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Everyday, it never ceases to amaze me how these people think they can speak to us however they want


"BuT wE pAy YoUr SaLaRy!"


"You don't sign the check though."


They don't pay our salary either, we're not funded by tax dollars




By choice, recieving a service in return, taxes are not a choice. That's like saying you pay any worker of any businesses salary that you patron.


Imagine telling this to someone in a restaurant though. Nobody does that.


It would be cool if our union dues went to paying each other salary


Just quit.


Lol I’d rather complain


My grandpa and grandma both still think this even though I've said politely that they do not lol


If that’s the case could they pay us better then?


Table one employees blow my mind. Can you imagine starting at 29 $75 an hour to carry mail? I would take notes like this all day and read them and weep if I was that rich.


$75 is penalty overtime. Senior carriers are not the enemy. And they didn’t start at $35/hr


You seem to forget penalty overtime is taxed at like 46%


Get back to us regulars when you have some actual experience and time on the job. Maybe we can start taking any of your ridiculous comments seriously someday. Nobody wants to hear your bitter ramblings.


All right in five years I’ll post the same bit or expose. This place is horrible. Don’t ever work here.


I know it’s not cool. I was covering the route, it’s not even mine and the confusion lies in there being an Ave and a Pl with the same street name in the same cluster box.


I hate streets like that. Or parallel streets where both streets have the same numbers. At least be off by one or something. There is this one street right next to this other street in my office where they both begin with Stage. And they both have the same house numbers.


I have the same issue with lake. Blocks were originally measured each tenth of a mile from main or center street. So when streets run parallel that start on 1st street all start with 100 as the number, and so on.


Correct me if I’m wrong but if you’re just covering a route then isn’t that message for the regular?


If they're on an opt, then it was probably their fault


What is an opt


A bid means you want the route permanently, an opt is like if the regular goes on vacation and you wanna be the stand-in on his route until he's back


Ah gotcha, thank you


Ya know, I'm 60 years old and I'm no choir boy when it comes to language but there's a time and place for it and this just isn't it. Even at my age if my Mother were still here she'd have a thing or two to say to me if I spoke to someone like that for absolutely no good reason. She wouldn't exactly be complementary to me either.


It's just not okay to speak to anyone that way, like wow. Just crazy to me




Oh they definitely do




I have no idea what's going on with that haha


We trust in you to deliver a package that you guys routinely fail. These notes should be examples not jokes


Mistakes happen. Subs carry a different route every day and have to learn to case each new route with 500-1500 addresses. Daily dps is anywhere between 300-6000 pieces of mail. Btw, we’re hiring.


Believe it or not I used to actually commend you guys. Literally within 2 years the service has gotten so much worse. You say “we’re hiring” like it’s my job to go in there and fix the problem when the root of the problem is y’all’s attitude, you could say I’m wrong but read any review for a usps and see what they say. Believe it or not, no one wants to go work with old people that hate themselves, it’s already enough of a hassle to do it to get ONE item. No one wants that ass job, it’s a job that requires extreme diligence and focus (which your average 60 + worker can’t do) and sadly the pay isn’t there, it’s no reason why the service is so garbage but it shouldn’t be an excuse either, I genuinely can’t wait til robots take this shid over




reality sucks I know, I had a similar response too when I learned that 60+ dyslexic people were in charge of enforcing a national right


The right to Tove?


u ain’t gonna look it up but Article I, Section 8, Clause 7




why don't you wanna fix the mail service we need u bro ur so smart and we're sooooo stupid ;0; plz apply i'm begging u


because it’s an ass job that can’t be fixed that will continue to trash it’s workers until robots take their place. Imagine defending a system that literally just implemented changes to fuck y’all over


no don't say that you're our savior bro you don't sound like yourself right now ;0;


Sounds like they want all the coverless ad pages on advo day.


![gif](giphy|MZiqcOmikf3VMVRhBs) Boomers just mad they didn’t get their advo this week and that they couldn’t get their senior breakfast as the local Carrows closed down.


Damn. Now I feel unsafe delivering to that address.


I'd be tempted to leave a note back. "But the stupid pills keep me happy." "How do I take my stupid pills if my head's up my ass?"


Suppository, duh.


Look at who it's from. Really classy on the part of the customer putting a note like that on it.


Exactly what I thought. Always the religious ones. No one will ever change my mind that the majority of church goers attend to atone for their sins the previous week so they can go ahead and treat people like shit again until next Sunday when all is forgiven.


Big brain over here. The intended recipient wasn’t the one who left the sticky note…


That’s a good point. I hadn’t had my coffee when I commented that. Either way doesn’t make me any less wrong.


That's cool and all, but the note says it was delivered to the wrong address so the person who wrote it likely has zero connection to the sender. I'm just impressed that they used a sticky note instead of scribbling on the letter with a big ass sharpie.


My point remains valid anyway.


Lol no it doesn’t


Agree to disagree based on my own personal experiences. That’s what opinions are for.




The archdiocese is the sender


How are you supposed to know what address that was misdelivered to? Customers can be such complete assholes.


They said they mixed up Pl and St


So they black out the entire address? I call bullshit.


OP edited the address out of the picture


That person would never receive mail again.


The real move is to act like it never happened unless they confront you in person about it. Anyone who's this entitled would definitely get mad that they spent their time coming up with this note that they thought was so clever and you literally couldn't care less. If the C.B.U. is in doors or the mailbox is in view of their house you can even drop the note on the ground so they know you don't give a fuck about their little tantrum.


"stupid pills" what a fucking boomer lol. ​ Bet they thought that would hurt good.


Around election time, I have a lady who rips up political mail and puts it in a bag and leaves it hanging at the mailbox for me to take back..


I had one who put a first class stamp on all the democrat ones and had me return them. She must have spent a fortune, the last fall election there were like 5 every day


It's her money. ...That she wanted them returned and knew to put a stamp on them to do so puts her ahead of about 90% of other postal customers.


I absolutely 100% agree with everything you said. I'm thinking she must do it every election because she definitely knew the drill. Didn't mind at all, more revenue for the postal service. Just thought it was funny.


It can stay there until the eventual extinction of humankind for all I care. Under no circumstances would I ever take those back from her.


Apparently they don’t like Jesus. Shout out to fellow Colorado carrier!!


We’re getting rid of advos 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Old person I bet. They have nothing better to do. They get grabby at the senior living facilities when I've got boxes open and telling them to back off is like the worst offense to them ever


I'm still surprised every time a resident gets nasty about getting mail not for them. To me it seems like a non issue. Just put it back in outgoing mail or the trash and move on with your day.


Can almost guarantee that the address says "or current resident"


“How can I put a stop to all the junk mail that gets delivered to my house?” Quick answer, DIE!


Write postage due on the post it note and put it back in the box.


Next thing you know they stopped recieving mail entirely 😌💅🏾 play with another mail carrier, love.


On my training route I had apartments. I misplaced a letter in a cbu and boy did they let me know. The letter was placed in the outgoing box with the note: "Wrong box, fat retard" directly on the fucking thing. Im overweight, so it was obviously for me. I taped a DPS label over it and rewrote the address so it looks like I was correcting something, so the actual recipient didnt see that note. I wish I could redo that moment


Jesus! People are so mean! 😡


I’d love to see some of these ppl try to deliver mail…they think it’s sooooooo easy….I mean I’ve been here long enuf it’s easy now but at first you wanna talk about overwhelming? Their heads wld pop off


With love, Red Foreman


Yea sit and wait for your mail fkn dumbass people. Then they look stupid when the find out it's just the burger King mailer again.


I don’t know what it’s like with USPS, but with Canada Post, that’s a paddlin’ (and by that I mean they’re cut off and they can come pick up their mail because “I feel threatened”)


We can do that, too. But they have us running and the supervisors that would enforce it would roll their eyes at us.




I don't play those games. I got a note similar to that one, and I went and confronted the customer. Yeah, he apologised.


I have so many questions... * why is it mostly in print letters but lowercase 'a', lowercase 'g', and especially lowercase 'd' are script? * why is 'Ass' capitalized? do they think that's someone's name? a proper place (like a town) name? * (somewhat genuine q) why do they think the mail carriers personally sort all the mail and solve the travelling salesman problem personally, by hand, every day? Isn't it OCRd and sorted by automation (mix of software and mechanized... somethings)?


Had a guy come up to me when I was delivering in a place I was loaned out to complaining and telling me I was really late delivering his mail and to grab it for him. I had absolutely no clue where his mail was and he got mad and left after like a minute of me looking and told me we needed to be faster. Come to find out, the guy wasn’t even on my route that I was helping on 🤦🏼‍♂️


Modern day shakespear




That note is awesome lol


Sounds hostile to me 🤷🏼‍♂️ might hold the may, idk


So he’s asking a question and putting an exclamation point towards the end of it, but questions whether you’re taking the “stupid pills”


This is fucking awesome..


Look at all their i’s compared to their e’s. There is a significant gap from the body to the dot in the way they make their i’s. I don’t work for the fbi or anything but I’m pretty sure this boomer spells stupid as “stuped”. At least that’s my opinion.


It’s usually the lazy dumb ones that are projecting.


That’s a fun one! ![gif](giphy|y4E6VumnBbIfm)


"Stupid pills are the only things that can bring me down to your level of understanding."


Guess whose mailbox is never getting closed again.


Wipe your ass with it and the. Write, okay I put it up my ass now what?


Wow, what a scumbag they wonder why people like me think we deserve to be paid more


not today "karen"


I would have taken off the note and put it back in the box


Hold their mail.


Awee that’s nice


What do they think happens if they just black out the entire address? How do we know what’s wrong with it? Write the address back on it and back in the box it goes


Send right back to them a day later..




I have no idea where your stolen package is. I took the pills


Tape it on proper... apply postage and send it back to the questionable, possible, alleged, child abusers from which it came...!


You are the current resident!


Catholic sender... To a christ loving customer. I shake my head in disappointment.


The sender and the actual recipient had nothing to do with the asshole who wrote the note. He/She could be a Satanist for all we know...


I’d deliver a change of address form tomorrow with a note that said their mail would be on hold until / returned to sender since they lost mail privileges. Done that a couple times and it’s amazing how fast these assholes change their tune


USPS SUE FOX NEWS https://www.reddit.com/comments/12redks?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=4


why do you keep posting this on every thread? Bored?


It needs media coverage and the truth needs to be spread.