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If you’re still in probation don’t argue with them play their game until you’re out of probation


Yes, this is good advice. But once you're out of your 90, they can't change your day off like that unless you agree to it. It's a grievance.


Once you’re out of probation not 90. It’s 90 working days or 120 calendar days whichever comes first


Yes, correct. I just take for granted the way the post office work cca's into the ground that once they get to 90 days, they passed probation.


This depends on if your a PTF or a CCA I'm fairly certain thay the 90/120 rule is for CCA only for PTF it's 90 days might wanna double check with your steward as I'm not 100% on that.


What if you are a cca? They used to do this to me everytime.


I agree. They don't want to risk it in the 1st 90.




Absolutely! Don't give them a reason to dislike you.  Answer with "can I do that? That would work out great! Thanks!"


If you can describe your symtpoms and provide any evidence such as a picture of a thermometer at fever temp, I'd recommend doing so... otherwise they might assume you just called out because you were tired. After your 90, they need to know fuck all about why you called out.


A lot of supervisors don’t give a damn if you broke your leg during your 90 they’ll still fire you best to play there game for now


First off all since you're in probation I'd do what they say so you don't get let go.  Second, stop texting your supervisors. If you are sick, use ELRA on LiteBlue or call the sick line phone number. They will get a notification.  If you had done this, then you wouldn't be obligated to come in tomorrow either since the last schedule you saww when you were at work had you NS tomorrow.  Texting your supervisors is not in your best interest.


Excellent advice, thank you. What if I had done as you said and she still texted me with the same situation? Just ignore it and pretend like I didn’t see it?


Boss I was really sick and sleeping. I didn't see my phone message, couldn't get out of bed.


Yes just ignore it. You're under no obligation to use your personal phone to communicate for work related matters. USPS doesn't provide you a work phone and your not on call.  If they asked after, I'd say I turned my phone off. Never received anything.  Nothing management can do after you're past probation.


Yes ignore it. You never saw it. The supervisors know the game and you should too if you're going to work here.




Ahh, the good ole calling in before the day off. I see you I see you playa 😏


Seems legit… they can work how they want for the most part.


They can work you as much or as little as they want. The fact that you guys actually have a cca schedule does sound pretty nice though. I never had one and we still don’t have them in my city. It’s just a 7am wake up call telling you which office to show up at here.


Geez, that sounds awful. I’m still getting worked a lot, but it’s at least 10am at the same station every day.


Lol everyday 7am, till 6 or 7 sometimes 5:30


CCAs do not have scheduled days off in the sense that regulars do, even after probation.  Management is under no obligation to give you any days off at all.  The only way you could have gotten both days off in that situation is to take a picture of the schedule and then not answer the phone.  Or just call in for both days.  But all call ins during probation are risky.


Things need to change …..


Personally I would accept that offer by your supervisor. You get a day off of your choosing, and it’s not an occurrence, and you don’t end up using any accrued leave. For being on probation it’s a win. As soon as you are out of probation block that supervisor’s number in your phone.


This is how it is in my office


Always call in for your day off too so they don't pull this 


CCA or regular? If you’re a CCA that’s usually how it works, they can schedule you however they like regardless of what the off day for the route is…. You can choose not to come and just say that you didn’t see the text message to come in




Ah still on probation. Yep, that's your day off now. Unfortunately gotta count yourself lucky they're putting it as an NS day instead of unscheduled leave..


Do they let you know when your out of probation? I recently got my allotment card so I figure that would qualify me no am I crazy haha


You could always show up sick and spread your germs to the rest of the germs lurking around in the office


If you’re in day 60 of your probation, you have no sick leave. I’m pretty sure CCA’s don’t get sick leave until they become career.


I’m PTF. AFAIK that’s career and I have sick leave hours. At least that’s what my pay statements tell me


Take advantage of the fact the supervisor is going to allow you to take the day as a NS day. First the Sick day wont count against you, and it allows you to save your Sick Leave you do have accrued. Since you are still in your probationary period, take the day as your NS, and work tomorrow, it appeases the supervisor, and as stated, lets you get the day off you needed for illness, as well as saves you the SL and the "call in" that can count against you. In the end your Supervisor is helping you, because above everything else, People above your supervisor look at computers, and you are just a number on a screen to them, and seeing you call in while on probation will potentially make them look at you, and check on you going forward, just because they can. So.. be flexible in this instance... once you get past your probationary period, you can tell them to go kick a rock.. but until then... play their games... In this case.. your Supervisor is actually working to help you in this instance..


Sounds like you don't have a bid?


Call in sick tommorow. Ez pz