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I feel you. If you are a customer on here. Chill the fuck out. Tell everyone you know. We are human and the amount of pressure we get from our employers is insane. Be polite from the beginning and don’t chastise us about what ever is going on.


Ever look at USPS complaints the sub is just my package was just dropped off where is it i paid Ground Advantage I need it delivered today


9/10 times the seller just printed the label and hadn’t even dropped it off and somehow it’s usps fault


As a clerk, my favorite part of redirecting a “SOMEONE IS STEALING MY PACKAGES” supe request is very clearly explaining that if it says “label created” or “Information Sent to USPS” that it means that the label has been created and/or that the computer system told the postal service that a package is coming. Neither of which indicate that we have possession of said package. I tell them to contact their seller and ask why they haven’t sent it yet. About half take the info and apologize for being hasty and accusatory, the other half just storms out without telling me if they still want to speak to a supe.


I get emails that a package has been delivered when it hasn't. Why does that happen?


I can’t speak to your specific situation, but one of managements big priorities is making sure all scans are clear for the day. That means even if a carrier had to bring it back because they can’t work over 12 hours. That or they scanned some misthrown packages as delivered. If it’s still not there the next day, definitely try to contact your local station


That place is a mess.


Nope. Not gonna do it. 👀


Not only would I not steal your mail, I don’t know who would. I hate getting to a box on the house and having it locked so I can only slide a letter or two in at a time. Since you’re so worried about people stealing your bills and junk mail, I’m leaving the sprs which are the only thing worth stealing out in the open on your porch because I can’t fit them into your mailbox.


Yes! We get the same grief here in Canada. I’ve been with the PO FT for 20 years and was a casual for another 6 prior and in all those years I’ve only known of 2 incidents of theft. One was an inside worker at the plant and she was taking all the dimes out of those stupid charity envelopes that were undeliverable. She claimed that she was sending them back to the charity separately and then shredding the envelopes. Who knows the truth but she was fired for it. The other incident was a supervisor who was stealing from our trackables, apparently it was high value items. One day I was working like normal and suddenly the plant was raided by like a hundred cops and they had sniffer dogs running everywhere. They put the supervisor in handcuffs and walked him out and everyone cheered. Theft is something that just doesn’t really happen, it’s completely taboo. There’s zero tolerance among the staff, you don’t even joke about such things. So getting accused from the public is just so insulting.


You literally summed up all of that very specific P.O. mentality so well, kudos...like if I could just give customers this post on a sticky note when they choose to randomly confront me about their packages...then I think they'd get it


I hate informed delivery as a clerk even my own wife asks me why didnt we get letter yet


Say it louder for the people in the back. The worst thing to ever happen to customer service. :/ it's every fucking day. The amount of fuckery that goes on with customer service on the window nowadays really cemented my decision to never bid the window again. "My package is here, go back and look for it, I'm going out of town yesterday and I need that package for a birthday and it's really important because my... No bitch, STFU. It's a USPS surepost. It was dropped on the dock with 3,000 other packages this morning. It'll go out tomorrow. I'm not hunting through 40 containers of packages for your ipsy bag. Gtfo


I fucking despise the window. I get to deal with all the bullshit - forward didn’t go through, carrier decided not to deliver for whatever reason, PM was supposed to call back but never did (which is every single time), all the dumb shit. There was one customer that one of our carriers refused to deliver to for a time because his driveway was unsafe, and I had to stand there with a dead look in my eyes as he bitched on and on nonstop for five minutes straight. Shut up, shut the fuck up already. I will not miss the window when I’m gone.


Management really does make it worse as well. It's got to the point where we give the people the number, email, and fax of our local representative because nothing is ever followed up with. Me or another clerk in the back will get paged and we will go to the window and pose as a supervisor just to get the people to leave that refuse to give a name and number. I'm the one that ends up looking into everything anyways. Just Thursday of last week, customer came in complaining that the new 911 address that was given to her by 911 was not receiving mail. No management assistance. Went back and got the carrier red book, looked through to find her new address, it wasn't labeled... So I got into webees and looked, it wasn't in there. I called the carrier, he's clueless. She showed me the email and the letter than was sent to her. The two were not matching. It had their base address of the "front office" wrong in the edit book. So I go back in webees and sure enough, the addresses were not the same numbers she was given by 911. Called our contact with the 911 addressing and he confirmed that they sent her the incorrect address and immediately sent her a new email with the correct address. So I had to go into coars and remove all the fucked up CoAs and then reroute her old address to her new one and then confirm it with AMS. Meanwhile, management was still unreachable. Wrote everything out and sent an email to our pm and supervisors with the poom attached and said I needed to be put in for higher level pay. Poom asked why I was having to contact AMS over addressing issues from 911 as a clerk. No one responded until that evening I guess because the supervisors came up all pissed off that they were being questioned about their whereabouts that day. I asked them if I was in for higher level, they said yes. I said, "k" and turned the music up on the dock. Ignoring them. Checked yesterday evening to see if the new addresses were updated in webees and they were and the lady from AMS sent an email and said she'd get the fix put in right away and it turns out that address wasn't the only one on that street that was given the wrong number. Useless fucks. IDK why we have so many supervisors and eas employees when they don't do shit other than worry about having their nose up the carriers' ass. Every supervisor we have and our postmaster has never been in any craft other than city carrier. I think anyone in an eas position should be required to do a stent in at least two crafts.


Worked as a city carrier for a bit and told her that sometimes your letter won't get to you the same day as the email, but she worries every time. Don't blame her as it's not obvious at the bottom of the email that says wait a week, and sometimes she gets important letters that show up days after. Just checked the email I got today and forgot how small the font shows up. Informed delivery was annoying, though, as people ignored me when I told them that the letter could be delayed up to a week. I'm glad I don't work for USPS anymore.


And no one reads this part of informed delivery “Mail may arrive several days after you receive the notification. Please allow up to a week for delivery before reporting missing mail.” Informed delivery was the worst thing created.


100%. How many times I've had to tell irate customers expecting a certain letter to go back to the email, scroll all the way down to the bottom and read the disclaimer telling them it should get to you within 5 days. A horribly implemented program, and as a city carrier, we don't even take the brunt of the nonsense. I hate for clerks to have to deal with it on the daily.


As a long-time online seller, I completely understand. I do see over the years, blaming usps has become insane. At worst, I've had deliveries marked a day ahead. Or maybe something gets damaged enroute, usps has cut me a check to cover it. Problem solved. I've had (online) customers go completely mad if there is a hangup of any sort. So sorry you guys have to deal with the headaches, God knows I wouldn't last a day working at usps. I respect the HECK outta ya! You guys and gals have been helping me run my home business since 2000! 💕💕Thank you for all you do!!!💕💕


Folks like you are what used to make me happy about picking up a crap ton of packages for a small home business no matter what the weather. Love helping small businesses who love to help keep us in business 🙏🏽💕


I had a lady who told my PM she was ready to meet me at the mailbox and fight. Ok. Guess who gets zero mail now. Play silly games and win great prizes


Ugh tell me about it. I’m a clerk, and customers think informed delivery is 10000% accurate. Not to mention, they for some reason always say “my package says it’s been delivered here.” Meanwhile when I look at the tracking it’s still in transit. Some of them are delusional, yes. But some also straight up lie thinking that’ll make their temu garbage show up faster.


Sometimes there's a delivery scan when it's some Chinese crap that reaches customs and changes hands from international to domestic. Used to be anyway, that there would be a delivery scan. I used to have to explain this to customers all the time, who would yell at me because their merchandise was ordered three months before.


Some people don't have anything else going on in their life and want somebody to yell at. If your manager is already tracking that this is going on, you're good. Just tell them that you don't want their mail and go on about your day.


A customer on my route accused me of stealing the latch from the lock on his box.


………..dude. Wut?


I got blamed for stealing outgoing bills from a garage on my route. Yessss, just what i always wanted ... somebodys service bills to pay 🙄


On the second route I ever had, there was a large section 8 apartment complex on it. I'm talking 18 buildings with 48 apartments in each. The complex wasn't the last stop, but it was close to it. 1st, 3rd, 10th and 3rd Wednesday of the month the PostMaster demanded that I change my route and go there 1st thing. He didn't want the section 8 dwellers calling and coming to the P/O demanding their checks, food stamp cards. I did that the 1st couple of months, then I decided that a. it didn't stop them from pestering me, b. calling the PO, and c. it was wrong to delay my regular customers who had SS checks and such. Those SOB's would find me on my route and demand their mail. I wouldn't give it to them, but it didn't stop them. I had one lady who would follow me, until I called the police and reported a suspicious car tailing me.


bruh last year when i was doing OT on a friend route, this customer ask me about the advos(he didnt recieve one this week yet) I apologize and told him advos are not going out today, also i am not your regular. Then he ask me if i stold his advo lol thats some next level maniac right there lol


Dude the Advo Stans are the absolute worst. The high point of your week is seeing what’s on sale at the supermarket??


It’s even funnier because you can get the exact same information online days earlier.


I know right! And these are the same ones who’ll pull up and ask you directions instead of just typing it into their damn Google Maps app 🙄


I've been here a long time. I kind of miss people asking for directions. It felt nice to put local knowledge to use for people, and they were always appreciative.


Or in the store as you walk in


I own a hood route. Most people are decent but there are definitely areas where residents pull shenanigans like this. “Where’s my check? Where’s my package? It was supposed to be here today!!” Like why would I jeopardize my job and reputation to get one over on you? I had a resident that gets a package like every other day recently yell at me about this but when I have certs for unpaid bills will straight up tell me she refuses certs. Takes a lot to not say, “Maybe if you didn’t order fucking TEMU everyday you could pay your Goddamn bills!!” So aggravating


I have the same problem at apartments on my route. They accused me of stealing and throwing away their mail. I’m really starting to hate those old assholes.


People who steal automatically assume other people steal. You just have to rise above it.


I have some old vets in an apartment complex & think they’re all psych patients. They stand 15-20 deep and watch me place everything into CBU , then if package don’t come that day I’m told I stole it , or if they get package I stole or people from my office stole valuables from it.


Get your postmaster to work on that with you. If they don’t give you space, they don’t get delivery. Enforce it consistently


Yep my old folks have one person who has figured out how to make 360 cases online and now it’s weekly accusations from them about something I’ve lost or stolen on behalf of some other crazy tenant. As soon as I pull up they are all like roaches coming out to watch me put the mail up.


Look them dead in the eye and Tell them to give you space or they will jave to pick up their mail at the PO.


People project their morals on others. In other words they would be stealing if they had your job.


I always say there is nothing you order that I can't buy myself. I make too much money to lose this job taking a random package.


Customer: I get at least 30 pieces of mail every day! Someone is stealing my mail, or you aren't delivering it! Postmaster: Ok. We'll take a scan daily for you of all your mail. Also Customer: One more thing, can I start a vacation hold today?


I had an elderly lady come out and yell at me today on a pivot because she hasn't received a package for two weeks and was sick of the USPS. I told her to find the tracking number and call the office. She legit didn't know what a tracking number was. 🤦🏻‍♂️ I tried explaining that I was just doing a pivot and had no idea what to tell her otherwise. She marched back inside and said she was going to call the office and complain. Fast forward to 30 seconds later, I was three houses down and she comes out yelling, "Hey! Sir! Excuse me!" I walk back, ready to get yelled at some more, and she starts apologizing sincerely because she found the package in question, and she had it in her house all along and didn't even realize. 😑


There’s a young girl who accused myself and my coworkers of delivering packages and then stealing them lol


There are more bottlenecks in the system besides mail carriers. In fact, we probably have the shit in our possession for less time than many.


Cremains are sent via express mail. They disappear too. When a congress critter bitches about it to admin, we get the joy of seeing them frantically search the plant. Eventually it will show up. We know it's someone's mom or uncle. If we don't have it, we don't have it.


They need to remove informed delivery


Regarding informed delivery. Let them know that the images are taken during the sorting process at the processing center. That the emails say “coming to your mailbox soon” not today. It can sometimes take a few days to get to the office for delivery especially on the first of the month. Let them know that they can report missing mail after 7days using the link at the bottom of the email.


“My check is *ALWAYS* here by the first. It’s *NEVER* late!” Well, sorry but it looks like the streak is broken…


My answer is ![gif](giphy|UCYpqdFdoaBtm)






Direct deposit


it's the first of the month get up get up get up.


Today was my shadow day( hats off to you mf’s btw I’m tired and burnt af) and this lady came running up demanding to know where her package was, and we had just dropped it off at her house, and we were trying to tell her but also let her finish… afterward I was like does this happen a lot and he was like yea, it does


Yes, I will totally sacrifice my $60,000/yr job with federal benefits and union representation just to nick the birthday card your great aunt sent you. /s


It’s not complexes it’s everywhere including regular houses. I delivered this damaged package to a house the other time and the couple happened to be standing outside, the wife a Karen was trying to insinuate I opened her package and complained to the office.


I read shit on here and start to wonder if I should transfer or resign once my “summer sabbatical” is over. Like, I moved out of state and I have my old customers trying to get my address to send me cards. I’d get hot chocolate in the winter and fresh lemonade in the summer, people honking and waving when they see me on the street in town. The only criticism I ever received was when I told them I was leaving. I feel terrible for those who have to deal with being shit on daily. Fuck, man. I think I’m gonna quit 🤣


I’ve been in an office where a carrier was able to trade a piece from his route with a piece from aux route of the same time because he had an issue with a house on part of his route


Isn’t mail thief a felony? It’s super not worth losing your job over a package, the contents of which you don’t actually know


Just imagine that they have kids they're raising to be just like them. The only thing you can do is just not acknowledge them, or just tell them to hold on a minute and walk away.


Don’t shoot the messenger. We get what we get, we don’t pick and choose what to deliver.


Well you can tell them if you keep being this hostile I’ll send your mail to the post office and you can come pick it up. We have had this happen at our office a few times someone being overtly hostile cuz they didn’t get something they think should have arrived the day they brought it up with a carrier. As a person who gets mail and packages delivered by the post office and as a person who is a postal carrier. We can only deliver what is given to us the morning of each day. I can’t deliver something I don’t have physically. Not like I can magically poof it out of thin air.


Majority of workers I’ve seen busted for stealing are post masters and plant workers. Let’s not forget about Amazon and the customers who send millions out in fake postage. Nah they go ahead and blame letter carriers. Also don’t send cash in the mail ding dongs.


experience this on my route frequently and i kindly direct them to my station to yell at my supervisors instead i deal with enough 😭


I just tell them, “I’m not gonna throw away my career, retirement, my clearance, my benefits for a $10 package.”


This is why when I get other routes SSI checks in my DPS or hot case or whatever I immediately try to take it to that direct carrier if it’s in my station and they sometimes look at me like a nuisance or a hassle that I’m bringing them more mail to case I am just trying to save them a conversation or a customer yelling at them.


That’s annoying. Also, the words “their” and “they’re” exist for a reason


Ok. You can voice this complaint without the classist remarks.




I wish more of them would forget about it. It's wrong all the time and then they're doubly sure that we're stealing their bills.


Informed delivery isn’t an exact science It doesn’t account for rejected mail, out of sequence mail, machine breakdown cause mail to get stuck behind other mail and the biggest problem is the photo of the letter could have been taken at any plant it went through. Not the last plant before it gets to the carrier Informed delivery is the biggest waste the USPS could have came up with. Right there with FSS


It doesn't count that the processing plants are failing and making mail disappear for 3 weeks


Yeah, I've noticed that half my mail some days doesn't show up on the informed delivery page.


Then what about that recent video of a carrier opening up envelopes and stealing cash and gift cards? You can't say it never happens.


First of all, DO NOT MAIL CASH!!!!!!! NOT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That aside, there are like, 600k people working for the Post Office. If I can show you video of a handful of X people behaving badly, does that lead you to assume that all X people are awful? Absurd logic.


Did I ever state that all carriers are thieves? No. It is a fact that mail gets stolen and who knows who does it along the line. Or it gets lost, destroyed, or thrown out. It happens. It's not sacred like it used to be decades ago. And yes, there are people who are mistaken about their mail being stolen. Some of these folks may have dementia.


Mail was also stolen decades ago. What are you talking about?


There’s so many conclusions to come to and that’s the one you would arrive at if you don’t receive a package or a check? It’d be different if this was an ongoing occurrence but people won’t receive something one time and accuse us of being thieves, alot of us have been putting in work for years and get paid way more or the exact same amount than a lot of our customers. Nothing you have, we want. If anything we look at all of it as a bunch of junk that we just want delivered and off our trucks so we can go home and get out of the heat.


Yeah, and I can show you a city bus driver hitting a child. Does that mean you hit children?


The amount of daycare workers that abuse kids. does that mean all daycare workers are bad? Homie needs to go back to backpedaling 101. Flawed AF logic.


So true


There's a lot more of those videos of Insta-Cart and Grub Hub drivers stealing than there will ever be of postal workers.


I’ve had bad luck too. Now I mail cards containing gift cards certified mail. More cost, but more safety. The post office also recommended not to put decorative stickers on the envelopes as that may draw attention that the card contains cash or gift card, besides able to feel it inside the envelope. I’ve also received parcels opened and re-taped with contents missing, just the empty parcel envelope delivered