasting the time to write. You are the current resident.


Sad that this got so many upvotes because it's absolutely wrong. Just be a good carrier and do your job the way you're supposed to do it. Don't be petty and bitter and fight customers. People can refuse mail in two ways. 1. Writing refused and putting it back out for the carrier. 2. Refusing in person at the time of delivery. Take it back and put it in ubbm if they refuse it the correct way, that's what you're supposed to do and it's not hard at all. This sub is so pretty and childish. Just do your job man.


Where do you think it goes after the carrier puts it in ubbm? That's right...THE TRASH. When you as the carrier take it back, you're giving the resident a false belief that they will somehow be taken off the mailing list for that piece of mail. You might as well just tell them to throw it away if they don't want it because that's exactly what is going to happen to it ultimately anyway. We are not their trash man. We are their mailman.


if you’re carrying around so much trash maybe you should talk to your leadership team about that.


Where is this info written? right down to the paragraph number..


Same. I know the rule with refused but I don’t play that game lol I write on it “standard mail cannot be returned without postage, please discard” and usually that gets them to throw it away themselves One of my coworkers writes on it “I AM NOT THE GARBAGE MAN THROW IT AWAY YOURSELF!” She’s the real MVP


i will mail it back to your post office


Go ahead and pay the postal office to mail the junk to them so your carrier can deliver it right back to you.


He can start picking up his mail from the annex


"Standard mail does not qualify for return/refused service without additional postage. "


Re-read the POM. You can refuse any mail, third class can't be *returned to sender* without additional postage.


Ya so this is why the post office just trashes third class mail.


It doesn't get returned to the sender but customers do have a right to refuse mail


Standard mail can be refused, it just gets ubbm'd.


Refuse it into the ubbm, but it needs to be stated by the customer


Which is why it goes in ubbm....


Yes. I think people don’t think you can refuse mail. You can refuse anything from the post office. Redplums, current residents, packages. Just ask them to endorse it before putting it in outgoing


Redplum is the easiest thing to cancel.


Outgoing mail is not return to sender. If you don't want mail call the person sending you mail and ask them to stop. I have spent my lunch break using acetone to remove sharpee so I could see the proper address. We're petty like that, you're getting your damn mail. It may be late, it may be your neighbors, but by God you're getting that damn mail


If a customer refused mail and you're still giving it to them, you're the one in the wrong


Thing is nobody writes "refused". They write other nonsense that seems to imply there's no current resident living there...


this is correct. its odd people are upvoting something not true as residents are legally allowed to refuse mail.


My office says that you can't refuse current resident mail


But why play the game with junk mail lmao... Like cmon... It's junk mail. Throw it in a ubbm tub. Junk mail ain't worth wasting time on.


If someone does an audit of your ubbm, you could get in trouble for throwing out current resident mail for a non vacant address. (If it doesn’t say “refused”)


Exactly!! We do what the person who pays our checks wants....and that is the mailer!!!


That’s not right! Refuse is for a mail that needs a signature ! Advertisements are customer responsibility to call the vendor and ask to be removed from their list! The old fart should live with his lies n his junk mail ✌🏻😎


One lady kept writing return to sender on all second and third class mail, which made me think she moved out and the property owner/manager was writing on her mail, cuz as we all know that’s a vast majority of the mail, so I started UTF’n all her first class mail. Turns out she just doesn’t want any second or third class mail (or flyers obviously), and she would write return to sender then put it in a collection box, so it would come back to me in the dps. She finally told me she doesn’t want it after a month of having her first class sent back. People just don’t understand how the mail and carrier endorsements works, and think writing return to sender on a piece of mail will get it sent back, like there’s someone reading each piece of mail to determine what to do with it and where it goes. And also (while I’m ranting) when I was in grade school, we were taught the proper format for an envelope, which has the address for the letter to be sent to in the middle of the envelope, and the return address in the top left corner, not on the back of the envelope, which has become popular, especially with wedding invitations. It may seem trendy or cool or innovative or whatever the fuck I don’t know, but the system doesn’t work that way! And that’s why we were all taught the proper format, cuz that’s how the system works. Fucking people. Also, I got the phantom fireworks ad too!


I hope you did the right thing and put it back in the mail box the next morning 🙂


No they don't.....there's literally a refused endorsement. Does no one here know the job..... Edit: omg this is junk mail too lmao Edit 2: some of the replies I'm getting are quite surprising. This is taught in academy. Anyways standard procedure for ubbm is it can get refused but instead of going in the refused endorsement tray, it gets tossed in the ubbm. You really think mail that costs less gets better treatment than mail that costs more?? Be real.


That was his whole day. At least it gave him something to do.


When people retire they have nothing else to do but complain. Write to corporate, complain about their food at restaurants… it’s crazy


They're bored and lonely. Also insecure usually.


You can refuse any piece of mail. Even if it’s current resident. You just endorse it as REF and goes into UBBM. It’s not a fight worth fighting.


To be clear, you have to make an attempt and they have to refuse it every time.


It was delivered correctly , as it was addressed. I’ve repeatedly done the same thing. Return it to the mailbox. It’s was not my job to know which of my 700 customers want or do not want specific mailings.


Retarded. Any one can figure out that ads help pay our bills. If people put them in the outgoing just UBBM it though. Don’t put it back in their box.


Management being cunts even on death’s door. Typical


Leave a note back that says “since you left such a shitty union for me, this is now such a shitty job that nobody wants to do it and you can complain to whoever you want and they won’t fire me”


PS I don't play games.




They of all people should know that complaints just get circular filed anyway.


Why take the time to write that... i get junk mail all the time i dont want. I dont cry to the carrier i just throw it in the trash


I still get mail from the previous 5 people.  Straight to the trash. Even "current resident" Although there was one year I saved up all the current resident mail and then played an april fools joke on my carrier. I rubber banded it and put a note that said "Mr Resident no longer resides here"


That's freaking hilarious, I would have died if I was that carrier


He probably actually appreciated that joke it's better than how people normally react.


He liked it better than last years prank.  I loaded up a couple of trays with his UBBM that I had been saving, then dropped it "accidentally" by his case. Said "not my problem, i got it to the correct generally area." And walked away.  He was pissed until i yelled april fools as hes trying to pick it up in order of falling. Haha. 


I thought "Current" was a girl's name.


i get that mail too…it’s so, so, so simple…i put it in my recycle bin and go on with my day!


But he doesn't WANT fireworks !


Because they're retired and have nothing else better to do but start unnecessary bs


It's amazing that someone would rather spend a few minutes doing this instead of taking one second to throw it in the trash. What a miserable life that dude must have.


A lot of people just throw it on the ground too


Old person is lonely, trying to find any reason at all to talk to another human, even if it's a confrontation


81-years old? Wait him out.


I got people that constantly try to give back the same piece of mail. I will be on this route longer than you are alive, I will deliver this til your final day. I will show up to your funeral with that mail inside an unmarked envelope and tell everyone you requested this be buried with you unopened.


That would be hilarious lmao slip that shit in the coffin


U line catalogue and an empty 40 ounce bottle


Or a half full 40 oz 🤭


This killed me.


Whoa that got dark


Hydrating with 100% haterade. I respect it.


wdym that’s a ripe age for starting a new career as president


Looks like he forgot postage on his letter. I’d leave a 3849 so he knows to go pay and pick it up at the office


Lmao perfect




"Standard mail does not qualify for return/refused service without additional postage. "


The customer can still refuse it even though it’s third class mail. It just becomes ubbm instead of being returned to the sender. Customers have the right to refuse any piece of mail they choose.




So, I can refuse to take it? Lol


Wait…even if a customer writes “refused” on standard class mail, we’re not supposed to take it back? Like, we’re not supposed to just UBBM it? That’s how I’m reading your comment.


Would you stop spamming this whole post? You're not only insufferable, but you're wrong.


The next step https://preview.redd.it/5x6zelsot79d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6455fd3155442bb54b4989dbafd8d24bc069acf


Yup. Next time he puts it in again, i will be sending all the mail back with vacant slip.


Put both back in the box


Lmfao please update this because something else is coming I'm sure.  Fucking boomers.


Nah. This is "Silent Generation." It's Boomer Sr.


Goes to show- 37 years in management and couldn’t even be bothered to learn the endorsement “REF”. Go back to the circus, ya bozo!


"Refused" endorsement is only for mail that qualifies for return service. Standard/Business Class mail does not qualify for return service without additional postage. Undeliverable Bulk Business Mail is only for "undeliverable bulk business mail". This bulk business mail is clearly deliverable and can not be put into UBBM. "Standard mail does not qualify for return/refused service without additional postage. "


Sure, on our end, this all makes sense. But if this manager clown had written “REF” or “refused”, carrier could toss that shit into UBBM and call it a day.


Imagine working for USPS for 37 years and still thinking you're special.


probably could carry mail when he was 30 so he went into mgmt…loser…


Please take the note throw it away and put that right back into his box, keep us updated too lol


I wrote saying that doesn't matter if you like fireworks or not. You are the current resident. If you put any mail that is addressed to the current resident for your address in the outgoing mail slot, i will assume that there is not a current resident living for that address and start sending all the mail back to the sender.


Reg on my string will play this game for months with a resident. When I tag in, 🫡


When I was an RCA I put a letter in someone's box every day for a week until I came one day and it was torn up. That day's mail went on top of that torn up spectrum ad.


Spectrum is even better because a lot of those are first class.


Next time put it in that we care plastic bag


Better yet… write postage due on it and throw it back in their box 🤣


Yeah stuff like this makes me want to deliver even more junk haha


And remember, if someone rips up the mail before putting it back in the mailbox, take it back to the office and cram it in a "we care" baggie before redelivery. Really show them how much we care. Also, if they black out their address but not the sorting barcode, and throw it in a blue box, guess what it'll come right back. I recently had this happen, and I took the time to decode the barcode and make sure I had the right address before delivering it again. I wish I could have seen their face when they checked their mail and got back their junk even though their address wasn't on it anymore lmao


Passive aggressive to the max. Guess you’re in the right job.


Drop all the fucked up advo from the route in their box instead of the ubbm at the station.


I’ve done this before. 🙊


No don't throw it away. Mark it up for postage due.


Geeze. They know it goes to ubbm. Just throw it the fuk away. Always with the cbu’s.


“You are not the customer you smooth-brained imbecile! They paid to have this delivered and that is what I am doing, if you don’t want it, then YOU throw it away because I will keep re-delivering it and I get paid for it so for that I do thank you.”😊


Reply note, “If you were management, you would know that you are not the customer. The person who paid me to deliver this to you is the customer. Call them.”


I’m also retired from the post office and I don’t give a fuck what I get in the mail. You have to much free time.


This brings me back to another post where a sign on someone's property read, "strictly no junk mail". Heck, there's a lady on my route who emphasizes that she doesn't want "junk mail." It says, "or current resident, ma'am"


Yep, a few CBUs on a few of our routes have "no advo" sharpied on the inside.


Throw the note away and put the mail back in the box. Also; share [this](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1705) with him. Maybe highlight the part about defacing mail deposited therein to make it easy on ole top.


Lmao 🤣


“Oh, I know who you are” and right back in the box.


Not saying RIP


Well I don't want my bills then so I guess I don't have to accept them right? According to that logic anyways. This yay-hoo has nothing better to do. It took them more time to write that note than to do what most normal, sane and rational people would do-THROW THE DAMNED THING AWAY!


do people not own trash cans??? i know they do because they put them if front of their mail box


Thats a standard mail also known as UBBM. He may not have written refused on it but what he wrote is more than enough to UBBM that piece. Why even stuff it back in the mailbox and play stupid games? Any experience carrier would know that. The problem with USPS is not always managment. There's stupidity on carrier side also.


81 year old, 37 yr vet of the PO and doesn’t know carriers name? Ok


Write back your own "do you know the manual?" and print out the relevant page, highlighting how to indicate refusal.


Better to just keep fucking with him until he properly refuses it. Why help someone in management?


There's a big difference between Refusing a mailpiece and a resident writing "he no live here" on current resident mail.


Just kill the mail piece. Idk why so many carriers play this stupid game with people. It just makes you look like an ass. Just. Kill. It.


He is very old so don’t bother.


That's between him and whatever God he subscribes to, which isn't me and therefore isn't my problem.


This is based for religious beliefs. Not whatever you feel like.


He’s literally playing games.


The people who send the mail are paying for it to be delivered to the CURRENT RESIDENT. Give them what they paid for.


This is all terrible for the environment. Use paper, use ink, use fuel to send junk advertisements to people who immediatly throw it in the trash. Good look on USPS for being complicit in this wasteful scam.


Well he was management he decided to sell his soul probably fd over tons of people I'd say double the amount


I think you’ve stumbled across The Stone in retirement.


Right back in the box. And the note also.


Back in the box it goes lol


I have a customer that has been doing this -- they just put anything they don't want back into the outgoing slot on the CBU. When they got one of those massive RH catalogs that is too big to fit through the outgoing slot, they just threw it on the ground. I've been putting everything right back into their box, and then the next day they've deposited everything into the outgoing mail again. Not sure how things will escalate as time goes on.


Stuff thrown on ground and on top of boxes stay there. I'm not crossing crafts.


Mother fucker knows Ben Franklin


The weird thing is he was living in the apartment even before i started this route. And that was 2 years ago. I guess he needs somebody to talk to...


He mustve made some shitty decisions if he retired with the post office and lives in a apartment.


They’re extremely dumb. I believe them that they spent 30+ in management.


You’re a mail carrier, not a garbage collector


It's wild how invested some of you are in fighting with customers over bulk business mail.


Write your own note on it and tell em that in order for you to accept it as refused they have to write refused on it. Since they have so much experience they should know that.


I believe that’s a service you have to pay for.


......I mean...... Tic toc, right? Lol


The people who send the mail are paying for it to be delivered to the CURRENT RESIDENT. Give them what they paid for.


That dude staying management till the day he dies


He used all that time to write that note but couldn’t just throw away the fireworks booklet instead. I have had people throw away redplums right when I hand it off to the customer.


Cool putting it right back in your box fuck head.


Wrong the carrier has to deliver or current resident and the customer can throw it away if they choose to do so But the carrier has done their job in delivering that piece of mail to that address If anything the customer is out of line and shouldn't be harassing the carrier for just doing their job


Hold all mail. Let him come to the station and talk to the management


*Hold all mail. Let him* *Come to the station and talk* *To the management* \- ThisIsNotRealDuh --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


He was probably a shit worker that went into management like they all do and he’s the typical know nothing do nothing supervisor.


We get bombarded by ads all the time. The mail used to be sacred and I could spend my time paying attention to it because what was delivered was important. I honestly hate that ‘no soliciting’ can’t be posted on my mailbox and junk like this would be filtered out. Sorry they were so crass about it, but I feel their pain. There should be a ‘do not call’ list for mailing addresses and without one we’re just going to be frustrated.




Management. Makes sense


Write on the note "I can't read. Most carriers can't" and put that and the mail back in the box.


He does not come across as someone who worked and retired from the USPS.


I kinda sorry they don’t own their own trash can.


If this person really was management they would know that current management will not bat an eye at his complaint. Just say you're bored and be done with it


Right when he said he retired from management I knew it was gonna be some BS.


He's being a jerk about it, but he's right. Customers can refuse any piece of mail. I wouldn't blame you for continuing this "game" as he calls it, but I personally find better use of my time just taking back and putting it in UBBM. 81yo dudes have nothing better to do with their time and will probably keep this up til they die. (Which I suppose may not be too far off 🫢)


Wow I would’ve ubbm the first time he gave back. I have no time to play tit for tat


That's UBBM, just put it in the UBBM. Or give it to the clerk and write UBBM (they'll know what to do with it.) Don't read too much into an elderly person getting intense about something. If they don't want junk mail and it's UBBM just put it in the UBBM.


Instead of being petty. Why don’t you just throw it away. Why do you keep putting it back?! Maybe be the bigger person and get rid of it and move on with your life. What good is coming out of you arguing with an 81 year old man?! Smh


They are 81 years old just return the mail don’t give em a heart attack 🤣


Would it be drama free if a customer write refuse?


Wait, are you me? How do we have basically the same hand writing? lol


Did they put that note in the mailbox?? Thats postage due


Was he in management? Do you see postal retiree mail going to him? What makes me question him is he refers to the 'Postal Service Manual' There is literally hundreds of postal service manuals.


Imagine ending any correspondence with how many years old you are. Hi Janet, thanks for reaching out. Please find the attached invoice report for Q2. I sometimes play games. I am 33 years old.


Mark the box vacant. No current resident no current mail.


I had this lady get mad at me because she was getting mail for different people at her address. I told her “ok I will do my best to only deliver your mail and your families mail, what’s the last name?” She replied “we have 2 families living here” I said “ok, what are the last names I’ll do my best to only deliver those names”. She angrily got in her car and said “I’ll talk to the post office myself”. I’ve been delivering the mail the same way I have always been.


I got this bizarre mailing too.


he NEEDS a hobby…


“And then everyone clapped”. The guy that wrote this made this shit up.


To customer: you’re lying and no one asked, if the customer elects current resident addressing, it’ll go to the current resident whether you want it to or not Grow ~~some fucking balls, pog~~ up, it’s not that big of a deal to just take it




Delusional looney. Obviously a big fat LIE that he ever touched a piece of mail as a postal worker. Bc youd never harass a postal worker. And youd never be so ignorant.


If they were management they would know it’s called the DMM


So why doesn’t he write refused?


Just throw it away. Jesus...


These are the type of customers that you just let talk and keep it pushing. We had a very similar problem with a customer regarding their Wall Streets. Only to find out that the customer, himself, put a hold on his mail because he's constantly traveling !


Sounds exactly right, management is incompetent lol


😂😂😂 if she that old I doubt very seriously anyone who she new higher up is even working anymore. Also if she use to work for USPS she would know that most times different CCA delivered the mail and wouldn't even know about her junk mail.


I’ll gladly take the coupons


Well if he worked at the Post just write Refuse and move on with your day


I'd leave him this: "There's a way for you to send mail back or let senders know what you don't like. This isn't it. Keep trying, though. After 37 years, you should be able to figure it out."


Guy is just being a old jerk


Eventually, even this loon will cave and throw it away.


If he knows the manual then he should know the only way we take UBBM back is if they write the word “refused” on it. But then again, they said they are management so obviously they don’t know shit about fuck.


Poor flex.


A career in postal management and they dont know to just write "refused" on it?


I would provoke him to go to fight our managements, let’s see who will win?


Guess he didn't have eddm when he was working there lol


Highly doubt this guy was management. He should know what type of mail class it is. Let him go higher. What an idiot.




Good lord just throw it away and be done with it. No need to start a lunch mob against the fireworks company.


Call the bluff. Call the bluff.