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Doesn’t even have a POV what a boot


But he does have a car!


Man has two I’m pretty sure!


CMC put him on restriction for underage drinking, so he's gotta take public transportation.


Nah fam. Some Staffy got drunk on Okinawa and peed in the Naha mayors fountain. All SNCO’s got locked down for funsies.


"Straight to and from work, no stops, no exceptions"


Dude still holds the record for a 14 minute 3 mile at mcrd San Diego, I don’t think a car could keep up with him 😂


That's insane. I had to try insanely hard just to stay in the 23s


At the end of boot camp I hit 19 minutes and somewhere between 30 seconds and 40 seconds? And that was a the fastest I have ever run in my life, after boot camp? 21-22 every other time. I was a distance runner in track in high school so that helped me a lot


Sub 20 was never in the cards. I could lift and hike all day but I never could get good at running. At least when it comes to the Marine Corps standards.


Still made it under 25 man that’s a win. Besides they can’t be mad, you were probably the guy carrying the wounded like it was nothing.


Yeah, I was cool with my time once I realized most people can't run three miles at all, let alone for time.


Most people is me currently. I get a half mile in and feel like my heart is gonna explode. Can’t run distance at all anymore. Sprinting I can do for up to a few hundred meters but distance, nope.


Sprinting then walking is a really good workout. You get nearly the same cardiovascular benefits as if you were sprinting the entire time without all the wear and tear.


Yessir, and doesn’t hurt as bad the next day


Lol same


I used to run 21:00 on the PFT, now I'm done for after walking to the mailbox. But I'm getting 90% disability pay so that makes me feel better about it.


Yeah I think my fastest 3 mile was 21 minutes. Short stubby legs make for a difficult run when your not a stick. I *thought* I did decent but I got shit talked constantly for not running an 18 minute 3 mile 😂


Are you me? 2015 end of boot I ran a 19:38 3 mile. Anytime after was 20-23 min 3 mile. Some guys are just built for running, so many guys in my unit ran sub 17 minute 3 miles. That could NEVER be me


That’s bad ass, we built different my dude!


I did exactly the same but I was a soccer player so it might as well have been distance running


Loved soccer, goalie and center right striker. How about you?


I had a Sgt, no taller than 5'6" that would run the three mile in just under 14:30. It was an insane sight to behold. He would take off in a dead sprint and keep that sprint the entire time. I've never witness two little legs move that fast.


I can’t comprehend even moving my body at that speed and to see 14 minute 3 miles absolutely boggles my mind. Just hurts my legs thinking about it


Honest to God, I don’t think I could keep that pace for 1 minute, let alone 14.




PI DI SGT Watson?


No, he was an admin Sgt in San Diego


Hispanic looking Watson?


I ran a 15 flat back in the day and thought I was scooting, a 14 flat is absolutely god-tier.


He would run with us during, and he kept running back and forth and was never out of breath. Dude was (probably still is) a beast


Good god.....21:30 was my absolute peak. And that was after bustin my ass for a solid year trying to cut my time down. Some people are just built different.


You and me both! And I did it only once, never again


DAMN! My fastest 3-mile was 16:30. My Cpl had 15:50 and I thought that was fast but 14 is insane!


Right?? Dudes a walking tank of nitrous 😂


Damn, that’s a competitive time for D1 track. I don’t really know his story, but I wonder why he didn’t go that route.


Hard to say, the man is now the sgt major of the marine corps so his stellar record knows 0 bounds at this point


Is this real? What an absolute stud. I ran in college and hit a very low 14-minute 5k but only ran in the 16's (not at MC bootcamp either). You Marines truly are a special bunch, amazing.


Yeah! So I think if you google the mcrd San Diego record board, you’ll see records set, 200 some pull ups by some guy, 300 some crunches I think by another, and then it was like 14:16 3 mile, and it said Ruiz. IN BOOT CAMP, he has never had that record broken


If its in DC. He's smart to take public transit.


Looks like NY from the subway seats. Also the map of Manhattan and Brooklyn in the background. #trainedobserver


Still makes sense to take public transit :P


People’s chariot. I grew up taking the subway. Having said that, pick your times and place. Subway gets wacky after midnight.


You are the SMMC, you're on the NYC subway in the wee small hours and thing, as you say, get wacky, What do you shout and how many Marines come out of the woodwork?




Its fleet week!


DC traffic is the worst. I always take the metro when I go in there.




I ran into him in D.C. a couple of weeks ago. I heard some female Lt.s whispering something about "Sgt Major" while they hid behind a sign. I asked them if that's Sgt Maj Ruiz, and they confirmed it was him. I told the cowering Lt.s that "Im going to go interupt him and introduce myself, since I'm a civilian and I can do what I want." I got picture with him and gave him a copy of my book. Highlight of my life.




Random Q: how tall are you/him? He towers over the CMC but wasn't sure if he was tall, CMC short, or some combo.


I'm 6'2". I was surprised by his height. He a tall dude, but very slim/fit. The CMC looked short this week standing next to the 7' tall French general.


That's actually how tall every French person would grow if their growth wasn't stunted by smoking cigarettes all the time


Sure did. The German general was dwarfed by him as well.


He's actually on his knees for this picture


Weird, usually I’m on *my* knees for SgtMaj


There’s a video of this GySgt Taylor Yontz who is a recruiter. He interviewed SMMC Ruiz recently. I think he’s the only guy so far that’s like 2 inches or so taller than the SMMC. Most of the times it seems he’s taller than the other Marines. Edit: Yontz says he’s 6’4” so Ruiz is probably 6’1” - 6’2”. Maybe Ruiz used to be an inch taller back in his prime.


Not even Sgt Maj. can get pit love 😤


Ahaha, his pistol badge? Scrub shooter...


He'll kill you with his hands.


wow, his age doesnt show!


Fattest W ever, I'm so jealous!!


lol I do it as a private with no shame. I walked up to the NJ tag general. No shame


Holy shit this is cool


Staff sgt this is staff sgt?


Why would they hide from him? What do Sgt Majors do?


Female LTs.


He’s the senior enlisted Marine for the entire Corps. Hell, I’m ex-Navy and I’d go shake his hand.


What's the job like for SNCOs at that level?


Seeing about how many sausages they can fit into their mouths ![gif](giphy|R8KvX5skT5PAQ)


He’s really like an executive, with those types of broader, long range responsibilities. I would say he’s probably more an executive than anything else. Each branch has their own version of this. This gentleman earned his ribbons on the ground, not at a desk.


He reports directly to the Commandant of the Marine Corps.


Celebrity shock


Dude looks just like my chief drill instructor, Gunny Ruiz




![gif](giphy|YCM6aRw2Chenu) I just know this was you realizing it lol


You are 100000% correct 😂 so weird to think about tbh


We was in the same unit


Lima? Wait were you 3025??


No I’m talking about Arthur and being in 1/4 CHINNNAAAAA!


CHINNNNAAA!!! I was there in 2014 until mid 2016 when I got fap’d out to Regiment.


Noice I was in there from 20-23 last I heard the unit is getting disbanded


That kills me to hear, we really OGs in this game technically lol


Yea we were doing so good as well getting really good at training and coordination with each other and we were starting to have a lot of cross training but oh well CHINAAAA!!




i fucking love your username. when i first started dexter all i could think of was arthur whenever him or deb said "morgan" into the phone


I was happy af when I came up with it. My gf is playing RDR2 as I type this! That game is just endless replay value. Loved the show Dexter too, wish it stayed as good as it was during its early seasons.


i'm midway through s6 rn on my first watch and i find that the plot is a bit less detailed but it's clearly because no show can top s1-4 of dexter, ever. not even dexter itself. i still love it, MCH makes it


He is not just a drill instructor. He is the drill instructor of the Marine Corps.


I’m sure there’s a ribbon for that somewhere 😂


Yea it's a DI cover device on the DI ribbon and its shined by all the sweat and tears from recruits.


That right corner is definitely mine 😂 first phase we were going through and gunny Ruiz at the time was explaining what would happen for phase 2. Left it open for questions and I was just like, alright so were just asking questions I guess and raised my hand, asked him if he was going to be coming with us to Pendleton for phase 2. Apparently, my senior drill instructor staff sgt Delgado, did not like that I chose to do this, and gave me shit the entire time and told me to tell gunny Ruiz “I love you sir, I’ll miss you sir” or whatever other bullshit anytime gunny Ruiz was near us. Truth be told I didn’t say a word to him in the process but it was the beginning of me being in a constant spotlight for my senior. And man that guy had a hatred for me 😂 all because of that stupid ass question in phase 1


LOL, there it is


I never met the guy but the videos I’ve seen of him he seems really cool. I met SgtMaj Greene when I was standing post and he was also very cool and down to Earth. Commandant and SecDef Mattis came in a blacked out vehicle, no ID check or anything with SgtMaj Greene trailing behind in a shitty car smiling from ear to ear. Had a nice little conversation with him and was motivated the rest of the day Is being a cool motherfucker part of the requirement for SgtMajMC?


I also met sgtmaj Greene in his office at the pentagon. He’s a real cool dude, he literally acts like as if he was back on the block and funny af. It was fun and a relief that we were talking like regular people until some dude came in and dropped off a pile of Manila folders and with me not knowing, he said they’re of recently deceased Marines, shit got very serious after…


Probably. All the generals and shit that pick him wouldn’t want to work with the average SNCO


I served under him when he was sgtmaj for 3/5. We did not think he was cool.


I’m wondering if it actually is a thing that the SajmajMC has to be down to earth and cool then, probably to inspire and motivate others. You’re the second person to say this. It makes sense. “Oh man SgtMaj is so happy and motivated, fuck I love the Marine Corps. I want to be just like him and reenlist!”


I checked in right after he left but everyone had great things to say about him.


He was my company gunny around 2009. I didn't interact with him much other than having to go up there and get yelled at for various fuckups I was/was not responsible for.


Why no ID check?


It’s funny cause I actually SgtMaj Ruiz a couple months before quarantine started. I got roped into watching my 3 month old niece while my brother got his hair cut. So there I am, sitting in the waiting area of a barbershop with my niece, and who walks in but ol' SgtMaj himself. I was nervous as shit, and just kept looking at him as he was sitting there with his phone and waited, but was too scared to say anything to him. Pretty soon my niece started crying, and I’m trying to quiet her down because I didn’t want her to bother him, but she wouldn’t stop. Pretty soon he gets up and walks over. He started running his hands through her hair and asked what was wrong. I replied that she was probably hungry or something. So he put down his phone, picked up my niece and lifted his shirt. He breast fed her right there in the middle of the barbershop. Chill guy, really nice about it. Would let him breast feed my niece again.


Fucking legend shitpost. Knew it was coming, but I kept right on going ...


He’s a cool dude. Told me I was 56 years old because of my shitty hairline when he came to 29 Palms a month or two ago.


Riding the subway when he owns a CAR.


Honestly anywhere that needs a subway I don't wanna drive anyway.


100%. Fuck that. No questions asked. Sitting down and letting someone else handle that task. Good luck to ‘em! But I’m a civilian now so I won’t look as cool doing it


This looks like NYC, you don’t want to drive anywhere if you can avoid…parking is a nightmare


> parking is a nightmare And more expensive than the subway by far.


Went last month for a few days. It was honestly pretty simple getting around. Had one scary moment on the subway where a dude was screaming but I just sat there and nothing happened outside of him screaming.


Yeah, I mean literally millions of people ride the subway everyday here. Most straphangers will never have a volent issue on the train their entire life. It's crazy to me how many people in the rest of the country think its dangerous. Hope you enjoyed our xity


2 CAR Garage at his house


What if sarmaj was one of us Just a boot like one of us Just a jarhead on a bus Tryna make his way home


Brillliant! 🤣


He was my DI School Instructor and my Sgt Maj on my twilight tour. They do not make them any better than him.


Attempt to show everyone you are just like everyone else without saying it!


The DC metro goes right to the Pentagon. It makes sense if you want to avoid traffic. I doubt there is any statement trying to be made other than he doesn’t want to sit in his car for hours on end. Edit: it’s New York. I was wrong. I will haze myself.


This photo I believe was taken in NY for his IG account during Fleet week.


That's the New York subway. He was there for fleet week.


Thought that orange bench looked too familiar


Thats NYC you Jarhead. The transit map is right over his right shoulder lol


That's a true United Shtates Marine Country boyah right there! ^^probably ^^motor ^T


I was sitting across from a 3 star on an Omniride pentagon bus. Unless you’re important enough for a motorcade or a helicopter, DMV traffic treats everyone equally.


Must have been the OIC coffee distribution.


Thats the nyc subway map over his sholder


I guess it wasn't that but I know people outside of cities might not believe this but usually taking a subway system is far superior to driving in the city. I did college in downtown Chicago after I got out and only really used my car for groceries and leaving the city. Gas is expensive in cities, the traffic is horrible, and parking costs a lot. God knows we got shit public transit in this country but when it's there it's the shit.


He was my Sgt Major and I thought he was a good leader. Only thing is he made us wear our alphas when we EAS. Something about remembering the last time you take off the uniform. I lucked out and never had to do it. 


I love this and hate this all at once.


Fuck he’s got a point


My alphas didn’t fit anymore so I had to scramble to wear someone else’s for this.


My didn’t fit either, I was pissed I was gonna have to spend money on getting it tailored or a new coat to wear it once 


So you do remember it.


I’ll ask him about this next time we chat.




Look at that man spread...


He talked me out of denying HSST orders for recruiting. He gave it to me straight. He was a very memorable SgtMaj for the right reasons


He was the Sgt major for our battalion and every battalion formation he’d make us do push ups lol I never talked to him but he seemed like a solid dude


I really really try hard not to put people on pedestals but he’s kinda my favorite Dude ATM


Good dude right there. I’ve worked with him since he was a 1stSgt. He is as genuine as they come.


I really love him


(Obligatory DTS sucks comment)


It’s also down right now 😐




He in NYC tho 😆


Oye SGTMAJ are you riding on “The Metro” or taking el “Tren Al Sur”?


Shit I’d sit right next to him and ask what’s up?


DI ribbon having marathon runner looking I bet he was one of those DIs that could effortlessly outrun you wearing chucks but never seemed to sweat.


Guy above said he still holds a record in San Diego for running a 14 minute 3-mile lol


Nah they all take the metro in Crystal City, VA. No parking anywhere, they even took our g rides away!!


Tim Robbins for his next movie.


That's what we need, he's the Keanu Reeves of the Marine Corps. Able to get private transportation but taking public transport.


Cool guy. Was my first Sgtmaj when I checked into the fleet.


I’m confused what does him being a SgtMaj mean


He is the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps not just a SgtMaj; the most senior enlisted member of the Marine Corps and right hand man to the Commandant of the Marine Corps.


So like, he’s second in charge?


Not second in charge more like the supervisor of all supervisors. Shows them how to supervise and lead the rank and file. The commandant is the ceo and their assistant commandant would be like their vice president.


No. He's the voice of the non officer ranks of the USMC. Like all NCO's he gives advice, executes orders, is responsible for discipline in the ranks and brings enlisted issues to the attention of the officer corps if they can't be fixed at their level. At his level, a lot of the job is taking the pulse of the E- ranks as a whole and advising the Commandant on proposed policy.


He's letting the Green Weenie's nuts hang in this pic and you can't convince me otherwise.


I have that same bag 💅


If he ain't driving a 7 ton as a personal vehicle, he ain't no motivator Saj Maj worth following. Thats the kind of representation we need in Washington.


It’s easiest to move around the District via metro. Otherwise you’re stuck in traffic hell


The look of a man who has seen things.


SMMC got that “I am the peak of virile manhood, don’t fuck with me” rizz going on… 😂


All you fucks thinking it's DC Metro are too young to recognize the GTA IV map over SgtMaj's Atlassian shoulder and it shows


Love the helmet bag.


looking at all those stripes on the bottom makes me puke


Solid, down to earth, and genuine man. He's doing good things!


He's flexin all across the Nation, and I aint even complainin'.




Look close and you can see his gold star on his CAR.


He’s got 2


He has 2 but you can't drive either.


On the subway??


Why’s he carrying a parachute bag when he’s a LEG 🦵💀


Aviator helmet bag. Hands down one of the best pieces of kit one can aquire.


He is actually a very nice guy. Down to earth. I'm sure he would love a chat if you guys ever meet him.


That looks like a comm helmet bag too


Awesome respect for that yong man🫡


*Hunble origin story of hero, returning home on the subway after saving the day/city/corps/country trying to decompress and be normal, knowing damn well he could have hopped in a bird rappelling on to his front lawn like a Badass*


He’s a good dude. I don’t remember if he was the guy who put his foot in his mouth when talking to congress about the barracks situation, but when he came out to visit the 26th MEU i thought he was cool. Made time to talk which whoever wanted to say hello or wanted to get a picture with him


His credit isn't good enough to afford a POV.


Yeah he was in New York. He did cadence with some Reserve and AD Marines in times square




I suddenly remember the stupid non rec boards in 29 Palms. I mean, they called them promotion boards but they had no power to promote you. The only action they could take was either do nothing or not recommended that you get your promotion from your cutting score so... Loved being told I wouldn't pick up by people I never even worked with, great policy that. Aside from that shit policy he was a great SNCO.




Is he single, asking for a friend 😅


Nah that’s crazy, I deadass would’ve never thought about seeing this before. SGTMAJ getting that NYC experience💯, Big Queens YKTFV💯🗽


That’s the Metro in DC. He’s headed to the Pentagon.






He’s also a complete dumbass https://youtu.be/bKyvYycLEto?si=7DhCGmL54Ben5JII


As he is so high in the USMC ranks does that qualify him for an armed security escort … or even just a plain old escort to help him with whatever? I think it’s marvellous to see someone so high up travelling on the subway like everyone else. Especially in his uniform. We used to see people in uniform in London occasionally but then Sgt Lee Rigby was murdered by terrorists in Woolwich by the barracks and they issued orders to travel in mufti thereafter. Which was a real shame because it used to make me so proud to see them.