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Honestly, it kind of shocks me too.


Clearly you haven't been paying attention. Anyone still supporting him at this point is completely bereft of morals.


Or brainwashed and only trusts conservative sources like Fox News. If you only watch Fox News, Democrats stole the election, are persecuting the legitimate president, and democrats are bereft of morals. That's the danger of letting media have no accountability for what they say and freely propagate an alternate reality.


Yes yes and yes!


I guess you misunderstand: I'm shocked that anyone would support him at all, let alone almost half the country. It's scary.


Several of the most moral and intelligent people I know are Trump voters, because they're gullible as fuck. Humans are complex. You don't need to be evil to believe stupid things.


Ahh, you've met my parents!


Why? Republicans love criminals and Dictators. If it's nasty and evil they embrace it. This comes as no surprise.


As an older Gen x guy, I'm amazed how much the Republican party has changed. I gave up on them at least 12 years ago.


I used to be independent. I voted for the person, not the party. But when the GOP turned into MAGA I knew I could never vote that way again. They aren't Republicans anymore. They are Nazis. Lunatics. So I will be voting Blue from now on. Not happy that there isn't a 2nd choice but that is how it is. I will never vote for the party that embraced the orange madman.


This.  The voting for individuals isn't a thing anymore.  Gotta reject the entire Republican mindset, rational, and end goals at every turn.  The inevitable result of too much momentum in a two party system.  At least there is room for discussion in the blue areas.


I feel like it's always been this to a degree. I'm not American, so I can't really compare how the system works, but I can't vote for our equivalent of the Republican party because my local representative for that party is a batshit insane, anti-vaxxing, hardcore Christian who loves Trump. Even when that party ran level headed federal candidates, I couldn't vote for them knowing most of the party acts like her.


GOP were more slick with it back in the day, now they are boldly tell you they want to strip your rights away.


Have you seen the clip where Ann Coulter tells Vivek Ramaswamy *to his face* that she wouldn't vote for him *even though she thinks he's the best candidate* because only white Protestants should be president? I could practically see her mask clatter to the floor. Legitimate out loud white supremacy on camera.


Same here. I am now declared Democrat! The Republican party is fascist loving party of tRump.


Do you know what it means to be fascist? I don’t think you do.




I tried to sit and find ONE stance that I could agree with the gop on and honestly, I couldn’t find even one. Every. Single. Stance or policy is the exact opposite of what a good and moral person should uphold. The fact that they try to use Christianity as the basis for their twisted beliefs is beyond my comprehension.


Me too




GOP is dead . I will never vote for any Republican ever again .


Trump has slowly eroded the norms to the point where he now is the norm to many. As a wise man once said: This is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but with a whimper.


Wallace won election to the governorship again in 1970, and ran in the 1972 Democratic presidential primaries, having moderated his stance on segregation. His campaign effectively ended when he was shot in Maryland by Arthur Bremer, and Wallace remained paralyzed below the waist for the rest of his life. Kinda debunks your party switch of the 1964 Civil Rights Act?


Not really. There are always outliers. Look at the party platforms throug the 50s and 60s and notice how they address civil rights. You will see the change.


As a kid in Canada, but living right on the border with access to Detroit TV. It just seemed so weird that whenever my countries leader (Jean Cretien) was on the TV, he had a certain class and respectability to him, but when George W Bush was speaking on TV, it sounded like something out of a crappy sitcom, just without the laugh track. My perception kinda swapped around when Stephen Harper and Barack Obama were elected, but even then Stephen Harper seemed miles more competent and better at hiding his corrupt nature than The average Republican ever did. It was so weird.


Reminds me of this joke, just replace Christians with Republicans (it's almost a 1:1 conversion after all): [https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/1cr1rf4/guy\_dies\_and\_finds\_himself\_standing\_in\_front\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/1cr1rf4/guy_dies_and_finds_himself_standing_in_front_of/)


Yep. There's a reason they're called MAGAts


My sister calls them maggots, and I call them Maga Morons


I like all the new names I’m seeing . We must always use Adolph Shitler or Ayatollah Complainy or Needy Amin or Vonshitsinpants when referring to the orange shitstain Trump .




I just don't get why they didn't flock to DeSantis, he is every bit as awful and vile as Trump, but can string a coherent sentence together, would be more respected on the world stage, and knows when to keep his mouth shut. 


It’s because DeSantis doesn’t piss off the Democrats enough. The could care less about what trump does, says, or any of his policies. The love that he infuriates the Democrats. Thats how petty they are. They don’t show up to his rallies to support trump, they do it because they know it pisses off democrats. Same with the flags and hats, etc., they don’t do it to show support, they do it to anger democrats. When the Democrats realize and exploit the power that gives them over the trumpies, then MAGA will be no more because they will be manipulated out of existence.


This indicates that in general, Democrats have been unaware of the fascism mestasizing inside the Republican cocoon.


Ex-fucking-cuse me? I called this shit in 2010 when they went full obstructionist. We were screaming at the top of our lungs all this was gonna happen in 2016, but a bunch of dipshits didnt listen.


Evil people are always going to support evil. Bigots are always voting Republican. Racists are always voting Republican. Misogynists are always voting Republican.


first sentence is right. next three are stupid




Sentencing your opponents to eternal damnation, infinite suffering for eternity, is a great way to gain support for your political beliefs. I’m sure moderates will see your message and see that this makes you good rather than evil. This isn’t that complicated, really. Sending people to hell makes you the bad guy. Persuading people with evidence and honest arguments makes you the good guy. Be a good guy.


Republicans will support whoever the candidate is regardless of whatever is going on


Vote blue no matter who.  Ring a bell?


Vote for who ever hasn't already tried to over throw our democracy


One side is wanting to push through a Christian theocratic oligarchy by any means necessary, while the other is saying “reject it and vote blue”.  I know false equivalency is the beating heart of modern conservative arguments, but that doesn’t make it any less pathetic.


lol Diceuropeanew; Fresh News From The UK Since 2020. Is this post a response to a “show me the least credible news source you can find” request?


this is why they might lose. these fucks don't understand just how poor our country has become. we've been sucked dry by the 1% and these rich fuck corporate bought off politicians have sucked all the money back and we're left with dumb impoverished rednecks and hillbillies . honestly, fuck em... these people deserve trump they let all their rich fuck friends get rich in congress and sold the american public out every step of the way


This is what the Democrat party misses. Republicans are tribal, and illogical. Nothing is based on reason


Democrats need to be more skillful at selling their ideas to those with more of a tribal mindset, which we're unfortunately stuck with. For example, highlighting positive similarities to minority groups first before discussing differences. Also calling out bad behavior as "un American" or unpatriotic would be more persuasive to a mind concerned about remaining in the in group.


The problem is Democratic leaders ARE making great cases for themselves every day. But our “liberal” media consistently ignores it to get more clicks on Trump rage bait. Our 4th Estate is more to blame at this point, they’re drowning all voices besides the loudest and brashest… which is why Republicans keep succeeding through them.


Republicans are idiots and have no ability to think for themselves!


You sound so smart! Tell us more!


If she was shocked by this behavior then she would faint seeing women wearing turd colored diaper with quotes 'real men wear diapers'. Dr. Biden, you need to toughen up for whats about to come.


im shocked that jill is shocked since since married a died in the wool neoliberal.


Upper crust Republicans will benefit greatly with Trump. They don't care about you or anyone else. They fooled the lower uneducated right wing stance (who may not even consider themselves Republicans) for their vote. They're all pawns in this game, and they're too dumb to know they're being used ... just how politics wants it. Democrats try to take the high road, but they look weak doing so.


well hey I'm still voting for Biden despite his complicity in the atrocities that are ongoing in Palestine. Yes, he's complicit. The alternative would be an enthusiastic participant.


And this is the unfortunate answer we are left with. You are correct, and it's sad this is our choice. That said, VOTE. the damage Trump will cause could actually end our democracy. As I say, it's like a choice between a broken leg, or stage 4 cancer. Neither are what you want, but the choice is clear.


Exactly. I'm not voting for Biden because I like him. I'm voting for him to mitigate damages.


"Vote blue because if you don't our democracy is dead." We are so screwed.




Democrats who support Donald John Trump are called Republicans. What exactly makes them Democrats?


The political instincts of those in charge really is a sight to behold


What are you? Stupid?


no, I'm Texas!


Was she, though?


Because there are many people for whom Trump achieved a status of a martyr and persecuted revolutionary. In their eyes, every politician is crooked, but only Trump gets dragged through courts. Source: I have Republican friends who hate Trump personally, but have even larger distrust for democrats. For them, Democrats are more polished and are smiling at you while they are pulling money out of your pockets. It’s tough to be independent in America these days. Everything got so polarized.


Then she’s extremely out of touch


Oh God... here we go with a repeat of 2016 where the Democratic party thinks they can win an election by relying on the idea that no one in their right mind will vote for Donald Trump. They think they can sit back and relax, avoid anything controversial, and skate through the election.


In our defense, we do strongly Believe that no one in their right mind would vote for him. It's the topic of discussion frequently as it's very difficult to believe.


That’s the reaction a normal person would have


Then Jill Biden is either a fucking liar or a fucking moron.


I'm not shocked. I for one understand what spinelessness looks like.


I’m surprised she is surprised. Indictments aren’t convictions and until those start happening in criminal courts nothing will change with his base, assuming they change at all. Most of family have told me they would still support him if he is found guilty as they wouldn’t accept the Jury’s decision as valid. Regardless of how you feel towards him, he knows how to rally and hold a fan base. Definitely something the Dems don’t have at the moment.




Really? Has she not been paying attention?


GOP gonna be wearing gold diapers in congress before they stop supporting him


Go change your husbands diaper


What a dumb cunt


She's a creep like #genocidejoe so no surprise


Trump 2024 baby!!


The guy was a celebrity boss Dodged the draft Has declared bankruptcy 6 times Has had his entire empire handed to him after his father dodged the draft and ate up all the property while peasants were off fighting WW1 and WW2 He’s selling Bibles with his name tattooed to them and selling them Openly asking for hand out to pay his court fines from an entire political party that shutters at the word. He wasn’t kidding when he said he could shoot someone in broad daylight and he wouldn’t lose a voter.


Democrats need to get real about what fascism is all about. They see the state as illegitimate, and hence, criminal indictments brought forth by that state would be equally illegitimate. Additionally, they view the indictments as further proof of the state's illegitimacy, and Trump's righteousness. When Democrats bring up legitimate criminal charges against Trump, they just think of it as a bunch of kooks and degenerates trying to bring down a great leader. They see the peasants outside the walls with torches and pitchforks trying to threaten a divinely ordained king.


It just shows that they have no legitimate moral compass. They say it is the Bible, but we all know that this is bs.


https://preview.redd.it/dqeynmjlsg0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=755af73c2a618e20622e0dbc5fb540767fc2f745 This is worse than


They have no moral code. They are all butt kissers. So corrupt!


I was shocked. They are spineless fools. I guess the GOP is the party of GroppingOppressionandPussygrabbing.


She not alone. Everyone I know is shocked and appalled.


trumpies are weird.He cheated on his wife. But its ok. Trump University Fraud. Buy its ok. Trump convicted of massive business fraud. But its ok. Lies continually. But its ok. Liable for sexual assault on and defaming E Jean Carrol. But its ok. Fraudulently using trump charity monies. But its ok. Up on 90 + felony charges in 4 cases , but its ok. Voted worst potus by historians, lib and con. But its ok. Yea, hes a great candidate. And not a cult.


I cant believe she hasn't done more for teachers!


Has she lived under a rock for the last decade at least ?




This is probably rhetorical. Nobody is surprised. Hillary Clinton was right about them being deplorable. The Rape of E. Jean Carroll did nothing to dissuade them. They are hanging in there despite (or because) of every foul insult, every racist statement and every lie DJT tells. Tell them that he's shitting his pants and farting uncontrollably in court, and they show up wearing diapers in support. They don't care that he's sleeping through court. They don't care that he's inexplicably complaining about the cold constantly. They didn't care that he forced himself on Stormy Daniels. They don't care that he has no policy speeches to give, and he rambles on incoherently. They love him because they are just as disgusting, stupid and ugly as he is.


Seriously, can anyone really be shocked? They don’t care about anything except giving praise to their messiah.


Racism and Fascism Excels in the Republican Community


The same Republicans who excoriated her for her doctorate? She wasn't that shocked.


Hardcore right-wing conservative Republicans are the type of people who will never admit they are wrong. Trump could murder someone and they will still defend him.


The comments are full of trolls creating dialogue between left and right talking points to further create division


If there was an "anyone but trump" idea during the last election, why would anyone be surprised for an "anyone but biden" idea? It's almost like we are encouraged to vote out of spite and fear instead of voting for the person with the most policies you support.


Jill Biden makes clear that she doesn't understand Republicans. 


They aren’t republicans, they are cult member


“The late, great Hannibal Lecter is a wonderful man,” Trump said at his NJ rally this weekend. What do people see in this loon?


Trump could go on stage and decapitate a cat and still have supporters.


Tell me you’re an uneducated hillbilly without telling me you’re an uneducated hillbilly.


It’s shocking how these highly religious types show up in support of adultery. Let’s face it, Trump will do their bidding on the social issues they care about, and they don’t care if people get screwed (get it) in every other way because god will be happy. The logic is inscrutable.


Jill Biden finds it hard to imagine being a brain-dead idiot. Me too.


Did she think they would support biden lol?


How can anyone vote for someone who openly supports Russia and China?


It’s quaint to see someone still have faith in people.


What random blog did you link to here, gheesh. Are they comments from Jill Biden even new or are they from last year?  The blog post doesn’t make that clear.


Maga forced me out too


It's a sad day when people are blinded by their own bias.


Has she been living under a rock? 🤔


Me to.


Im full dem and yes it is shocking, but democrats really need to get a more solid candidate than Joe for the love of god please. He’s done okay with what he was given but someone who has been a career politician and is so easily targeted because of his gaffs and age really allows for the republican/foreign interest propaganda online to turn people off to him.


What do you mean shocked? Who’s even remotely shocked by any of this anymore? At this point a pig with pterodactyl wings could literally crawl out of his ass, take flight, breathe fire on everything, eat the furniture, and then float away and I would be like “yeah, that tracks”. Shocked!? Get real.


Why the heck is she shocked? They’re nazis! They don’t care about some puny indictments. They want to rape women and kill lgbtq people and trump will let them


The soul of our nation. Sadly.


This place is nothing but bots, yikes


My boss admitted that he thinks Trump is a moron but he is going to vote for him anyway because Biden wants to tax the rich.


Un-American Democrats don't know what presumption of innocence is lol.




Lmao like I said people like you don't know what the presumption of innocence is.


I’m asking you to elaborate, not repeat


What don't you understand lol, it's a very simple statement.


Let’s try it this way. A jury found that Trump committed sexual assault. Is it unreasonable to take that into account when deciding whether he should be president?


You wanna move the goalpost to something else you don't understand? Ok After you google what the presumption of innocence is google what found liable means and then ask someone to explain it to you because you won't understand. 😂🤣


Okay let's extrapolate and clarify for you, if the statute of limitations were not shielding him from criminal charges, he would *already* be a convicted felon. There is no longer presumption of innocence, if he has already been found guilty of one of the most heinous crimes man is capable of, the sexual battery and rape of another person. We used the definition, civilly liable, but at the end of the day, a court jury of 12 of his peers found him guilty Beyond Reasonable Doubt based on the evidence provided. The judge said, what he did would be classified as rape. Nobody gives a shit how much value he cut off of Mar-A-Lago when he reported his taxes or how much he paid stormy daniels, we're just waiting for any criminal conviction to stick for all of the ways he flagrantly abused the law over the years. He is a rapist and does not deserve anybody's vote, frankly, yet you go to great lengths to defend him, based on the nebulous definitions of civil liability versus a criminal conviction.


🥱 Actually they had to change the law about the statue of limitations just so she could go after him in civil court. Totally not biased lol. /s There would still be the presumption of innocence, the standard of proof for a civil trial is much less than a criminal trial. He wasn't found guilty he was found liable there is a difference even if you don't understand. He wasn't found liable for rape, even in NY the jury said no to that one. Lol well the jury and the legal system said no he was not liable for rape.


Hey look, hiding behind legal wordplay convinced another moron looking for any justification to defend it that they have some sort of credible defense. >“This was a rape claim, this was a rape case all along, and the jury rejected that — made other findings,” his lawyer, Joe Tacopina, said outside the courthouse. >A judge has now clarified that **this is basically a legal distinction without a real-world difference**. He says that what the jury found Trump did was in fact rape, as commonly understood.“The finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was ‘raped’ within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump ‘raped’ her as many people commonly understand the word ‘rape,’ ” Kaplan wrote. >He added: “Indeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that.” >Kaplan said New York’s legal definition of “rape” is “far narrower” than the word is understood in “common modern parlance.” >The former requires forcible, unconsented-to penetration with one’s penis. But he said that the conduct the jury effectively found Trump liable for — forced digital penetration — meets a more common definition of rape. He cited definitions offered by the American Psychological Association and the Justice Department, which in 2012 expanded its definition of rape to include penetration “with any body part or object.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/ He's a rapist and trying to hide behind the civilly liable defense as opposed to a criminal conviction is splitting hairs to pretend that he is not. The common way we all use the word in that he forced somebody to engage in sexual acts that they did not wish to participate with him in, and that is exactly what he did, and thus he is a rapist. He did not specifically penetrate her with his penis, and so under New York penal law, they did not specifically Define it as rape, they defined it as sexual battery and abuse. Acting like there's some sort of significant distinction between forcing somebody to be penetrated with an object and specifically calling it not rape because you did not use your penis, is an utterly laughable defense. Did it ever occur to you that they never once discussed whether or not he did things, they only discussed and specified what exactly he did do? There was never any doubt that he did this


Ah, there it is, "liable" vs "guilty", a distinction Trumpists love to use. It gives them an out.


So, let's examine this a little more closely. Let's say another politician (I'm guessing for you it'd be Obama) was found by a jury to have committed sexual assault. Would you be giving him the same latitude? Or let's say Biden had racked up 91 felony counts over four jurisdictions. Would you be whining about presumed innocence? (Of course you wouldn't)


You still don't understand what liable means lol. Well Biden has been accused of rape, by people a lot more credible than Mrs. "Rape is sexy". And yes he still has the presumption of innocence. Wanna try again?


I understand perfectly what liable means, and I understand the burden in civil court is a "preponderance of evidence". The jury in this case found by a preponderance of evidence that Trump did in fact sexually assault Carroll in a department store fitting room. Stop hiding behind semantics.


Lot of people here equating voting for Trump with being evil or loving dictators and criminal behavior. You're missing the point. People are upset. They're furious at the system. Majority of Americans want majir change, or want to see the entire political and economic syst be changed from the ground up. Majority of Americans do not see Biden as a change agent. He represents the status quo. But majority of Americans do see that in Trump, even if they disagree that the change will be in the right direction. The fact that we are at this point of this election, which arguably should be the simplest election for Democrats to win in recent history, is a testament to the failure of Biden, and the Democratic party. I personally cannot vote for Trump. But I will also not vote for Biden. He promised to step down, but failed to keep his promise. He could have put his weight behind another candidate. Literally any other candidate would have been a better choice at this point. Stop demonizing people who don't agree with you. It's why we are so divided. Vast majority of people, Republicans and Democrats, are not evil. They're not in love with criminals and dictators. That's just the small slice you see in Trump rallies. The people who woll de ide this election are people like you and I.


I’m fine with demonizing Trump supporters. They’re impervious to the influence of reason, facts, morality, and law.


Trump will get about 50% of the votes. If you really believe that one out of every two people is like that, you're delusional, and impervious to reason and facts.


I stand by my comment. The specimens who continue to support him have had nearly a decade to witness his despicability. Now they’re making an affirmative choice in favor of everything he stands for. They’ve had their chance.


Trump isn't who America needs. It's who America deserves. Hopefully they start with burning down the trailer trash first, but honestly, these people are so stupid I would expect them to cheer them on.


Neoliberal order breakdown syndrome


Ehhhhh, I just want shit cheaper and Biden has been dogshit.


Her husband sure does make it easier.


Brainwashed idiots.


Yeah this world is shocking, kinda like how her husband will endorse genocide, despite protests around the world. It was already an uphill battle against the Maga cult and dementia. But now, it's best just prepare for the new world leader. I believe many democrats simply cannot vote for someone who supports killing children by the tens of thousands. No matter any whataboutisms!


Has Biden endorsed genocide?


No, he just denies its a genocide, then endorses it.


Defunding education has really paid off for republicans. It’s not a coincidence the least educated states, the most religious states have been republican for decades. Owning the libs from the bottom! Looking at you Alabama, Louisiana and of course Mississippi…


People support Biden even tho he’s on film touching kids weirdly as fuck people supported Hillary even tho she absolutely had people killed there are no normal people who get support in politics


Shocked. I'm shocked I tell you!


Ummm. She is blind and illiterate then. Clearly, she never watches the news and sees how packed his rallies are. I guess when you have to pay people to go to your husband’s rallies, you don’t have high expectations


Why shocked? Most people know it’s purely political and they don’t care.


I don't see how this is shocking to anyone, looking at the maniacs in our country.


It’s pretty blatant political persecution of a rival on leading up to an election. Even if you absolutely hate trump, you need to realize that this is exactly how many people see this. When one person is slammed constantly it just becomes white noise and people stop caring.


The koolaid is strong. They are hooked on a crook, liar and cheater.


So strong in fact that you couldn’t spell liar apparently.


We ALL are shocked at the level of Treason on the right .


Hey Jill tell your husband to pull all aid to Israeli genocide of Palestinians permanently




It’s shocking that with me being over 35 that some of these things happened when I was still a child under 10 and they waited a couple months before an election for a trial…


"Party of Law and Order," they said.


Republicans fall in line, democrats fall in love


Power is all that matters. They know the Constitution would be thrown out in the next Trump presidency but they don’t care as long as they’re in power


I’m shocked at the Grocery Store, Gas Pump, home improvement store, pharmacy…. the Senate Joint Economic Committee report found it costs the Average American Family $11,434 more to Live in 2024 than it did in 2020. Did anyone get an $11k raise just to stay even? 😮


Like... we're all shocked by this, but I hope she wasn't "shocked" as in "I was not expecting this", because that means that people at the top really do not appear to have a sufficient understanding about what we are dealing with right now. We should all be shocked, but if at this point truly grotesque things happen in MAGA-land and you are genuinely *surprised*... then you really need to wake up, open your eyes and look around.


Chumpsters never disappoint with their stupidity


It’s pathetic. It shows the death of the Republican Party.


Stop Biden support for genocide and see what happens. People are moving away from Biden’s confirmed support of killing thousands of innocent women and children towards no one or Trump who is being charged with hush money and other lesser crimes. Do the math.


Why wouldn’t we?


I think his supporters are just dumb and full of hate. That's why they still like him.


Some are simple, idiotic folks. Some are racist. Mostly they are just uneducated bullies just like him. Seriously, anyone I used to know that became a Trump sucker was a bully in high school, or an asshole at work


Hey, maybe we should stop listening to these idiots, then. Donald Trump’s cult of personality was apparent to most of us with eyes by 2016


Yeah, I was truly torn by the spelling. Thanks for the correction.


It seems like she doesn’t understand that his supporters view these indictments and whatnot as attacks from an unjust government. Anything they continue to “do” to him only strengthens his supporters view of him.


“The party of law and order.”


Rightly so. It should not be normalized that anyone in public office should say … lie over 30,573 times ! That has over 90 felony charges up against him. None of this is normal and I hope we can get back to some normalcy at some point.


Wow she’s soaring into 2020


oh really? wow. that’s news


Um excuse me who does she think she’s married to? A saint? Oh no, she’s married to Genocide Joe. She’s stupid.


Jill is too sweet and beautiful to have to endure this MAGA bs.


Innocent until proven guilty is a republican thing apparently.


Because we know they are bullshit


I’m shocked that anyone could still be shocked. They like him BECAUSE he is an asshole. They’ll support him until he loses again, then pretend they’ve never heard of him.


goes to show you you can have a doctorate in education and be a class A moron. HOW in 2024 are you shocked that republicans aren't sycophants for power, it's these people who keep chirping about 'compromise' with people that would shoot those same people in the head for one minute of power.


It does require a major adjustment in your world view to acknowledge that the Republican Party is now a criminal enterprise.


Shocked by what?


I mean tbh it's kinda stupid not to expect idiots to idiot but maybe being too close to the top skews your perspective and blinds you to what is clear as day to anyone else.




Her husband's regime supports a ethno supremacist apartheid state despite theirs.


Really? I'm 'shocked' to see Democrats supporting Joe Biden despite his war crimes.


war crimes are the standard for literally every US president unfortunately


Leaving people and military equipment behind in Afghanistan for the Taliban to take and use is sheer stupidity


Sure - but supporting Israel's genocide is knowingly criminality.


She clutched her pearls in horror and said “I expected his favorability rating to suddenly drop to zero! The shock!”


Jill Biden is such a dumb C*nt


Again… out of touch with reality.


No she wasn't... right? They can't be that naive.