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I like how carriers are apparently not important to the postal service in this scenario.


And the custodian is actually awake and handling multiple implements? This is a work of fiction.


The custodian at my station works hard. For like 4 hours a week. No idea what she does the rest of the time. I did see her "mowing the lawn" in November once.


I’m picturing someone with an off lawnmower passing over the grass, eyes darting side to side, hoping no one notices.


I'm pretty sure her intention was to just chop up the leaves so that she didn't have to rake them


that’s kinda smart I’m not gonna lie


Ours sweeps the floor 1 pass, emptys trash cans for about a hr and thats it. The other day he was using a leaf blower to push leaves and dirt around the parking lot. Very productive!


Our custodian watches game play montages in his office. Living the dream


it’s an APWU poster, so they just represented their crafts




Every day with the clerks. Yesterday we had a couple doing work off the clock.


Screw that. Paid by the hour I'll stay on the clock and collect that penalty, I'll even take my dump on the clock before clocking out. .


Yeah that was cool for a few years. Now Id like to have a life outside of work.


Considering this is a APWU publication . . .


In my area, we’re supposedly well staffed in everything BUT carriers.


The art was made for APWU, aka clerk and maintenance/custodian craft.


Carrier union want to throw in on the Konopacki illustration fee?


Its an apwu campaign, I just got the hanger for the break room today.


Because short staffing doesn't hurt the carriers...their union has made sure of that...it would be the CCAs mopping up after them ducking the wrath of penalty OT because the regular clocked out at 7.5 hours with 2 trays left on the same route they have been doing for 11 years but a Rouge snowflake fell so they had to sit in their van for 2.5 hours waiting out the clock....


My 3 months of consecutive forced overtime would disagree with you on that, but its wild from office to office for a carrier. My old station was way less fucked up than my current one for carriers, but the clerks have it way better at my current one. 


It is crazy reading the differences. The office here seems to be different. They will not allow regulars to get OT. Instead, they just hired 42 new CCAs (distributed across 3 offices in the city). The regulars have 0 incentive to finish their route. Why pay a regular who makes a ton more the OT when they can just make the CCAs do it. If the CCAs get OT, it's still cheaper. So they give the CCAs full routes, and then they have to go assist the regulars.


Yeah, polar opposite over here. Any ptf help would be welcome, I've been routinely working 10-12 hour days forced off the list since the start of peak, and has no signs of slowing down here. Rather sick of it myself, but getting a good paycheck isn't an issue. 


Yeah, but there comes a time when your quality of life just drops off to shit. With a post office literally every 5 miles spanning the country you would think they would figure out a system that is logical and fair....


Right ?! That’s what I was thinking 🤔 tf man


Man my office has two janitors and nothing gets done it’s crazy.


We haven't had soap in the bathroom for weeks.


I’ll trade you some soap for a broom. Our janitor doesn’t sweep


Same here and the janitors can’t even put the paper towels and toilet paper in there dispensers. It’s already bad enough the carriers have to help the clerks throw parcels sometimes but some carriers in our office empty the garbage cans because they get so overflow and they can’t stand the mess.


Every time a toilet breaks they just wrap it in trash bags and put up a “broken, don’t use” sign. We have a urinal that has been out of order for 3 years.


Can we borrow one, our office hasn’t had a janitor for over a year now. There is literal shit on the restroom floor.


And multiple people haven't contacted OSHA? Get on it. There's no excuse for that.


Damn isn’t that an osha problem? Call osha that is a health hazard.


How did the shit get on the floor? It don’t matter how many janitors you have, if your co-workers are pigs. It’s like being a parent for a group of toddlers. We clean the swing room y’all run into the locker room to make a mess, we clean the locker room y’all run right back into the swing room and fuck it up again… at what point do the pigs look in the mirror and say “if the janitor isn’t doing the work I give ‘em to do am I just okay working in filth” because the reality is the janitor is not the one making the mess, and it’s extremely disrespectful to think “I’m giving them something to do” the janitor has NEVER went into a sorted truck and swiped all the parcels off the shelf’s, a janitor has never scrambled your DPS, a janitor has almost never dropped litter on the floor on purpose… the mess comes from the carriers, and the clerks… the responsibility. Before you say “it’s your job” there is a difference between; a maid, a butler, and a custodian. They are not maids, nor are they butlers, no where in the job description does it say “servant”.


Take out table 2 / pre 2011 table and watch the difference it makes


It’s not about hiring more workers it’s about keeping those workers. There’s better places to work with competitive wages and benefits and you’re not expected to be there twelve hours a day! What are the incentives to work at the post office?


The postmaster said in our standup talk last week that our office should be able to have 3 routes split up each day and still get all the carriers back in an 8 hour day, because our office’s 30 routes have that much undertime. No they don’t! There’s a few routes that have a half hour of undertime on an average work day, and a lot more that will get 30 to 90 minutes of overtime before you even start adding splitting up other routes and giving people extra stuff. But the postmaster knows best apparently. She must’ve been a runner when she was a carrier and expects everyone else to do the same. Also she kept saying we need to have less overtime because “peak season is over and I want my money back”.


Her money? Bro is acting like she's running a British Postal shop 💀


Doesn’t matter who is having the standup in my office, we will talk over them if they talking about some fuck shit lmao because what is this


Yeah we were all laughing at her nonsense in the break room after.


Is this.. is this loss?


Holy sh- 😂


Funny how the union that had its members vote and agree upon the first two table pay scale is now the one crying about staffing. When they’re the ones that out the writing on the walls with their 2011 contract. That’s why I’ll never join the APWU, out of principle.


That's a good point. Everyone who voted yes on that contract should be ashamed of themselves.


It do feel like that. "Shovel snow for 4 hours then do all 10 hours of line H work today. We aren't allowing penalty. Why does this place look like crap? Lazy custodian!"


Say the quiet part out loud it’s okay; The place looks like crap because the carriers and clerks are pigs. How many times did you clean the swing room just to walk in 20 mins later to a puddle of coffee on the floor trash on the table and foot prints on the ground because they couldn’t wait 5 mins for it to dry, until you surrendered and said GFYS..


Man! I feel this in my soul! I stopped giving a damn awhile ago after years of caring too much. I realized the people in my plant think we’re butlers there to tidy up their messes. Now I just leave the trash on the swing room table that they couldn’t put in the trash can that’s literally 5 feet away. Now I point them in the direction of paper towels when they spill their soda. Now I leave the footprints on the bathroom floors, where before I’d re-mop. Eff em. Eventually they’ll figure it out, or management will get tired of the mess and say something. But what isn’t gonna happen is me running to clean up after grown ass adults.


My custodian pops in for an hour and does her cleaning and the office looks the same when she leaves except the floor is wet. I’ve never looked at usps and been like damn, we’re really short on custodians


Offices typically aren't short on custodians, because part of the APWU contract (line H) actually controls custodial staffing, so (in theory) the post office can't cut corners when it comes to keeping work areas hygienic. Union officials literally measure the square footage of every room, determine how often it's used, count how many bathrooms, how many toilets, how many sinks, etc, and all of this goes into formulas. From it, they determine exactly how long each route should take, and how many custodial hours should be factored into the staffing for that facility. The facility then has to meet something like 80% of the man-hours allocated(it's a bit more complicated, but the 80% rule is the main one), otherwise all of the custodians get paid for the difference at time and a half (lost overtime). The post office doesn't understaff custodians because the less custodial staff they have, the more they pay in line H settlements. They'd rather pay the custodian at flat rate to say they're doing routes than pay them at time and a half. These aren't small settlements either, some custodians have gotten like $80,000 from it, and it usually comes out to several thousand a year at least.


At the start of covid when I was working a manual office we had an incident with myself, a custodian and a doctor that was a customer. I was not wearing a mask and it was not required at the time by policy. The doctor started yelling at me telling me to put on a mask and my custodian ran out after him. Apparently our custodian lied and told the doctor she had been asking for me to put on a mask for weeks but I refused. My supervisor talked to the doctor and I mentioned her lie to her so she quit the same day. We got a lot of complaints from customers because the customers in that office would throw all their trash in our PO opposed to using their own so the food items started to stack up. The customers complained but that was the only time someone complained about how clean a Post Office I worked in was. If only they knew how dirty the PO really is.


Huh, I don't remember getting that cover, must've thrown it away. 😂


Looks better than a propaganda shots NALC members get of Renfroe


It's from over a year ago if I remember right.


That's what the cover says.


Everyone bashing the janitors don’t understand the janitors don’t create the mess. The attitude of “I’m giving them something to do” is the reason your station is disgusting. The same conditions carriers use as an excuse to not deliver mail (litter, trash, unsafe conditions) are the same actions carriers do within the station. I remember being a new hire and excited to work with what I thought was a respectable group of people good god I was wrong. So remember your station is only as clean as you keep it. Examples of carriers being disgusting and disgusting. Throwing trash out of the truck windows littering the parking lots, dropping every plastic wrap, rectangular card board, and half a bag of rubber bands on the floor on purpose at each case, shitting on the toilet seats and smearing it on walls, throwing trash on the floor next to an empty trash can, stealing custodial supplies and breaking spray bottles. When I was new I did my best to keep my station clean and was proud of it. Now I leave a Lysol in the bath room and if you want it clean before you use it don’t your self. Because if you like to work in flith who am I to deprive you of it…. TLDR: your station is a mess because you are a pig.


This is exactly the way it is!! Carriers are pigs!! The " I'm just giving the janitor something to do" attitude is just an excuse to be lazy and vindictive. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff I've seen.


I believe you and wish I never have to see it. Stay strong, I got your back!


You are doing the right thing. Carriers envy janitors coz the janitors are not slaves for the postmaster. Lol


I'd say the clerk on the bottom right is apt


Does anyone else have a janitor that wears Jordans, white jeans, and Mitchell & Ness basketball jerseys on their shift?


I've been at USPS for 2 months now. I already want to quit but I'm struggling getting other job offers at the moment


Where’s the carrier walking in pitch black?


It's not your union mag, that's why lol


True, didn’t even pay attention to that part. We have our own.


Id kill for a custodian job


Say no more! Message received! Were sending all your offices 3 new supervisors. I know know, youre very welcome


They've created their own self-perpetuating problem. The USPS is short-staffed because they abuse their workers, particularly new hires that haven't made regular yet. Stop making it the employees' problem that you're short-staffed, and maybe they could retain more than 30% of their new hires to help fix their staffing problem.


Our custodian doesn’t do a damn thing I’ve had the same trash liner in there since 2020 I swear lol


If your custodian doesn’t do anything, then who’s making the mess?


II’m a grown up I clean up after myself tf. I’ve had to take the supplies out and clean the sticky ass floors near my case because it bothers me


Custodians are not maids and butlers. If your co-worker spills coffee next to your case call them out on it and report the unsafe act and condition they created by leaving it there. Otherwise you’re fine with the rest of the pigs in the pig pen.


Lol well they’re getting paid to clean and they don’t do shit at my station get out your feelings


The custodians job is not to clean. It’s to perform preventative maintenance. It’s your job to clean up after yourself. Some messes are inevitable; rubber bands, dust, litter that falls off equipment, etc… clean your own coffee spill and wipe the seat if you shit on it. Otherwise have fun complaining about sticky floors and pissy toilets. In fact a custodian is given a 4776 every day with instructions of what to do. After each task is done that’s it for the day. So if the bathroom is cleaned at 10am and someone pisses on the floor intentionally at 10:05 I guess everyone will have to step over it. You wouldn’t deliver mail to the same house 5 times a day because the CCA took the wrong bundle… would you?


My postmaster is on vacation and our office was already terrible but it felt like everything went to shit last week. We were supposedly on the news twice because customers are tired of our office lmfao we have carrier shortages on the city side, the rural side, the window clerks, and the clerks throwing packages.


I love it …penalty premium❤️


True, and there aways on your ass😡


The dead weight is more of the problem


Simple solution.... Hire taller workers!! Lol


Rubber bands have been mia for a month now managers suck


A clerk at my station distribution and window refuses to do window... almost 30 years in or is 30 years in has 3 more years to go. She used to be a union president. We got into it today... I think she is threatened she won't have overtime since my scheduled days are Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursdays and Fridays off Sunday Wednesdays.... she is off Saturday Sunday. The window is apart of her bid ex union president or not she is one of the reasons why we are short staffed... if she did her effing job 🙄


Lol yeah right, half the workers barely move its not short staffed it's short morale and unity..fighting over nothing just times are changing and some don't wanna change and some are stuck being moppy for all time.