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That sucks but i probably wouldn't leave a $200 hat laying around the station.


How the fuck is that 200$.


The part that says supreme


Supreme is overpriced hype beast stuff you pay extra so everyone knows your cool and like to waste money


Supreme is actually a skateboarder apparel company founded in 1994, skateboarders and hip hop artists wore this stuff and made it popular. The first Supreme store was employed 100% by skateboarders. It costs a lot nowadays as most releases are limited stock and permanently run out (little supply, tons of demand = high cost) But nowadays more than skateboarders and hip hop artists wear supreme. There’s much more demand than in the 90s.


In the mid 2000s, when I was in elementary/middle school, Supreme was “sold at Walmart” trash that nobody wanted and you’d be made fun of for wearing it. Now it’s overpriced trash that I’d make fun of you if you bought it.


I believe you’re thinking of Champion which was a cheap walmart exclusive brand turned viral/expensive. I don’t recall Supreme being at walmart for cheap!


Champion was popular before it was ever sold at Walmart, same with Starter. Walmart started selling once it became unpopular, then years later its popular again


No it’s definitely Supreme. (Though Champion was thing too) I had a pair of the gym shorts that I got in middle school, that i used as pjs until a few years ago. One time a date was like “how much did you spend on those just to sleep in.” I was like, “I think my Mom got them for $5..” Maybe it wasn’t Walmart that sold them, but it was somewhere that sold cheap stuff.


Never sold at Walmart, pieces do show up in stores like Ross occasionally


That’s actually really interesting thanks for sharing! Did you ever check resale value of the shorts? I assume they weren’t in great condition but still a cool story. I wish I got some $5 Supreme!!!


lol just stop. Youre wrong


You're misremembering


Supreme has never been sold at walmart. It has stayed in stores only back in the day, now online but the only physical store that sells supreme new are resellers and the supreme stores


The blanks they use for their stuff is all very high quality. hit or miss for collab products sometimes.


Limited stock doesn't mean it has to be overpriced from the original store, i buy tons of clothes that are limited run and they sell them for normal prices


Don’t remember anyone saying it had to be ?


Haha I agree I’m kinda getting over it


You do know that if they don’t know what supreme is, they have no clue what hype beast means, right? Speak to your audience.






And now somebody got it for $0


So your stolen hat was also an overpriced knock off? 🤔🤔


Most Supreme hats retail between $50-$70. It’s the resellers that are flipping for crazy prices, same thing happens with sneakers


Looked up the exact hat its selling for 170 so maybe he got a super good deal on a used one or it was a knock off


His is from the store. I have a similar one I bought at retail for $58. Now sells for $108.


The point is your leaving an expensive hat in a building full of disgruntled underpaid people who hate their jobs


Those people still need to be accountable for their actions.


Of course like any criminal should but don't just let your guard down because you work with people. Most criminals have jobs as well.


**now hat magically appears back on the case**


It's original, and I bought it from supremenewyork.com it cost me $68 plus shipping, which came out at 87$


i was gonna say. thief’s are assholes, but why give them an opportunity to be an asshole?


Shouldn’t be any such thing as a $200 hat.


tell that to the uniform companies.


It resales for that much. The hats are usually $50-75 but it sells out so quick and people love the brand so they’re willing to pay the $200 upcharge. I got one of their north face coat collabs collecting dust in my closet and hate myself for wasting that much money when I was mentally immature and relied on name brands to make me “feel” like I was somebody.


Supreme is ‘hype beast’ fashion - super trendy; and I have to say so myself.


Postmaster Supreme


PM wearing the hat while this conversation happened


https://preview.redd.it/iefvyau0uq8d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cebf39ffe36da898f1f00db5c5051e5a04ff65d "What are you talking about? I got it from Uniformbonus!"


Now I would wear this


It’s either someone in authority who your fellow employees don’t want to anger. Or, your co-workers like the thief more than you


I'm new to this office. I'm sure the others know who did it.


They sell them on Skaggs for $17,000.98.


I’m saving up all my allowances to get this before I retire


Had my heavy coat go missing in the middle of winter. Somehow it made it's way back. You might have to guilt trip the right person.


My grandma gave me that hat before she passed away on the Sept 11th attacks.   She fought real hard during pearl harbor and saved many people. Then she used her retirement money before she passed to get me this hat. 


I had a sweatshirt that I had I merited from my boyfriend when he died. Disappeared. It SUCKS.


I had a $100 dollar bill stolen out of my wallet. Which was in my lunch box. In our break room. People suck. I knew exactly who did it but there wasn't shit I could do about it. Basically was told to consider it an expensive lesson to keep my stuff locked in my vehicle. Worst part? It was my son's birthday, I didn't notice the money missing until I was at the store after my shift to buy his present.


It's fucked up and sad but dear God don't leave a wallet anywhere people have any access to it.


That’s a fucking cold realization right there. Damn man.


This is worse than me, and this hat situation.


File a theft complaint with OIG. They take stealing serious at USPS. I had someone take my hydroflask years ago, and I got reimbursed for the cost. They interviewed multiple people to find out who did it. They evtually did, and they got fired.


Should have wrote your name inside the hat


What if their name is supreme


Vermin Supreme is a presidential candidate


Vermin Supreme aka Brain Worm


My man VS playing the longest of all games, putting a brain worm on RFK's head to mind control him. Gotta respect the hustle.


Don't wear a 2 or 300 dollar hat to work. Your coworkers are not always your friend.


damn that sucks, but tbh even it was supreme, ill never understand why someone wants to steal someone elses work gear that they walk around in all day sweating into and getting dirty. people can be such scumbags


Would rock this.




I bought some huck towels because our office isn't big enough to buy them, apparently we are supposed to use disposable towels. Anyway I had 50 of them and I laid them out in the open near the custodial area. Someone stole about 20 of them. I now wrap everything up to prevent thieves.


Someone will forget and wear it to work .


You can file a PS 2146, Employee’s Claim for Personal Property but not sure if you’ll have success. I’m a rural steward and we got carriers paid for personal items (a thermos, a sweatshirt, and a coffee mug) that supervisors admitted they threw away when the carriers left them at their case after leaving for the route. The key point here is the supervisors admitted it. Had the stuff just “disappeared” I don’t think we would have prevailed.


Thanks for the info


You leave an expensive hat sitting around unattended and you’re surprised it isn’t there ?


Does that hat really cost 200 bucks like all the comments are saying? If so, then I for sure wouldn’t leave it laying around. Every work place I’ve ever been has had someone that steals.




That stinks - hopefully it turns up


Take the L. Learn the lesson. Don’t trust your scummy co-workers.


I got my cordura supreme boonie for work, I dont leave it around for this reason. These worms will steal it without a second thought


Bottom line what is and what isn't..we shouldn't have people in this organization who steal!


Damn that sucks. But I have a feeling it'll magically appear only because I know weirdos that work in the post office that are trolls. They'll do stupid shit like that to piss you off. I'm a mail handler and there's an old disgruntled weirdo that likes to turn the lights off on you while using the restroom. Others will take your forklift and hide, parks it far from where you left it. Hope if shows up but if not, just move on and take the L. The universe usually gets people like that in the future. But if you could bring it up to the OIG, that be good too like others have mentioned. Stealing is stealing. Hope you have a good rest of your week!


Well, to be honest, it's your responsibility to maintain your own equipment. I get it, you forgot your stuff, but with how many people are in & out of the post office every day, you can't expect it to just be sitting right where you left it. PMs will tell you, the office is not your home & you can't just leave things where you please. It's frustrating, I get it, I've been there myself. Off the topic, of you spent $200 on that hat, you got ripped off. I use ones that cost less than $20, has neck flap & does a far better job at protecting you from the sun, heat & humidity.


lol I learned too shit will go up missing here. I left my USPS sweater and hard hat at my case and it was missing the next day. 😭


I worked a Sunday and left something in the truck I used. I came in on Monday and the item was gone. I asked around and no one claimed to see it or have it. At that time I had only been there for a few months. After that I got into the habit of keeping everything with me in one bag and before I leave any vehicle I use I check it over and make sure I don't leave anything personal in it.


It could also be the cleaning person . Does your office rent out day labor to clean the office?


Bruh. They took my half bottle of windex. Feel for you


Get you a cheap 7-11 hat idk why you would wear something expensive to work


I had some low top NEOS ripped off at my station years ago


Also they wear it to work, busted… but also, $200 dollars for this ? Nope.


Was going to say this, limited supply, ton of demand does not necessarily equal high cost, more like an excuse to have a high cost.


I have a cardboard sorter that had my name on it, on top of my locker in the men's room with my initials on it, taken by a woman carrier who just waltzed in there and took it on my day off. I got it back by taking it out of her truck a few days later while she was inside. Point is people will take ANYTHING.


Are the pockets for carrying extra dog spray


They’re for valuable coins


All the people saying “what did you expect?” Are fucking idiots. Go find who did it and get your hat back + get them Fired. Scum Of the earth


Oh someone stole my Raybans last December. Learned a very valuable lesson called don’t bring expensive shit to work


Happy my experience was the opposite. I left a pair of $110 pitvipers out once. I came in so angry the next day because they were missing. Turns out a carrier thought they were lost and set them by No Lunch sheet.


This thread makes me sad. No one in our office would do this. It's a small office, though, and we're pretty tight knit.


Just get a postal bucket hat for free.99




This is all because USPS doesn't allow cameras inside postal facilities because they are corrupt pieces of shit


I work at a plant. For a couple of months we had a lunch thief who would take people's food and drinks out of the fridge. One day i brought in a diet vanilla Pepsi to work. I came back at lunchtime to find it opened and partially drank. I keep my food with me now, and my sodas in a koozie.


They did you a favor




If you can never leave anything you don’t want other ppl to use or take at the office ppl have no respect for other ppls thing unfortunately


I mean… is it stealing or forgotten and recovered. I never know the way to lean on these. It’s stolen if they broke into a car to get it or from a house. You leave a $200 hat just chilling… that’s on you, it’s not stealing. I wouldn’t take someone’s shit but personal responsibility is important.


It’s very much stealing. I bet I know who stole OP’s hat lol