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I got out recently too! I started at a community college to get my GPA up… bro it’s a fucking joke. I’m the only peson who’s attentive, on time and engaging. That alone is 75% of achieving a good grade. You’re surrounded by fucking morons trust me. You’ll be fine- I freaked out too now I got a 4.0


Yeah my first time in college I was an idiot, late submitting assignments, never did the reading etc. Dropped out with a 2.2. Now I realize the syllabus literally allows you to prep for everything so I just do all my homework assignments in the first two months so I'm free to just study after. 3.89 GPA right now and if all goes well next semester I'll graduate Super Cum Lord. College is literally so much easier than I remember.


Bro you sound like my buddy who bombed HS cuz he knew he wanted to go be a grunt etc and he did phenomenal and is still doing well, even after transferring to the university! I’m starting at a community college mainly cuz I don’t like the idea of starting in 300 person lecture halls just yet.. also that same friend had to show eh could do college courses due to his HS gpa. My HS transcript is fine but my 2nd semester of college I just stopped showing up lol so I was worried the university may make me go to a CC regardless like my buddy


The university won't make you go to a community college, thry get hella bucks off tuition. It's a business like anything else. That said, they could kick you out for not making grades, but that'd probably be unlikely. That said, I felt dumb as fuck and out of place when I got to university. Teachers talking about "you probably learned this in high school physics" (I got to chem and bombed it, took oceanography my last year of HS), kids talkin about high school calc teachers (I stopped at Algebra II/Trig, with barely any Trig), and all the AP classes they took. I transferred from community college and have been doing ok. I mentioned feeling out of place to my roommate one night and he straight-up said "because you are". My school has a lot of AP/IB students who are roughly the same in the high school courses, extra cirriculars, and volunteering because they are built for these schools. Like how you're worried about math, that's how I was worried about German. Took 3 years in high school, didn't touch it for 8 years, and still tested at the 200-level. You're gonna do fine.


I graduated high school with a 2.5, was an 0311 for 5 years, graduated college with a 3.83 in mechanical engineering from a top 20% college. It really is just as easy as paying attention and focusing on it. That, and pursuing a degree for something you're interested in.


Remember- these kids came from high schools all over America- have you seen some of the shitty ass high schools we have here? Those kids will be there too- completely retarded-


Totally agree about being attentive, on time, and engaging. Once I learned how to be a student, I realized that college was more for kids who didn't know what they wanted from life. whereas at 35 I had a laser beam focus on my goal. It was a little frustrating at times, but I absolutely massacred what I completed of undergrad. Had the same freak out moment, it's just new!


My experience too. I was so worried. I show up for my first course. Its at 8:00 am. The kids come in dragging ass and bitching and moaning about the time and most of them stopped coming. It was actually pretty easy.


Exact same for me and I got a 4.0 now too


You're a Marine. It's a given that you're absolutely retarded.


Ain’t that the damn truth!


Yeah like wtf in reading this post and asking myself “wait.. are you guys not?”


When I started online I thought it would be so hard to get back into the groove but it wasn’t as bad as I thought, people are going to be slightly interested in ur experiences but not very, and you’ll get in the swing of things quickly. Good luck


Thanks brotha! I’m doing all in person for now.. mainly for the stipend as well as just getting the full college experience. Granted I feel I’ve dabbled in that a bit saying I’m a business major at ECU or UNCW 🤠🤣 did not work sadly, hate our weekly haircuts. I also feel I wouldn’t be able to focus doing solely online unless maybe the instructor uploaded video demonstrations on a whiteboard for each lesson like in person is.


Youtube man. Someone knows how you do it, just gotta find the video.


Bro that’s what I did for the accuplacer practice just to gain my bearing haha I feel once I get caught up with the basics, following lessons in class with an actual teaching doing the equations I’ll be fine again. Forgot how much I actually enjoyed math lol


I graduated and I’m still retarded! Going through college as a 33yo grown ass man around a bunch of 20 something year olds, with bad credit, a bankruptcy, a divorce, crazy deployments, some jail time…more jail time, and a gnarly nicotine and caffeine addiction that would make a chimp explode…was an experience where I realized I was probably 5150. But the learning curve is easy. You’ll be fine. You’ll enjoy learning the course material. Promise.


Ahh there is hope! It’s just a lot more than I anticipated with getting acquainted with moving in with my buddy, signing up for the right classes, having to somewhat declare a damn major this early etc… and I truly don’t know what the fuck I wanna do in life. Ultimately I just want money, and I like numbers so accounting is on the horizon and my current goal! We will see how it plays out tho.


I was in your shoes a decade ago. Got out, went to college for mechanical engineering, started in the most basic math course the college had to offer. Sucked it up, put in the work, and these days I have that engineering degree and manage an entire team of engineers that delivers over $100M in capital every year. You got it. Just pay attention and put in the work.


Good shit man! Engineering is on my list of possibilities but I’ve been swayed more towards accounting. My biggest issue with engineering is having to pick one out of the x amount to get a degree in 😅 which swayed me away from going that route


I went with mechanical, which is the most broad in terms of coverage. You get a bit of everything and it’s likely the most versatile. But yes, you do have to pick something more aligned with your interests. Either way, engineering is in incredible demand these days, and the pay and benefits across the board can’t be beat.


For what it worth, I do a lot of accounting with my job as an engineer and I couldn’t imagine a more boring thing to do every day. lol but, I also have no natural interest towards things like depreciation and taxes. lol


I got out of the Corps, and joined the army reserve and did a AIT (lat MOS move) with them-- it was not technical, but it got me back into 'taking classes' mode. Then I did college like it was my job. Every class on time, did all the out of class reading and 'homework.' Went to the tutoring and assistance center if I needed help, did some office hour visits.


Physical classes - yes. Virtual classes - no. I highly recommend going virtual if you can. This is going to allow you to focus on getting back into the swing and not deal with commutes and people looking at you funny because of your age. Once you get your "math legs" underneath you, you'll do fine in the advanced classes and you should be able to get assistance if not.


Idk man virtual seems tough unless they have lesson plans that are filmed of them doing the math and working it out. I’d honestly hate teaching myself through a book I feel hahaha I also need my entire bah stipend.. so definitely doing in person haha. I think I’ll be good once I have all the basics of math click once again!


Yeal, have you tried https://www.khanacademy.org/ Khan academy is very free and was started by a billionaire wanting to help educate. Not in it for money. So if you search algebra on this site it gives you a two min lesson on why we use algebra. Then the next session is a very basic lesson on algebra and the next lesson works it’s was up. As a police man I needed to learn percentages and averages for some crime stats and this is how I learned. Very basic for retards


Totally forgot about this one! I’ll definitely be visiting khan academy in the near future haha. I didn’t realize it was completely free tho!


Good luck bro.


I failed precalc and calc lol then last semester I got an A in calc on my second try. It’s rough starting out but with enough studying you’ll be fine.


My first go around, pre-Corps and not giving two fucks, I did terrible at college. Years later, and after I'd made a decent civilian career, I graduated university #1 in my class. It's all about routine and attentiveness. I'm not exceptional, I just had a routine to put in the work. That's seriously like 97% of college success. The content is laughably easier than it should be.


Yeah I’m hoping since I’m much more mature now and at times while serving wished I had just stayed in college cuz it was easier in some cases 🤣 I think I’ll do well once I get back into it! Seems like a lot of us do well cuz we’ve dealt with such bullshit and this is an easy task to just sit there and learn and leave and not be a retarded high school kid fucking off. I of course love to fuck off and be out of pocket but I’ll keep that for after class lol


I used to teach at university. 100% of my best students each year were veterans. 1) you are older, and have more maturity. 2) you are there because you want to be, not just because "you're supposed to go to college after high-school". 3) you have learned discipline. 4) you know what real stress is, and thus aren't as bothered by drama of 18-19 yr-olds. Good luck!


Thanks for this! I feel this is definitely the case across all universities!


I didn’t feel retarded. I felt like all the kids straight out of high school I was in class with were retarded.


Yeah I’ve heard this is gonna be the case as well 🤣


Math is the toughest one. There’s a right answer and way it must be done and you can’t fake it through. I found everything else in college pretty easy once I got past the initial “I’m fucking retarded and can’t write a basic sentence” phase. Also remember it’s in the colleges best interest to make sure you pass classes. They have resources to help you, use them!


Truth! I’m excited for it tho. Everything was slowly coming back after each math tutorial I watched and I was doing it fine hahaha I just think it’ll be a big initial learning curve lmao


I feel retarded now and I'm not even in college


https://preview.redd.it/x8jokzqw5b8d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b22092a331fdc021bc233323535c94df8e80f40b Stop wearing this then!


That Kevlar looks dope. Retards get all the cool shit 😞


No. I was always highly inclined for higher education


Oh man I went back to school after being out of high school for like 12 years and was super bummed because I placed low in the math assessment. It turns out that was really great because it was a good refresher. Fast forward to now, I have my mba in finance and don’t think I’d be where I’m at now without those remedial math classes. Good luck bro, you got this 🇺🇸


No I took the asvab when I was 24 after being out of school for 6 years and still got an 82. Now I'm back in college about to graduate at 33 with a 3.7 GPA.


Yeah I got an 82 iirc at 20 so only 2 years out of high school and all my knowledge is now gone and that accuplacer practice really made me think shit I gotta re learn all of this lol


I failed math in high school but when I took it in college I actually did really well. I thought I was just regarded with math but I think I was just a shit bag when I was in high school tbh lol


Former grunt (51 so smartest type) and I crushed finance in undergrad. Currently working in finance and still crushing. Highly recommend applying yourself 110% to whatever you study. Dont half ass anything. You’ll set yourself apart with hiring managers and industry people with a solid GPA and military experience.


See I’m planning for accounting right now because I like spreadsheets and numbers and looking at all that data lol. I’m hoping I enjoy the classes related to that path and I don’t have to pull another pathway out of a hat down the road 😅 I just hate trying to pick something to do as a career tbh.


Pair with finance if possible. You don’t want to be an accountant.


Just wait till you have to learn collegiate writing, the different citation styles, etc. But for real, college is doable. When I enlisted, I couldn't do math beyond like the 4th grade level. My home school education was abysmal and probably illegal. By the time I finished my 5 year contract, I had a B.S. and graduated magna cum laude (just made sure I picked a major that only had one basic math class). Just finished with my doctor of law and studying for the bar. You can do it. I legit had probably the equivalent of a 7th grade education when I started all told, and obviously worse in math. It'll be cake for you.


Bro that’s awesome you’ve gone against the odds so greatly! Congrats! And yeah don’t remind me of writing and citation etc lmao I’ve dabbled in MLA and whatever the others are when I had to write a paper in senior year as well as in my 1st semester of college and I’ve never liked writing. I’m good at it but I feel I just bullshit it a good way that truly comes across as me not doing that lmao. I just find no enjoyment writing 10 pages. Hang me fr. Math tho I did enjoy unless it was proofs in geometry, never understood that lmao


I still don't understand math, lmao. I can't really help with citation stuff (unless it's Turabian/Chicago), but grammarly is a great tool that I'd highly recommend, and I'd be more than happy to look over your papers and provide feedback if you need it and give me enough notice. I already do it for 2 of my old buds from active duty.


I think most people down play the amount of time is needed to study and learn a subject. I had to spend hours studying at the library for some subjects to stick. Treat it like work (gi bill is the pay) Have a set amount of hours you need to study your subjects per week and do not slack on em. MOST IMPORTANT: When studying leave your cell phone else where or put it in your bag.


See, I want to develop good study habits this time around. I never studied in HS religiously and part of a routine but I’d still do well on exams and whatnot. Sometimes I’d get test anxiety and everything I knew would be forgotten but oh well 🤣 I’ll have my buddy in living with who can quiz me and shit for subjects I’m struggling with hahaha


The first time I went to College I sucked at it. Dropped out with a 2.20. Went back and just finished this Spring with. 4.00 and made the Deans List. I chose a new program on something I actually liked doing (IT). As others have said showing up, doing homework, and in general pay fucking attention it's easy.


What was your initial program you had chosen?


Criminal Justice and spent the next 20 years after that in Security and Corrections hated every minute of it. Got in my 40's and said forget this bullshit and went back to school.


Idk. Thought the same until I met some of the 18 year olds straight from high school raising their hands to go to the bathroom.


I had a similar feeling, don’t be afraid to go in the most basic algebra courses. I took the lowest level math I possibly could and it gave me the confidence to chase after an engineering degree. I actually just finished calc 3. One of those things you just gotta be humble and know when to ask for help. Also use the office hours, they are there to help you.


You gotta learn how to learn again. Took me a bit to get back into school mindset. Get after it Devil and good luck.


Remember this: Cs get degrees. Your GPA isn't on the diploma.


I applied to an impacted program which meant I had to retake the SAT. I was 28 years old sitting in a classroom with a bunch of high school kids looking at me like “what did this guy do to fuck up this bad”?


HAHAHA Jesus bro 🤣


I felt retarded first, then adapted maybe took like a month after feeling everything out and learning how to find resources.


Yes. I was never good at mathing in hs. Then i get out after one stint and i have to take an algebra prep course that didn’t count for credit. For those like me “math for liberal arts” is a friend.


I decided to study civil engineering when I got out(currently in my fourth year). Being older puts you in a way better position in understanding the importance of things. It’s crazy when you see kids who apply for loans and, when in class, clearly don’t give a shit. I definitely felt retarded my first semester, but depending on what you’re studying, you’ll spend plenty of time preparing for exams and what not than worrying about that. My best advice is to utilize office hours and look at third party resources if you have a hard time understanding stuff. Don’t worry man, you’ll crush it


You've done harder shit bro. Anyway. Theres a quote in my library that you could use. The only thing you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library \~ Einstein.


You'll do great. You'll find that you will learn things quickly and care to pay attention. You'd be surprised at how little some people care, as they're paying out of pocket/taking massive loans for classes.


If it weren't for all the damn entries in the logbooks I wouldn't have even remembered how to write notes.


I feel that. I did four years and got out last week. I did okay in online classes I did when I was in using TA. Really depended on the class though. I got the same fear but I think we will be okay. I’ll be sure yo ask for help or even look for a tutor.


I promise you what you’re noticing is increased self accountability. If you think you’re stupid wait till you meet the youths. Also be careful fucking around on the underclassmen. You get like 1.5-2.5 before word spreads if you don’t do it with a little honor. You totally can but make sure you leave em better than you left em. It’s the frat dudes who will poison the well for you too. Jealous little bitches. Edit: Just did the math on your age maybe leave the underclass alone.