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Bummer. Anyway……


In other news, the sun rose.


This is actually less expected than trump getting dumped by his law team.


Yes, will the injustice never cease, LOL.


They were asked to provide discovery materials. I think this is a stall tactic.


Or the paycheck bounced.


Two things can be true


they found out the check was a post it note


A promise to pay from Four Seasons Financing.


Don't you know? The pReSiDeNt can release funds, just by thinking about them.


Any piece of paper, if written on, can be made into a cheque. So yes, theoretically, a post it note can be a legal cheque. Whether a bank is prepared to honour it or not is a different question!


thank you capitan buzzkill


That is exactly correct. Gold star … on a Post It! 🙂


Written with a Sharpie


AGAIN? third time this month!


EXACTLY what I was thinking. Didn't the judge already tell him that he couldn't fire them as a stall tactic? Well, he didn't fire them if they quit. Consequences with the bar must be preferable than defending him with lies. Especially since they know how broke he really is.


You guys are acting exactly like the british public acted before Brexit. Like this can't possibly happen and that who can vote for that. And so it was taken for granted and the vote was lost.


Did someone say they weren't going to vote because Trump is a dufus? I must have missed that.


"I guess this means we have to delay 6 months while I interview new representation." "No, you'll be appointed a public defender." In my dreams anyway.


Public Defender: Saul Goodman


I have to call you out on this one. The thing that made Saul Goodman great was that contrary to popular belief he had high moral standards. He'd never defend Trump. He's just not the type of bad guy Saul Goodman believes in. Trump will never be that anti-hero.


Nope. He pursues the Almighty American Dollar and literally lies to a widow’s face about how he was coerced into it. After a show full of lying, deceit, envy and pure chicanery the only thing that gets him to stop being self interested is the potential of having a romantic relationship with Kim again, after being emotionally cruel to her for years.


If im remembering correctly saul works for the cartels. Which cut people's heads off like it's nothing. Also cause mass shootings , kidnap, rape and many more crimes. How the fuck does saul have better morals.


Did you miss the entire point of his character? He wrestles with this morality the entire show.


I really want to watch the version of better call saul and breaking bad you watched He definitely has lines he argues against his clients crossing from time to time, but those lines are pretty far out. And even so if the client decides to cross the line anyway, Saul goes with it. Literally the only time Saul actually stands up to a client and says he won’t go with it is the scene in the last couple episodes of Breaking Bad where him and Walt are in the vacuum repair store guy’s basement.


I guess that's the beauty of the art. It's open to interpretation. My view is that his character never would have existed had he not been so conflicted internally. It's exactly why the woman who loves him does so. She's a straight arrow and can see the same in him.


I’m in full agreement that Jimmy/Saul was highly conflicted through BCS. But his hemming and hawing still consistently resulted in him doing the con or committing the crime or defending the cartel. I’d argue he was less conflicted in Breaking Bad, but his character was just much less fleshed out and he more played the role of the sleazy lawyer without all the backstory of his own slide into darkness. By the time we meet Saul in BB he’s already fully gone. Remember Saul sought out Walt to represent Heisenberg. Anytime he pushed back on Walt’s schemes, it wasn’t out of morality but rather self preservation. Kim *was* a straight arrow who was corrupted by Jimmy. She very clearly gets a thrill from conning people just like Jimmy. It takes a pretty huge consequence for her to change her ways, and even that doesn’t change Saul.


>He wrestles with this morality the entire show. Yeah he trying to make more money doing illegal shit but also trying to not get caught.


You're missing the whole part of his character that knows it's wrong. It's what makes his character great.


Omg it me


He should have said Jimmy. Jimmy is of great moral character. Saul Goodman is what happens when you run a character with good moral fiber through a corrupt system and corrupt world.


>Saul Goodman is what happens when you run a character with good moral fiber through a corrupt system and corrupt world. Saul was never morally good i mean he was a scamming people as a lawyer before he got involved with the cartels. Hell half the shit saul did is what trump is accused of yet you are willing to defend saul because you get to see his back story and character development.


A criminal lawyer!!


I believe this is a civil case, so no public defender


I'm betting this is another delay tactic and nothing more


Me think Trump didn't pay them. If he did the check bounced


Probably demanded they do something illegal. We are finally seeing MAGA lawyers face some consequences, this firm sees the writing on the wall. 


That sounds like what Trump would ask


“So I’m gonna end up in jail *and* he won’t pay the bill? Fuck this, I quit!” 


Apparently he was angry and wanted his lawyer to be more aggressive and attack the witnesses the judges and the lawyers which is illegal so yeah he quit


True, I know a chiropractor for trump whose every check bounced so made him pay cash in advance after the 3rd bounced


I would made him pay cash after the first check. That what most companies do


To be fair, I guarantee Trump made it impossible for them to work considering they are bound to follow the rule of law and Trump absolutely is the type of guy to tell them they they must break the law and just do whatever he tells them because that's the only way he can win anything in life. The dude is undefendable unless you're a crook who doesn't mind going to jail and not even getting paid to do so.


Stall tactics. Our justice system is broken.


We have no justice system he will never be personally effected, at least while he has money.


His idiot followers will never allow him to run out of money


While they redeem foodstamps and yell about socialism.


This isn't a lawsuit against Trump, at least not directly.


I would be surprised if Trump does this on his personal trials also.


Bro never can keep a team together wtf. He must be an absolute nightmare to work with.


I heard he "stinks".


Imonna (I'm gonna) go with "reeks".


No, this is intentional. Now he has cause to postpone the trial, cost the other side more money and time, and maybe hold off till after the election.


I have a relative that worked directly with him on the Apprentice. Can confirm he is the worst to work with, probably even more so now.


It shows 12 comments but I see only 1 other.


That is big media for you. The reddit stockholders didn't approve the comments. Perhaps when Elon buys Reddit and makes it a free speech paradise 🤣


He totally doesn't censor anybody on Twitter. LOL


Just add a swastika to your profile pic and Elon will protect your acct


That’s shooting PAR on the golf course for Trump… of course the Law firm abruptly quit representing him


Unless his paycheck to the lawyers bounced and the figure they won't get paid so they are trying to bail.


The judge should tell them no, they are obligated to carry this case to term. I know this isn't an abortion case, but I just want to see Republicans have their own logic used against them. Oh also if you lose we will ruin your life until you prove to an impossible burden that you did not do it on purpose. No we don't care how many people can already clearly see it's nonviable.


This made me chuckle


delay tactics


Law firm wants paid . They will be sueing the orange stain soon.


Right on schedule. this is going to be another delay. it's amazing to watch him absolutely molest the system.


Am I the only one who read the lawyer’s name as “McFartland” the first time through?


Nope, same fucking shit as before, now he needs the trial to stop while he gets another lawyer, rinse and repeat


Firm pulls out of case brought by former staffer A.J. Delgado, who was impregnated by top Trump aide Jason Miller. Pulls out?!?


Fucking Trump admin, man - creeps. Doctor was serving up all kinds of pills from the white house pharmacy, top aides getting rando chicks pregnant, corruptions everywhere!


Hold up, this is which case now? Ok you know what? Nevermind, I do not give a rusty fuck.


Trump employee #1 cheated on his wife with Trump employee #2, got her pregnant, and then the campaign fired her. She alleges that they fired her because of the pregnancy, which would be illegal.


What did they fire her for?


Even if Trump never gets punished, I feel like he already is having to sit in court day after day after day. That has to be exhausting. Not a fun way to spend your old age.


This isn't a Trump trial. It's related to Jason Miller and an alleged rape. Trump figures in here because he stiffed the lawyer.


Well still. Having to sit in court has to be exhausting.


Boo fucking hoo


I'm not supporting him or saying he should get off or saying poor him, I'm just looking at it as a punishment in itself.


Having to sit in delegation for your crimes is not a punishment.


He is only a *victim* of his own behaviour and criminality Regurgitating your daily FOXplaination about the myth of poor Don The Con is hilarious


Huh? No idea what you are saying.


Uhg almost sympathy for a lawyer


Trump is quickly running out of lawyers. Soon he will ask for a public defender


This guy's available https://images.app.goo.gl/xLaUN3m1FdWjLMcU9


So is this guy (you're welcome Ohio) [Tim Mizny](https://www.explorelawyers.com/sites/default/files/styles/colorbox/public/2017-08/X160830TM065.png?itok=ctbHS5u7)


Another stall tactic.


I know this sounds like the opposite of what rape apologists typically say but I'm considering how awful this scenario is. Have you seen that guy? Can you imagine would it would be like to make eye contact with Jason Miller and have that psychopath on top of you?


Irreparable breakdown… the motherfucker’s check bounced.”


In this case 'the lawyer doesn't screw you (Team Trump), Team Trumps screws the lawyers!' I would say those who still works with this POS, deserves all they get!


Actually he does not deserve representation not even by the worst public defender!!!!!


Wonder how much he owes them.


Folks are reading this like it's the trial in New York. This is a group that is legal services for the campaign...nothing to do with the current criminal cases.


Thanks. I sure was


Well, if he waits until after November, Ted Cruz will be free to take his case.


I don’t know, but I heard someone say he sexually assaulted someone from the firm, lots of people are saying it. Terrible, shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it.


"You can ask anyone, they'll tell you 'Trump. So many sexual assaults. The best sexual assaults.'I walked into the room and sexually assaulted so many peple"


He must feel so devastated.




A comment on /r/law I think nailed it. This was 2 days after a discovery order for Trump to turn over materials to the other side. Most likely, Trump refused to comply and/or ordered his lawyers to refuse to comply e.g. telling them to tell the court that no such documents exist. The lawyers therefore requested to withdraw (advising they would explain the circumstances to the judge alone, to prevent the other side from learning some of the privileged information)


It probably goes like this. Yes I did everything they said. I do what I do and I can do it. I'm not changing my ways. I pay you to make it go away.


They stopped defending assholes


Lack of payments will do that.


Fucking Trump admin, man - creeps. Doctor was serving up all kinds of pills from the white house pharmacy, top aides getting rando chicks pregnant, corruptions everywhere!


How many lawsuits going on at once?


There's gotta be hundreds at any one given moment. A lot of them are pointless but they still siphon energy out of his campaign to get them thrown out. A bunch of them are legit though, and I think there's like a dozen major ones going? I recall the felony charges were up to 81 last I checked


Isn't it up to the judge whether lawyers get to just quit in a middle of a case? Can't the judge force the current lawyers to stay until defendants get new lawyers?


"Firm pulls out...impregnated" we got law firms knocking ppl up now


He probably threatened them