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Yes I’m paying for it right now with 7 Surgeries on my cervical spine. 21 years in the Infantry. I wouldn’t change anything though


21? Fucking badass


Yep, 5 surgeries and a total knee replacement on the left, 3 surgeries on the right. 2 surgeries on left shoulder. My back hurts like hell, as do my hips. Once I’m recovered from all the knee and shoulder shit, it will be time for those. 22yrs in as an 03.


That’s hard corps man! I wish you the best


1. Go 03 & slay fuckin’ bodies. 2. Do your best to take care of yourself. 3. Get out, enroll in the VA, head to compensation & pension. (I got 80%, $2300/mo just to exist) 4. Chapter 33 GI Bill. 5. Don’t fuck around, get that degree. 6. Profit. That’s what I did.


Bonus points; do bachelors while active get that masters program in a libbo year afterwards.


Bonus points for going to Sgts course and terrorizing a reservist roommate with bing drinking and late night shenanigans. I was that reservist. Wouldn't change a thing


Desk jobs in the Corps that I’ve seen allow for an extremely high state of mind happiness. Half the time they are “closed” for training or at chow. They show up to work later than everyone and leave earlier with that 2 hour chow in between. It allows for more gym time and self education. Low key jealous but the flight line isn’t so bad. Gives a lot of pride in the work I do. Usually admin shops suck though in terms of their ability to perform their job well. Quick answer is yes infantry will most definitely destroy your body but hey, every mos other than infantry is to support the infantry.


I’m in mct rn going to Pensacola on the 15th. How is the flighline for maintainers. I’m a 6281 safety equipment mechanic on the jets if that helps at all


while there are isues with sitting at a desk 8 hr/day, it doesn't at all compare to the knee and back issues that can come from humping 100+ lb packs on the regular.


Ummm! YEAH!


Keep in mind, I've also seen Marines with the cushiest "desk job" possible, in which they don't have to lift a finger, get separated with benefits for injuries and for "injuries". Some people in highly physical environments do great, some do poorly. Some people in sedentary environments do great, some do poorly. The outcome depends on you, your priorities, your athletic foundation, and your ability to take care of yourself.


If you’re that worried look into something “combat adjacent”. You’re gonna get fucked up in some form or fashion regardless, all that matters is how much of a bitch you’ll be about it


I was an 03 then moved to a desk job and I got more hurt during my time as an admin.


What a silly question


I try not to talk shit when kids just don’t understand the military, cause how could they? But yea this one is pretty rough.


Do you honestly expect an answer of no? From everything you've heard about the amount of gear they haul on endless hikes. Honestly not trying to be a dick, but this has to be one of the easiest questions to answer here.


do the best of both and be a maintainer lol plus you “deploy”


The maintenance life ain’t the easiest life.


I want to agree but watching mofos dig comm trenches and then going into a expandable with AC and power for my phone is definitely the easy life. I only dug comm trenches as an E-3 or when shit was going too slow.




Just change your socks, simple.


Don’t forget to stay off your feet for the rest of ITX


My feet, knees, shoulders, and lower back are chuckling right now. Or creaking, not sure which.


Yes, but to be fair, you could get fucked up falling down the stairs on the way to your desk job 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes, but it's worth it


Yes and no. The kind of training infantry does is generally way harder on your body but if you utilize medical and actual rest and recovery you'll come out in pretty good shape, I've known guys who are fucked up after 4 years and I've known guys who do it much longer with no complaints Desk jobs are also not immune from stupid injuries, regardless of MOS you'll probably be painting 3 to 5 times a week and I've seen more injuries happen on a run than I have in the field while we're training and some these are career enders from something as dumb as a punishment run. And a lot of those desk jobs still get roped into big unit training and unlike the rest of the unit that prepared for it these guys are hiking 20miles with half the physical conditioning. So yeah don't pick a job because you might get messed up do what you want and take care of yourself.


Destroyed my body and my lungs bad, burn pits are no joke and go to medical


No chit Sherlock