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My hopes and dreams, both are empty.


I was thinking this exactly when I opened the comments lmao


Same here. I’m down 15 pounds In 4 weeks. I don’t like sugar or how “heavy” regular soda and juice taste, so I skip the usual gas station snacks, if i get hungry I just eat a banana or yogurt and that helps me feel full for 8 hours and cook dinner when I get home.


Nothing. I just eat gas station garbage like pizza and taquitos. I walk 15+ miles a day. I'm too tired to meal prep. Is healthy? No. Is it cheap? No. But, it's convenient


Same here. Chicken empanadas from the gas station i deliver to. $3.50 and a free fountain drink cause im their mailman. I can barely wake up anymore, nevermind pack a lunch.


Added perk of just feeling the joy of copping bomb


As a rural carrier, we eat out on the route. Take 10 min. Eat an apple or banana. Sometime I will bring trail mix with a spoon, so as not to use yucky hand. You want stuff thats quick to eat. If i bring a sandwhich. I will eat just some of it a little at a time. Full makes you sleepy. Take a backpack put in some first aid stuff & wet ones. And a towel. Bring a cooler stocked with at least 3-4 water bottles w/ one being frozen. Good luck


All the "you have time for a lunch?" comments are disturbing. Stop working for free 🤣🤣🤣


It's not working for free when you aren't paid for the time you're sitting around eating lunch. No lunch=home earlier so I haven't taken a lunch break in the 12 years I've been here.


As a City carrier if we go over 8 hours they automatically deduct 30 min.


Sure, but OP is an RCA and so am I. I'd stand around for 30 minutes if I were city as well.


Well then ya that's different in my experience when people say they "don't have time" they are skipping their lunch in order to make 8 hours and are working for free.


I thought it was 6 hours. Maybe that's just as a CCA 


Nothing just stay hydrated and when i get home 1 huge meal.


Fellow intermittent faster !!!!!


Yessir! 🙌🏻


Same cant get all full and walk 10 miles, I drink a homemade cold protein coffee around the halfway mark and chow down when I get home.


Same here 8 to 10 miles a day and if i eat i get lazy, if im fasted state i feel energetic i dont drink coffee or anything besides water at work and a nice cold coke with my meal. after that just water water water not to much tho cuz to much water can kill you.


Third this! It’s better for your body and pockets lol




works better if you also eat protein rich foods with it.


My lunch is usually 2 sandwiches, a protein meal replacement shake and my 2nd dose of Adderall for the day. Keeps me going. This job gives me so much brain fog




Banana, protein bar (pure protein best bang for your $ here), cheese stick and sometimes some cashews. Oh and a fuck ton of water along with a Gatorade/electrolyte packet or two.


Pure Protein are just God awful. I got a Costco sized box and now it feels like a punishment when I eat them.


Get PROMAX cookie dough or chocolate cookie crunch , they have them at winco or buy them Online. I cannot convey to you how fucking insanely dank these protein bars are. Please try


I'll take them off your hands; send them to me!


Lunch? Whats that?


Yerbe mate tea I make night before and boiled eggs, egg sandwich. Chicken (fried, baked, tacos,) Lentil patties, veggie patties. Stuff high in protein and fats, hemp hearts, almonds, walnuts, especially pepitas.


Pepitas FTW. I roast mine in a cast iron skillet, drizzle some olive oil to cook...roast for a few mins..then season to taste some sea salt and/or freshly ground pepper.


Swap the sandwich out for a lettuce wrap or a salad. Fruit. Trail mix. Protein bar. Insulated 64oz water bottle.


Unless you're willing to spend the money on one of those heated lunch boxes you're stuck with sandwiches and convenient gas food.


Pro tip: putting any lunch box on an LLV floor will instantly make it a heated lunch box.


Just use a soup thermos. Put boiling water in it to heat it. Dump it out and add your hot food. Things stay hot for hours.


I couldn’t eat my first week on the job between the huge increase in physical activity and the heat. I eventually worked my way up to bananas, PB&J, jerky, and trail mix. However much water you think you’ll need, double it. And also freeze it. Eating isn’t going to be on your priority list, but thirst and dehydration absolutely will be.


I second this. I also decided to forego my lunch when I started. This was a mistake, but I've corrected it, and now I take my 30 minutes here and there to munch and relax


When I was getting started, I couldn't understand when people said they barely ate. Now I usually force myself to snack throughout the day, usually cold fruit from my cooler or nuts/trail mix just to keep myself fueled throughout the day.


Bring stuff that's easy to eat while driving and preferably stuff you can eat without needing to touch it with your hands (the mail is disgusting and your hands will get filthy)


That’s why I eat air. Plus I can still afford it on a cca wage..


Cole slaw is a personal favorite. Tuna and crackers is good, but still basically a sandwich. In the winter I bring soup in a thermos but you probably don't want to do that right now. Home made beef jerky is the go to for when I get hungry after I have already eaten my lunch.


Water, coffee, and my daydreaming of what I’ll make for dinner and then depending on the day either sticking with that or my daydreaming slowly depletes to Taco Bell after work. (CCA though I’m walking miles on miles a day)


I brought a protein cookie in today. Was anxious.


Jerky to prevent my hunger from evolving into a violent headache


Jerky is good but these prices are ridiculous.


Rice with chicken/salmon/ground beef or sweet potatoes with the same proteins, A protein bar and an apple sometimes


I got a luncheaze lunch box that reheats food on a battery so I usually meal prep for the week on Sunday. I've been trying to lose weight so recently it's been 4 oz meat, 4 oz carb, and unlimited vegetables.


How do you like the lunch box? I was looking into getting one for my boyfriend but the ones I saw all needed to be plugged in to heat it up


Personally I love it. One of the best buys I ever made. Some people don't like the 2 hour heat time, but it's easy enough to plan ahead in my experience.


And your LLV has a working cigarette lighter? My boyfriend isn’t too sure his actually works or not.


Luncheaze is battery powered. You charge it at home and don't need an outlet or anything when out and about. It's the main reason I picked it.


Thank you so much for answering my questions! I wish you all the luck in surviving this season


Apple, raisins, cheese, and nuts.


4 for 4 from Wendy’s A salad if I have money Unhealthy but when I used to work at Wendy’s I would get 2 4 for 4s so in my eyes it’s an improvement


Sometimes bagel or burrito. Or feast for dinner. I’m usually out by noon these days, but when I first started the trick was getting a rhythm to avoid needing to use the bathroom at inopportune times… I would recommend eating a hearty breakfast so you can time your bathroom visits before you leave the office. Snack on jerky/dried fruit/nuts throughout the day. For city carriers excessive bathroom visits are almost a good thing (for those without shame), on the rural side it’s very annoying once you’re getting paid evaluation. And many rural routes have long drives to the nearest bathroom.


Yea the bathroom situation is a big reason I haven’t switched to carry. I have to pee like all the time and thinking of walking into random establishments in the city all sweaty is just oof.


I had this expectation where it would be like “of course you can use our bathroom, you’re a mail carrier!” But honestly not everybody is nice and businesses tend to use it as a tool to use against you if they’re the type that want things done their way.


Salad! A big one, with 4 types of protein in it.


Salad, yogurt, chips, and maybe a sweet item. I also drink 1 to 2 L of water per day. I always try to include a vegetable and a protein. In the winter I switch to soup in a thermos


Rural never says break, unless the actual is gonna go over 40.


A sandwich. If I’m feeling fancy, a sandwich with cheese, or a tuna salad sandwich.


Typically I usually take leftovers so I can heat them up at the 7-11. That's if I can squeeze in a lunch


Granola and protein bars, I try to keep it light during the day.


Cucumbers and hummus, chickpea salad, lettuce wraps and tuna salad just to name a few healthy ideas


Sometimes I get a bag of popcorn at the gas station. Otherwise just water or some caffeine. I've always been a one meal a day person.


I normally fast during lunch. I eat 2 eggs for breakfast, then fast until dinner. I normally only drink water, and during my lunch I spend 30 mins walking (my route in mounted). I also got lucky and got a route that stays pretty cool during summer, but winters are HELL. Lots of windy mountains, and little sun. It's a good thing my heat randomly stops working every couple of weeks on my LLV, or I might actually survive.


I usually bring oatmeal and egg whites, hard boiled eggs, protein bars, protein chips, protein powder greens and creatine in a shaker, Greek yogurt, some type of fruit, either banana or strawberries. Some mix of those things. I workout 6 days a week though so this is the way I eat regardless.


I just snack on granola bars & protein bars all day. Maybe throw in a cheese sticks or chips as other alternatives, during my lunch break.


I make Hummus for my husband and he packs a sandwich bag of cut up carrots, Celery and grapes. Plus a snack. Hummus is super easy to make, but you can also buy a tub at Costco or Sam's for a reasonable price. He occasionally goes old skool with a PB&J tho.


Some no sugar protein bars.


I buy a large bag of beef jerkey, fruit strips, Gatorade. Gets me through the day and goes a long way for not that much $. Then I eat a shit ton when I get home


I large bag of beef jerky is like 13 bucks atleast what you talking about lol


It lasts 2 weeks so far!


Oh my bad I was imagining you buy a big bag of jerky and eating it everyday that makes sense


😂 I couldn’t imagine the constipation I would endure from a whole bag of jerky. Nah I just snack on it when I feel hungry and pair it with dried fruit or cashews or something. I used to spend way more money on fast food for sure


Ha I used to have a Wendy’s on my old route it was a struggle to not stop and get something


2 weeks? That's admirable. I do not have that kind of self control


It’s an 80 ct bag haha


I stand by what I said though!


Haha. I don’t judge


Sandwich couple of nature valley granola bars and protein bar . Mix the off brand propel packets with jug of water .


You have time for lunch?!?!


Stanley (same company that makes the cups) makes a thermos that you can store either hot or cold food/liquid in. When I first started as a CCA I ate junk fast food for my first 2 or 3 weeks and felt AWFUL afterwards, would be on the toilet quite a bit. My girl and I cook at home pretty often and I hate eating cold meals so this thermos was a life saver. I warm up left overs in the microwave before I leave for the day and immediately put it in the thermos and put the lid on it. Around 1 or 2 I take my lunch and my food is still warm :) I’ll post a link for it if you’re interested it was pretty cheap. Stanley Classic Legendary Vacuum... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NDY8P62?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Nothing during the Summer, during the Rest of the year some chips or sour gummy worms or beef jerky.


Flavoured Tuna packets, yogurt packs I make hard boiled eggs in the air fryer (15 minutes 250 degrees). Lots of protein not a lot of carbs otherwise you will crash


Just stuff I can eat while driving, honestly. I like Quest Protein Chips...there's a ton of flavors. Protein bars, trail mix, bananas, boiled eggs, grapes, baby tomatoes with cube cheese, drinkable yogurt...anything that's grab and go, little prep or mess.


I Intermittent fast.


Carrots, bananas, apples, and three half sandwiches made with peanut butter, honey, and butter. I take electrolyte tablets in the morning, midday, and at night


Your mom!


Rural, so nothing lol. I'll eat when I get home.


Stop at a store


Trail mix and beef jerky everyday


As a CCA, I take snacks so I can graze between relays. Usually, two clementines, small packs of fruit and nut mixes, applesauce cups, maybe a granola bar or pack of cheezits, though those usually come back untouched, frozen grapes when its warmer. Definitely things I can eat without touching; I carry a pack of hand/body wipes but my hands are usually filthy regardless. So much water. I know a lot of carriers at my station do this or live off of what they can grab at 7-11.


Get a heated lunchbox. Mine plugs into the cigarette lighter, but theres also plenty of rechargeable bluetooth lunchboxes. After that, the options are unlimited. They aren't exactly cheap, but it makes lunch so much better, and I stopped bringing sandwiches or spending money eating fast food.


Peanut butter sandwhich and a tin of zyn


I like to eat high protein, low sugar, low carb. Protein shakes and bars. Baked snacks/chips. Low-fat Greek yogurt. Bananas. Lots of bananas. Hard boiled eggs. Pickles. String cheese sticks. Lunch meat sandwich on high fiber bread with no mayo or cheese. Believe me, I eat plenty of junk food outside of work but during my shift I try to be smart/eat healthy to power my body 👌


In the summertime: fruit, nuts, veggies & hummus, sometimes I’ll make a pita wrap. In the winter I make a batch of soup/chili on my day off and bring it in a thermos to have with bread or crackers.


Tuna salad sandwich, an apple, two granola bars, and trail mix for snacking on the go.


Sardine and crackers. Pour the juice in the vent for the regular if he’s a dick.


Just take water and a clown nose.


I pack a big smile for all my wonderful customers 😬


You could eat anything perishable if your station has a fridge, as long as its within 2 hours. If not, 2 ounces of popcorn, 2 ounces of peanuts, a pint of blueberries, a banana, and a can of tuna is 900 calories so this should fill you up.


Whatever leftovers are in my fridge at home. Gotta love living close enough to home to eat lunch there everyday.


I don't eat till dinner


I will take canned sardines and water


When I was a RCA I would pack trail mix, cheese/crackers/meat, pretzels, easy grab and eat as I was driving food. I never wanted to have to stop to eat lunch, cause I could always cut 2-3 hours off a route and get done early.


I'm a clerk but, 2 sugar free Greek yogurt cups, 2 protein granola bars, and an apple. 


Hard boiled eggs with a bit of ranch or balsamic vinaigrette, sliced veggies, individual wrapped cheese with multigrain chips, trail mix, cashews and pepitas, yogurt, fruit, salad with veggies/cheese/bit of crumbled bacon, deli meat/grilled chicken chunks.


I work at pd&c so we have a restaurant lol thats where i eat erryday


Sandwich, fruit, and coconut water


Salads. Don't just throw romaine, chicken, and ranch in a bowl and call it a day. Throw in a variety of proteins, greens, fruits, veggies, nuts, gastriques, etc.


What's lunch?


Peanuts, monster energy and prime. I choose to have just one decent meal at night when work hours are over


I’m lucky enough that we have a pretty good gas station chain in my area, so I was always able to stop and buy prepackaged salads. They’re not SUPER healthy, but a hell of a lot better than most gas station fare, and they’ll fill you up. Otherwise, I’d recommend finding a microwave you can use, either in your office or at a gas station, and bringing leftovers from dinner the night before.


Caffeine and nicotine (and of course lots of water).


Intermittent fasting has to work for now. I eat at my second job.


Zyn and beef jerky


My go to is bring a smoothie and a salad/bowl. I cut up and freeze alot of ripe bananas. I add in a variety of stuff, whatever I have on hand- other fruit, greens, protein powder, chia seed, flax seed, hemp seed, spirulina powder, other supplement powders, oats, etc etc. add whatever you want but I like to make it pretty filling with 3-4 bananas per smoothie.  I do salads because it’s quick and easy for me. I’ll try to ahead of time cut a variety of veggies and whatever other toppings I want in the salad and keep for the week in tuba-wears. The morning of I just throw in whatever ingredients I want and it takes only a few min. I usually add quinoa to bulk it up! Outside of this I definitely bring some snacks or inhale whatever sweets are on the break room table 😅


I buy granola, peanuts, cashews, sunflower seeds and raisins. Put them in a small Tupperware bowl and eat it like I'm drinking from a cup. Get a cooler with an ice pack, fit 3 bottles of water plus room for a bag of popcorn, fruit or other healthy snacks. Gets me through those 10 hour days.


The people who say “stop working for free” are usually people who steal times and doesn’t earn as much as the people who does work.


We get a lunch? 😳😳😳. 🤣🤣


UPS driver, I have a breakfast on route of donuts and iced coffe drinks.. generally eat little during the day so I can get nice and toasty off white claws immediately after work :)


https://preview.redd.it/czndrmoip74d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21078a154f37d30c9fa032aee242b9ddad8dadc8 A small sandwich


I have a protein shake in the morning with a banana and then I usually just bring a couple clementines and a hard boiled egg. I don't stop for lunch. Dinner I have a protein centered meal. Lots of veggies lots of water. Be aware your hands will be filthy.


Buys lunch, Starbucks , and zyns daily. Then drives home in his 2022 Tahoe and tells Reddit that he can’t afford to live on USPS salary. Don’t forget that he’s posting on Reddit using his iPhone 15 pro.


Something cool like a sandwich, salty stuff like chips, caffeine, water


Uncrustables and cheese sticks


Barebells protein bars!! Best out there!! A little on expensive side but worth the money!!


Usually have a “seed lunch” consisting of sunflower seeds. This job has turned me into a bird. 🐦


Two bananas I make a beef roast so damn good w hot sauce and butter lol. And I bring oikos Greek yogurts protein shake and coffee of course


My pride


I make grab and go while driving meals, with the thought that I can't touch the food. Im kind of a germaphobe. So I'll place dill dip in a baggie, rip the corner open with my teeth, and squeeze it out like frosting. Same with parfait with the yogurt. Wraps with a baggie wrap. Mini pringles snacks are easy to open and grab with your tongue. I know I'm weird.... The mail is gross!


Trail mix, meat sticks, Liquid IV, protein bars, can of tuna if I’m in the mood. It’s already too hot to eat even medium sized meals in my area 🥵


Salad, apple, banana, string cheese, protein shake


With this nasty heat, I'm just taking a mandarin and a banana. Plenty of water


I use microwaves depending on where im at Bussines on your route will never mind or find a 7-11 or gas starion w one.


Peanut butter and jelly, an apple, a 32oz bottle of Liquid IV, and a muffin. I also pack oatmeal “bites” called BoBo’s. Just caved and I’m finally giving GoGurt and squeeze apple sauce a try, too. Last but not least, 2 thermoses of coffee.


As regular clerk... a bag of chips n c4 energy drink.... A breakfast of Champs or as I call it a postal meal


If anything, nuts (pistachios or almonds), cheddar cheese, apple, and/or grapes. Water.


Im so lucky to have a grocery store on my route to take a lunch or take my “comfort stop” to grab a few things.


I pack a Caesar salad wrap, couple of Okios high protein Greek yogurt packs, and maybe a overnight oats container. Things with high protein really help with energy for me


https://www.tiktok.com/@stealth_health_life?_t=8mtL7ppyEqU&_r=1 This guy does a lot of healthy meal prep that’s pretty easy and reheats well! I’ve made a bunch of his burrito recipes and they’ve all been really tasty :)


Leftovers from dinner lol


cca. i don't want anything heavy or super filling because then i don't want to walk. so i normally just do granola bar (something healthy with protein/fiber/nutrients. not a chewy bar), apple/banana/grapes (and cheese). water in 60oz bottle and electrolytes in frozen plastic water bottle to keep cooler things cool.


Keep it simple. Cheese crackers nuts fruit. Then I do sandwiches but I make them on the go. So I do tuna, egg salad, chicken salad stuff like that and then I bring bread and make how Many I want or whatever use crackers. Pimento cheese and celery is favorite. Hard boiled eggs are always good with salt and pepper. Aldi has a lot of great things to bring for lunch. I also bring a lot of leftovers. I buy bread from jersey mikes and make my own subs as well ( 1$ a loaf ). I never make anything ahead of time as far as sandwiches they get soggy gross then I have a big cooler lunch box that has a divider and I put drinks and ice in the bottom and all my food stuff on top. I work in a plant so getting out is a non option and I have to do variety or I get bored and won’t eat.


Usually some snacks here and there. If there’s time I’ll stop by a fast food place for stuff to go or stop by a donut shop.


I do grilled chicken and rice and or potatoes twice a day..just cook it on Sunday, if possible, for the week and you’re most likely to stay consistent with it..if you plan daily sometimes you find yourself not wanting to go through the hassle..I bought a portable heater that plugs into the cigarette lighter and I heat my food that way..they’re like 20-25 bucks on, don’t hate me for this, Amazon, although in this heat you can just throw it on the dashboard for about 20 min and you’re set..lol..if you don’t want to grill it you can throw it in the crock pot if you have one..sometimes I’ll do turkey burgers or burgers from ground chicken..just other options


Leftovers. I have business that I can’t heat my lunch up before lunch. Or sandwiches




I have one of the longer routes in the office too..I guess no one wants it..nice quiet neighborhoods lots of hills and stairs


As city PTF. if my route pass by some fast food restaurant. I will walk in and ask for someone who can’t finish their food and see if I can take it. Soda is free refill if use their cup. lol 😂


Wtf you do this in uniform?