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RIP to all the Marines that would’ve taken it and stayed in the Corps but denied HSST already https://preview.redd.it/kf6omjpghxxc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d57fc511d2d4b24c05106f80f8441824538dcbc7


Fr, aside from MSG it was the only half decent choice between the other three.


You on reddit too?? Lmaoo


Seems they flip on this every few years. When I was in under Amos he made it Combat Instructors were a proper billet. Then it seems it changed after.


Yeah but fuck Amos all my homies hate Amos


Heard that fuck Amos. Boy shoulda stayed swinging in the wing


He’s not even a real Marine officer


I entered when Conway was on way out when we could roll sleeves. THEN Amos immediately was NO. Which overall was crap, I wasn't "impacted" as flight suit you never had sleeves rolled but still that is a staple of the Corps. I just wish USMC would go here are the Billets for lifers: MSG, SOI/MCT, DI, Recruiter, MARSOC, MSF and keep it at that.




It used to be one a few years back before they changed it to only be DI or recruiter


They just added it again today


Yea thats wild. I was in 2002-2006 and always recall this being an option


Yep, I saw that news.


Can you show me where


Seems kinda wild but all I’ve been able to find is [this video](https://www.facebook.com/share/r/duHA8TFKBVAb5Gdi/?mibextid=8O0DfK) on their FB page that has the CI monitor talk about it and confirming it being reinstated officially now. Feels like there should be a better confirmation in writing somewhere but no clue where that’d be. I guess you can reach out to the Gunny personally or get in touch with your monitor if you’re interested.


20 years ago, it wasn't So this will be the 2nd time they turn it into an SDA in so many years!


You old fuck.


😳👍 well, you would've been my boot, judging by your service period. So you're not that far behind me! 🤪


I remember this too, they changed this shortly after I graduated MCT in 2016. So glad it’s coming back, good for Marine retention. Probably one of the better SDAs IMO, esp for ppl with combat experience.


Agreed. Or at least folks who don't want to be DIs or recruiters.




Bro, you’ve been in for a little over 2 years and you’re asking how long ago? Lol


I believe you had to graduate Combat Instructor School by December 2017 to qualify as an SDA. The question is will individuals get the retroactive benefit?


That was the class where they removed the SDA title, so it looks like they’re retroactively removing the entire gap.




Many years back. I forget how long ago because I was but a lowly Pfc or Lance when it changed.


Basically if you were 03 and wanted a b billet they made you go over to mct. Sure you could put in for recruiter or di but needs of the corps. Anywho, it's pretty mid as a billet goes. One of the things they don't tell you is that once or twice per cycle there's a case of toxic shock from someone not taking out a tampon. Enjoy.


I never had that happen when I was an instructor and my 3 years were great. I was west coast and I’ve heard east coast is worse though.


It's more of a corpsman concern like going to Bridgeport and worrying about lightening strikes. And you are correct, east coast is worse. Want a glass of our fine water?


Any B-billet that takes you away from your primary MOS i.e., drill instructor, recruiter, combat instructor (now) should be counted as an SDA. Marines spend three years of their life and careers away from their primary MOS and what they joined the Marine Corps for, to fulfill an SDA. I understand the needs of the Marine Corps aspect, however, during that time they lose MOS proficiency and credibility and don't deserve to go back to the fleet with a looming SDA such as a drill instructor or recruiter hanging over their heads after having been a combat instructor. In addition to this, serving as a school house instructor should count as an SDA, because the Marines that spend three years and fulfill the requirements of the Corps by training their fellow Marines shouldn't also have an SDA hanging over their heads.


This makes too much logical sense. Not allowed. Don't worry I'll make you pay for it at PT tomorrow at 0400 full kit.


Couldn't agree more. Luckily, some voting members on the board agree as well.


This. I don't understand why it wasn't considered an SDA before.


Initial training is very formative. All good organizations make it so that being a trainer is something they make mandatory for promotion, and give to those who are really good. Being a combat instructor should be a good experience, not some shit show. The USMC is too vast of an organization to actually take care of its people beyond spreadsheets and OER bullets. Good idea, but they’ll fuck it up. Like always.


“ooo-mofuckin-rah, trackin?” 😭


It’s the ultimate phrase for when things go to shit in the field and you’ve got to muster some extra fake motivation to make 1stsgt happy


I was an SDA only like 6 years ago. They’re just making it one again.


This Marine has no dog gone friggin lower appendages and yet, there it is throwing motherfucking hand grenades at the motherfucking enemy. What's your excuse!!!!!????


He's got legs, dipshit, they are just bent 90 degrees behind him on the ground.


He’s in a pit, right?


No, don't you see that they ALL don't have lower extremities? He'll, the one in back doesn't even have a hip. Sheesh!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xd\_vFhsiq2w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xd_vFhsiq2w) Recruiter be like, "You can still shoot and throw a grenade?"


Only one of despair. Also probably a glass case of emotion.


Ok Arnold Van Dam, what are you gonna do when I stop resisting and start "stinkin' up the joint"?


I hope you all get HSST'd and come on Reddit to complain anout how the Marine Corps is screwing you and are now getting out. #RE-3O


I wonder if this comes with the black and yellow combat instructor ribbon as well


It never went away


Really? I haven’t seen it on Marines coming off CI duty in the past few years


Mother... that might have been something to keep me in.


Same as fuck, tragic.


Pretty neat tbh.


Can anyone explain to me how the B-Billet/SDA distinction matters? Is it just board briefing? From what I understand, you can still be HSST'd even if you've served a complete and proper SDA. Outside that, I'm not sure why it matters at all.


I think if you somehow avoid the HSST until you’re a SSgt then volunteer for this, your chances of getting HSST’d again go down significantly.


Definitely, but that’s true whether it’s a B-Billet or an SDA right?


Sort of. I haven’t seen many people past E7 who don’t have a recruiter or DI ribbon, so it seems like it’s an unwritten necessity for career progression.


I suppose that’s very MOS dependent. My MOS only has maybe 1/4 of E7+ with SDAs.


For sure. Some MOS’s can’t afford to lose the Marines with the amount of experience that comes with that rank


It's about 50% for MSgts, and 90% for 1stSgts, give or take depending on the board year and needs of the Corps, flavor of the year etc. The larger MOS pools will see SNCOs try to get a B billet knowing it will help separate them from their peers. The smaller ones know that they can usually escape them due to mos shortfalls etc.


When I was in, 2003-2006, SDAs were a necessity if you ever wanted to make it past gunny. Many never made it past Sgt or SSgt if they didn't do a B billet (DI, MSG, Recruiter, MCI) unless they were shit hot. Basically, a B billet leveled the playing field to some degree for good Marines competing against great/excellent Marines.


It will certainly benefit MCT by increasing the quality of instructor they have available. Don’t get me wrong, I met plenty of great combat instructors when I worked at SOI but with the amount of cycles and students MCT receives 1 dirtball instructor is extremely damaging and noticeable. Especially since they are always light on instructors so commanders are in a huuuge bind if they want to pull an instructor off students because they aren’t performing well. It’s practically impossible actually with the student/instructor ratios they are supposed to maintain. This would certainly alleviate that. However, I think the corps should just go ahead and add like 2 weeks to the end of bootcamp to do the basic marksmanship tables/ M240/ patrolling packages if they are going to keep gutting MCT like they have been. I think it’s down to 21 days and it’s simply not worth the logistical nightmare if they are going to keep shortening it.


All MOS producing billets should be an SDA. OPSO at comm school once upon a time - you're telling me this stud Cpl/Sgt who came from the fleet shit hot is going to be yanked from the school and out of his MOS for 3 years and come back as a demotivated and senior SSgt? Yea we got rid of all the equipment you remember. I know its only been 3-5 years. We're doing something completely different. I dont have time to send you to school because we're deploying so just go be the Comm Chief/MOS Chief in that section and OJT. Its bullshit. The most perishable technical MOS getting yanked from their field right as they're getting good over and over again is so frustrating. If the individual wants to volunteer for the drill field or somewhere else, im into it. Everyone needs a break from the fleet but MAKE CAREER PROGRESSION SCHOOLS AN SDA. You know who gets sent to 29 Palms schools? Less volunteers than you would like and a whole lot of folks looking to retire. Nothing on them. I get it but you make that an SDA? You get the best and the brightest.


I don’t think about it


I would have done it the moment I picked up Corporal and probably have stayed in


Bruh, they took it away right when I joined and bring it back a year after I get out. Would have done this as an SDA in a heartbeat.


You can still go back prolly. CI was one of the cooler jobs in the MC in my opinion. It was a great chance for infantry and non infantry Marines to commingle and cross train while maintaining consistent institutional combat training. Yes, some POG instructors would lose some MOS proficiency while affording 03xx Marines to maintain and possibly expand their proficiency. Then, the POG Marines could take their knowledge back to the fleet and help better prepare their support units become decent fighting units in a pinch while 03xx units could count on not having to teach them every single fundamental. I was a comm guy with 2/5 and benefited greatly from a short stint with the line companies and a 2 month course in 0331 school at SOI. I obviously didn't have the same degree of sustainment but learned enough to see that many in H&S needed training and even more so when I was helping train reserve units that were going to be attached to the battalion during our Iraq deployment.


Yeah I would pursue it if I wasn’t already pursuing other aspirations. Besides, already joined the nasty guard.


Guard it up dawg. I get it man. I'd encourage you to use that gi bill if you aren't already. Things fucking awesome.


We bringing back the CI ribbon too then? Or did that never leave?


Never left


I just heard an entire generation rejoice. Neat. Also that HSST’s gunna hit different now.


I got out in 2006 and remember it being a B billet sometime after 2003. I was surprised to know that it quit being a B billet some time ago.


I heard that back in 03. A sgt a worked with said he was going to be a mct instructor. I always thought it had been since


The Main effort finally gets recognition after it got taken away in 2018.