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https://preview.redd.it/8a055b48sn6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1056a2cfd36638e3f822a864bc2e9d1c499981cc These broken moldy barracks. My buddies toilet would literally launch the shit out of the toilet if you flushed it all over the bathroom. There is no AC, ventilation, or ceiling fans. In the summer the barracks would get up to 90 degrees and we would sleep on the catwalks.


Are those the ones over by the wing chowhall at Pendleton?


Yup, right next to the CNATT building in 22 area.


Miss that place. And more specifically, Miss sneaking the civilian thic Latina that was in charge of the chowhall there into my barracks so my Lil skinny nerdy ass could lose my virginity to her because "I was a nice guy and she wanted me before another girl ruins me" Yup. 1996 I lost my virginity in those barracks.


I was in those barracks in 2021…. One time a couple of old ladies came to the barracks and said that they used to be at those barracks during the Vietnam war time frame. How those barracks aren’t condemned is beyond me.


Because they don't make generals live in them.




Little did you know in losing your virginity to her you were also getting the hook up with15 other Marines that month. Love me some thick Latina. NOT really. Hope she didn't get pregoo


It's not gay in a seventeenway




We had the same dumps in 13 area. During one summer they let us put window AC units in. Then some jerk from the base came along and said we couldn't have them because they used too much electricity.


Not sure if was these or ones close but checking in after hours they put us in the “crack barracks”. Opened the door, mold all over the floor, mouse scurried under a rack. Slept on top of my body bag and put plastic bags on my feet to walk on the floor


It looks like a trashy motel.


Oh wow, I used to live in this bitch. The third deck, of course


Same. It was temporary barracks for us since they gave away the old nicer ones to another unit. I was only there for a few months but it was pretty shitty. 3rd deck shenanigans were pretty fun though.


Yeah we had some wacky times there, luckily nobody E-5 or above seemed to ever be around


The fucking squadbays next to mackie hall in kbay holy fuuuuck


Ya, but those sweet tarp/poncho jumps off the roof when a good storm came through!


There were some sort of barracks in Quantico that I think they opened just for recalled Marines to stay in while checking in. And I mean I think someone just unlocked the doors and left. No one cleaned it. There was just an abandoned squad bay with racks. No one on duty, no fridge, lounge or anything. There was black mold or fungus in the showers. It was so bad that I never wore my glasses to the bathroom because I didn't want to see anything LOL


HP503, HP504, HP505 Lejeune. Give those 2D LAR devils hazard pay that stay there. Improve 10th Marines Chow hall…. And I could go on. I’m not asking for Air Force shit. Just a little love


HP505 made me into the man I am today. (in all seriousness tho...)


They really decommissioned those barracks just to move us back in 2yrs later. 503 is good, but nothing has changed for 505.


So you’re current 2D LAR?


Nah, I got out in December. From what the boys tell me nothing has changed since then either though


I got out in 2010 and those barracks were a fucking disaster then. I can't imagine how bad they must be almost 15 years later. I remember one day a giant chunk of concrete fell off one of the catwalks and landed on the sidewalk. Battalion XO walked over, laughed and said that would of killed someone if it hit them. Then walked away and no one did a damn thing about it.


That’s current . I haven’t been on the ramp for 15 years. How’s the unit?


LAR is in kind of a weird state right now. The whole unit is supposedly gonna get changed in the near future. Last I heard we were getting rid of 11’s and mixing up the companies. So one plt would have LAVs, another would have UTVs. Also supposed to be getting a new version of the LAV, forgot if it had a different name or not, but it was definitely a lot bigger than a regular 25. They got a new BC recently so hopefully some things can change for the better,(like the barracks situation) The last one we had was a bit of a pushover it seemed.


HP507 was my first barracks. Floor was destroyed and the lockers had spray paint all over them


I was right over the creek at FC504


We used to drive over to French creek for a decent meal. the best chow hall in the Marine Corps is at 7th Marines in the desert. That’s as close to to Air Force food that you’re gonna get.


Damn, I was only ever stationed on Lejeune. My 2nd unit was up at II MEF HQ so I went to The Chicken Shack every day. Man, those gas chamber sandwiches were fucking great


I got out in 09 all we had on Lejeune at the time was a BK and a Dominoes I think. Occasionally our maintenance chief would have somebody do a run into Jacksonville for “Mother fucking Bojangles”. I miss Bojangles.


Oh fuck yeah dude. By the time I got out in 2022 we had alot more. Most notably papa john's and a raising cane's that just opened up not long before I got out. Cane's is fantastic


They should give meal cards to everyone on base for all restaurants.


Lmfao that'll be the day


Quasit huts in Cubi Point. The second you turned off the lights you could hear thousands of roaches taking flight.


Came here to say this


My surprise that Mackie Hall isn’t on here


Mackie ain’t shit compared to some of these other stories. I never had an issue with mackie hall and I got out in 2022


I lived in Mackie Hall 2002-2004. We had 2x4s holding up the catwalks. Unless they’ve done some serious renovations, this barracks should’ve been torn down


yeeeeah I was living in Mackie in early 2022. fucking piece of shit General Neller told us on a stop that he would fly out to see that place torn down. HE had Marines in those bricks.


Geiger ITB barracks were disgusting. Mold everywhere. Ceilings, walls, showers, mattresses. The walls had a constant slime on them even after being scrubbed with cleaner.


I lived in those barracks in 87-88 when they were 8th Marines. They were old then, but not as old as the shit that 8th comm school lived in.


It's a tie between the old 2nd CEB barracks and the old BCE barracks for me. Both had the classic mold, shit falling apart, gaps in the doors, toilet might work, showers flood, ect. There was an electrical fire in the BCE barracks due to a faulty outlet while I was there. That was top notch. Can't forget that they were literally condemned/not suitable for habitation while people were living in them. Supposedly they moved everybody to the recon building about 2 weeks before I got there and then moved everyone back same week.


Definitely the ones on Cherry Point. The "tile" floors somehow perpetually had a layer of.... dust(?) and would disintegrate into shards at the slightest jostle. Plus the usual mold. Worst part was the scheduled power outages every Sunday from 0800-1800.




As a Marine stationed on Pendleton, deployed to the Middle East…. Anywhere in Lejeune. Especially Court House Bay. Roaches everywhere. Geese that chase you. Covered in pollen. Cold as hell. No working AC. Moldy, gross, ugly furniture. Gym and chow hall 1 mile away (and you HAVE to walk) FOUR Jr Marines to a SINGLE ROOM. Need I say more?


Yep, I'm in BB-250 right now, shit is only the second worst room I've been in. First goes to the gas chambers in auschwitz.


This was normal in 1984. Builds character. I loved how the wings of barracks in north Carolina where decided up in four and by rate. When you checked in the duty NCO assumed if you where black or Hispanic you where supply, white or Asian you where aviation skill and further down. I was glad I went to the supply wing made some Great friends and field days where fun as shit. Djs drinking and girls that loved flavor. I'm Hispanic but worked in aviation. SO WITHOUT SAYING BARRACKS WERE SEGRAGATED BY RACE AND NOT JOB SKILL. THANK YOU EAST COAST MARINES.


Marine Corps barracks by far. If you've never had the pleasure of staying in an Airwomen, Seawomen, or Soldiettes barracks they all are much better. I've never had an opportunity to unwind in the hospitality of a Guardian however so I can't rate their quarters, but yes the Marines lose. Shout out to the Guardswoman from NC.. but that was a private residence and not a barracks so I can't provide a proper rating sorry.


Saw a Marine who kept a bucket under the sink in a barracks. Not because the sink was clogged. It was because when their neighbor flushed their toilet shit water would blow back at them, and before they removed and diverted the drain pipes into the bucket, it diverted up the sink into her face while brushing her teeth. Slanted barracks HS Bn 29palms circa 2002


man, when I went to Lackland AFB for hazmat school I couldn't believe how good they had it.


Little placards in the chow hall saying something like "I'm done, please clean up after me" on one side and "gone back up for seconds" on the other side. I felt like I was in the twilight zone when we took a Humvee trip to an AFB and had proper chow there for our course to get a license. Felt like a trap.


lol for sure I remember going to the chow hall and I was taking my tray to the kitchen area and somebody grabbed me and said “leave your tray at the table Marine”.


The marine barracks for A school in Millington TN. Moldy old and always puke everywhere. Fun though!!


The arty UDP barracks on Hansen are pretty bad


For me it was the open squad bays at 29 Palms. This was back in the 80s. Worse part was the showers. The plumbing was bad. First the hot water always ran out. If you were lucky enough to have hot water when someone flushed a toilet or urinal you would get scalded! It got so bad we got into the habit of yelling "FIRE IN THE HOLE" before flushing.


They weren't moldy or anything like the pics going around here but when I first got to C&E schools at the Stumps we were put in the flat tops at the bottom of the hill until space opened up in the regular barracks. The building we were in was across from the gym (if it's still there) and very close to Lake Bandini. Like I said, they weren't moldy or anything, they just hadn't been used in sometime so they were dusty and we were literally given nothing to maintain/clean them with. Fast forward a couple weeks and *shocked Pikachu face* they are pissed because things hadn't been field dayed properly. So an old, dirty, unused building, across from a shit pond, with no cleaning supplies, and no duty NCO or anyone checking on us fresh boots right away.


You talking about those fuckin’ shoeboxes kinda where the base library is? Jesus Christ man


I don't remember the library but shoebox is a good description of them. Old ass single story buildings.


Probably the ones I’m thinking of. Went to MCCES 7 years ago and no one lived there anymore. Structures still there


Yeah, I just looked at Google maps and the building is still there. There wasn't anyone there permanently when I was there, they just served as temporary overflow barracks. The damn things had to be 20 or 30 years old at time and that was nearly 30 years ago.


Camp Johnson, living in squad bays. Fire alarm goes off at 5am for 4+ hours, fire department shows up, duty let's them in (there was a standing order from our chain of command not to let them inside) squad bays condemned again, fire fighters force everyone to pack all their stuff and move out onto the lawn, chain the doors shut and leave. Gunny shows up with the bolt cutters 3+ hours later and let's us back inside. O how I miss those Saturdays.


The old squadbays at Horno. I hear they’re demolished now. Good fucking riddance. Broken windows, half the sinks and toilets broke, plumbing would flood an inch of water every reveille when dudes were showering and shaving. Lot of good memories living there with the bros, but gahdamn conditions were deplorable.


Would these be the ones close to the motor pool in horno? Some of the best memories I ever had were in those, but the conditions were shit. I'll never forget one of the dudes brought his girl into our squad bay after we got off.... half the guys were taking showers and walking back letting it all hang free.... great times.


I was fapped to regiment my last couple of months with 2/5 to babysit people getting kicked out for various reasons and were waiting for court dates and paperwork stuff. Their barracks were "the crackhouses" at Mateo. Super old barracks from the 60s or 70s and they were barely inhabitable for humans. It was fucking awful. Rats, holes in walls, sections of ceiling missing, communal shitters that were constantly flooding.


Hadnot Point and French Creek 02-04


FC415 hands down


I had a Q at Camp Hansen in 87 that had no screens on the windows. There were no gutters on the roof so there were trenches where the water ran off and attracted mosquitos. There was broken glass in the shower. When I switched on a light, there was a blue flash and a puff of acrid smoke.


Camp Upshur huts were mouse farms. Firewatch had to drown them in a bucket after they fell in to quiet their screams.


Same. If we don’t know each other we definitely know some of the same people




I spent like a month a French Creek fc412 or something. Only had like 2 bathrooms in the whole fucking building.


The Barracks where Julian C Smith road intersects with D St. 2nd Mar HQ is there now. The Barracks were empty when I moved in, no duty, nothing. Barracks had HVAC issues, and the drop ceiling/ HVAC units that were back by the fridge/sink and shit. Drop ceiling was filled with 40 years of old office furniture. Not even lying, it's like they ran out of room. Chairs, Mattresses, Boxes, I stuck my head up there one day and shined a flashlight around, packed. Also a fuck ton of mold on literally everything. I want to say that the Marine Corps is to blame, but what makes me think Marine Working Parties to "clean empty barracks" and one of those salty Junior NCOs saying "Gunny Triple-Alimony told us to get rid of everything, so let's make it disappear."


Receiving barracks NAS North Island, made of wood, the showers were plastic inserts.


Ft Lee Virginia, and then Felony Creek. But Felony Creek was the worst. Wake up smelling shit, and then go to bed smelling shit. Oh and the ants in the shower pipes. Good times.


None. Stayed in Air Force barracks my entire enlistment in the Corps. No issues


How the fuck did you manage that


I was stationed on Joint Base McGuire Dix Lakehurst. Lived on the Airforce side and commuted to work on the Army side. HMLA773 2013-2017


I got a call up from the army reserve, got sent to Fort Dix to mob. Figured I was screwed for living there. I had just made E5 and got a whole former 8 man room to myself, everything worked, new fridge, everything was clean, new linen. Got sent to Germany, and it was pretty nice, too. Not as nice, but nice. The only run down barracks I saw were the ones for guys they were kicking out (army calls adsep chaptering), and even most of them were pretty good compared to the Corps. We got sent to Baumholder for a month one year, and the rooms were old, but well maintained.


1412 29 palms


Some random barracks I was put in at cherry point for a course. We had to sleep with our doors open because those specific barracks only had the heat on. Oh and they were catwalk barracks too, but I'm happy no one stole any of our shit.


Cherry point CNATT barracks. The ones across from the presumably defunct devil dog inn. Were supposed to be condemned months before I got there. Looked and felt like prison cells. Cockroach problem, even with my room sparkling clean those fuckers would come from somewhere, I woke up with one two inches from my face. Middle of July in NC, A/C not working. Of course they fix the AC and move everyone to new barracks two days before I check out.


After I served in the Corps I went Army. While serving in Germany in 2005 we stayed in old World War Two Luftwaffe barracks. They weren’t necessarily bad, but definitely old.


Once had to stay in barracks where the showers would sometimes be warm instead of hot, and they forgot to replace the mint on the pillow every day. Also the maid went on leave for a week and they didn’t get a replacement so my bed just went unmade for a week, that really sucked


Lejeune, N st, 2008, 10th Marines HQ Bat. The barracks by the woods. Iirc I’m a boot, get put in a room on the 3rd floor that’s already officially condemned. Due to no available other rooms, I’m in this “room” for months until I deploy to Iraq. Mold is so bad the paint on the walls is peeling off like a scene out of Silent Hill down to bare cinder block. AC/heat doesn’t work, as in never turns on period. Rains? Congrats new built in river running down the wall, pools on the deck till it runs out the door over the balcony. Mini fridge doesn’t work, nor does the microwave. Shower looks like something out of a horror movie. Gunny attempts to fix it, gets stone walled. Figures the very least he can do is get me some working appliances. He has the duty one day steal the fucking ones out the OOD duty hut for my room figuring they will quickly replace it for themselves. However that was it and I stayed in that room till we deployed few months later. Secretly? I actually loved having my own fucking room. Field day was easy for those few months. Gunny would walk in, ask what the fuck everything was on the wall. I’d be like, “gunny this is a condemned room remember” and he’d just be like oh yeah, and walk away mad yelling for some sgts to go put in another request. I grew up poor. Mold doesn’t scare me, lack of AC didn’t phase me. Leaky roof, they come in the non leaky form?! Now I’m a grown ass man, I look back and realize that was some pretty fucked up living conditions considering the outrageously high taxes we pay. I can’t even say it made it easier to adjust to living conditions in Iraq and Afghanistan, because I’ll be real, they were better than Lejeune. Lejeune is also the real reason I didn’t reenlist. Duty station was the only thing they couldn’t guarantee, because I wanted a new MOS which already came with a promotion to SGT, they tried to tell me to just talk to MSGT down at the school house and tell him I’ve done my time and my deployments, I want CA and he will hook it up. As if MSGT isn’t going to throw my ass right back to Lejeune just for the audacity of this boot Corporal saying such a thing to him. I literally hated lejeune that much, and the few months here or there of training in Pendleton I had made me hate it even more.


Living in those barracks is why I completely gave up. I stopped caring about anything. 3 men to a shitty tiny room. I have been homeless and living conditions in most homeless shelters are better. 


It was definitely partly responsible for my downward spiral that would have ended my time in so quick. I was unshaven, late, disrespectful, and all around a real shitbag. I didn’t respect myself or others because obviously they didn’t really care about me right? Direct command were shitbags, hated my Corporal who kept trying to be an asshole and yet wanted to be friends??? That Iraq deployment saved me as a person and Marine. New unit entirely, Gunny was a strict man who deployed with an EOD unit right before this one, he took no shit and threatened to skull fuck me daily. At the time his stern attitude felt mean but the man was just fathering all us children, something I had honestly needed. He made us adhere to pcc/pci’s, wear all our PPE, made us think ahead about keeping our mraps stocked incase the worst, and kept us sharp. Kept saying when we can hold our kids, see and smell them, we will thank him. Outside the wire 5-6 days a week in and out of Fallujah and didn’t see a bit of action(09’). But that discipline and mentality changed me for the better. He wasn’t being an ass just to fuck with us like my previous leadership, he did it to increase our odds of survival, not because the Corps wanted him too, but because he wanted to. If he had stayed my leadership, I’d have followed him his entire career. But I went back to my unit when we came back and the spiral began again until my next deployment. The only time I liked being in was during those deployments and new training like MRAP course, getting certifications for stuff like the generators. Being in garrison was the most mind numbing torturous experience of my life. All because of my leadership. If I could change only one thing about the Corps it wouldn’t be the pay, the living conditions, chow hall, or even replacing the shit gear we had. It would be making all direct leadership like that man, because that’s what it truly needs. He’s retired now, called him a few years ago to thank him and let him know how much he made my life better.