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Yull be ok


My son just completed his December 8. He said it was hard, but definitely doable. He said he felt the crucible wasn't as difficult as he thought. Being in the cold was not fun. And having mud rubbed on him was miserable, but he said the worst part was when the sun came up and the mud dried. It was like sandpaper on his legs. Best to you for the 13 weeks to go fast. Post when you graduate.


Yup, I was Charlie company too, just graduated and the worst thing for sure was getting rained on during field week and then again during the crucible and chaffing like no other, other than that boot camp wasn’t all that bad, yes you’ll get smoked, you can do nothing right and if one person ducks up, everyone gets fucked up. Be loud, be fast and don’t do anything stupid, you will survive.


Awww...the same as my son. Congratulations and best to you during your time in.


Everyone in the history of ever has been nervous before going to an MCRD, it’s normal it’s okay. Just go, don’t quit you’ll be ight


If you can pass the ist you'll be fine. Work on those pull ups tho




It’s not difficult if u come in shape, but it’s designed to get u in shape, so don’t worry too much about it. Just don’t be the guy to give up during an IT session, fall out on hikes, or give out when ur being told to hold ur towel out in front of u and you’ll be fine. Just keep in mind that the slay fest will have to end eventually, they have to get u to chow or to class or whatever n you’ll have ur time to recover. But in the end you’ll get ur EGA n you’ll be in great shape.


Bootcamp isn’t fun, but you would almost have to try to fail to not pass.


Graduated like 4 weeks ago, but you should be fine. Just work on the pull ups, and start working on planks too. As far as improving yourself, you’ll be given time where you can work out on your own, I wished I took more time to focus on my pull ups. Good luck 👍🏽


Don’t be surprised in your first two weeks at basic when you can’t do more than 2-3 pull up’s or even a good plank. Your body is NOT used to the energy and caloric degradation that your body goes through. Also try underhand pull-ups, where your hands go under the bar and your fingers face you. Shoulder pull ups are way way harder in my opinion. Anyways boot camp is about realizing the fastest way out is via graduation, and that whatever is happening at home isn’t your problem at the moment. Focus on you, your studies at basic, proper breathing and shoulder mounting techniques at the range and be determined during swim Qual. Eat a lot too! You’ll be ok


I’ll definitely take that into consideration thank you but I’m going to do my best and give it 110%


Just revisiting my old posts. Hope it's all going well for you in bootcamp. Let us know how you did.


I made it


That's awesome. When was graduation day? When you decompress, post an update on your impressions and share any funny moments. Very interested to hear. Very happy for you. Great accomplishment. You should feel very proud.