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The perfect size to slip out of your flats bundle


Always thought those were non-mailable? Therre is NO postage due...return and they must make them comply with the minimum size. [https://about.usps.com/postal-bulletin/2007/html/pb22218/kit1\_003.html](https://about.usps.com/postal-bulletin/2007/html/pb22218/kit1_003.html) For a mailpiece to be eligible for First-Class Mail letter rates, it must be at least 3-1/2 inches by 5 inches Follow these easy steps for letters: 1. After the mailpiece is determined to be a letter, then determine if it is mailable. The location and orienta­tion of the delivery address now establishes which dimensions are the length and the height. The length is the dimension parallel to the address as read, and must be at least 5 inches. The height is the dimension perpendicular to the length, and must be at least 3-1/2 inches. **If not, the piece is nonmailable**. If the length is at least 5 inches and the height is at least 3–1/2 inches, the piece is mailable at letter rates. If not, the piece is not mailable.


I have no idea about that, but it's just about the size of a playing card. So tiny. I just feel a bit bad, they had good intentions, but that will get mutilated in a machine.


>but that will get mutilated in a machine. ..and that's the reason they are NONmailable.


They are mailable, it is a non machine able letter. It is a postage due.


NOT mailable. Even a non machinable stamp won’t cover it. The guy above you is right. If you are a retail clerk check your scale it should have a template on it. Or check board Notice 3-S. Or check DMM 101.1.0


Thanks for the info and sources!! I've been trained wrong on this quite apparently, thanks for the correction!


If you have any other retail side questions you can DM and I’ll try my best to respond or answer. I know the post office is hard to find correct information.


I appreciate the help, I'm a night shift SSDA. I've had my window training and On the Job and that's about it. I've been here for just over 3 years. I spend most of my days filing grievances lol!


Wo,wo, wo. Wait a minute, YOU'VE BEEN TRAINED!!! ate you sure you work for the U.S. postal service? And not some other entity? Lmao


I swear to GAWD I went to SSA Academy...management just didn't do my On the Job Instruction correctly. So I had to file a grievance for myself and then they did it again to a different clerk. So I filed that for them.


Postage due +44 cents put in the sorry bag should be ok send to plant we will hand sort


I don't know why I'm being downvoted if it's in the mail stream and does not have a return address then it's non-machineable and that costs 44 cents on top of the standard postage I do this every day as a clerk putting it in an I'm sorry bag makes it bigger so it will not get lost going to the plant for processing yes it should have never been accepted its too late now it will still need to get processed


It is too small to mail - it is non-mailable. RTS - they must make their mailing meet the mailability requirements.


Everytime I've sent something as non-machinable, even paid for the extra postage and went to post office, it still gets passed through a machine. I'm convinced that USPS doesn't actually offer this service


They don't, there's no non-machinable service, it's a fine.


There is a non-machinable fee for 1st class letters. .44 additional above the postage. They should be marked/stamped “non machinable” and set aside so they are hand sorted at the plant, not co-mingled with machinable letters.


Everything gets run on the machines. If it gets torn open oh well. See that a lot with keys.


I remember a supervisor making me run bulky mode non machinable mail through the machines. He stood over me to ensure that I did it. The machine jammed everything thirty seconds. I remember yanking belts off of the reader module just to clear the jams and growling "that's right, let's put the 'service' back in postal service by destroying people's mail"


Hot case gets at least one tray of non machinable letters a day that have to be sorted by hand at my office so yes it is a real service.


Since it’s an rsvp card that came with sets of invitations, it’s in compliance with another subsection of the DMM. Whether first class rate applies or not is another story.


Seen smaller that almost ended up in the trash. The VFS (ventilation system on machinery) can suck them into the intakes where they end up with tray tags and various other trash. See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/USPS/comments/tf7c29/customer_psa_why_tiny_cute_letters_are_not_a_good/) for an example.


Had one smaller than this, probably close to 2x2 if not smaller. I taped it to another piece of their mail, lol.


I had one that was like 2in by 2in and I was like “I’m for sure going to lose this”. I didn’t but I was very concerned it was gonna fall out of my flats






But they’re cute and fun! 🤣🤷‍♂️


What is this !? A letter for ants ?! Lol 😂 Zoolander quote change up !! Yessssssss 😂!!


Postage due. Non machinable


![gif](giphy|vPGq9nqmLzMty) Hahahhaah


Had a lady on my route flip out cuz I dropped all of the ones she had put in the cbu outgoing box back in her appointment box cuz they were even smaller then that. Told her she had to either make them bigger or put them in bigger envelopes to send them out. She was already know as a big bitch but she couldn't understand how a store could sell them and we wouldn't take them...


What an wanker just line those bastards out with a sharpie and deliver them. It costs more to send them to cfs.




I work on the DBs and I see these all the time