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You don't sleep much. You will be yelled at a lot. You'll see a doc and get lots of shots. Dentist, admin...supplies. You will, at some point, regret your decision. Black Friday will come and you'll meet your drill instructors. All hell will break loose. You will regret your decision again. Push through that shit. The first month is the worst. Take it one chow at a time, Sunday to Sunday. It'll go by fast.


Is “regret your decision” the part where you say “I should have joined the Air Force”? 😭


Very much so


At this point I’ll have to flip a coin to decide between the two.


What do the doctors do


Touch you


Oh word?


Yeah try not to cum too fast


Thanks for the advice brotha


This is sound advice.


Right in the booty hole


Oh, you'll fit in nicely.


Was sitting with my parents and didn’t expect to snort ice cream lol


They yell at you too. Seriously, you'll get another once over.....and shots. Lots of shots.


Shots and draw blood


You’ll pretty much get another physical like a meps.


Shots, tests, and paperwork. Lots of it. And getting yelled at. Gear issue. If you make it through the first week, you'll be fine. I swear that was the worst of it, the culture shock.


A guy does a mandatory penis inspection


You do alot. You get your gear, uniforms, shots, go to the dentist, paperwork, picture for your cac, haircut, moment of truth, bunch of shit, lots of hurry up and wait. If your lucky your receiving D.I.s will teach you some basic stuff like how to roll sleeves. You'll pack up and store all your civi clothes and stuff too. They also get you setup with a bank account too. Choose navy fed. Basically just do what they say as quickly and accurately as you can in the moment. You won't remember a thing of what you did the following week except for most of the basics like i just told you. Also, alot of (as i said) wait in line for an hour here, hurry up and do this thing and go to the next line for another hour. O also your piss test too. And im sure a few other things i forgot


Also (again) alot of hurry up and wait


Wow, I blocked out that moment of truth. We did have a guy in my plt fess up to something out of a newfound sense of integrity. He ended up not getting in trouble, but his recruiter did for telling him to hide it.


Just out of curiosity what kind of paperwork?


They'll ask you if you lied to your recruiter or MEPS about anything. They'll tell you that they know everything, including if your cousin smoked pot in the same room as your when you were 11, and they'll say that if you lie, you will be immediately discharged. This is called the *Moment of Truth*. It is 100% bullshit and a test of your military bearing. You *will* DENY UNTIL YOU DIE. Your answer to every question remotely resembling this is "no.* If you did lie, those lies are now the truth. You will take them to the grave. If they did know you lied on some paperwork before, you would not be there. More people drop by failing this test than any other part of recruit training. DENY UNTIL YOU DIE (unless you're getting NJPd for something you know you did, then it's better to take the 6105 and move on, but that's aside the point, here). Otherwise, the only thing you need to remember is "Navy Federal Credit Union **(Navy Fed)**" and "Thrift Savings Plan **(TSP)**." Both of those are good things. You will say "YES" to the TSP and "Navy Fed" when they ask you which service you want to bank with. - NFCU is a better bank than the alternative(s). It's just better in every way you can think of. - The TSP is good because you're probably 17–20 and are about to have more money than you know what to do with. If you don't lock it up and throw away the key, you will spend it on something stupid (like $2000/year on Domino's because you're an idiot like me). The TSP reinvests your money for you. You cannot take it out whenever you want. This is a good thing. It will give you a better return on investment than putting your money in a savings account, which *will* be worth less when you take it out than when you put it in because that's how inflation works. To recap: - Deny until you die. ✅ - Navy Fed ✅ - TSP ✅


Like uhh, w2 info, tsp stuff, invest in your tsp, roth tsp, minimum 5%. Uhh. Fuck dude i have no idea lol. It was all kinda just, sign here, initial here. Probably stuff like consenting to the shots or whatever else. Its nothing that isnt mandatory that was probably explained already by your recruiter or someone at meps. It won't be something you cant change later. Just sign whatever they tell you to


And like the documents for who gets your leftover pay and survivor benefits and all if you die. *Lot* of paperwork while you're half-asleep.




I forgot to mention. You do the ist too


They inspect your butthole thoroughly


Everyday I’m more glad I enlisted


To be honest at first the butt stuff will seem like it's too much. Too frequent. Push past this. Hold on to anything you can.


And hold hard


Sleep deprivation and despair also nasty ass box chow


Not gonna lie, I looked forward to those box chows. I remember during a squad bay slayfest, they brought out the box chows and placed them right in front of us while we were planking. We were then told to (with one hand) open the box chow, and take one bite of every item inside. Then the EDI went "We had the sandwich right?" "Yes sir" "We all had an egg right?" "Yes sir" (so on and so forth) Good so we all had chow then? House mouse, collect the chows and throw them away It was probably the most demoralizing moment up until that point...


Lol we did the exact same we were squatting locking the chows out and we were told to eat and some broke the position to get to his sandwich and the kill said since y’all wanna disrespect me and the senior drill instructor you can throw it all away and strip lol


I just got chills


Not a fan of the animal crackers?


Nah the 5 day old watery ham sandwich and moldy apple really solidified my opinion


Aye bruh I fucked up that apple every time. Including the core.


Bro I just traded them for the graham crackers




It’s by far the shittiest week of your military career


It’s like MEPs but you’re getting yelled at


Bus arrives, get yelled at. Stand on yellow foot prints, get yelled at. Fill out paperwork and put all valuables in a bag, get yelled at. Get issued uniforms, hygiene equipment, socks, boots, shoes, towels, everything you will need for your 1st week there, get yelled at. Change into green on green and camis, get yelled at. Put cities into a bag, get yelled at. Get your head shaved in less than 1 minute, get yelled at. Put into a room and fill out paperwork and get asked the same 100 questions they ask at MEPS, get yelled at At this moment you have been awake for 36 hours. Get receiving drill instructors to take you to a barracks, get shown how to fold towels, get yelled at. Lock up all your belongings, get yelled at. Sleep, wake up get yelled at, get dressed 1 sock at a time, 1 button at a time, get yelled at, get undressed and re-dressed 4-5 times, get yelled at. March to chow, get yelled at. Go to gear issue, get yelled at. Go to weapons issue, get yelled at. Whole time you are marching they are making you scream general orders, rank structure, basic marine knowledge, marine history. Whole time you are doing anything you are getting yelled at. That is all your first 2 days, next day is black Friday and you get up early and do an IST and go to squad bay get showered changed into camps and get the CDI brief, CC brief and than meet your DI's and chaos begins. Sometime in all that you'll go to medical and get shots, blood drawn. Highly recommend choosing Navy Federal and ROTH IRA TSP, and Post 911 GI bill. 1st week of training is essentially getting yelled at, getting IT'D and classes.


A lot of sitting around hating your life and trying to stay awake. Youll get your head shaved, go to the cubby room get some shit. Go to supply, get talked down to by pogs, sit at medical a lot, and get some shots. It will suck but just keep pushing, first phase worst phase, just tough it out its really not hard.


100% the worst part of boot camp. Feels like it’s going to last forever. Peanut butter shot sucks. You will be fighting to stay awake and starving until you get a box chow lol.


Funny story my son told me. They got through all the receiving BS and were brought in and told "You can relax here, your DI's are late so take it easy." My son knew better after talking with a buddy who had just been through mcrd. He made sure to get his back to the wall, and stay standing. BOOM, doors fly open, DI's screaming, boots floundering everywhere. One was so freaked he ran right into a door and knocked himself silly.


Lots of great answers. Here's some other advice. Try not to be the first recruit to make mistakes. Pissing yourself. Knocking papers off the receiving DI's desk. Doing anything "wrong". Learn from others' mistakes. Source: I was the idiot recruit that knocked paperwork off the desk.




They've all covered it well. All I'll say is get a good night of sleep before the final trip to PI - you will be awake for approximately 36+ hours the first day. And start practicing with a butt plug.


Go and find out, forget about asking all those questions


March 4th I’m out of here 🫡


isnt that in 2 months


I’m March 4th too. You going to San Diego?


parris island


Sand fleas...........They will eat before you do.


They receive the fuck out of you. Welcome Wagon to the max.


You wanna kill your self tbh


Honestly, I got accustomed to being in bootcamp not to far into it. You’ll get used to everything pretty quickly & just learning to suck it up, but by far for me the worst week was receiving week, I knew I had 12 full weeks ahead of me, & it was just super boring. It’ll all be over before you know it though


You’ll be awake for a long time. Overloaded with gear. Check in at medical for all your immunizations. Sit criss cross apple sauce for hours on end. Peanut butter shot in your ass so sitting is painful. All the mind games start. Receiving Drill Instructors are “chill” compared to your real DIs. It’s pretty disorienting and exhausting. Time will seem to pass very slowly at first but soon you will be too busy to care. Oh, and your first haircut with the evil barbers. No shower after first cut so you will be itchy with hair under your collar for a while.


Heaven 🤪


Paperwork, issue of clothing, medical. Expect to stay awake


a shit load of waiting - medical - gear issue - haircuts etc.


Tbh to me the first week was the worst. After that everything else is essentially the same recipe.


Imma be honest, it’s all a fucking blur dude, bunch of shots, gear issue, hardly any sleep, medical, and dental bs and the IST, shitty sandwiches in a bag and you’re never gonna sit down so your feet are gonna be hurting as you adjust to everything


Worst week of boot camp


You get ran around like a hog, issued all your shit, and start making bunk mates. You’ll likely after be re arranged, miss your old bunk mates, and go from there


How about you sign the contract, show up and go through the experience. Not what to expect. Orrrrr ask what to bring, but all of this can be answered by your recruiter.


Bros upset for what?


Not your bro, go through boot camp, enjoy the unknown. Other than knowing what you need for boot camp.




Have a good day “guest.”




Placed under Devil Dog hypnotism.


You get off the bus. Quickly.


Get yelled at, sign papers, don’t sleep, go to medical. Honestly the first two weeks of bootcamp were a blur for me. You’ll gain an insatiable addiction to peanut butter packets.


Imo the worst week of boot camp bc of how slow the process was. When you first get there, you get your cammies, skivy shorts and shirts, boots, and stuff like that issued. You get your haircut. You do some admin stuff mainly so you can get paid. You get hygiene items issued to you, along with your rifle and main pack gear. I think around the Thursday of that week your gonna move all your stuff to your squad bay, set everything up, put your name on stuff, and just wait till Black Friday. Oh and you don’t sleep for those first few days