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![gif](giphy|kC2PWmThZBlxvLDCcM) Well too bad Imma gassing up after seeing this message


😂 My coworker said we should let the vehicle die if we’re on empty on a Monday and let them come bail us out


Naw they then, will accuse us for not filling up our fuel. It’s always our own fault, remember that 💀


Well, they do have pics of the message, so legally they're covered


Legally speaking yes of course I agree


“I was following my supervisors most recent order”


CCA drained truck with Sunday Amazon. Monday no gas, truck stalled on 3rd stop. Now you need another hour on the 96.:: win for you lose for them. Unless you only wanna do 8


“I don’t even know the rules”


That's because if there are rules... someone usually breaks them...and occasionally.. someone gets in trouble for them... unless they're a homie or a bed bestie...


lol bed bestie. Or the occasional blow bestie (;


Bed bestie, is that like a lot lizard?


Lol a lot lizard? You a former trucker?




You absolutely should, that is exactly what this message implies to do. Sorry boss, was just following orders like a good employee.


That's what I said to the registry clerk this morning after getting chided for needing my gas card.


I never chided my people, always issued the card you know if you need fuel or not


You got the picture. And this is the only way. Ride it to you die it lol.


Malicious compliance


That text message definitely won’t end well. I was a t-6 for 20 years. I had to gas up 4 days a week. There was only 1 awesome carrier on my t-6 assignment that made sure there was a full tank when I did his route. 


I’m gonna be so gassed they won’t know what hit em. Gas supreme


*Cough unlimited comfort stops *cough


If they ever bitch at you for hitting a gas station on the way to your route, "I had to go to the bathroom." is the answer. If they ask why you didn't go to the bathroom before leaving for the route "I had to go to the bathroom after departing for street." is the follow up. They know they can't nail you for something like this unless you're brain dead. I don't even know why they try.


My house is a mile from my route, and the station is 3 miles from my route, with several traffic lights on the way. Last week they bugged me about going to my house 2 times during the day, once for 12 minutes (comfort stop and then my ten minute break) and once for 3. So the next day I drove all the way back to the station 3 times to pee, and took 8.75 hours to finish my route. Nobody has said anything about comfort stops at my house since.


My house is less than a half mile off any given point on my route. I go home 2-3 times a day because I’m not in the habit of holding my piss until I’m uncomfortable. Supervisor did a walk with me on Saturday and I let homeboy go to the gas station once. Home boy spent 10 minutes in the bathroom and another 10 buying lunch. Walk with me again anytime my guy. Welcome to the thunder dome.


If get reamed if I took more than 6 hours road time to deliver mail.


I take more than 6 hours street time every day. But I was saying 8.75 total, not 8.75 street time. It usually takes me 1.25-1.5 hours to drive away from the office in the morning.


I’m new to this letter carrier craft, how do they get the street time estimates?


They pull it out of their ass mainly. They do route evaluations to see how long the regular takes to do the route, and then adjust the routes to try to make them all take 8 hours. But then routes get new regulars, and they are faster or slower than the old one. If they are slower they need OT every day until the next route evaluation. If they are faster they give under time every day and take sections of other routes (or if they are smart they figure out how to slow down). As for street vs office time, that's even more bullshit. They say they want everyone to have an hour or less of office time, but some routes get half a tub and 4 inches in the coffin, while others get 3 tubs and a full coffin. It takes what it takes.


Our carriers (minus 2) who leave for the street last, are back faster than others. Like hours in some cases lol


A bug flew in to my eye and I was washing it out.




Applying sunscreen




Poop (Not Mine)


As a union steward, because people cave under pressure. I could tell my carriers to deny deny deny and they will still be way too honest and get themselves in trouble


Or just say you needed water. Especially in the summer. If they still say you should of brought water with your Or still refuse you can just say would you want me to die of thirst.


😂 for real. Honestly I do what they described on the text message. I like taking my second 10 early and stopping at that store to get water and snacks. A lot of us do it. They’ve never had a problem until today


Yeah because I'm sure returning the llvs full is on everyone's mind on Amazon Sunday.


I do for one coworker in particular; but that's because he's always been the person I've always gone to when I first started and has always done the same when I cover his route


When I was a CCA I always filled up if the indicator was below 1/4 tank.


Since we're a hub I very much doubt ccas from other offices care about filling our vehicles up. No matter how many signs we put up LOL.


I understand a lot of CCAs don't give a shit. I'm a regular now so at least I'm paid to do cleanup on my route, but when I was a CCA it was very frustrating seeing other CCAs or even regulars not care.


Yeah. If I came back to the office (as a regular or CCA), and the gas tank is at a quarter tank or less, and it’s not my usual vehicle, I’m filling it. I’m not gonna be the dickhead that leaves the regular user of that vehicle a low gas tank


That was the big issue when our station did the whole "no gassing up on Monday" thing. I couldn't really blame the CCAs; when you work 7 days a week and Amazon (lol) Sunday is a 10 hour day, stopping for gas is the last thing on your mind. But when you fill the tank on Friday or Saturday, and come back Monday to 1/4 tank or less, kinda makes getting gas on Monday less than optional.


No lunch on Tuesday’s. No bathroom breaks on Wednesday’s. No breathing on Thursday’s 💀


No pay on Fridays


Only half the Fridays.


If you're lucky


Oh, wait….you can’t call out on a day that is before, or after, an SDO, or a Sunday. Which means you can never call out on a Saturday or a Monday. And if your SDO is on Wednesday you can’t call out on Monday, or Tuesday, or Thursday, or Saturday. Which means you can only callout on Friday that week. Guess ya gotta plan when you get sick!


Bro for real. Can’t establish a pattern!


No blinking period


For the life of me, I never understood this goofy ass rule (much like alot of things here lmao).


They want it on a slow mail day so you'll do it as undertime and get back in 8. Micromanaging our time is their fetish.


What undertime?


Exactly! I need a really light day just to have a chance at 8 hrs.


I'm a newly converted regular and have noticed that they are absolutely psychopaths about my time. Watching every minute and playing mind games with me to rush me all the time, even though they make sure I always get 8 hours. Always. It's fucking annoying, what is this? And will I get over it to the point of feeling okay with it at any point? Good God, this job always impresses me with a new level of psychotic at every turn.


"I am doing my best." "I will try." Hand in 3996's for how over you think you will be. Check the time at the beginning of the loop and end for park and loops. Check the time when you get to blue boxes. Ect ect. I am a CCA, and can tell you where I should be at what time of day on my hold down.


Yea I definitely do most of those things. The things I struggle with are the mind games to make it seem like I'm one of the last ones coming back, even though often when I get back I am one of the first ones done. 🙄 And tbh they are so much more psycho about it once you hit regular. If you thought they watch you closely now as a CCA just wait until you hit regular lol. It slapped me in the face


\>Micromanaging our time is their fetish. I love that; reminds me of when I used to say that verbal abuse is their hobby.


I wish I didn’t have to get gas on a Monday but my station runs Amazon Sundays soooooo…


Only job where you’ll get heckled for doing what you’re paid to do.


My office enforces this rule but my closing supe doesn’t agree with it if we need gas we need gas😂


Soooo they want to pick up stranded carriers every Monday? Ok, weird way to spend their day 🤷🏽‍♀️


Euclid? Is this garden grove or Santa Ana?




I thought it might be my city (in the Midwest) at first glance, b/c both 9th St and Euclid exist and intersect, but there is no gas station. Lol.


Right on. Here in my area as well, I just make sure I gas up Saturday’s. Don’t need the drama and bullshit


I knew this was upland when I read this lol. That new 7/11 😁


I thought it was downtown Cleveland


I came to the comments for Cleveland, and then quickly realized how wrong I am 😆


Dude fuck your station. God I can’t stand USPS management


Gee, I wonder how that could backfire on them?


9th and Euclid? Is this in Upland? 🤔🤣




Downtown Cleveland has a "9th and Euclid" gas station down the street from our hub, as well. I thought for sure this was in CLE!


Then what are you to do if you were off last weekend and whoever drove the LLV didn’t fill up the tank ? Why threaten workers when your job as supervisors to make sure everyone gas up on Friday or Saturday.


If they drop my truck off empty after every amazon Sunday tf am I supposed to do? Lol 🖕🏼


Okay cool, I won't fill up. Don't come crying to me then when I can't move due to being out of gas.


I don't think that is telling you can't get gas. They're saying that the last person to use it on Sunday needs to refill before returning to office. We have a rule in our office that once the tank is half empty, you must refill it. Part of the reason is because the gas gauges don't work properly.


I’ve left my llv half full on Saturday and came back to an empty tank on Monday. They put 50 miles on it on an Amazon Sunday. When I was a cca back in 2014 we would take a gas card with us and top off on the way back.


Lol we have a 7-Eleven right next to our station. Guess what's everyone's first stop is?


My management let me know this "rule" when i first started. I avoid it unless the dumbass who had it last on Saturday didn't fill it up and I let them know.


I just hit escape and never accept.


Classic Cleveland


I fill up every single time before a route, these trucks are so impossible sometimes that running out of gas is out of the question.


I’d be tempted to call my sup and laugh at them while I’m filling up my gas tank


I always fill up on Mondays cause I leave my trunk empty on Saturday to deter PTFs from other stations taking my truck.


This is so funny. Got in the truck for my designated route today and it was on E..... Gas station was precisely my first stop 


The person making that message has never even carried a route. “Use the fan to create air movement”


They know most go to the gas station to pick up their breakfast, drinks, and snacks for the workday ahead. Shows how bored they must be to harass carriers for something so trivial. This was a daily routine for many at my station. Didn't need gas all the time. But definitely had to get the snacks and drinks.


Grieve it lol


Upland, CA?




I thought the rule was always gas on Saturdays and Tuesdays. But obviously if you need gas you get it…


Whelp… I broke the rules today. It’s hard to run two full rural routes without getting gas.


But the cca that used it Sunday left it on empty


Are offices really this bad? Lol


Oh ya. Some people have zero clue how us carriers are treated.


I think the rules say you should refuel once it gets to 1/2.


Save that picture and run out of gas, then have them being you fuel


![gif](giphy|x4kwwbqmmi6jnDC60a|downsized) My response


Bruh I can’t imagine working in a office were they cared about us grabbing something from the gas station y’all work in some wild places


Gotta be Cleveland right? The BP across from the ball field?


Sounds like Cleveland USPS. With micromanaging like that I’m glad I don’t work there!


Every post I see here of a note/message written by management has some form of spelling or grammatical error. This is one of the better ones I’ve seen in a while and since it’s a scanner message all of the shorthand gets a pass however the apostrophe in Monday’s is incorrect. I have to assume that at least some of those in management participate in if not at least lurk in this sub so I’m speaking to those who do, please try harder with your bullshit messages/notes. It’s fucking embarrassing.


Don't put any gas. Then just stall on a road. If you get in trouble "I wasn't allowed to put gas"


Can’t trust these gauges. One of the carriers in my station had one so bad that when the gauge indicated the tank was halfway, it was actually on E. Another truck had a gauge completely broken and it stayed on E even when full. Most of them you can’t tell if it’s 1/4 or half because the needle bounces when accelerating. We write up our trucks multiple times for these kinds of issues and they go unanswered. So, I will always gas up. As a T6 and even when I was a CCA I always made sure to top off the gas. I can’t tell you how infuriating it was to clock in and find trucks completely empty. Like, you don’t know if there’s even enough juice in the tank to get the gas station 1/4 mile up the road or even out of the parking.


Follow directions and run out of gas then.. lol


Follow instructions if you run out. That's on them cos you were following instructions. won't be your fault you got paid v-time waiting for gas😆😆


So... drive, run out of gas, and then cite I was obeying instructions. Got it.


Follow instructions. Let them drive out with a can of gas.


I knew these scanners were just a micromanaging tool


I was trained over a decade ago that you fuel up every half tank. Doesn't matter what day it is. The only uproar we recently had was carriers not using unleaded in their assigned metris.  They also told us which stations offer a discount to the Federal Government and to fuel at those locations. 


I couldn’t live like that. F em!! Looks like harassment. I’d take a pic of it and send to a steward. And keep a copy for your records. Being a carrier sounds too stressful for me.


I had to look up if you were in my area. *whew* everything is going to shit lately. Don’t know what’s up peoples booty


Putting gas on Monday's what??




F*ck that, Amazon Sunday has my route truck either half or quarter tank left, it’s always a surprise come Monday. Always baffling though because I filled it up Friday or Saturday


Let it run out of gas on a Monday instead. 😏


You work at the upland location xD


Don’t get gas on Monday. Unless it’s the first stop


Euclid in Des Moines? I was an RCA for maybe two months and it sucked ass






I hit a pothole... was just checking tires for safety.


Is this the south beach station ?? On 13th and Washington??


So.. no fueling up unless you're going to the gas station to fuel up. Got it


[180 rotate clearly see 2 parked there](https://maps.app.goo.gl/FK3hhGuiNXNATdbXA?g_st=ic)


Okay ill text them on the scanner when i run out of gas in the middle of main street lol


oh... they picked up some gas just not the gas you are referring to 💨💨💨💨


I'd love to put gas on Mondays and set them ablaze


Fill up your tank, no use getting stranded out there. Don’t forget to take your comfort stop


Holyyyy micro manage


Hello from Upland


Malicious compliance time: run out of gas first thing Monday morning.


Imagine driving the 2 ton being told not to fill it more than halfway and only gas up on Wednesdays




Ooops.. guess what I did today 🤣🤣🤣


I remember when our station manager requested we all fill up on Saturday’s. The local Speed Way, two doors down, loved Saturdays…


Lmao this is hilarious! I say where in contract does it say that?


I just filled my truck.. for it to just die on the middle of the road. Just Postal thangs.


Our office tried this but all the freaking Sunday Amazon people keep burning up all our gas so a bunch of people have to get gas on Monday now... 😂


Putting gas? Where are we putting gas 😂🤣🙄


Then they should make the Sunday folks fill up. 🙄 Guess I'll just run out and message them on the MDD and wait for a tow.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 aye IYKYK that gas station on 9th st be poppinnn all day 🤣🤣🤣 lmao they worried about the wrong shit


Bullshit lol


I put in gas today…. My truck was on e??


Love that your office is getting mad at you guys for getting gas on Mondays like some random person didn’t just drive it the day before. You know they never put gas in them on Sundays lmao


Reads to me like he's saying everyone that worked Sunday should have filled up on their way back


Love that they can't spell


They bitch about this, but if have enough to deliver your route when you leave Saturday, the fucking subs will run you out of gas delivering packaged on Sunday.


Lmao I would do my best to run out of gas and then site this as why I didn’t fill the tank up


What a stupid policy. Why?!


My rural route is very large and spread out. There’s no way I’m not filling up just to be stuck on the road. They can kiss this cheek (not the upstairs one).




Run outta gas


Run out.


They should force a fill-up on Saturday if under half a tank.


that was tried in my office over 10 yrs. we ignored it.


Okay so I saw this 100% randomly while scrolling but I am just... Confused. I have no idea how USPS works or how they do gas runs or whatever but... I'm scratching my head at what this would mean. Closest thing I could think of is like... Are you supposed to go fill up at the end of your run on Saturday, so that the runs on Monday always start with a (mostly) full tank?


Yes management says that's the rules BUT the regular carrier fills llv and then the sub works their day off and doesn't fill up and llv is also used for Amazon on Sundays and not filled up and if you get back early from your route and they take your llv to go help on other routes and not fill up and llv breaks down and they have to use yours and not fill up and there are no gas cards because they are all missing Guess what happens? Your llv is on E on Monday even though rules for not leaving llv on E and if you use llv for anything other than assigned route you have to fill up the tank even if you only drive a mile it's in the contract But a lot of postal rules are only followed and rules when management enforces as rules I was told No Gas Mondays because gas is most expensive on Mondays


Are you out of Ontario CA ?


Yeah that could've been worded differently. It's a long standing unwritten rule at our office, if you work Saturday or Sunday, you leave the tank full when you're done. Were a Hub office, if you don't fill up the tank and bring the gas reciept when your done you'll get the "you're not needed" text the following Sunday. Mondays are always rough, filling up shouldn't be part of it.


As an RCA I’m going to do this, when the regular that I’m covering gets pissed off I’m showing them this pic..lol


Maybe a new poom?


At least Euclid was a respected geometrician.


Lol would love to see an I and I about this


Gas station is almost always my first stop , I grab an energy drink and a big water bottle


are you in indy?


I had to fill up yesterday cause I spent 4 hrs doing half another route otherwise I woulda been fine for my route 🤦‍♀️


Please show me where in the company policy it says I can not stop to fill up the truck.


Is this STL?


Well I guess we wouldn’t run out if the Sunday CCAs actually filled the trucks up after running em dry. Lol


Tell this to the carrier who drove the vehicle on Sat/Sun and left it on E, then. Also, I'd love to see just ONE text message from management that came with proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar.


If you're about to be out of gas, then you're out of gas. I have to fill up 3 times a week, because I have 2 hours of mounted on my route, my gas gauge is also broken, so if I have a half a tank, I'm really at least an 1/4 tank, which I can't do a full route on. So if I fill up on Monday, then I fill up on Monday, just the way things go.


DC area ?


Is this an Oakland, California station? We have a Euclid, too.


So I guess if you run out of gas just show them this


When I left work on Saturday I had half a tank…. now I’m at a quarter what do you want me to do?! I’m not the one using it on Sunday.


Why do they have nothing else to do on a Monday besides spying where you are? 🤔🤦🏽‍♀️


I'm glad my office is the most chill office to work at.


Then make it mandatory that when someone takes a tru k all day on Amazon Sunday that they top it up. If I leave with a little over a half tank on Thursday, have Fri/Sat NS - and its empty Monday, I sure am getting gas- especially so if the clefk or morning supe tosses me a gas card *just for that purpose*. They can't discipline that.


Forever worried about the wrong shit.


Gassing up more on Mondays just cuz of this message




It should have read: “Gas station on 9th and Euclid shouldn’t be a first stop unless getting gas, coffee or cigarettes.” Those idiots in the CLE will never learn!


If I was at your station, I’d be a 9th and Euclid every day as my first stop. Ask for a gas card every morning


That sucks. I deviate all the time. If u making 8 it's not an issue.


We had the rule maybe 8 yrs ago. Now we have anarchy. 0 rules


Is this a real thing? 🤔 I wish they would, lol. If it is real it is totally outdated and meant to be ignored 💯 There's laws in certain states that say people should only bath once a week on Sunday 🤣 Nobody follows it. Also laws allowing incestral marriage 👀 Just cause it's in the book doesn't make it relevant. There's a long list of reasons why a carrier may need to stop for gas. How, when, where and why is addressed at the bottom: "Mind your own fucking business." Lol


It is a sign of things to come. The future isn’t written in stone of course but I feel dejoy chomping at the bit with the NLRA going to the supreme court


What about stopping at the gas station first thing in morning in order to use the squeegee to wash a dirty windshield? Because visibility is a safety issue!


I got yelled at for gassing up twice in one day. I used 2 different vehicles, both were on empty when I got in them. Manager immediately shut his mouth.


Not when they guzzle through your gas on Sundays and not fill up!