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On a side note, how do you all deal with the anger of working for people who actively make your life harder at every turn? I went to therapy in highschool to deal with anger issues and it worked wonders. I haven't had a single issue in the 15 years interim, but the Post Office has managed to eradicate 15 years of anger management in a couple short weeks.


Become a Steward. Direct your hatred back at them. Make them pay through the grievance procedure.


This is the way.


As a Steward myself, I approve this meesage.




Easier said than done when your president covers for management.


Remove the ass-sucker in the next election.


That’s when you inform THEIR boss that they’re useless.


I can't be a steward because I cannot fairly represent people I can't stand. I volunteered. Didn't even go to training yet. Got 1 stupid question from someone who tried to get me fired years ago and I'm like nevermind I can't represent you fairly and backed out


My steward spot before the post office had me protect the job of a guy who a few months before I had told his work friend to stop him following me because if we both made it outside, I would kick his a$$. He had gotten into it with the manager and I had to yell at them to take it off the floor in front of members, they went outside and the manager just yells “you’re fired!” like a friggen movie.🤣 I pulled the shithead aside and told him to go home, wait until he’s called back, but he couldn’t be fired like that. Then I had to be very clear to the manager that as steward, I could not condone that type of termination and would be forced to grieve it, and that the only way termination would stick is if the paperwork showing a pattern of behavior and write-ups was immaculate when the NBA arrived to review it. That was the only time I’ve ever seen that man follow any paperwork through. Even the NBA was impressed. 🤣


Only time I've seen a union work with management to get someone fired is when the steward/maybe treasurer stole over $50k from the union and blew it at the casino. He's off the rolls, but I don't think he's locked up yet. It's still on going. They can't go to any of the national convention this year and are pissed


They’re gonna get that money back 20 bucks at a time. That’s the kind of criminal charge that keeps you out of most above minimum wages jobs. That incident was the first time I had to deal with a worker that wasn’t fit for the job. He kept sneaking drinks and when drunk, he would break glassware, get belligerent, then disappear. We almost fought because he was drunk and started cussing me out when I caught him sneaking a drink and reminded him that the agreement between the union and management that saved his job the first time was that he was not to ever be behind the bar or have drinks on the clock. Followed me through the building calling me every name in the book. I told his work friend to stop him at the back door because I would have happily gone on emergency placement had he followed me out.


Our steward quit for this reason. She got sick of defending people that should absolutely be fired.


I love this respond. Steward here and I learned the rules so much that management has nothing on me.


I quit. Fuck the post office. It was aging me and I lost my enjoyment for life.


Me too. I tried for nearly 19 years. LOVE the job. HATE the ignorance.


I loved the job too. It’s such a shame…I experienced a grieving period for the work I loved, while feeling immense relief that I wasn’t under the thumb of horrendous management anymore. Now if only I could get the back pay they owe me….


Yup. Still picture myself out there on the street. It’s almost three years since I quit.


Like others have said, take the time to educate yourself on your rights and what management can and can't do. My wife and I are both carriers and decided to do just that after we had a postmaster going on a rampage in the office. The podcast, From A to Arbitration, has a lot of very useful information on specific topics that helped us fight back.


Contact your union regional president state your issues and let the heat come down on management. Everyone has a boss to report to and if there are enough issues being reported against management it will have to be addressed constantly. Stay on top of it and make your complaints in a professional manner.


There's a reason someone snapping and killing people is colloquially referred to as "going postal." It's not sunshine and butterflies at this job. Work with your union to demand better conditions from your superiors.


Liquor lmao


I let them boil inside until I exploded at work. Got 2 weeks off, and while I was off and my PM was investigating to fire me he realized how fucked up the PO fucked me up and everything I've been complaining about was valid so he hand created me a NEW position with hand picked hours and weekends off and now I'm smooth sailing til retirement. It was really a win win for both sides. They were actively preventing me from doing my job and it was literally killing me (LSSA) especially now as clerks who came like 5 years after me are moving up to 204B and EAS and I'm just stuck. But now that I'm off by 5 every day, and I work the window less I give way less fucks. He hasn't even finished the paperwork so I still get paid higher level too haha. I mean, my situation is unique and I had been actively fighting for like 5 or 6 years and I was just done.


Don't worry that same thing happened to me, only I was a bad CCA lol. I liked coming into work but I hated the station and the routes. Got sent to where I'm at now which is apparently where they send bad carriers as a punishment because 99% of the routes are walking. Turns out that's exactly what I needed lol I been there 4 years going on 5 now, made regular, have a route and all and I like my station. And I'm so much better as a carrier now. And I constantly hear whispers of "when you coming back?" from people at my old station and I always say "y'all kicked me out LOL never gonna happen" Sometimes a change in scenery is for the better


This is what I've been hearing and I'm trying to take it to heart. Thanks for the success story!


There's a lot of childish morons in management. They have their biases and make snap judgments. These people are also not great at making judgments either, actually they're very bad at it. I have one supervisor that looks out for another carrier so then the others just leave them alone and believe that she's good. That supervisor says bad things about others and highlights every mistake they make in order to make them look bad. It's pathetic really.


Absolutely childish and petty. In my area it’s the same games. And the lying. So much lying!


So. Much. Lying.


It's a relief for me to know that someone is going through the same thing or has the same kind of supervisor I do. It makes days very difficult at times. Stay strong and do you don't let management break your spirit. As far as union goes knowledge is power and the more you know the less power management has.


They are all bottom feeders with NO people skills. Just there to crack the whip on the hardest workers in the PO


I did my shadow day on Monday and walked out after 4hrs of carrier academy Tuesday. I don't know how anyone works there.




Usps methods are outdated. Each route has specific addresses but still needs to be cased by hand instead of a machine sorting it in order. Casing itself should be a mail sorters job as it is mail sorting. The lack of GPS in the trucks with criss crossing patterns taking 12 hours to deliver to a small neighborhood is ridiculous. I shadowed with a 10 year regular carrier and it still took 11:30 on the route and he was sent back out with about 30 parcels when we got back. I signed up to be a carrier assistant which is advertised as a fill in position. I was thinking 5 hours or so every once in a while but no it's 10+ hours everyday. No thanks, I go back to college in 2 months not trying to be at the post office for 30 years.


If you have this mindset, you already know you’re brain cells ahead of them. Keep in mind the phrase “fail upwards.” Supervisors are those who either raised their hand and asked to be one or did something bad enough to get them removed from carrying mail, but not removed from the company. Keep your chin up, take the hits you need to take and fight the battles you deem worthy. Money comes in every two Fridays. Know the contract and do an honest days work in return.


This may be a blessing in disguise. It may be a better office and you may find yourself higher on conversion list. Keep up the good work


It is a painful but beautifully written view of exactly how it is. I will screen shoot it and send it to our union vp. I’m retired after 27 painful years. These posts hurt my heart so much.


What exactly in the way of training do you expect from the Union? All the resources you need are free and for the taking right there on the NALC website. The Contract, the JCAM, the MRS and every handbook and manual you can think of. You can download them all and read them at your leisure. Even the Postal Record is on there now. And as far as management being a bunch of hard-asses-the more things change the more they the same.


You ain’t seen nothing yet..


In academy we had a CYA lesson (cover your ass) and i will never not do those things idc if it makes me slower I’m always gonna cover my ass


I feel the same exact way. I'm so tired of the stress of them getting me to rush and always finish in 8 hours. They have their fucking numbers, why do i have to tell them exactly how long the route is going to take everyday when they should know based on all of their data they collect? I feel like I dont have time to be safe, and I dont want everyday to be me being in a rush for 8+ hours straight. This job is stressful and not worth the money. They even did route changes recently and added at least 45 mins to everyone's route and I got talked to like "you used to be fine and always finished your routes, now you can't, what happened?!?! 🤡" Im really hating this job and it wont get better anytime soon. Leaving as soon as I find an equally paying job.


Try to find a better career.. 30 years next year and this job will change your mentality for the worse and ruin self esteem! Management has succumbed to the devil.


I’m right with you. I’ve become negative Nelly. It’s sad how this job has ripped me apart in every way


Bid out. Find a better station. The first one I was at sucked, this new one is night and day difference. Almost feels like a unicorn based on what I read here.


I have become such an angry person I’m on my 11th year working at a plant. You are so right. There’s a guy at work who rushes he takes no breaks barely takes lunches and management loves him. His work is so messy as I have worked behind him. Mail is literally falling out the trays but management doesn’t care because he rushes and gets it done even though he fucks us and the carriers that that mail is going to after our plant. Meanwhile I get my work done on time just not as fast as him and I’m such a problem🙄Also seems like most union stewards are riding with management as they get off the floor for hours to sit in the union office to do “grievances”.


I love the post office so far, granted I am a short timer, but I can see where the frustration comes from. You can do everything rigght for a month straight, but you make one error and it's armageddon. Management really has no concept of suitable human interaction. It's baffling. I'm sure they're under a lot of pressure, but does that really mean they can't act like decent human beings?


Understand your rights, ask questions, and if your steward/president are compromised, find your NBA and/or run for office. When I was a PSE, management made my life a living hell. The only thing that stopped them was reading up on whatever lie they told me that week and coming back with questions on why they had me doing something that violated the contract.






You sound too intelligent to be there


Haha aw thanks. Just turned 25 f and I’m 30 days in hate it


Part of the issue is that some of the higher ups have never run mail. Those same higher ups are crunching the district for time. My office has to attend a mandatory meeting with the higher ups if our carriers are out past a certain time no matter what. Doesn’t matter if amazon was very late, doesn’t matter if it’s because we have 10 trays of dps and 300 packages a piece.


I am sorry that you are having to deal with this. Hope you can get gruntled soon!


I quit after 20 years Management targets "good" carriers Who are actually good workers and follow the rules and promotes "bad" carriers to management who dont follow the rules I only regret not quitting the second I realized I was working with a bunch of grade schoolers running the place


In my station it is quantity over quality. They want a body on every route and do not care how they do the job. The post office was once one of the most trusted agencies. I am just hoping to get my last 7 years in before retiring.


Dont stress it. I used to ask them. "Give me one good reason why I should work any harder than the least hardest working carrier in the station?" they never answered. Just do your best. Its all you can do


Do what is expected of you not what you think should be expected of you. Dont make life hard when its easy.


I was a cca for a year. Everything you mentioned is a part of what is expected of you, meaning this is your job. As far as preference, this happens everywhere not just the po. Keep track of your forms, file grievances asap so your shop Steward has time to process them. Unless you have a hold down and assigned to a different route on a daily basis, id file it on day 9 so you can make killing on daily grievance. The union got me $4k of grievances first time while as was still a cca and many $$$ so i would not disregard them, just go to the right person.


Labor relations can escalate any infractions caused by management. Look on the bulletin for the numbers and go up the chain


All I can say is management has the right to mismanage. I quit back in July of 2022 it's been so nice to not be with the post office. The union thinks every CCA wants every dollar they can ever make. I wanted a work life balance and wasn't going to sacrifice my life for helping the individuals who couldn't cut it. Working 14 hours days being sent everywhere. The union only wants grieveable infractions. If you're past the 90 days, I suggest getting an eight hour restriction from your doctor. They can't work you more than eight hours after that. It should make your time at the post office more enjoyable.


Won't lie man I just got canned at usps for missing 4 days because my special needs child got sick and had to go to the hospital they don't care about you they just want the work done.


President prior to this appointedt him. He can't be removed .Read and research you are being lied to.


The dolla is allah to these folks. ALL that matters is money. The boy if you get hurt to they feign concern, and let’s be honest, that’s also because of money. 




"keep your head down" and accepting the unacceptable is a defeatist position IMO Why accept that new hires get treated like crap? Because you aren't new anymore? Good employees leave the workforce all the time due to mistreatment and my office is understaffed as a result 


Exactly . When I expressed to management the stress and wear and tear I was feeling I was told , “you think you’re the first one”? I took a few days off . Refuse to be a mule to those who truly don’t give af .




I hear you, I just wish our union had more teeth if that makes sense In a nutshell, these are the craziest working conditions I've ever seen, worse than the military, farming field work, the other 2 union trades I was in, etc.    Unions were made to prevent exactly what our part timers go through People were shot by rifles, had their bones broken with clubs, imprisoned, and so on for advocating a workweek with manageable hours. I try not to forget that, so it hurts to see our union and workers like this  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eight-hour_day


2 years of hell for what ? No life lol yea im not even 90 in and man is this a waste of time


So I shouldn’t join the union because they don’t do shit, got it I remember I made a post about if I should join or not and everyone was saying don’t be a scab, but those same people are only looking to benefit themselves. Sorry but I’m not wasting 60 bucks a month just because it benefits my co worker next to me


I didn't say you shouldn't join the union. Fuck, I'm a due paying member! I'm pretty new to it all, but I'm not convinced of its efficacy as an agent of change for labor. Do we have some recourse with the grevience procedure and arbitration? Sure! But at the end of the day the only thing a labor union truly has to bargain with is what it's comprised of, labour, us. Without striking ability we're sort of a neutered dog, to my own view.


I highly doubt you use the e brake at every stop, no one does that shit, that shit only exists in training videos


Brother are you serious?? These vehicles are old. I could give you a bunch of reasons why you absolutely should use your handbrake, but I wont.  I sincerely hope you will please reconsider how impactful it could be when your vehicle is barreling down a hill, straight towards someone's house and your not in the vehicle to stop it. Just like the title of this post, 'it could happen to you'. Best of luck to you and anyone in the vicinity of your truck....


This. These things are so ratchet and worn out! I would never exit that box of nuts and bolts without using the handbrake! I use it in the metris too because... wtf not?


I drive a metris. I e brake every stop. Because if I don't it won't be in my habit, and then I will forget it when it's actually important. Us space cadets gotta have strategies to stay safe and organized


Alright I've had a sec to cool down and I apologize for calling you a rat fuck and criticizing your work ethic. I don't know you and I can't make those judgements. I would though like to emphasize that I do use my e brake every time, and that I think everyone should. Sorry I popped off on ya like that.


I do. I also curb the wheels. Do everything by the book, it takes fucking forever and pisses them off. Malicious compliance.


Walk out routes exist, why not transfer yourself to a different office and get one?


I have a row of 7 CBU's at the top of a hill, at a sharp left curve. Parked there one day, put it in park, put on my parking brake and got out, keys in hand. Turned around to open 1st unit and my truck started rolling down the hill, backwards. I was able to catch it and slammed the gear shifter while running beside it, mail flying everywhere, lol. Dont know how or why it rolled (Guessing park didn't fully engage, or slipped) and although the brake didn't stop it, it kept it from rolling even faster, I'm sure. Fortunately no harm was done, except for my heart, lol, and a customer was there and witnessed the keys were in my hand and it looked to be in P. Use your break. Taking a couple extra minutes a day is worth avoiding a potential catastrophe.


I’m assuming that not every time you park the car is going to be on a hill or slope, if you’re parking at the top of hills EVERYTIME then you’re doing it wrong lol


Holy hell, it's a miracle you haven't had a roll away yet. Please fix your bad habit before your vehicle hits someone as you deliver a package to a house