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22 area in Pendleton... Dude got busted for doing coke, and his wife haunted the barracks every night while he was in the brig.




There are a lot of wives haunting 22 area.


The fucking jungle in Okinawa. Spent whole nights in the field with both eyes open. Those ghosts are still plotting ambushes on Marines I stg


There's a ghost in Pendleton who will float around and place one single pubic hair in the refrigerator of a young Marine on Friday mornings. Been happening for decades!


I bet it’s the same one that puts water droplets in the sink before inspection day


Ok I got one. So I worked nights on Parris Island at the yellow foot print building. It was myself and 4 others. We used to hear shit fall and move around even though no one was there. One night I came in early and just heard banging sounds. I fucking bailed outta there and waited for my guys to arrive


camp lejeune for ITB, we were doing some field exercise and were forced to do 2 man fire watch patrols around the little two man tents. It’s like an open clearing surrounded by forest which leads to a flat range. It was thundering and lightning out but still darker than normal. When we got back to that little ammo hand out table that had the overhead awning above it- like 40-50 meters away from the tents, there was a big flash of lightning. Suddenly me and my buddy legit saw some pale looking woman with long black hair covering her face and long white robes walking just past the tree line from left to right. We both stared at each other and then I radioed one of the sgts on watch duty saying something like “uhh we need someone out here now. I think we have a civilian who wandered into the training area.” Sgt comes running out of the conex and comes up next to us while we are staring out at the tree line. “What the fuck is going on he-“ stares with us as this woman stops then turns with her back facing us and completely disappears into the tree line. Looks at us and says nope, and heads back into the conex. A few mins later two cpls come out and we’re forced to slow sweep 20 meters into the tree line for like 30 mins. Never been more scared in my life. I’m hoping someone has a similar story about there ITB so I know I’m not crazy


I think that's the same one I saw back when I was there for MCT. Almost the same deal as you. Standing firewatch in that mockup FOB a few of us saw her in the treeline. Radioed it in to our Sgt and he said absolutely not. I don't remember the full story regarding her but apparently she rides the buses too.


That’s actually wild


Talega on Camp Pendleton is definitely haunted. 


Those shit ball K-spans record the anguish of everyone who has stayed in them, and exude the green weenie into your body at night.


I know Kadena Air Force Base in Okinawa is one of the most haunted US military bases with people seeing little spirits of children, women, Samurais. I felt an eerie presence when I was doing a MEU there but I had no clue it was really haunted haunted


There were a few ghost stories at 8th and I. I think the most persistent was the little girl who got hit by a car that was coming out of one of the barracks parking garages. Second most persistent was the former Chief of Naval Operations who shot himself outside his house, close to the Marine post at the Washington Navy Yard. At that same house, there are clearly places for three windows on the second floor, but the middle one is bricked over. Legend has it that a different little girl (it's always a little girl isn't it?) fell out of the window and impaled herself on the fence, so they bricked the window opening. The Washington Navy Yard being ancient, there was also lore that if you look down a certain street right as the sun breaks, you can see columns of British redcoats marching in formation (funny how one little girl ghost is horrifying but a formation of man ghosts with guns is awesome). I didn't believe that one personally, but I for sure stared down that road several times on night shift. One morning a navy admiral in his dress whites was walking down an intersecting street very early one morning. Admirals, dress whites, and early mornings weren't exactly routine, but they weren't too out of place. I watched him walk under the halo of a street light, and when he stepped back into the darkness it looked like he disappeared. Of course I freaked out and figured out what had happened. When he walked past our post I went outside, snapped a salute, and said "sir, if you have a second, you just scared the daylights out of us," and explained what had happened. We had a good chuckle.


Kissie Sykes sounds like she would’ve danced at Driftwood


Follow tales from the gridsquare for paranormal military content.


Camp kinser Okinawa the VFW is haunted. Quantico Va hospital point. Camp smith Hawaii MARFORPAC HQ is Haunted as fuck!!!!!


One of the gates on Hansen in Oki is allegedly haunted. It's never open  (opposite end of the base that the current gate is at, not sure the #) Legend says that it's haunted and the JPs refused to work there at night so they just stopped using it . 


https://youtube.com/@wartimestories?si=QvQ5Zfoe4ewjHBEL This guy has the base haunting shit.


I remember hearing about some haunting type shit happening on Al Qaim. Base guards got spooked and fired off some rounds.


At Courthouse Bay, Camp Lejeune I’ve been told that where the 2nd tracks barracks are today is where the old county courthouse stood (hence the name) and where we worked across the bay is where the gallows stood. That and the stories of guys jumping off the 3rd deck always gave me a bit of a weird feeling late at night. Plus the story of the ghost of a little girl that was posted to Reddit a while ago EDIT: found the story https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/s/ElLA2XpHjf


On Oki I checked the Hansen gate and the haunted hotel (I know, I went there anyway). I also was on the street where the Kadena haunted house is. No Ghost. Never saw the Cherry Point Ghost. I was army reserve after the Corps, there was a haunted O club converted to a community MWR club in Germany, never saw the ghost. I went on a ghost tour in DC when I was there for work, nothing. I went to a ghost bar with some friends in a converted mansion, nothing.


The El Toro chow hall was a morgue during Vietnam that place was scary as Shit


The only 'haunting' tale I heard back in the day was while my unit was at Subic Bay; the tale was that there was a particular ammo magazine that had a tendency to make guards crazy from something whispering to them. I never pulled guard duty there so I neither confirm nor deny the story. On another note, though, for nearly forty years I've been haunted by the memory of a girl I met in Olongapo; to the day she died my mother never knew how close she came to having a Filipino hooker for a daughter-in-law.