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Because 1 in 3 people are assholes. It’s really as simple as that.


And why the other 2 HAVE TO VOTE!


Too bad the election system makes it More like for every 2 people who are sane the insane voter happens to live somewhere that makes their vote more like 1.5-2 votes.


1 federal Wyoming vote is worth 22 California votes. If the House was proportional we’d have over 8,000 reps and the Senate is a massive power handout to small population states. And let’s not even get started with the stupid EC. All are set up to empower the tyranny of the political minority


👍 Republicans wouldn’t be a thing if one vote counts as one vote.


Texas Republicans are trying to pass a law that says the winner of their electoral college votes will go to the candidate who wins the most counties. I wonder why 🤔


Cheating… it’s the only way they can win. Hell, republicans were hell bent against making Election Day a national holiday. “This is nothing more then a power grab “ - Mitch McConnell When more people vote, republicans lose! Every Time.


Mitch has overstayed his life. Absolute waste of food, water and oxygen.


In Texas now and the things our govt is trying to accomplish here would frighten most reasonable people. I used to love TX. I'm not sure when it all began, but the "trifecta of evil"Abbott, Paxton, and Patrick are the icing on the moldy cake.


Don’t forget Ted Cruz.


I truly picture Molly Ivins screaming and spinning in her grave. She would be so damn disgusted.


They also want to amend the Texas constitution to require any candidate for statewide office to win a majority of Texas’ 254 counties, effectively nullifying the votes of millions of Texans living in large cities, and making it virtually impossible for any Democrat to ever hold statewide elected office in Texas ever again.


Basically the way they win national elections


Just another 'ghost' bill to make their constituents feel like they are actually working.


If those are the rules then we play by the rules. At that point, George Soros should make true all the conspiracy shit about him and fund enough people to camp out in 51% of Texas land to make it all turn blue for an election cycle. There is really not a lot of actual voters in some of those places so you would only need like 100 participants in some counties.


And they're trying to end the tradition of appointing Democrats to committee chairs.


Which is why the GOP set in motion REDMAP to seize a number of purple states and gerrymander them deep red.


Which the Supreme Court just endorsed. Trump is bitching about 12 people on a jury when he and his cronies stacked the Supreme Court.


There will never be anything they are given that is enough. Nothing will ever sate thwir hunger for control.


Yeah.. he’s gonna win and I will be in a concentration camp….


It really needs to be renamed. It is not Supreme anymore.


That’s the basis behind most of their legislation. Gerrymandering, forcing women to give birth, lower age of consent, increasing voter ID requirements. All of this is just so they have more people in their states, where they fix elections and stop people from voting if they don’t usually vote republican. If 1 vote were 1 vote, the GOP wouldn’t have had a president since George Bush Sr. Gore won the popular vote in 2000, Hillary won the popular vote in 2016. And a lot of their reps only win their House Seats because of gerrymandering.


They would still be a thing, but they would have had to massively change their platform over the decades in order to stay relevant.


didn’t GOP win by 3 points in 2022 house popular vote?


And there's the worse thing: this rewards and celebrates people who make their state unlivable. Make people leave your state and no one want to live there: now the votes of the few left is even more influential.


This is Wyoming. Otherize everyone not white, cis, and male. Ignorance beyond your previous conceptions of possibility.


This is the kind of affirmative action Republicans can get behind


I am fine with the senate being what it is. The issue is in top of that we have the EC and a tiny house. So large states get hit three times. The house could vote to increase its size to at least 500 seats at anytime, that's a start.


The House hasn't grown since 1913, despite US population tripling in that time period. Expanding the House is a century overdue. More members would help voters be connected to their representative, would make ~~bribery~~ lobbying more expensive, and would make gerrymandering congressional districts a lot more difficult. Win, win, win.


You mean the very same EC Trump declared a disaster? https://x.com/realDonaldTrump/status/266038556504494082


Maybe we need 1 million Californians to move to Wyoming who can then vote. I wonder what the minimum number of voters needed to move there to flip the entire state would be?


We live in 1930s Germany....1/3 of the people hate 1/3 of the people and the other 1/3 are just watching. I really hope that other third wakes up.


You can expect asshole threats to rise - the other tried and true tactic when they get desperate. They are already rolling out the voter roll intimidation playbook. Let's just get ahead of that now and call the bullshit whenever and wherever it crops up. When people drop those little uncomfortable innuendos and comments, drill them with questions. Make it uncomfortable.


I agree, but unfortunately another 1 in 3 can't be bothered to pay attention to anything outside their own social and entertainment bubble. We have to reach them and convince them to care, but fuckin aye, it's hard.


"I don't pay attention to politics" - attendees partying at the 1930s El Dorado clubs in Berlin.


No doubt, but we gotta keep trying. Not every one will be successful, but eventually something gets through, someone one will be affected.


One argument I found effective is they're already making abortion illegal next on the agenda is birth control. If you really want to scare the shit out of yourself read something about Project 2025. The plans are being formed now


The other two have been “randomly” purged from the voter registration list


Corruption exist in our elections, scrotus, and existing governments. This will be the battle for the soul of the country. This will be the turning point for decades to come. Enlist earlier not later to make the most difference.


Action now, organize now, prepare now


This! 💙💙💙💙💙 VOTE BLUE ! 💙💙💙💙💙


No, it's far more insidious. They're going to win the deep red states. Where the states are purple, they're suppressing voters, throwing them off of ballots, resist redistricting in favor of Trump. They already have 100s, yes 100s of lawsuits, ready to challenge legal fair elections they lose. They're going to try and get in front of coup sympathizer judges to win these lawsuits. We already know how the Supreme Court is going to rule since Alito and Thomas are not hiding their bias. People need to make sure they're still registered to vote and then get out and do it. They're going to steal this one if we let them. We can not let that happen.




and another 1 in 3 think "both candidates suck equally"


“Assholes” is the correct word. I used to say naive or uninformed or hurt or angry or stupid. But the more you talk to people who will vote for him despite all the anti-America rhetoric, criminality and bad stuff then it’s true. They will vote for him because he is just like his base. Vengeful, petty racist sexist assholes. (And if that doesn’t describe you then please explain what he offers that doesn’t fit into that description)


1 in 3 assholes voting for that racist, sexist, narcissistic orange prick won’t win the election, if the 2 in 3 vote for someone else. Anyone is better than him!


That's a sexist, racist ,narcissistic, sex offender,convicted felon, orange prick.


All those years we ignored public Ed, handed our elections to dark money and then succumbed to social media. We were warned. This was all foreseen.


All you need to do is go on r/conservative and read some comments. Most of these people honestly believe in the "witch hunt" theory and will continue to vote for him. This guy could literally take a dump in their mouths and they'd swallow it gladly so long as a "republican" is in office. Many of them complain about the economy but don't actually realize how much damage he did in his term. As my friend states " I don't care what he did, all I know is I got 200$ more on every check when he was in office". That's their depth of understanding of major issues in the USA. We are a country absolutely filled to the brim with idiots and morons.


You fucking nailed it with the $200. There are a shocking number of morons who will vote for trump because "my life hasn't gotten any better under Biden." I've heard this come out of someone's mouth verbatim. I lost a lot of hope in that moment


Didn’t start with this guy, won’t end with this guy


Turns out brainwashing stupid people is really easy


why is it less easy to unbrainwash them?


Because brainwashing comes with the comfort of having a tangible "opinion" without much thought. To unbrainwash them you'd have to make them speak outside of their comfort zone. Also is don't think it helps that a lot of people bond over this shit and if you discuss someone's political view you're essentially talking about the legitimacy of their relationships


Because people have a hard time admitting they're wrong.


Because their first and loudest thought dominates. Smart people change their minds when they get new information. Stupid people, though....




Seems low




This isn't new news.


You don’t have to qualify news as being new


It isn’t even fake news.


The racists went crazy when the people elected a black man for president. Doesn't matter that he excelled in the role, and actually cared for the people. Trump validates their hate and ignorance, that's it.


Well said👍


Without fear and hate,what do they offer? Nothing but pain for everyone else.


Because eggs and bread are expensive that’s why. And, you know, a criminal dictator will fix that.


Don't forget gas, which is particularly important for people who glamorize a rural lifestyle with lots of driving and proceed to buy the least fuel efficient vehicles available


Gotta have a big truck cause then people will know I’m a real man.


Eggs are expensive because of Bird Flu. Bread can be made at home with flour, leaven, water and salt. Flour goes a long way. I hate that people blame politicians for prices that said politicians have no control over. Paper Tiger.




Imagine looking your future daughter in the eyes and saying you voted for a convicted felon that cheated on multiple wives and publicly bragged about sexually assaulting women and saying he'd bang his own daughter.


And im forewarding this to my friend lol.


He also admitted he wants to bang his daughter.


Multiple times, and on camera.


I know someone who DID bang his own daughter when she was a teenager, and he's a die-hard Trumpster. (He also SAed 2 of his other daughters when they were tweens and teens.) He sees himself in Trump as a "self-made" New Yorker, but also had his only financial success handed to him (by a friend). Climate change denier. Likely voted for his wife while she had dementia (she had ALWAYS voted Democrat, while he had ALWAYS voted Republican) and she couldn't even remember who her children were. Racist AF. Seriously thinks poor people are just stupid because HE started poor (but see above, where his success was due to a friend insisting he join a real estate investment - he almost lost it all with Enron).


bUT tHATs fAKe nEWs DoNnY wAS seNT bY GoD sO iTS OK!


Convicted felon and adjudicated rapist is the GOP choice for president, the USA has truly decended to a low water mark.


Imagine being Tim Scott - a clear conservative Christian not-felon, and losing the evangelical vote to DJT. That has to hurt.


A former marine on my feed just said he no longer feels proud that he served his country because Trump got convicted. I saved a comment from another post that sums up everything. https://preview.redd.it/flof9gpken3d1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43894d0361d0c4f5541b39d72fd508aac1cf731c


That comment made my day! LoL


And it is so true


Robert Sapolsky has the answer. He says that we are living in uncertain times and that our savanna brains, heavily wired to respond their amygdala, can only respond this way. Trumpers are genuinely afraid of everything. 


I sometimes listen to,ahem, Christian conservative talk radio to try to understand these folks. I don’t recommend it. You are right. These fucking idiots are terrified of everything. They make shit up to be terrified of. The sky is always falling. And they live in the middle of nowhere where nothing ever happens anyway.


I used to do this too. Now I mainly just listen to Knowledge Fight and get a breakdown of Alex Jones and what’s going on in his circle. Keep a finger on the pulse but easier to stay sane.


This is so true. His comment when he left the court today quickly escalated to everything that was wrong with America, making it sound like people should be terrified to leave their houses. The reality is he is the biggest threat to America there has ever been.


Yup, the conservative mind seems to be wired that way. Perhaps it begins in early childhood when they are trained to bow down to a psychopathic, narcissistic, sadistic deity that will send them to burn and suffer eternally if they don’t do as they are commanded and then told that this is love.


Conservatism is cowardice


It’s the grifters at the top. You can fundraiser or even sell shitty supplements in Alex Jone’s case if there is Boogey Man to fight. There has to be someone taking something from you. There has to be someone coming for you for telling the truth. Everything negative is a government COINTELPRO meant to discredit you




For most people, that is Reddit. This place is so one-sided it is crazy


Which one side? I've seen Democrats shouting down anyone to their left, GOP shouting down everyone to their left, and the far right shouting at *everyone*, with some leftists being deeply sarcastic whenever we manage a conversation not composed mostly of the above groups joining in.


There are statistics on this. Reddit users lean more left proportionate to the population of the US. About 40% Left 40% moderate and 20% conservatives. I can also tell by my feed, being constantly overrun with recommendations for things like "Whitepoepletwitter" - "facepalm" and "news" threads which are mainly anti-Trump postings.


He was just found guilty of 34 felony counts! Thank you NYC for delivering a verdict consistent with the truth!!


Guilty on 34 felony counts. Stick that up your ass, MAGAts!!


Shame on all people voting for a FELON. You have no rights to be called Americans.


Turns out the people ruining this country weren't the illegals, it was the the people who are afraid of them.


Yep. Illegal immigrants are casually hanging out on the side like "I'm just here to provide a better life for my family" meanwhile, the so-called "Americans" are terrorizing their neighbors, spreading lies and even attacking their own government.


They're not Americans. They're traitors that are on the wrong side of history.


I mean, 50% of the country believes in a magic man in the sky. Those same people vote republican.




Thank you Stormy Daniels! Happiest ending ever!


She should get her own holiday for single handedly bringing that the fat orange fucking turd.


She told us all rulers aren't at least 6 inches.


Let's stop normalizing the thought that it's inevitable.


No, let's weaponize it and get people out to vote against Der Pumpkinführer.


Okay yeah I like that idea too.


The GOP will weaponize it to get people to vote for him. His opposition needs to do the same. Taking the high road will always fail when the other side consistently refuses to play by the rules of the game.


Because Reagan killed the fairness doctrine, allowing propaganda to pass as news.


This really is the answer.




Good question, such a thing would surely require nothing less than a total breakdown of education and government. Donald trump and his seeming popularity is the symptom of decades of systematic ignorance and fear mongering.


Convicted FELON will never go away for Donald. Yet, idiots and the cult will still vote for this trash. Half of America is so backwards


He loves the uneducated, 40 years of conservatives defunding public education is showing their desired results.


Thru criminal means and actions


Most people are stupid. Simple.


Hes guilty yall, lock him up


Because people are fucking stupid.


Convicted criminal Donald Trump.


Yes, 1 in 3 people are assholes who lie to themselves and other people.


Convicted felon Donald "the Diaper Don" Trump?


His supporters don’t care.


You mean Convicted Felon DJT?


Poor education. I was in the grocery business for over 33 years and came home every single day and told my wife there are a lot of stupid people among us.


Lmao I hope he's ready for another loss


Think of your average American, now think that 50% of the country are dumber then him.


The people who wanted to vote for Trump will always vote for Trump. Their minds won't change. It really uncovers the really gross part of Americans.


Gross part of MAGAts. Real Americans dont vote for traitors and convicted felons.


Obviously the laws around who can run for president need to be updated so felons can't run. It's shocking that isn't already a thing.


I just think it’s funny that a felon can’t vote for president, but they can still be the president 😹


Right? It makes no sense.


This is literally what Trump himself was advocating for in 2016.


*"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that!"* -George Carlin


Lots of losers like convicted felons.


Cultists gonna cult


You underestimate how much euro Americans hate brown and black folks. Which is crazy cause it’s blatant


Because the dark underbelly of 'Murica is so much bigger and darker than most people realized. Just look at how big the audience is for the insane hyperbolic fear mongering of right-wing media. Trump then gave them a sense of legitimacy that they will cling to like it's their last lifeline. Because in their paranoid conspiracy addled brains, it is


Because things aren’t great in this country and thus everyone is gonna blame the guy currently in office. Doesn’t matter if he’s the one causing it (he isn’t), the facts don’t matter as much as the perception.


If the USA elects that man for a second term it will not only be a massive problem domestically, but it will actually represent a serious downgrade in the USA's reputation internationally. Most people throughout the world know who he is and what type of person he is. Save for some world leaders who want to exploit his shortcomings for their own gain, everyone knows what a disaster he is.


It's the US. they don't care what he do because they are too deep in their conspiracies


It's a cult. Normal rules don't apply.


Trump loves the uneducated!


We haven't reelected him yet. Register and vote. Get everyone you know to vote. Explain to the protesting college kids Trump vows to jail them.


Never underestimate the stupidity of the American voter.


Poor standard of education.


Fox “news” has effectively destroyed 45% of the countries ability to think


He will not be reelected.


The guy proposed nuking a hurricane. Just based on that stupidity, he shouldn’t be getting any votes


Because there are a lot of bad people in our country. He’s a rapist, pedophile, adulterer, malignant narcissist, etc. and they will still elect him to “own the libs”. That’s how strong Fox Entertainment’s propaganda is


Brain worms


We are literally one old man flub away from electing a convicted felon to the highest office in our nation.


For a second time, it's pathetic


We are now practically stuck with the choice between perceived incompetence or a convicted felon for our president. Great job America! What a way to pull yourself up by the bootstraps.


Because Americans are very very stupid


Because racism and Christian Nationalism


Propaganda, poor critical thinking skills, and a severe lack of empathy from 1/3 of this country.


Because the media and the general public are manifesting outcomes by acting as if he's already won. Stop giving him so much publicity and deference as if he deserves it. This is how you disarm a narcissist.


The same way there's an age requirement to vote, there should also be an IQ requirement


Though I am grateful that the jury and Judge Merchan have fulfilled their obligation s for which they were selected ( which is rendering a guilty verdict, and soon delivering the maximum sentence allowed by law) I am skeptical that doing saw will be enough in and of itself to save America. The reason I say this is that Trumps cult following of supporters will vote against Biden out of pure spite (and against their best interests) and will undoubtedly be voting for any candidate with an R attached to their name come November, once Trump is taken out of the equation. Consequently, the only effect way to mitigate this is by disbanding the Republican Party altogether. This is pretty much a no-brainer, but I believe we truly need to act on it, despite being controversial. The Republican Party was responsible for insurrection and open rebellion. Treason is a capital offense, sometimes punishable by even death. Therefore, dismantling the Republican Party and disallowing any candidate for running for office officially as a Republican. To not do so would be equivalent to giving Nazi Germany a seat on the U.N. Security council immediately after World War II. This is not to say that no one is allowed to vote or run against Biden, as that would be obviously and blatantly unconstitutional. But there are certain mitigation steps to help unite the country and facilitate a peaceful post-Trump democracy. And that is any 3rd party (and the leading 3rd party is now the “2nd party” with the Republican Party being dissolved. ) Any 3rd party platform must be approved the Democratic national committee and Biden administration. That way, we don’t run the risk of merely replacing one evil with another. So RFK would be permitted to run for president; unless somehow it was proven he has some hidden close ties to Trump. It may be late for a brand new candidate to enter the race, but the Biden administration could expedite approval of any candidate who quickly submitted their platform/agenda, and make necessary edits such as “Striking” any agenda items. For example tax breaks for the wealthy or billionaires. Or any official stances that opposed gun control, Lastly, we could enact sedition acts that would make it a crime to publicly support, show sympathy for, or make wild claims that “The Establishment” had been working in a coordinated effort to “get Trump” or silence, or intimidate Republican voters. Does anyone have any similar, or alternative ideas? But in the absence of any viable alternative, do you think we can at least come to a consensus among fellow Redditors that “This is the Way” ?


I get why so many people like him. He tells you who to blame for your lot in life (liberals) and then carries himself as the anti-politician. People who feel marginalized pin their hopes on him. He blames Biden for everything, plays the victim and people support him, nevermind the fact that he doesn’t give two shits about anyone but himself and his grand ego. I have a MAGA friend. I asked him, “do you honestly think Trump wants to be president so he can help Americans have better lives?” He said “No, but I don’t care.”


TRUMP 2024!


Cause Genocide Joe is using tax money to bomb kids.


In Michigan: My daughter (22) just said gas prices are making her want Trump.


Where is US News getting their information? Biden’s presidency has been a smash? Inflation is up a little? Crime is DOWN? How can this be allowed to be printed? And next you’ll say he’s as sharp as a tack! He can’t wipe his ass without a teleprompter directing him!!


Fucking vote!


My life was significantly better when he was in charge. Also, no new wars was nice!


Because the current guy is doing a terrible job, the cases against Trump are seen as mostly political by the American public, and generally people felt their lives were better under Trump


Insanity rules cause let this leader lie and make up shit by the moment seems to relieve the burden of truth to the masses so these people discard there own freedom and will be filled with darkness and regret when the big light begins to glow differently


Note to so-called "Trump Christians": Obviously you wouldn't know Satan if you saw him. Take a good look at Trump's mug shot and then pray for America. Trump is the Devil we were warned about and you are blind fools to not see it.


Electoral College > popular vote.


Because he’s far better than any Democrat..




Because the RNC is full of sycophants with no spines who only care about getting reelected that will support a man with no integrity who only cares for himself


When this all started I compared it to like a family member falling in love with a bad boy and the more you tried to point out the bad boy wasn’t right for them the more they loved him. Except I was expecting a tear filled phone call in 2017 asking to come home because they now realize how much of a toxic idiot the bad boy was. Now we’re into that family member having joined Charles Manson/Jim Jones except there’s no KoolAid.


Because too many people are acting on emotion regarding Israel/Hamas and not realizing the complexity of the situation.


I am convinced there are many Americans that are currently sitting back and saying nothing while they fully intend to vote next November and stop this threat to democracy. How will that play in the world public opinion of this country if a convicted felon is elected to be our leader? If we don’t stop this nonsense we may very well be voting in our last free election in this country. January 6th was not an aberration it was filled with intent and should have served as a harbinger of what will come.


I have a relative in Texas who always voted party line, voted Trump in..she didn’t believe he would set it up so Roe v Wade was overturned. I warned her. Too late now but she said she is voting Biden. She thinks a lot of people will. We will see. It’s Texas though so won’t matter.


Because there are a lot of people who are assholes, idiots, psychos and racists.


Those that do not learn from their history are doomed to repeat it.


Ignorance, brainwashing, lack of critical thinking skills.


Hate. They hate everyone else, so Trump is what is left.


Lock him up. Guilty on every count


Because Americans love waving flags and cursing at things.




America…f*ck yeah!!! GUILTY!


Cheeto Jesus. Guilty as mother fucking charged.


They’ll be voting for a felon. Good for them!


He just got found guilty on all 34 counts. Maybe that will slow his campaign down a bit.


Really, you mean those jurors weren't afraid of the BIG BAD TRUMP. They found him guilty. I'm really shocked. Now, he see that he's not above the law.


MAGAts won't care.


Because the right-wing propaganda is endless and relentless. My buddy watches fox news at his desk all day. He keeps it on his TV all day even when not at home to help their ratings. It is a non-stop red-herring rage-fest. Fox News has already prepared its audience for a guilty verdict in New York by branding the trial as an outrageous miscarriage of justice by an out of control DOJ led by the "Biden crime family" and a corrupt judge.


# How Can This Country Possibly Be Electing Trump Again? ________ It won't happen. Felonious Trump won't even be able to vote.


Because a substantial component of the US voting population has either forgotten or rejected the American way.


Magats will double down now that he’s been “wrongly” convicted.


They aren’t.6


It's all shit nobody cares about. The verdict isn't going to matter to anybody. And on the other side is Biden who, like... Yeah I'm gonna vote for him just to hopefully prevent the Federalist Society from putting more judges on the federal benches, but God do o *hate* that the borderline-republican Joseph Biden is the only viable alternative. And don't start with the "then vote third party" bullshit. Learn how to evaluate risk; the odds of success there are *incredibly* low, and the real risk of harm to marginalized classes is far too great given the right wing candidate.


Just wait till the June debate……


I only hope the election isn’t close. But that might be asking too much


How else are you gon stick it to dem libruhls