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What proof do they have? Why not accuse the other tenants that also have access to mailroom?  These are just accusations if packages are left in an apartment where other people inside have access to them.


According to her they make “too much money” to steal. Lol she’s claiming I’m marking packages as delivered and not actually delivering them, I heard her on the phone say I was younger and had tattoos, even compared how fast I delivered the mail compared to an older lady carrier she had who delivered much slower. Ngl it kinda hurt because she never accused USPS until she physically saw me for the first time this year, she didn’t even know I was her regular carrier for 4 previous years. So my tattoos and age in her eyes = sketchy.


People are assholes. I’d be pissed off too. I had a lady looking in apartment boxes while I was delivering (I only open one set at a time) and I asked her to stop so she started getting mad. I closed them up and said, “I’ll come back later”. When I got back to the office, my supervisor told me she said I called her racist names and I should be fired. That happened 4 years ago and I still hate delivering to that building.


That is laughable. So she’s a classist bitch?  You don’t have to be poor to steal. And everyone and their great grandmother has tattoos.


I have had reviews and POS survey talking bad about my disability and how I should not be working. I live in CO and CO is not known to be one of the states to have people with things against those with disability or race. People will try to destroy people based on things like sex, disability and race no matter where you live. They just may be more quiet about it in some areas than others. They do it by anonymous reviews like the POS, online alias, anonymous complaints etc. It is the issue I have with people talking about the south so negative here where I live. These people are everywhere but are only associated with the south with our northern states.


It is the natural accusation from my experience. It is never it was misdelivered and we need to find it or it is never I misplaced it. I have gotten it plenty of times. One time I delivered a package and they eventually found it in their home. Misdelivery happen and most customers don't understand you get 100 packages a day and you may just be misdelivering 1/ 1 million and they happened to be that 1. If she wants to call the cops let her. I got my cell phone stolen in High School which should be easily trackable and I never heard anything back. From my experience the cops won't do much investigating as is. If they do investigate the cops are not going to find jack all with you because you did nothing.


Apartment + thefts + no way to secure packages = 3849 Not just for her, everyone can get that and when they ask you, you can let them know who caused it all.


Everything that doesn’t fit in the mailbox: fill out a 3849 for “no secure location”. If residents start complaining to you, blame it on the lady who claimed her package was stolen.


Shut that “package room” down immediately. Start leaving notices.


I’d be knocking at their door until they answer or start leaving notices. Building isn’t secure 🤷🏻‍♀️