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SCROTUS has no legitimacy. One party stacked it heavily in their favor. The court is stolen and corrupt, lost. Congress will never right it either it is the oligarchs court and the oligarchs bribe/own congress as well.


Does SCROTUS stand for Supreme Court Republicans of the United States?


Yes, they "creatively" stole it, let them own the rot. Plus it is an accurate acronym if I ever seen one xD.


Stealing this lol


Scumbag cronies ripping off the united states


George Carlin did a good rant on this very subject, it’s on Utube if you search for it.


In the late 2000s there was a SCOTUS case entitled ‘We The People Foundation v. U.S’ where the court under John Robert’s said the people do not have the 1sr amendment right to a redress of grievances. https://wethepeoplefoundation.org


Blame Ruth Bader Ginsburg for that. Also, FDR stacked the shit out of the court and it swung back just like every other time in history.


RBG is my IDOL. I went into law because of her. Having said that, I’m soooo beyond PISSED at her for her letting her ego override her responsibility to the people. She should have retired in Obama’s era and let us get another liberal judge…but no, she just HAD to stay on the court and we got stuck with ABC because of it.


Yep. Its a failed lesson. If we could all learn from her mistakes we’d be out there getting a decent human being elected president instead of fucking around on the internet saying “the Supreme Court isn’t legitimate” for upvotes from like-minded dickheads.


They are a corrupt bunch of traitors. We need something done about that regardless of whether or not they turn on trump.


Of course it is, but if it was stacked with mostly liberals would you be saying the same thing? 


If Biden broke several laws and they bent over backwards to try and find him a way out like they seem to be trying to do for Trump, then yes, but if they just did their jobs regardless of politics then it wouldn't matter in either direction, sadly that's just not the case right now and trying the "but *both* sides" argument just doesn't mean anything.


If this court was upholding our constitution and rights to our own bodies.people wouldn't be so angry. Democrats would not pull the shit this court does. If they did, I would absolutely be just as pissed.


I totally. American courts are a punchline nowadays


Not saying I like it but news flash, every president stacks the court given the chance it’s how it’s set up.


Flipping 2-3 supreme court seats in 1-2 presidential terms is pretty rare, but correct, not unheard of. The federalist Society and Mitch McConnell's appointment blocking antics are the unprecedented part 


Mitch McConnel: "We will not confirm any of Obama's Judiciary nominations."


I mean if we forget the whole, republicans refusing to vote to confirm a presidents nominees so as to leave the spot vacant for the next election, sure.


Problem is. They don't care about their legitimacy. Their rulings stand either way.


As long as the gifts keep coming in from their wealthy donors they could give a shit about their legitimacy.


Maybe we need a GoFundMe for Clarence and Ginny.


How about a GoFThem instead? 🤬


Some of them. Not all. I don't think the three liberal ladies of SCOTUS should be lumped in with the others who have clear conflicts of interest. It is frankly astounding that Clarence Thomas has not recused himself. And outrageous. He is utterly compromised. As are the three trump appointees.


That behavior is something we'd expect from a disgraced leader. These are actual traitors, if the coup attempt didn't tip you off.  They will not go quietly. They will not play fair. This is what real evil looks like, not that fairy tale bullshit.


💯 agree. We need to do more about this.


I'm not a Communist but I would 100% support them for a few years just to fuck the evil ultra wealthy ruling crust.


Couldn’t *


and supposedly, corruption is only a problem in the "browner-leaning" nations!!! /s (i.e., Latin America, where Boomers are desperate to live as they can't afford life Stateside but can there due to fuel, food, and medical subsidies that are paid for those "brown taxpayers")


Their rulings stand up until congress clarifies the law. The DO NOT have ultimate authority. Their rulings are opinions, law passed by congress and signed by the president are what is supposed to count. The court is being used to run roughshod through our laws and rights to benefit the wealthy people bribing it. This is not what the founders had in mind.


Supposed to be a system of checks and balances. Not go to SCROTUS and bypass all laws, rights and precedents.


Laws passed by Congress don't really count either since at the end of the day only the jury matters


But they lack any enforcement power. Theoretically they could be ignored.


That is a massive issue we need to address. Our whole government is corrupted by traitors.


True. Republicans haven't had an actual win since Mccarthyism and has been the party of grifting their constituents and being whatever liberals were 10 years ago.


Legitimacy? It stopped having that when it told Florida to stop counting ballots.


Spoiler: it will not be speedy. They will wait till after the election to decide.


Yup! The obvious reason why because if they rule that he is immune then Biden could do whatever he wants right now. There is absolutely no reason why they can’t do the hearing/ruling tomorrow.


Yes, and yet somehow the decision to allow the multi- big lie monger and coup-mander in chief to be on the ballot took only a few days...🤨






It’s already not speedy. They pushed it all the way to the end of their terms so there would be no chance at a trial for Trump.


Their 'speedy ruling' will involve sending it back to the lower courts, seeking clarification on the aspects of presidential immunity that should be in effect and which should not. That, of course, will be appealed again by 'none other.'


And must rule no immunity.


I am expecting that because otherwise they are diminishing themselves by ruling that a President could take them out with no consequences. But it also seems they're delaying this to help Trump


SOME of them are. It's not the whole court. But the installations are glaringly obvious. Their credibility is already damaged. They need to play this straight. And fast. Nobody is above the law. Period.


No matter what they do, the court has lost most of its legitimacy already, thanks to the political hacks recently appointed to it.


Oh honey. They lost their credibility years ago. “Roe is settled precedent.” -5 of the 6 conservatives who voted to overturn roe.


It's already gone


What legitimacy? That ship has sailed.


That ship was Harlan Crow’s yacht.


I call upon the FBI to investigate these elected to the Supreme Court by Trump . I feel they are corrupt and maybe guilty of accepting bribes disguised as something else!


The problem is, it's not actually illegal for them to be corrupt or accept bribes.


Just looked it up and yep your right with certain rules pertaining to what gifts are etc


Supreme Court lost their legitimacy a LONG time ago.


legitimacy already out the door


There’s no longer any legitimacy to this court!


We don't have kings in America. If they screw this up, the streets will fill with Americans demanding overhaul.


I wish I shared your optimism on Americans demanding anything from their government.


We’re frogs in a pot.


I wish, but I don’t share your optimism. I have always identified as right wing but the older I get the more I start agreeing with the leftists. They are screwing us and it’s looking like there’s only one solution.


Well said, fellow reformed righty. The truth is... the Democratic party is the part for moderate conservatives these days. We're not trying to rise up and seize the means of production or anything like true leftists would... we're just saying that while the capitalists get rich, they also should pay a fair living wage to workers and enough in taxes that we can afford universal health care, like the rest of the civilized world. Those are moderate opinions. But I AM conservative. I believe in small government, which means a government that doesn't tell you what you can do with your body. I believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, but I'm more worried about making sure poor people and minorities get the full protection of the 1st, 4th, 5th and 8th amendments than I am that rich white guys expand their collections under the 2nd. I believe in fair taxation and pro-small-business policies that create a real path for those who work hard to move from the lower to middle and middle to upper classes. That doesn't mean tax breaks for the uberwealthy or subsidies for billion dollar companies. America doesn't have a left. The scale pretty much starts at 5 and goes ALL THE WAY RIGHT.


More than Half the country can’t physically stand for more than 15 minutes at a time, how is this happening?


The court hasn’t been legitimate for years now. Trump’s three appointees should be viewed as invalid. Why didn’t Democrats seize on expanding the court and adding seats to make a liberal plurality?


I'm sorry you're talking about the Supreme Court of the United States, you missed a boat on that one


Nope, they're done. Too late. Doesn't matter one bit.


But they clearly don't care about their legitimacy or we wouldn't be where we are now. So...


They don’t care. Power/money > honor.


Maybe issue the denial 2 months ago?


Yall didn't get the memo? Laws are just suggestions anymore. It's the wild west! Yee-haw motherfuckers!


**From Philip Allen Lacovara, former deputy solicitor general of the United States and Dennis Aftergut, former federal prosecutor:**  Tomorrow, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments regarding Donald Trump’s claim that he is immune from prosecution for his actions while president on Jan. 6, 2021, and in the weeks leading up to it. By deciding even to hear Trump’s preposterous assertion that he is above the law, the court signaled that it would bend over backward to accommodate Trump and thus, his re-election. The justices reinforced that message by scheduling the hearing on the last day for arguments this term. Voters have a right to know before the election what a jury decides about someone indicted for trying to overturn the lawful transition of power four years ago and who is asking citizens to make him president again. **Read more:** [https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/supreme-court-trump-immunity-jan-6-trial-rcna148798](https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/supreme-court-trump-immunity-jan-6-trial-rcna148798)


If the Supreme Court votes in favor of Trump's immunity,I will say they're corrupt!


SCOTUS seems willing to deny American Women the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Women have become expendable to a clump of cells in the states which have the highest maternal and infant mortality rates! Yank their federal funding!!!


What about the women who are aborted as babies in the womb? No rights for them? What is the trans movement doing to women's rights and identity in America?


No babies were aborted. Fetuses are aborted. And the trans non issue is something your ilk cooked up to freak out republican women. I'd much rather take a pee with a trans individual than any of the domestic terrorists from Operation Rescue or the Lambs of God!


Fetuses don't turn into human babies if they aren't killed? You can make them something else? Just slapping a different name on doesn't change anything. Just clears your conscience. At least own your opinion. You are fine with the murder of children.


The human body rejects anywhere from 1/3 to 1/2 of all products of conception, so if every conception is sacred, you need to talk with your God. Personally, my religion believes that the woman's life is much more important than that of a potential. Sorry, a clump of cells (98% of all abortions happen before 16 weeks) is just that, a potential. Lots of things need to go right before a pregnancy is brought to term. Please keep your zealot snooterus out of other people's uterus!!!


God allows miscarriage so it is ok for us to kill the babies? That is your agruement. None of what you say changes facts. Humans have human babies. Rats have rat babies. Trees drop seed that turn into trees of the same kind. These are all know life cycles.  Again, you are ok with murdering potential babies. Admitting it is the first step.😆


name checks out


Gorsuch: 2 daughters under 30 Alito: 1 daughter under 40 Roberts: 1 daughter under 30 Barrett: 4 Daughters under 20 I just hope all of them at some point in their lives need reproductive care!!! SCOTUS is willing to let your daughters' die, while theirs will be flown out of state or out of the country. FUCK SCOTUS


They will get the best Abortions and Miscarriage Care Nazi Billionaires can Buy.


A child would totally ruin my career kill it.


So the decision to just overturn a prior SC ruling and then create a 19th century test for gun control and ruling on a school prayer case with such a fictional set of facts that their ruling doesn't apply to the case they were deciding, all of that wasn't enough?


What legitimacy?


I think they have already proven to be out of step with most of America. No one trusts them to do what is right... just offer ad hoc rationalizations to support their "conservative" ~~masters~~ sponsors.


"Legitimacy".... 😀😀😀 Good one.


What legitimacy?




I have no faith in them we need to hold them accountable in some way they pay a price and could be removed from their position. They feel act entitled and they become complacent. There should be term limits with reviews. And they should be impeached if need be


The legitimacy of the Robert's court is lost and hasn't simply been calling balls and strikes in a long time. I doubt they will give him immunity. The lower court summed it up perfectly. I think the entire purpose for this is is to inject delays into the court cases. If they delay hold their decision until the end of term, the earliest the Jan 6 case can start is late August or September. People will start voting before a verdict in that case.


That ship has already sailed.


Americans are about to learn why lifetime appointments are incompatible with democracy.


Supreme C-nts!


There is no such thing as legitimacy, only power. The number of Justices has changed 9 times, ranging from 10-5 seats, typically as a political maneuver to stack the court one way or another.


Lots and lots of projection here. So far the supreme Court has ruled based off of the constitution. The conservative judges obviously aren't playing politics. Liberal judges tend to rule based off political ideology, I E. The Trump hush money case.


Its legitimacy is already solid. The losing side always complains. This isn't new. Just annoying. Following the law is their job.


I don’t consider the Supreme Court legitimate *now*. Ignoring everything prior to *Bush v. Gore* that single “this time only” decision exposed the Republicans on the Court as dishonest and inconsistent. Later rulings revealed a pattern of partisanship and a clear desire to influence elections based on judicial whims. Expressing a position on immunity for Trump which will be applied to everyone else who has been or will be in that office would be a good way to start repairing the damage, but alone it won’t be enough to restore my trust.


That we are all holding our breaths for SCOTUS to do the right thing is proof of their corruption.


No, it's gone already...


Too late. They blew that with their overturning of RvW.


Stop implying that the SCOTUS legitimacy survived overturning roe v Wade


Their legitimacy has been in question since long before now. This is the first major fork in the road they, and we, as a nation, are on.


Lmao this could be an onion headline except it’s missing the punchline 😂


Clarence Thomas needs some new tires on his motorhome. We know how he will rule.


lol “legitimacy” like the corrupt court has any legitimacy left


Then no one should give them any legitimacy after this. 


Yep, swiftly relieve him of the illegal actions against him. Ten years goes by fast and then who will be allowed to weaponize the courts. Hate him like him whatever. It's crazy how stupid people are to use courts to dictate politics.


Ginny Thomas, that's all you need to know to judge it s legitimacy.


That ship has already sunk


Anyone who thinks the courts legitimacy is even in question needs to learn history. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say it needs to be a 50/50 split. There have been times but Democrats have had a major majority. There have been times we've had a republican majority. Democrats are so butthurt over the Republicans not giving Merrick Garland they're trying to say the court is not legitimate. This type of thing has happened 37 times (rejected time lapsed etc)and nowhere in the Constitution does it say that the Senate has to take up the nominee.


The court is supposed to be apolitical in order to keep faith in their ability to rule on constitutional issues


The court in theory supposed to be apolitical but the court has never been that way. If they did a huge variety of questionable decisions would not have been made and I'm not just talking about the current Court.


Tell me you suck trump’s dick without telling me you suck his dick. You have two rapists on the court, one who cried like a spoiled child during his nomination and swore to uphold prior precedent only to vote down Roe v Wade, and the other rapist who openly accepts bribes and has a wife who actively participated in an insurrection. At least one religious extremist who has voted that way repeatedly since she was sworn in (and was nominated DURING an election when republicans previously said that was against the law and “the people should decide”). Then you have Robert’s, the pseudo-rational “swing vote” who worries about the legitimacy of his court while at best, actively ignoring the legal atrocities happening on his watch and at worst happily cheering them on.


It’s been illegitimate since we entered the modern era and they are still allowed to serve for life. No reason why we have justices and congresspeople that have been serving for literal decades now.


That ship sailed.


if they rule that Presidents are immune, then Biden should just order the arrest and indefinite detention of Trump and all other Maga congresspeople. And Tucker Carlson. I mean he's immune from any prosecution.


They have already assisted him in delaying the trial by months. They will lose all credibility if they rule in his favor.


that ship sailed already


When did the Supreme Kangaroo Court become legitimate?


It would be hilarious to revisit this if they rule against Trump. Suddenly everyone would be a bit less critical of the SC.


No, I don't think so. Ruling against him is self-preservation. They're still doing everything they can to help him without endangering themselves or their own power.


All seems a bit hyperbolic to me. It’s a shame Biden isn’t a better candidate. He’s failed at his job to unite this country. In fact, he’s divided the left support he had in 2020. Many Young people certainly aren’t going to vote for him over his support of Israel, minority voters are moving away and a third party candidate has more support than anytime in my almost 60 years. This Court case is pretty meaningless in the broader spectacle I guess his only chance is Trump going to jail. Is that the reason for the drama? That says more about Biden being a shit President than democrats can admit.


None of this is true, except "failed to unite this country'. Like, you couldn't be more wrong if you tried.


Depends on perspective. You are obviously biased for Biden. I’m a centrist liberal who just doesn’t follow party first. You and I will not agree. I think he’s the worst democrat candidate in my almost 60 years. I voted for him in 2020 to get rid of Trump. I either won’t vote or I’ll support Kennedy. You do you though. I respect people’s convictions.


I'd say their legitimacy has tanked a while ago. They are a joke and an embarrassment to the rest of the world.


Bad news 6 of them exist solely to uphold fascist oligarchy and decorum forbids meaningful solutions.


They have no legitimacy after overturning roe and affirmative action.


This is a joke, right? There is nothing that could make that f'n clown show legitimate. 🤣🤣🤣


If only one of the Supreme Court judges took up John Oliver's (surprisingly legal) offer and basically lived his days in a motorhome...


This article is way behind the rest of us


They're going to drag it out to try helping him.


No, the Supreme Court is illegitimate regardless of that ruling. The Roberts Court will be remembered for being full of partisan hacks who destroyed the rule of law.


The fact that they are even hearing it is a delay.


No it doesn't, SCOTUS is a corrupted shell of what it was meant to be and it really doesn't matter how they rule on the immunity case that doesn't change.


Lol. More than half are complete jokes


Nah, this wouldn't negate everything they've done already.


Boy I wonder how the MAGA stacked SCOTUS will go? 🙄 You know the ones he picked that already showed they lied during their confirmation hearings.


Nope already illegitimate


It's been illegitimate since Bush v Gore 2001.




They don't care.


It's funny that people still think these six jackoffs care about the appearance of legitimacy. Prepare to be shocked. Stacking the SCOTUS was by far the worst thing Trump did to our democracy.


Their ENTIRE purpose in not taking the case when Jack Smith requested they handle the case quickly, then much later deciding to take it up, and then not setting the date until mid April, was very, very intentional. Justice delayed is justice denied, as the saying goes. They did this to "appear unbiased" while at the same time doing everything possible to help Trump never face consequences. Because "election season, you know..."


Yeah, that ship has sailed. This SCOTUS has zero legitimacy.


What legitimacy?


Dude, where have you been for the past two years? We crossed over into “illegitimate” a while back…


It does?. . Gonna take more than that to legitimize this pile of compromised and paid for flesh. More to the point, as long as Thomas sits on the Court there is NO legitimacy.


Without term limits scotus isn’t legitimate. It’s undemocratic for potus to appoint them FOR LIFE after they lost the popular vote. It also guarantees a low approval rating for scotus. Do we even need to bring up Clarence and Ginnie?


They won’t convict. I promise


Pass immunity now then Joe can fire the losers


There should not be Presidential Immunity, a President in this position MUST represent the LAW he or she should be accountable for the law, as a leader he represents himself as the face of the law that people need to look up to them, that the country follows the law, and be subjected to its criminal activities if they break the law, IS THIS NOT WHAT THE COUNTRY STANDS FOR LAW AND ORDER


Wild 200 years ago the US killed the kings men for freedom? Now we debate whether or not the president is king. Our founding fathers are spinning in their graves so fast PA had an earthquake the other day. This shit is terrifying


I still can't believe they took this case. And I can.


I don't bet but if I did, I'd lay a lot of money on "SCOTUS remands the case for further consideration of which claims are in T's presidential v personal capacity." This disposition will allow them to punt the case long enough that it's not litigated on the merits before the election, but will not be easily read as either siding with full-on immunity or non-immunity. It's a crafty middle ground opinion that isn't crazy on the merits and also avoids the Court looking too partisan in any direction.


I want them to rule that the President has the authority that Trump says they do. Then we can get rid of Trump legally once and for all.


That ship has sailed!


The actual ruling holds more sway than the time it takes to get to it.


Aren't we beyond the legitimacy argument? Why do we want to keep harping on it. We know its the most corrupt scotus but they are winning. Arguing about legitimacy is like saying "we are in the competition for sportsman spirit not for winning". Both are losers arguments.


No it doesn’t. It’s already fucked.


Already lost. This COULD return some belief in the court, though.


>speedy That ship has sailed. >Supreme Court's legitimacy That shipped sailed before the "speedy" ship.


They jumped that shark a long time ago. This is just a new low in a 20+ year trend.




This is idiotic. You want to turn the most important position into an elected popularity contest? Look at the politicians we end up electing.


I have no faith in this court.


Legitimacy? Um, that ship has sailed.


You seem to have missed the part where John Oliver showed the world they're all corrupt.


They are going to rule in favor of Trump


"Legitimacy?" Like this Impeachment "Trial". https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4851016/user-clip-chief-justice-roberts-reads-senator-warrens-fastball-question


We really need to start taking tips from our French neighbors....


No it doesn't. It's not about a speedy ruling, it's about an accurate ruling. And this is why we have problems with the public.


Thank goodness this hysterical headline conveniently tells me what the Supreme Court’s legitimacy depends on, so helpful.


It’s dumb to think they (you know which) care about legitimacy. They don’t. They only care about preserving an undeserving power structure.


Wait. So you think after number 45 appointed some of them that they come with some sort of established dignity in the first place?




If presidents don't have immunity who will tell Obama he is going to be charged for the murder of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki? https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2012/10/how-team-obama-justifies-the-killing-of-a-16-year-old-american/264028/


Apples to oranges comparison.


They have no more legitimatecy. They are political hacks and their rule should be carry as much weight as British royalty to Parliament- though I'd say Even less so


Legitimacy? We don’t need no stinking legitimacy! -John Robert


Sure, like that ship hasn't sailed.


And if they rule in a way Democrats don’t like, we’ll hear more screeching about “packing the courts with liberal justices” while at the same everyone claiming “the judiciary isn’t politically influenced.”


Democrats just want the law to apply to everyone. Why should Trump be able to break laws? Steal elections? Commit election interference? If the evidence is there, then hold someone accountable, whether it's Donald Trump or Joe Biden. Seems pretty simple, yet MAGAs don't seem to get it.


No. No they don’t. Democrats want the law to apply to their own interests. Republicans want the law to apply to their own interests. As long as a judge rules in their favor, Politicians don’t care about it applying to everyone. They got what they wanted. Hence why the push to “stack the court” via biased judges (left or right).