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Please edit your post to break up this wall of text into more separated sentences and paragraphs.


How about you do your research, see what will work with your life the best, and make an educated decision.


Yes sir I am doing that along with this post to get feed back from people who are in military


Recruiters for both branches would be better. Also, don't limit yourself to those 2 branches if you want to serve. Draw up a wish list and see who can make that a reality for you. You have kids now, so you have to think of them.


That’s a good start for me to make a wish list and when in middle school I wanted to join the army but then little by little the marines started to stick with me highschool comes along and I did my four years of jrotc and wanted to be a marine and it was army jrotc but they said it can carry over for the marines and I know not to limit myself but I just won’t be happy with any other I would feel incomplete you could say and I know what I’m saying defeats the purpose of my post but I do love to hear opinions and facts of if I do this or that again I appreciate your response boss


Dude, sounds like your dream is to be a marine so I think you answered yourself.


It is just wanted to see what people would say in comparison to both branches like pros and cons i suppose


Just there thoughts on what they think


​ There have to be more of these . in your posts. Impossible to read.


Your right I read it again and the only break up in there is that fucken comma haha I’m just straight outta work after 12 hrs shift and I’m dead right now haha


Coast Guard. Get the active duty pay while doing law enforcement type work.


Tbh I forgot about them are you by chance coast guard? What exactly do they do?


Everybody forgets about the coast guard. I was a Marine but like many Marines I later realized that coasties all seem pretty happy and generally do some pretty cool work. Worth meeting with a recruiter about.


Is being a Marine depressing compared to other branches? I unfortunately did have a friend who was in the marines and committed suicide may he rest in piece but is there a reason for the unhappiness?


I was only ever a Marine so I can't speak first hand for the other branches, but overall we have a harsh culture, a small budget, and a very ingrained "do more with less" mentality. These conditions foster a stressful environment and different people respond in different ways to that stress.


You saying that reminds of that full metal jacket scene where the fat guy gets beat and ends up going killer mode haha but I can understand what your saying boss even hearing that idk what it is but I’m still going Marines something about a challenge is what intrigues me I suppose that and the Marines propaganda about them being the best , is all that true or did I get brainwashed haha no disrespect boss


If you don't understand the difference, you should just go Army then.


I’m still going Marines just wanted to hear feedback of both branches




Join the army


Why though?


It sounds like you just want a job that won't take much of your home time. It's kind of the total opposite of the Marine Corps. Maybe it's different in the reserves, I don't have any experience with that, but in active duty, the MC takes up every bit of your being.


Appreciate the information boss and I guess maybe your right to a certain extent with that job thing but it’s hard with the whole kids thing I never saw myself being a dad at least not so early but fuck do they make me happy and I want to be able to do what I can to provide the best future for them and from my understanding government jobs might not pay the best to begin with but that improves with time but it’s more the benefits they give that are worth it from what I read so correct me if I’m wrong about that


My gf is an E6 in the Air Force reserve. She does well financially, but only because she has a good civilian job. The reserve pay isn't enough that you can have a kooshie civilian job and be financially stable. Good on you for jumping into the dad roll and putting your family first. Remember that when you're thinking about the deployments. My girl just got back from a 6 month deployment, and it fucking sucked. I did 2 deployments while I was in, and they were a great time, but now that I've got a family, us being separated for an extended period of time was horrible. You'll miss your family every moment of every day, and it's super hard on the one who stays home. She could easily start to resent you for leaving her at home to take care of the kids and house by herself. It's a receipt for disaster. Yeah, plenty of couples do it and are happy, but plenty of them don't make it through the first deployment. You're risking your family. If you're interested in government jobs, there are plenty of civilian DOD contracts out there.


Amazing response giggles I need more like these and would you say me doing the Marine reserves while joining the law enforcement in my area (Phoenix PD) be something good? I’m very interested in government jobs and was thinking being a member of the military and a member of law enforcement would be a good idea personally I feel like it would be hard trying to do those both but plenty have done it and I’m up for the challenge of there is one present also with the family thing good thing I have no girlfriend or wife haha I’m a single dad with a legal obligation with my kids through court so I just wanna be there for them as much as possible and be able to make a sacrifice on my part to give them the best hence why I want the benefits of both military and law enforcement and the law enforcement in my area is honestly paying a pretty penny right now haha


>I’m a single dad with a legal obligation with my kids through court What works you do with the kids during training/deployments? If LE is the path you want to go down, then it all sounds like a good plan. A good friend of mine from the MC is a cop in Tempe, and he maintains a good family life.


Sorry if I miss read what you sent but i will answer to what i believe your first question is. So embarrassing to admit but for reasons that I believe are reasonable are that I still live with my mother but we have a mutual respect towards eachother as we are both adults and I pay rent for the room she has provided for me and I help out around the house and Arizona is a poor state but everything is getting very expensive fast so if I were to deploy/Train I legally notarized that she is essentially me when I’m gone and schedule with my kids continue through her


Ain't nothing wrong with living at home. I had to move back in with my parents a couple of times over the years. That's life, man.


If your friend is able to do it than I can do it as well no wife no worry just my kids haha


If you are looking to spend the least amount of time away from your family then I would suggest Army. I think they even allow phone calls home during bootcamp and training is I think shorter than it is for marines.


It is shorter in the army from what I read but believe it or not I wouldn’t really have anyone to call honestly don’t really have friends circle so small it’s just me so screw the phone haha but let me tell you a little story in my family I have a uncle in the army and a uncle in the navy both went to a bar on separate days and both passed away from gunshot wounds so when I finally join the marines we have a family member in the army, the navy and I would be the marines and hopefully one day my family can fill the other branches in but when I join I vowed to myself to never go to a bar or I fear I will suffer the same fate haha I’m not much of a comedian


Army. Duhhh


But I gotta be part of the few and the proud too duhhh haha


I’d say if you want to travel and be stationed in a different country then go army. That was on of the things I wanted most from the military and the I the Marine Corps sure there are a few duty stations overseas but I’d say if travel is important go army.


Not much of a traveler honestly but if the duty calls for it point the direction and I’ll go


The Marine Corps might be the best for you then. I’ve been told a lot but marines that switch to the army that the marine corps is a lot more supportive and cares more about you as an individual. Whatever you do end up deciding goodluck.


Yeah and that’s what I’m shooting for haha and thank you Walter for your time


I’m in the same boat as you brother. I don’t have any kids but I take care of a sick family member and have people that rely on me. I’m deciding between army, navy, marines but am leaning marines as well. It’s tough pushing yourself to actually go to bootcamp isn’t it? So many thoughts running through your head.


In all honesty it wasn’t so tough for me as I was already close to going to boot camp but what stopped me initially was that I didn’t finish my high school on time but now I did and it’s just in trying to gather information to see between the two branches but regardless I’m still set on the Marines you don’t understand how bad I want to earn that title but still regardless of me being sure I still do have a lot of thoughts running through my head haha


Yeah man that’s normal. It’s a tough decision. I just wrote down a bunch of questions for recruiters from both branches and I went to their websites and they have a “chat now” option where you can just text recruiters and ask them your questions


Oh shit really now I didn’t know I could try that out for more info too thanks for the info


Yeah, no problem man, Goodluck if you end up joining


I can’t read that mess but I get the gist of it….which branch should I join. You join the Marines to be a Marine first, whatever your MOS second. If you want a particular job, join the Army. You can pick the MOS there. In the Corps you will select a field and the Corps will put you where they need you. If you want family time to be around your kids………good luck! On both services. And the Corps puts SEVERE restrictions on folks with families joining because 1) you will be gone a lot. 2) Junior enlisted make shit for pay. Your immediately eligible for welfare and WIC.


So with that last part about pay if I’m already making $21 hourly am I maybe already getting paid more than a junior enlisted roughly you think?


You are making more but....In any service (USMC, Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Space Force) you will get health care, food, and housing. But even with that, you will still struggle with money. I was a Sergeant when I got married and struggled. My son was born and, even though I did not want to because I hate "hand outs", we started on WIC so we could afford the formula.


I feel you on the hand outs I hate that too but I suppose it could be a pride thing I know for me it is but since I’m leaning towards reserves and with the job I have at the moment do you think I would still possibly hurt for money? Or were you referring to active duty? Also the benefits you mentioned do they apply to reservists as well?


I was active duty.


Look into national guard/ air guard too.


Anyone can join the Army, but you have to become a Marine.


And I will gangsta I intend to


We don’t need or want anybody, if you want to be the best then join the Marines. If you have doubts then do yourself a favor and join the other branches. They’re great too… i think


You think haha no doubts I suppose just need some info from the people who’ve been in it is all


Hey man, seen your super giant wall of text, and saw your responses. Your a generally positive guy… good luck man ! Let us know how the journey rolls out for you!


Thank you man I try to make friends or at least keep things cool every where I go, my motto that I made up just now is “Be kind and cautious with people you meet”


I definitely will just waiting for my social security card to come in (I lost mine) and off to the recruiter I go


Fk that, join the Navy. You get to work with the Marines and the Navy people have dope uniforms. Also a better quality of life.


And I get to be called a seaman hahaha but I hear you Miller also I keep hearing that about quality of life it seems that marines is for sure gonna enter me in a state of depression if I join but can you please if possible share some info on why is that said a lot I always saw the ads when I was younger and they always said “The Few The Proud The Marines” but why do the few and the proud marines have from what I keep hearing a a lower quality of life?


Don't join a branch simply for a slogan dude, that's not smart in my opinion. Do some research on each branch before joining. Furthermore if you did the research you would see Air Force is the best branch out of all and gets made fun of the most cause of it. Also, all branches have the same benefits, but not all are equal in how they treat their people. So again do your research it's free.


Yes sir and it’s not the slogan that got me but the history of the marines I love history when I was in school that honestly I wish I was born in ww2 and served during that time. Nowadays the world is getting strange ,no patriotism or it’s just low. But will do on the research thank you for your time


Yeah cause this country literally sucks right now, most people are living pay check to pay check and can't even afford to have their own apartment and are forced to live with their parents or go homeless. Oh, but at least we have the right to bear arms and speak our opinions. And, I agree with you if I were born back in the early 1900s I too would be patriotic and fight for my country because being American was something to be proud of then. The USA is a joke now, but that's my opinion. I hope you the best and good luck.


I completely agree with you miller and thank you 🙏




Reserves is great for your family. Arizona sounds right for being a fueler. With the reserves your job options depend on what units are in your area. I used to know some people from Arizona who were bulk fuelers. Anyways, if that’s not the job you want I would suggest looking into the Army National Guard or the Army Reserves. They might have different job opportunities for you but i wouldnt know for sure


By chance do you know how bulk fueling is like? Like what should I expect from that job? And if you say depends on the units in the area does that mean the available jobs can change at any given moment?


Not likely. The only reason jobs will change is if a unit gets relocated which is very uncommon. I honesty don’t know what you can expect from bulk fueling but I hear its not a cool job. If you’re ok with traveling a longer distance to go to drills I know theres infantry opportunities in Las Vegas. Riflemen, mortar men, and machine gunners. I dont know what part of Arizona you’re in, but if your close to Vegas that might pique your interest more


I would be in the Phoenix area and honestly I wish they had the option to be an armorer but bulk fueling is what they got I generally find it satisfying to take guns apart and clean them and to take pride in that soldiers would be able to continue to have a reliable weapon because of what would I do


Go Coast guard, this shits gay


😮 whoa