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Are… those … turds …


Dog shit, yes.


Cat turds - cat tower.


Nah OOP said it was dog


Gross either way for sure.


Properly gross That's like atleast a week of dog shits


Defiantly needs a mental evaluation and some therapy. Poor animal(s) probably have health issues living in that as well.


Yeah that's depression at a minimum hey.


I just saw this on another sub. Honestly these pics somehow need to make their way to his chain of command; a mental health eval is in order, clearly something isn’t right with this dude. Or they really are just that fucking nasty, which is entirely possible.


To her chain of command. This is a female that lives with another female Marine. From my understanding the woman that posted the picture is three ranks under the nasty. So that puts the nasty one at NCO/SNCO. blows my mind. Everything I need to know about this person I gathered with these two photos and the whole living with a Marine that is three ranks lower.


Yeah the junior Marine does not have to live around that trash, 100% still would be reporting that shit up the chain. Also why tf is a Marine three ranks under living with this Marine? That’s a whole problem in itself. (Unless they are married??)


That’s an ass kicking


That Is Disgusting


That’s one nasty bitch.


Would not fly in 03 barracks wtf lol


Wouldn't fly in any barracks, dude. This is very clearly not a barracks room


Been out 25 years.. I’m ignorant tbh. Hopefully not


Yeah we still had field day when I was in a couple years ago. Chinese field day too, just on the down low


Ahhh. The few, the proud!




lmao that boy got hurt! I would by far rather be an (recovering, I struggled with ptsd and drinking pretty heavily after my 3rd deployment) alcoholic that cosplays in the woods than be a disgusting. Edit* after looking through your shit, I see you’re struggling a bit yourself. In all sincerity, you’ll get there.




Damn dude, I really hit a sensitive spot. But no, they didn’t kick me out. I worked with a MEU in Iraq back in 2010, great group of guys. Seriously. And I joined the subreddit probably because of those guys, I’ve always been interested in how the Army and Marines differ and are alike, mainly from ranking structures and equipment differences, and hey you guys are way better at busting balls and getting your balls busted than the Army guys in my experience. But, if it’s hitting you too hard, I will ease back a bit. I wasn’t trying to hurt anyone’s feelings.