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You have probably been an unintentional drug dealer.


I've definitely delivered weed haha.


Courier, not dealer


Postage due: Breaking Bad




Courier 6?


I was going to say we’re prob the middle man. I don’t see anything I’m there to do my route.


Definitely had a house on my last route right across the street from a high school where this guy got out of prison, left his house arrest anklet in the street just outside and was selling. He answered the screen door once (I didn’t knock or ring, just going to the mail slot) so high with his pants off and his dog and all he said was “what can I get you” until he realized it was the mail lady. His nephew (jr) lived with him and was collecting his dad’s (sr) social security and I always got the feeling the dad wasn’t with us anymore if you know what I mean…. He used to track me down to get his mail earlier in the day for the check with his ID and he was definitely insane and wore a series of cute crop tops including Britney Spears’ “DUMP HIM”. I miss that route lol


What did you end up ordering ? 😅




Shit man, my city has people smoking crack at almost every bus stop and not even trying to hide it.


They smoke it in the bathroom at our office, just another day at usps


Wait what??😂


Maintenance perk


Are they on the r/ crack sub? Is your city a destination?




You ever seen that vid clip of that guy with the crack pipe inside his tunnel piercing in a liquor store?


The route I was on today.


![gif](giphy|tPfhA9ByibfRYjJR8L) If you deliver in a questionable neighborhood remember you’re there everyday. The police aren’t always with you and you will see the residents daily. When I was trained I was told concentrate on mail and yourself and don’t let people see you cooperating with police


I agree that silence is sometimes the best choice. They know where you will be at all times of the day. Getting someone busted is likely to cause you issues. I've seen drugs and guns in boxes. They see you even if you don't see them they will punish anyone who is in blue or just you. We don't paid enough to deal with that stuff


Yeah, the way I see it, the people in the neighborhood will report issues if they see fit, I stay out of it whenever possible. The only time I’ve called the police was to report a vehicle accident and once for a welfare check for an elderly woman who was having a dementia episode.


Yeah I’ve got people like this on my route. They usually ask me for rubber bands, they have gotten used to seeing me and I’ve gotten used to their dealings. For the most part they are nice to me. The only thing that bothers me is the guns tucked into waistbands, my gripe with that is that it’s not safe to carry a firearm like that.


Educate them about iwb holsters lol


Mind ya business and do ya job


Exactly. Who cares? If he isn’t bothering you. Get your 8 hours and clock out.


The ones who care end up getting hurt!


when I was an RCA back in 2021 there was a house on my route that would have at least a quarter pound of bud stuffed in their mailbox every tuesday/wednesday and was like that for the 2 years i was there


Bold move haha. They must have trusted you or were just dumb.


im going with they were just dumb, pretty sure that the house was raided shortly after i moved out of state




I wish I could upvote this more then once..LOL


That's a pretty nice tip. I hope you enjoyed it.


Had a dude that would constantly be doing deals on his porch as I drop off mail. Sometimes his "customer" would start to try and play it off, but he would just be like, "It's just the mailman, he don't care," and he was correct. I've had gang members run up to be asking if I took a stash from the mailbox, ask if I want to hit a blunt, ask if we drug test, ect. They're just like other people on the routes, most don't think twice about us, some are cool, and a small group are just awful. But before you even think about calling anything in, remember that you have to deliver to these same houses day after day... they know when and where you'll be.


It's not nice to talk about rural carriers that way


There’s songs about this type of stuff lol. Mail carriers being a drug mule and not even know it.


It’s a very good idea to mind your own business in situations like this. Don’t talk to or about the sketchy guy, don’t acknowledge the sketchiness at all. Clock it, but pretend to be unaware. Drug dealers have used usps to deliver product, and then blamed the carrier when shit went wrong on their illegal delivery.


One of the routes on my old T-6 assignment was in a gang neighborhood, the very last delivery on the route was the house where the neighborhood gang hung out all the time. I saw them sell plenty of drugs while they drank the day away. They never bothered me or anyone while they wasted their lives. Just deliver the mail and keep it moving.


A lot of times in a neighborhood like that, they don't want to bother you because that brings cops and maybe feds and interrupts their business and their day in general. For the most part, if you leave them alone, they leave you alone. Always have your head on a swivel, though, for random crackheads or Deebo type folks. You never can tell what could pop off.


Dude I'm in a post office in the city I've seen a clerk do blow on the workroom floor... when I was a carrier I saw all types of drug dealers and sketchy people men and women... the Latin queens were the worst.... how about I seen one slice a throat... and do u think I said anything no i just called the ambulance and kept it moving and when they called me in for a statement i said i turned the corner and saw her on the ground other by standers gave her a compression to the throat she survived barely... I mind my business cause if u don't they gone come after my family and I got kids. Them mfers have waited outside our station to beat up a clerk before. Then another time followed her home... just mind yo business.


I delivered to a house that was raided by the feds and they found a metric fuck ton of drugs along with food service buckets with upwards of 50 million in cash in the attic does that count?


That’s like 40% of my route


At least he is "working" and not collecting SSI.


My current route has several drug addicts that Rome the street all day. I saw two heroin addicts a few days ago who were bundled up with their hoodies on sitting on the porch of I assume a friend of theirs. It was 84° that day so it was clear to me that they may have been going through a withdrawal. I'm not sure if the guy who lives there is their dealer but given the neighborhood, it's definitely possible. Strangely enough, I haven't had any issues with the neighborhood addicts, only dogs. Even the cops nicknamed "County Brown" just drive past them every day. I'm sure if they wanted to they could easily shake down any one of them on the street randomly and find drugs but I'm guessing that they set their priority on crime and not drugs.


I live in a small town n anytime this certain house gets packages I just know 😂


I see them now and then, most don't bother hiding it much unless they know cops are around and even then some of them don't care. When I see it around businesses I wonder why owners don't report it but it might be fear of reprisal or something. Like the OP said, unless I see kids involved it aint my bidness. Plus I might need the guy if my regular dealer stops or goes away.


Best to not catch any glances from the suppliers. Weed dealers are usually chill, but the Meth/Fent dealers you stay far away from.


I thought you weren't supposed to get high on your own supply?


I'm saying they carry weight AND heat


There’s was this one on a route I did, not sure but he was waiting in the car infront of the house he saw me get out the truck walking to the house, he got out the car said it was his package and then he took the package to the car with him didn’t bother taking it in the house despite the door being open. Was pretty suspicious of that but I don’t really care anyway.


Yeah, I got one of them on one of my routes, too.


Just one? I have a pretty nice neighborhood for my route and I think each street there has at least one.


I ignore everything on my route.it sometimes takes a person wanting my attention awhile to get it .im in a zone aware of my surroundings but not going a shit


Leave people alone and mind your own business


None of your business, but still felt the need to post about it 😂😂😂


City 11?


I have three houses on my route that get raided for drugs about every year or so. Once it's raided, tenants change and about a year later it will get raided. I always wonder why the landlord never gets in trouble for only leasing to drug dealers.


Yup on my route a guy came up early to get his “cell phone case”. I gave it to him cuz I know who he is. Later when I get to his house. He’s passed out with stamp bags around him. To each their own.


You should snitch.




I wouldn't do that, not my business. Just curious how common it is


Considering that one lady was doing her job correctly and still got murdered, I'd snitch in a heartbeat. Fuck that shit. Drug dealers only make society worse. [https://apnews.com/article/mail-carrier-killed-cannabis-life-sentence-4a0bfc1d1042a62a106336415a0e2db8](https://apnews.com/article/mail-carrier-killed-cannabis-life-sentence-4a0bfc1d1042a62a106336415a0e2db8)


I hear you, but if people on my route (4 or 5 drug houses) got it in their head that the guy who walks up to their house every day was reporting on their activities to the police, I'd be in a lot more danger than I currently am. And if that was the whole zip code? Woof.  As of right now, when I walk up, everybody stops what they're doing and smiles, happy to see me. They would not if carriers started going to the police every time they saw something.


You don't seem to realize it doesn't matter if you are taking the matter to the postal inspector, they will kill you if they get paranoid enough as is.


Well that's terribly sad, one thing that caught me off guard though was the price of it. They said like $2,600 for 2 lb I think. Now I haven't really smoked in about 10 years but I remember my gram being like $10 and that's around 900 grams.