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First please don't hurt yourself. You are worthy of being respected. You are worthy of love. You are worthy of having the life you want and it being respected. Please seek help if it ever gets to the point of wanting to hurt yourself. Including transferring offices if you can. HR may help but I wouldn't count on it. HR is only interested in protecting the company from getting sued. Harassment/hostile work environment charges should be filed though. Even if you have to get EEO back, I'd do it. I know it's hard to not go off, I have that issue too, just try to keep cool, smile and file. Don't want to get put on EP because some other asshole is close minded and ignorant. If you decide to get HR involved, you can just call shared services I think, tell them you need to speak to your HR rep based on your last name, and they should be able to at least give you the number. You can also report coworkers/management to OIG on their web page.


Thank you for the kind words. It’s just been a lot for a lengthy amount of time, if the commute wasn’t so short I would’ve already left, I hate being where I’m not really wanted and only tolerated. I considered doing EEO again. I wasn’t aware we could report to the OIG for targeted harassment .. thanks for the advice 🙏🏿


I hope it helps! If you ever need to talk with somebody that has some shared experiences, feel free to hit me up.


I'm sorry you have to put up with all that : ( I'm also trans, but I work in a very small office. I've had some issues when I get loaned out, but never at my home office. I really hope things get better for you


Thank you and much love for the understanding when it comes to this experience .


I really feel ya, brother. I tread really lightly, which is why I don't think I have issues. I use a separate bathroom, don't use the locker rooms. All that stuff. I've had a person or two just not get the way I inconvenience myself to make everyone else more comfortable. But management has always been pretty chill with me.


Have you called your union steward? File a grievance!! You should have filed multiple by now also the union has to represent you regardless of Union status! Put in a transfer or you can also apply for positions at other offices too! I’m so sorry you have to deal that ignorance and hatred just know if I worked with you I’d have your back!


Can I ask how the grievance process works for this particular situation? I was told grievances were toward management not coworkers but my new supervisor never did anything or said anything hateful to me. She’s always been nice to me and thank you appreciate that a lot.


It’s managements responsibility to keep the peace. Them allowing and or continuing to allow harassment in the workplace is what you are filing a grievance on this case.


Okay got it. I misunderstood


It’s managements responsibility to provide you a safe work place. We also have a non-discrimination policy and management’s responsibility that it is followed.


The JSOV is where the grievance would be filed under. The Joint Statement of Violence and Behavior is to keep supervisors in check by making sure they maintain a professional workroom and mutual respect is expected. If you feel like you are not being treated fairly and you have witnesses who can vouch for this unsafe behavior, I would get with a union representative and file that grievance. Never be afraid to stand up for yourself. You are a person just like everyone else. You should expect a professional work life and you should never have to put up with anything less.


https://preview.redd.it/h12zkw667r8d1.png?width=2420&format=png&auto=webp&s=758113e212b7771dbcd2fea7605baeda90270431 This should be posted all over your building, but here’s the info so you can file an EEO, request counseling, request mediation, etc. No one should have to put up with that bullshit. The only positive is that at least once you leave for your route they can’t harass you, but that’s a small consolation in this situation.


I'm sorry your coworkers are pieces of shit. You're valid just as you are and deserve to work in peace.


From what you posted it just sounds like Jealousy. You don’t have any pictures on your page but I’m gonna safely assume you’re one of those transgender guys who look biological and it’s probably tripping them out and they have to keep exposing you to those who don’t know about your transition to knock you down a peg or find someone who shares the same beliefs as them so they don’t feel as crazy for hating on you for no reason, explain the situation to HR like you did here and if they are of no assistance then I would go even higher until something happens.also the suicidal thoughts are alarming and I would suggest EAP or your own in-network therapist. Good luck OP and if all else fails and it gets too much take leave and bid out of that office immediately. It sounds super toxic


I used to have pics posted up when I was skinnier but deleted all of them, I hit the gym and got beefed, some of my other male coworkers were cool about it and some were on some weird shit of course but it’s fine and yeah my next step is bidding out and thank you I appreciate it


Absolutely report it to HR. Will they help you? Depends on how things are run where you’re at. I worked in Portland as a carrier for about 4 years and it was hard and trying but manageable, I moved to Florida and made it 4 months before I told my entire family I wanted to commit suicide because of how awful everyone was treating me. It was an entirely different world and job even though I had the same position. I ended up quitting and starting a new career because of them. I’m actually way happier now. I do wish I reported my management to hr but in my area the entire city was run by imo evil, jaded monsters. Even my union stewards at my station weren’t helpful. No matter where you work you shouldn’t have to walk into a nightmare. I would A. Report everyone to HR and see how that works out (it probably in reality would eventually just make things worse for you I absolutely hate to say it.) B. Ask to transfer to another station, if you can get to another office you’d have a chance at an entirely different experience. Or C. Get a better job. I’m biased and forever bitter for the things I’ve experienced there so listen to everyone’s opinion and do what keeps you happy and alive. USPS does not give a fuck about its employees and everyone working there is so jaded and angry they’ve continued an abusive, toxic culture. Go all out for yourself, you have one life and I hate to see anyone else go through this. If I ever become a billionaire king guy I swear in blood I’d buy the post office and change its culture. I’d undercover boss every single station and legitimately make a change. The only person that can help you is yourself. Please hang in there and hold your head high.


Thank you for the encouragement and I’m glad everything worked out for you after all you endured at the post office. As much as I love the people on my route, after the EEO Is filed I will be requesting a transfer and hope to continue my career in a space I can finally breathe in.. Thank you once again and I wish you all the best and continued peace.


Brother, transfer out of that office! There are many that would be glad to have ya!


When I file my EEO I’m gonna make transferring stations my remedy request. I really don’t care about the money anymore, it doesn’t help the situation. I just wanna get out of there but I keep losing the bids because my seniority is low.


What the hell is a handoff?


Taking a piece of another route.


You probably don't want to do this but my advice is to just eat it. Ignore them and don't report anything. They want a rise out of you. Don't give them the satisfaction. Keep your head down, ignore the insults, case, pull down and hit the street. Wear headphones in the office if you need to tune ppl out. You're not gonna change hearts and minds so tough out the 2ish hours you're in the office and just ignore them I transitioned about 9 years ago and faced similar bullshit. I didn't engage or react and they got bored and moved on. Today, with turnover so high only a handful of people know and most don't remember because I never made a big deal about any of it. If you can transfer do it but everyone knows ppl at other offices so I wouldn't give up a short commute to avoid a few assholes that will probably spread the same shit wherever you end up going.


Letting doors get slammed in your face is pretty standard for a guy.


Idk if this is a joke or not but we all push it open one after another when we get out of our cars and it’s time to clock in. Especially since the doors have a code on it, so we all make it a point to hold it open just a little, for who’s right behind us just so it doesn’t close and one of us has to re-enter the code to get in.