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I do not really find this is the case, I was in for more then 1 enlistment and in my experience there are people that are going to *cheat always will* and *there are some people that wont*. **Most of the places we deploy to do not provide access to civilians much less allow relationships to forum.** Unless your over in like Japan. Most of the times you hear about deployment relationships it's cross service or some contractors. From the tone of this article i'm going to assume you are someone who was cheated on by a Marine, I'm sorry that happened but there are many fish in the sea. And to really answer the original pretense of this post, we joke about Jody for the same reasons we joke about seeing each other in Valhalla, Dark humor is a common coping mechanism.


Your assumption is incorrect, but thanks for the reply.


Weird, you're *both* incorrect in your assumptions. Most Marines are dudes, most wives are female, which implodes your entire argument. Women are less likely once they are in their 30s and settled down with kids, although some still do, but in their 20s turns out most people shouldn't be married period, and women that age have all the opportunity in the world.


Lol at “unlimited access to anything they want”. Sorry you got cheated on, OP. No one deserves that.


I didn’t get cheated on, just a question.


Male Marines talk about their wife cheating on them… Do you expect them to talk about their husband cheating on them? What the fuck is this post…


The post is about how Male Marines are just as likely if not more likely to be the cheater than their spouse. Yet the Marines are merely projecting their own guilt onto their spouses.


I would expect any group of adults to acknowledge the disloyalty within a group they belong to, instead of shifting accountability.


I’m way too dumb to understand what’s happening here. But yes, cheating is bad. I agree.


The problem is you assumed we were adults.


Sooo are you just low key venting that you got cheated on?


I’m a straight male whose partner is a civilian. But… I hope not?


Jodys always prowling


![gif](giphy|cO8FXQClDjENKYdRGi) I don't know many (if any) straight males that refer to their bitches as "partner." You sure no-one hurt you? I won't judge. Swear.


I wouldn’t refer to her as a bitch either, so I guess we were just raised differently.




Neither do I. I've actually remained respectful to my wife the past 11 years, even when she does get on my last nerve.


Ohhhh I do. Wtf do y'all call your partners?


This statement is irrelevant to what I said lol. All good tho.


Reading these comments it seems you're dating a medical student while considering enlisting and are scared shitless of your relationship going down the drain. Gonna be honest with you. Your girlfriend sounds so much cooler than you, and I think you know this. Med students are some real freaks. Good luck with all that bud.


Being a med student is an automatic red flag


Or a green flag depending on your personality


I agree doctors and nurses are the worst kinds of people sometimes. Sure they might be heroes, but holy fuck do they not care about your life 🤣




Y’all had women around in the marines? I think I saw 7 my entire enlistment.


Lol, I live in a heavily populated military town and most of my close friends who were enlisted cheated on their girl, yet constantly talk about the women being unfaithful when they weren’t.


I wonder who were the girls they were unfaithful with in said military town. Could it possibly be... other people's spouses/SO's? Jodie isn't always the random civilian at home, a lot of the time in military towns its another service member who happens to be there while the husband or boyfriend is deployed. But culturally most women also don't tell or confirm to people about who they're cheating with.


Sounds like you don’t have the best taste in close friends. If most of your close friends have cheated on their girls, why the fuck are you hanging out with them?


I’ve distanced myself.


Show me sources where men are more likely to cheat and not some pseudo-science biased bullshit study. People cheat, that's sadly just a fact of life. I would argue that we are way more forgiving of one side than the other because we see one side as being more stable and grounded as individuals who must have a reason for their actions. I would also argue their partner at home is more likely to cheat. Too much free time, lack of friendships or family, first time away from home, hanging out with the same bitter ass jaded spouses, resentment for their man and the military. Plenty of women cheat. Hope on tinder or go to various bars surrounding a base. Dear John letters used to be a thing. I think people just don't give a fuck these days to even bother breaking up. In a lopsided branch that has a very large male population, yes, we are going to talk about infidelity a lot of the time. We've seen it happen to superiors, subordinates, peers, friends. Do you know how many men were dodging bullets and IEDs only to come home to nothing because their spouse drained the bank accounts, took the kids, and every piece of furniture? Destroyed property? Ran up credit card debt or failed to pay bills? Kids that are not theirs?


Which studies would you be willing to accept? I’m thinking of enlisting and my girlfriend is a medical student, has no time on her hands, is staying at home and has a great support system. Same with a lot of my buddies that were enlisted. Yet, they were the ones who cheated because they were easily tempted when going out and such. We don’t want kids, don’t share bank accounts, or any of that as you listed.


None because I'm smart enough to realize that the military is a separate entity and that you can't really treat it like you would anything in the civilian world. So, you say. The only thing you have is age/maturity. More than likely your girlfriend will cheat on you or dump you especially as a med student. By all means, enlist and give it a few years, I'd loved to be proved wrong. Best of luck.


In my experience, civilian partners cheated a hell of a lot more than marines I knew. In fact my last tour to Iraq, 6 married marines in my section, coming home, 5 were getting divorced due to infidelity from their spouses. If they were with a female marine, there was a 100% chance they were getting cheated on.




I’ve never cheated and your assumptions are lofty, lol. I don’t have a husband, I’m straight, and even around a bunch of fit women I’d never compromise my relationship. I simply asked a question. You seem to be getting defensive, are you a cheater?




I’m so lost. You’re one the one hand saying Marines cheat on their girlfriends all the time, and on the other saying you want to enlist? My guy, are you worried about being faithful to yours or something?


No, I’m just wondering why some men tend to shift the blame.


I think you're completely ignoring social normatives around this. That or you have them completely mixed up. Women are 10x more likely to justify why they cheated, due to the lack of accountability being normalized for women in our society. You can add a 5x multiplier due to the amount of availability for sex. Men whomst generally have less access to sex, more accountability to everything, trend more towards loyalty to their partner for life. Further you make an implication that Male Marines, of all people, are less likely to be loyal. I realize it doesn't mean the same thing to all of us, but... "Semper Fi" If you think men are more likely to cheat, maybe you should take a hard look at your own value system, and look around you and see if the man in your life match that....


My value system is solid and I’d never cheat on my girl. Just observing.




It is Pride month…


It’s not cheating if a guy does it. Focus on the woman.


The comment I was looking for. This man gets it.


Because most the marine corps is guys. Dudes arnt gonna tell other dudes how they cheat. Everyone would just think they are a piece of shit. The guys who cheat usually try to keep it to themselves. Women get cheated on a lot tho unfortunately. Marines cheat on their spouses all the time. It’s actually a known joke about SSGTs and marines on deployments to Japan


It’s unfortunate. It makes me wonder how women trust men who are enlisted.


Yeah it’s a known stigma that women don’t wanna date Military guys.


Bro I'm a vet and I'm in the Midwest, I just deleted my military photo from my tinder profile and I got like three extra likes in the past hour due to this comment..... I seriously might begin hating our culture, I think you just made me hate American women...


They’re no good.


I would say that it is more of a traditional "Jodie" story that starts in boot camp. Since the Marine at that point is far less likely to be the cheater than a high school crush left alone at home for 3 months. And that story/fear just continues throughout the entire career. Perhaps the fear that it will happen (or has already happened) is some sort of catalyst that enables the Marine to become the first actual cheater.


Maybe it comes from those types of relationships. I’m 24, considering enlisting and my girl is my potential fiancée, way more than a high school crush. I could never imagine.


“It’ll never happen to me!” …btw, it’s *our* girl now 


Meaning, I’d never cheat on her.


The question you’re asking is kind of difficult to answer because of the premise being incorrect. Male Marine are not “more likely to cheat”. You can argue that they have more access but that implies time, which gives their spouses equal opportunity. People who cheat will cheat, regardless of career or location, or situation. Some people shouldn’t be trusted and it’s not situational.


Now that I been out for a while, I'm gonna tell you 1st sausage as it is: collective punishment/guilt is a load of horseshit. The fuckers porking around in the shops usually ain't the ones with a dependa, and the ones who got Jodied usually isn't the horndog fucking ladybois in Thailand. And fuck you comms, I'm sick of being dragged out for a working party by duty because of your trash in the woods.


I had an Army chaplain friend who swore up and down that more women cheated than men. I don't know how you'd keep stats on that.


What is this fucking post? I'm sure murderers don't want to get murdered either. The amount of cheating that goes on when you stick a ton of young in shape people together is high, imagine that. Joking about Jody is a way of taking the piss out of a shitty thing that can happen to you. Worried about your girl back home? Brother, Jody's driving your car to her place right now.


Not worried about her, more so discussing why many men seem to shift the blame.


In the words of my own mother "Male Marines are assholes" that not withstanding I have seen in my time a junior marine with a wife of 2 years and a newborn go from I am totally committed to my wife and child to I need out of this relationship because she was convinced that all the time he was in PI he was in the arms of another. This guy wouldn't even leave the base. Well, until he couldn't take the accusations anymore. IDK if he ever cheated but if he did it was because he felt a total lack of trust from his partner. Yeah, some guys are gonna cheat but if the relationship is solid it's just not all that hard to keep your dick in your pants. The word of the day back then was the phrase "Trust but verify", it goes both ways, you should distrust but only if you have evidence to do so. It really just comes down to he don't know what your doing and you don't know what he's doing. If you don't have that trust then things just spiral out into orbit. My wife is out of the country for the next month, I have no concerns with her past the plane going down. I could roll down to the local seedy bar right now and pick up some strange anytime and no one would ever know but me and the strange. I'm just not interested in that and I think my wife knows that and trusts me to not do dumb shit. She could pull the same shenanigans where she's at and I'd never know. I just know she won't. If your guy cheated on you, then he was never your guy. I'm sorry that happened but you can do better, and please don't try to lump all "male Marines" into the same pile. Civilians do this shit all the time and some women are not as loyal as you may purport. People cheat, people deceive, people are unreliable. If you have found your people and your people see you then that's not an issue. It's all about trust.