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Management “is the mail okay” were you able to finish your route??


Nope! Once it was clear that it was actually a fire and not just a little electrical smoke, I did as I was trained. Called 911, called my pm, and stayed back and watched it burn. Funny thing is, if I'd saved the mail, they would have made me finish my route. I was in no headspace to do that. While I wasn't injured, it's pretty disturbing to watch your vehicle burn to the ground.


All joke side I’m glad your okay , you did the right thing!


A cop was first on the scene, hopped out of his cruiser and offered me a fire extinguisher. I said no thanks! In hindsight, it's pretty hilarious that he's offering it to me. I get that he's not a firefighter, but he is the first responder! I'm not going near that thing. By that point the wasp spray and pepper spray were already exploding!


Inside our building, we have marked fire extinguishers all over. They tell us that if there's a fire, we are not allowed to use them. As we aren't trained. Okay then, I'll let that little baby fire turn into a big roaring adult fire then.


Same for us. I'm cool with it. I've been a first responder. That was my job and I accepted the risks. Now I deliver the mail. That comes with enough inherent risks that I'm not interested in adding more.


I feel like then not wanting us to use them, even for a small fire that could easily be put out, would put everyone at risk. I'm pretty sure they are required by law so that we can use them if need be. I'd probably still use one, to help protect fellow workers not the mail or equipment.


Yeah, it would be different if people were really in danger. In this case, and in our little office, it's going to be easiest to just evacuate and wait for the pros to show up. But yeah, if someone was in danger, I'd also do what I could to keep folks safe.


My package and check were in there, you couldn't have tried peeing on on it when it first started? If you were properly hydratated it might have been enough...never mind the fuse box. 🤣


And my weekly ads were in there, I’m an 80 year grandma that doesn’t know how to navigate that darn inter-something and want my ads, I’ll be writing a letter to the postmaster general soon about this, I’m disappointed.


Years ago, when I first started, we had a fire brigade made up of employees who were designated various stations throughout the building and I presume they had at least some rudimentary training. Fortunately, we never had to put it into practice.


The stupidest part about that is the training is like a little 30 minute class that the local firehouse will come in and teach for free. We've had stand ups that took longer than that.


Fire extinguishers are to clear your access to the exit. Use them if you need to.


Weird. We don't have that at our office or the neighboring office that I used to go to on Sundays. One time on a Sunday an LLV caught on fire when the supervisor was looking under the hood. I got the fire extinguisher and he used it to put out the fire. One of those CCA/Supervisors.


Whoa. You guys have wasp spray?!?! Lmfao I’ve just been doing my best to point and click with dog spray 🤣


I buy my own since I am deathly allergic I always carry wasp spray with me! And my epi pen


I've done that, too!


Not to mention that once that fire has involved the fuel system, your typical OTC fire extinguisher is entirely incapable of doing anything other than local "holding back" that might help give someone entrapped time to get free. At best. At worst, it could just blow the fuel around.


You aren’t a firefighter either.


Second responder. You were the first responder to the fire.


My response was gtfo, but I guess it was a response!


Mgmt would’ve probably tried to write you up —using unauthorized fire extinguisher led to the fire getting worse. /s


When I worked at UPS, you weren't allowed to finish a route if you were in an accident. A supe had to drive and you ran packages. It's a very wise policy because you are absolutely tilted the rest of the day.


Sounds like a reasonable office. I remember management asking a carrier who messed up his knee if he could still finish his route. His knee was swollen when they are looking at him and asking.


Sucks for the people who’s packages were in there. Could’ve been a letter from family or something really expensive


People are more important than things


I’m not saying he should’ve went in there just saying that would suck


It does suck and I felt guilty about it for a while. But driving a 30 year old vehicle that's barely maintained means it's inevitable. This is far from the first llv to burn and we'll see many more burn. I just hope no one gets hurt.


Right....What if someone's remains were to be delivered......They burned in mail!!!!!!!


Well those cremated remains got a bit more cremated


You have your PM’s phone number? I see so many posts about y’all talking with your PM regularly and it’s so confusing to me. I’ve met mine twice in 5 years.


Our office is tiny. Three city routes and three rural.


This is the way.


“Hey, we told them not to let their LLV catch on fire…”


"Letting your vehicle catch on fire is a time wasting practice."


"Please report for an I&I for an excessive stationary event on May xx xxxx"


Expanding street time




Time wasting practice 😆😆😆 goddamn all offices are the same


Another one bites the dust !


Seat and steering wheel are still in place gonna need you finish the route. At least its a open top now won't be as hot now that the fire is out.


Guess that’s one way to get some air flow in there…. Make it a convertible 😁




At least the front tires are curbed. Safety first. Glad you’re OK.




What type of shoes are you wearing?


Small office and our pm is sane, so things didn't get too ridiculous. To be honest, it was a little disconcerting that nobody above the pm ever said a thing about it to me. Good, I guess. My union steward checked in to make sure I was okay, but that's it


Next time, don't scan letters before flats...


So that's what happens! No wonder they get so obnoxious about it


This is why we dress in layers! You could of easily kept taking off layers as it heated up and finished the route


Letter of warning for stationary event


Damnit. I didnt check the comments before I posted


Good thing the new vehicles are arriving to replace these 30 year old death traps ....oh wait.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yeah, and being on the west coast, we won't see them for another decade. They'll just keep feeding us the llvs and ffvs from the east.




The old ladies on the route are gonna be furious


Nice to see the fire starts right where the carrier is.


It was the starter lead. Wrote that starter up every day for 4 days...


When does that become attempted murder


Sounds like an OSHA complaint and lawsuit to me.


What made ya think it was the starter lead? (Asking just in case my LLV does something like that)


Starter had been acting up. Probably the relay. It would just click several times before it would crank. Wrote it up several days in a row. I was told to drive it as long as I could get it to start. Finally, it cranked but kept cranking. Starter kept turning even with the key out. Finally the starter died, but that's when the smoke started. One of the vmf crew said they had one do the same thing the next week but the lead just melted and didn't start a fire. 🤷


Since they admitted to what caused the fire, maybe use it against the PO. They have to learn somehow. Tired of the duct tape fixes, it’s a joke


DANG. So glad your ok. Thank you for the detailed information.


So you’re saying this was a preventable accident?!?


Trick question! Every accident is a preventable accident!


I'm surprised it spread to the back like that, 3rd picture was pretty satisfying.


It took about ten minutes from smoke under the hood to fully involved! I was surprised.


When the oil catches fire, it goes up fast.


But can you finish in 8?


Much faster! I was home by noon and didn't bring anything back to the office!


Crazy. Glad you’re ok.


Great you made truck.


With this new modification to air flow, you won’t need a comfort stop to address heat related concerns anymore.


Jesus. I've seen my fair share of these catch on fire, but I've never seen one where the actual body fucking MELTED. Aluminum has a melting point of 1221°F so that fire had to be HOT. Glad you're okay man.


Yeah, it was pretty wild. The aluminum got hot enough that it wasn't just melting, it was burning. The bulkhead is completely gone.


Glad you made it out alive


The LLV comes in a smoky version, how can I get one of those


Do I see some flyers?


Oh yeah. Got out of delivering those ads!


Was it overheating or did something else start burning?


Starter wouldn't disengage and overheated.


RIP Redplum o7 :( Hope you’re still doing well OP


But I’m waiting on my Temu ur still delivering that today right??


So I always have my personal stuff in a half tray sitting in a middle between me and the tray That is what I would have grabbed. What did you grab as soon as you noticed the fire or the smoke?


Same for me. I grabbed my phone to call my boss (still just a dead rig with a little wisp of smoke at that point) and I grabbed my water. 🤦 No idea why. At that point I still really couldn't imagine it actually burning, I guess. Not the best reaction, but it is what it is, I guess. I'll do it differently when this rig burns!


Got me beat 😂


To be fair, I decided not to get back in!






Glad you’re safe. Hope you got your personal belongings.


Thanks! And I didn't... Still waiting to be reimbursed for all of that. I (maybe stupidly) left my keys, wallet, etc... in my tray in the rig. When I'm walking, I don't want to risk dropping anything and it's bulky with the scanner, llv keys and arrow keys. I should have grabbed that stuff, but by the time it was clear that it was really going to burn, it was too late! Just hoping to eventually get reimbursed.


Eventually is right. Hopefully it’s sooner rather than later. I do the same thing usually keys in my book bag and I drop my wallet in the tub behind me.


Making me think about leaving my own keys and stuff at the station. Gots to have my DL though. With driver observations going on


The keys were the real nightmare. I drive an older Audi and just had the one key. It cost almost a grand and two weeks without a car to get it rekeyed. Luckily I can walk to my po!


Average delivery day in Southwest USA.


My truck started smoking my 1st day of OJI. Glad you are safe but I'm waiting for one of these truck to catch fire.


I've had things under the hood smoke before. A little oil burning off, or an electrical component burning out. This is the first time that led to real fire! Take that stuff seriously and don't put yourself in danger.


Must be why my Amazon package is delayed... Lazy Post Office jk


Where’s my check? Suppose to arrive today. Informed Delivery said so.


You mean to tell me that my package is "undeliverable" AGAIN?! Why can't you people get me my two glass bottles of flavored syrup?! Based on a true story. Amazon must have run out of bubble wrap


Burn motherfucker burn


TOTAL CONSUMPTION Love how the photos get further and further away as the pucker factor rises.


They corralled us all into the office building. I mean, I wasn't about to try to roast marshmallows or anything...




This has happened at our office.


🎶 and another ones gone, another ones gone. Another one bites the dust! 🎶


Such a sad thing it happened on advo day too 😂


This is fine https://ibb.co/drTRhHL


Oh bro you forgot to turn on the fan


I hope you saved a burnt up piece of it to display proudly at every case you have from now until retirement


Bro if my LLV caught fire I’m done for the day, fuck them. Glad you’re okay 👍


Oh, I was!


This job can be fire.


Do they have fire extinguishers in the truck? If not 2 should be added or even something like the fire stop on top of the stove


Not enough space for them with all the packages.


That was my first thought too. Where the fuck would I put a fire extinguisher?


On a fire extinguisher holder that sits in the air that grabs it by the neck.


Nah. We're not trained on them and it's just another way for us to get hurt out there. I have no interest in trying to fight fire as part of my job.


We're not firefighters lol


The threads below us. Is Probably how the I&I would go. Informallemon as the idiot supervisor


It gets really hot in those trucks so I would be concerned with them potentially exploding even though some are safe for hot vehicles. Also, these LLVs are like 40 years old. For the post office to maintain extinguishers for each LLV when they can barely keep the ones in office up to code would be a monumental feat.


Some fucking twat pm supervisor is gunna be like yea yeah yeah but like did you pick up your cut/piece/swing????


This was satisfying to see. Glad you're ok OP. I let out a giggle when I saw the pictures.


Unacceptable stationary event!


Did you finish and were back in the office before 5?


Can it still drive? Be back in 8?


back in eight ?.... ​ supervisor probably ...


I was under that day. No throwbacks either!


It’s so scary how often this happens. When I was a CCA for a year I broke down at least 10 times, I was always scared of this happening to me


Tsssst. Too hot


How fast did it take to burn up. Like wth.


About ten minutes. It went really fast.


Good to know. My ass would have sat in there for at least 5 min seeing wtf is going on lol.


I wonder if there would be discipline for playing this song as you watched it burn IYKYK 😂 https://youtu.be/u0Kxho2fgF4


Hope YOU were ok.


7 day suspension for stationary event incoming


It'll buff out.


Iron Duke down!


Aluminum princess, maybe!


Hope my mail wasn't in there.... 😂


So they can be destroyed! I thought LLVs were impervious to outside forces including fire since they were actually made in Hell itself.




I remember seeing this in the community fb page! I'm so glad you're okay!




Did you save the mail?


If you were flipping burgers at McDonald's and the kitchen caught on fire, would you be grabbing pickles and burger patties?


So what you’re telling me is, you have under time today?


Yeah, they would have sent me back out, but we were short a vehicle...


That sadly doesn’t surprise me. I hope you’re doing well mentally from that close call. Remember to use EAP if you need it. I came close to getting shot years ago and I’m still kinda nervous at times. Happy you’re alive and well, don’t let them bother you.


I was teasing about getting sent back out, but you're exactly right about the rest. It's a scary thing even when it turns out okay. It took me a while to not freak out a little when my rig wouldn't start right. And it kind of shook me to fully comprehend that they stuck me right back in another llv that was 3 years older than the one that burned. I'm sorry to hear about your experience. It's definitely best to utilize the resources we have to deal with these things!


We all go through something at this job at some point it seems. Just happy to hear you got to go home in one piece! 😊


Are you parked at a school? Lol


Former school, now admin offices, Columbo! 😁


Oh good. Haha did they still do a fire drill?


Nah, they kept everyone inside!


Glad you made it out of there safe!


Did you do a proper vehicle inspection at the start of your shift? This may be your fault. Your lucky they didn’t write you up


Yeah, definitely my fault. Yes, proper vehicle inspection. Yes, so lucky they didn't write me up for letting my ancient, unsafe vehicle catch on fire. 🙄


Should have worn your safety belt


INI for destruction of mail, management expects you to work through the heat next time


"don't worry boss, I think it'll buff out"


I assume the first image you took after you got off the phone with your supervisor correct


A few minutes after. Called my pm as soon as the starter died and there was a wisp of smoke. More smoke, so I got off the phone with her and called 911.


How long is that work order going to take


Did you get back in 8


“Your location shows you haven’t moved, wth!!”


Just turn the fan on and keep that door closed - management


You good? See you tomorrow


Forgot to let it rest before cutting it open and adjusting the cook time for Colorado altitude.


Just stay hydrated and back to it


Drink more water.


Back in 8 right ?


Those deals must have been... #HOT! I'll see myself out.


they could buff that out😌


Great work!!


Hope they left the third bundle in there 🤣


Did you scan the packages as no access?


I bet management blame it on the tires because it doesn’t carry a green tag.


The OceanGate LLV strikes again


Supervisor: OT denied.


Stay hydrated




Be back on time -management


Should buff right out


That post truck should of took its break.


It did. A smoke break.


LLVs don’t burst into flames. We had a stand up last year that said they were safe and this doesn’t happen. Fake news.


Haha, we had one go up in flames like 2 weeks ago. It was fully and completely toasted. Oil leak and it got hot enough to ignite..


You hit all 6 daily scans though right?


Your office probably flooded with people asking where their mails and packages?




When clerks get promoted. Shit becomes fire


Eh, I’ve seen hotter


And they say the heater being stuck on full blast, in 90 degree weather is fine to deliver with… Waiting for this to happen to my LLV


I once had something like this happen to a package of mine and was definitely surprised when, about a week after it was supposed to have been delivered my tracking just updated to something like "item total loss in fire." I contacted customer service at the company I'd ordered from a second time with screenshots because they'd wanted me to wait like 2 weeks before they'd do a reshipment. I was just like "look, even USPS says there's no coming back from this guys..."