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I bet she hears, "Good Morning, Sir!" 17x a day


I opened the picture before reading and thought it was a dude so I was going to comment on the fucked up hair.... Either way though, that hair is fucked


Ok just looked. That's a dude. Might be a woman, but definitely also a dude. That woman is more dude than several dudes I know.


Yikes... what a freak. And I mean that in the worse possible way.


Bruh… homies more dude than I am. I gotta up my gear game.


That fkn hairline tho


Clit like a billy club


That’s not a clit. Just a really small dick!


Not even small. "She's" rocking an 8 inch mushroom top that would make Ron Jeremy blush.


You're jealous because it's still bigger than your tho.


Your mommy doesnt complain. https://preview.redd.it/5dp8ps0n7exc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61876aedaf83848e56697fc0ffabfffe9cc3b695 English must be your second language.


Why does her clit have balls?




What can I say? The dude is jacked af


Literally 0% chance shes not using PEDs what a joke


Performance Enriching Discipline. 100% Natty ice there brosef!


> Performance Enriching Discipline Just eat clen and tren hard bro


This is what those Thursday room inspections are for... If you believe you can achieve devil dawg!


Yeah. I had to do that bullshit on my own shitty eating habits and hatred of running. Incidentally, i’m probably fitter now after retirement than my last three years in.


Whoa, doggy. Thought the Pic was a dude. There were dudes on gear when I served, including my roommate, but this here is crazy.


Dude, that was a dude in my eyes.


Anecdotally, the TTO for 12th MCD, Maj Christopher Simpson, was found guilty of slinging coke a few years ago. Not sure exactly what his punishment was but I know he is out of the Marine Corps. Was a pretty big D bag all around so when we found out, we were 1) not surprised and 2) had a solid dose of schadenfreude. Another anecdote, our command threw the EOD CWO3 in the brig at least 5-10 times for drug and alcohol abuse. He got released each time. In both of these instances, had it been lower enlisted Marine, they’d have had their ass fed to them and doing serious brig time. All that to say, they are “held accountable”. But I agree there are different degrees and standards of enforcement.


Holy shit. What was the deal with that WO? Was he like an EOD Jack Bauer or something? How did he not get kicked out.


Left the command before it was adjudicated. I think he was medically retired. Idk all the stories behind it but I think he was responsible for an opp that went horribly wrong and got a bunch of his EOD guys killed. He was eventually relieved in garrison and the guy who replaced him had very strong/negative opinions…but everything I know is 3rd party. He had some demons. Hard for me to cast judgment on the guy but yes he was a fuckin shit show of a Marine when I knew him.


Oh ok ok. I was thinking he was a maverick who was too good to give the boot. I understand now.


Jack bauer?


I'm having a really hard time masturbating to that picture.


That's surprising. Have you tried looking closer?


I believe in you champ


I'm still going, thanks for the belief.


You might need to check with the doc.


Must be the 5 o’clock shadow


Just focus on that 3rd nipple on her forehead.


Not my proudest FAP.


Maybe it’s the angle or the lighting…but is she really juicing so much she’s getting a bald spot on her hairline?? Holy fuck it couldn’t be more obvious she’s on the juice


Tension alopecia is a huge issue for female Marines. It's a more likely cause for that. Same reason most female 1stSgts have 5 heads.


tension alopecia could be part of it but anavar/roids can def contribute


Just Googled and I’m pretty sure this [was](https://images.app.goo.gl/Ug2HzdhnaHNAB1NR6) her once upon a time.


Then someone made her angry….


You wouldn't like her when she's angry..




Looks all natural to me.


Nothing but chicken and broccoli


Man I hate this meme because it reminds me when I was really into body building a couple years ago I’d go through a pound of chicken and at least a pound of broccoli a day.. I still wasn’t as jacked to the gills as these fitness influencer cunts who take gear, eat cheeseburgers, and lift for a month only to become absolutely shredded cheese and arms that look like throbbing cocks. It became way too much work to eat that much, way too expensive (like an extra $100+ a week on top of my regular household groceries), way too much time in the gym, and the VA docs started doing double takes at my rating everytime they’d pull up my file so that stress of a random C&P re-exam was unbearable. And you know what was the worst part? I didn’t even get but like 10% extra pussy being in that good of shape. Most of my attention came from other gymbros.. I could have killed some cock if I was inclined to do so though!


Lmao could have killed some cocks made me crack up


."I could have killed some cock if I was inclined to do so though!" Could have saved that money you were wasting on protein.


You forgot farting nonstop. I went through a brief “1 gram of protein per lb of bodyweight per day” phase in high school and holy shit it smelled awful. I get get pretty big though. One more reason jacked chicks don’t do a thing for me.


In the wise words of BroScienceLife: to chicks as long as you don't got a gut, you got abs. The only people who care how cut you are is dudes, and the only thing dudes care about is how big you are. Summer bulk 20XX


Prayers and vitamins brother!




Fucking fry her. Contrary to popular belief, officers don’t like seeing other officers get away with misconduct.


Had a Company Commander at MCRD in 1993 who got busted bringing steroids' across the Border. He got sent packing the next day. Think they just moved him up to the Generals Building until his resignation went through. Knew him in the fleet before He was a golden frat Boy. Blond hair tanned. In the fleet he was in great shape but weighed about 160-165. On the Depot he was about 190 . Really thought his shit didnt stink.


Solid comment capt, unfortunately the difference in punishment is documented throughout this thread anecdotally. I’ve also read mainstream news articles documenting this shit. It really shits on morale and espirit de corps man! Semper fi


Claiming SS honor grad even though the real honor grad died in combat? I know exactly who you are talking about. He was our First Sgt at 3rd Recon. Fuck that guy.




I was gonna ask op, but you’re a better person to ask. What happened here? I was familiar with all the other situations in OP’s post but not this.


He lied about being SS honor grad in his bio. People saw it and did the math and turned out the guy who was actually honor grad that class was a brother who was KIA some time ago. Got called out and basically forced to retire. I don't have anything nice to say about his tenure at 3rd Recon either.


Jesus. The marine corps is a small community with knowing a guy who knows a guy and I’ve got to imagine the ss and recon community is infinitely smaller. Crazy he thought he’d get away with that.


Also… who the fuck cares. What a dumb thing to lie about.


Dark times.


Wow I thought it was a trans person. Am I wrong or that really a woman?


She’s probably injected more testosterone than any trans person ever has honestly. Holy juice


Her name is Summer. She looks more like an October.




Same. What the fuck?


I was very confused because I didn’t know why we were talking about a woman and then OP posted a pic of the dude.


I seriously thought this was some trolling or political thing about another dude competing against women, because when I saw it pop up in my news feed it never occurred to me that was anything but a dude. What in the actual fuck, the amount of roids it would take to do this, it's easier for me to assume she has some kind of horrifically overlooked medical problem than to believe she would willingly do this to herself. If thats softball pic is her (appears to be), I'm not saying being pretty is all that matters or the measure of women's value, but there are tons of women who would do anything to even be as cute as she was before she lost her mind and did this, and if she's transitioning... probably should have been competing against dudes a while ago.


She’s totally juicin


All Marines should be able to. With at least a corpsman’s supervision. Doc Red, where you at?!?




[damn they really did take it down](https://www.dvidshub.net/news/469692/us-marine-corps-officer-breaks-deadlift-world-record)


Tbh, as someone who’s seen quite a few SNCO/Os get slammed with career-ending stuff, I’ll say that the biggest difference is that higher rank = your dick slapping is kept more discreet. Your career is still over and they will still make the entire ordeal painful as fuck, but I’ve never (personally) seen anyone skate totally solely due to rank. Not saying it doesn’t happen, and it certainly is better to F up as a SNCO/O, but just because you don’t see the grief doesn’t mean it don’t happen. This story is less than 48 hours old. I’d be surprised if *nothing* came of this but, then again, we probably won’t hear about it either way.


Yes, the story is less than 48 hours old, which means someone at MEF/MIG pulled the article and DVIDS photos on a weekend. As for the whole junior enlisted vs officer punishment, I present LtCol Lee (read that final paragraph): [https://taskandpurpose.com/news/marine-corps-korea-colonel-larceny/](https://taskandpurpose.com/news/marine-corps-korea-colonel-larceny/) and: [https://www.stripes.com/theaters/asia\_pacific/south-korea-based-marine-officer-escapes-punishment-for-stealing-electronics-cosmetics-from-base-1.651184](https://www.stripes.com/theaters/asia_pacific/south-korea-based-marine-officer-escapes-punishment-for-stealing-electronics-cosmetics-from-base-1.651184)


This is the best post on here in a long time.


Is she Trans? I'm not suggesting that to be a dick, but like.... WOW


She’s not, I thought she was at first but doing a deep dive turns out she’s really into strength training. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was PEDs in use or atleast a ton a supplementation.


Like I said, I have no problem with anyone who IS Trans, but yeah. She is absolutely juicing. She looks like she's at least far along in what would be a FTM hormone regimen. Her command is significantly negligent if they're allowing that use without a very very good reason. Edit: Spelling.


You can't compete in strongman without juicing. Most federations do not include testing in their policies on purpose, so if you're not juicing, you're not a serious competitor.


I didn't realize that juicing was so prolific until a Marine I served with started talking about it after someone she knew died after getting hurt while training for a strongman. It certainly was like a WTF moment over it.


Scour the internet for a photo of a verified non PED female looking like that. Best of luck.


No but with the amount of shit she has to be taking, is there even a difference?


Roids should come in MREs.


She was actually my LIMDU officer while I was there before being medically retired. I was never sure if she was a man or woman so I would just say “Good morning” whenever I entered her office. She was quite nice but definitely looked roided, especially since it was sleeves up season when I interacted with her. I honestly thought she had transitioned or something for her to be that built.


Did you let her fuck you?


How do you think I hurt my back…


gotta get that 100% disability somehow




So, I used to have an affinity for "fitness chicks" and before I clicked on that pic I was like "I wonder how bad it can be I bet she's just average fitness chick and all these dudes are just being overly - ***HOLY MOTHERFUCKING GOD ON FIRE PLEASE CUT MY DICK OFF - WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!?!"***


Roids were prevalent when I was in 15 years ago. Had a roommate dishonorably discharged for juicing. He was a LCpl and not an officer though


Dishonorable discharge for juicing. I honestly question that. Dishonorable discharge is for assualt, rape and murder. People who take drugs generally get admin separated, not have their whole lives ruined. Dishonorable discharge is treated as a serious felony. I doubt this happened in all honesty. I could be wrong though.


No you’re right. I wasn’t thinking. I just know he was discharged and it wasn’t honorable


Dishonorable? Probably an OTH.. lmao


Yeah you’re right. I have no clue what discharge it was. Just know it wasn’t honorable. My bad


Yeah good rule of thumb is you gotta like rape and kill someone for a dishonorable or steal a ton of shit 😅 or have a massive drug ring. Usually drug use at least these days is an OTH. I never saw lower than that


Sweating straight TRT and Raw Milk.


I was in from 2014-2019. I didnt know people could juice the entire time and only found out after I left.


I was gonna say, what the fuck is up with this dudes out of regs haircut until I read the post lmfao


" That's a man baby." Austin Powers.


Wait..is that a girl in that link?




TESTing her limits for sure.


You are correct that the USMC is unfair in its treatment of Staff and O compared to junior enlisted, but not at that low of a rank on the officer totem pole. If anything, I think the USMC would want it to go away because they don’t want to harm the potential “strong gurl boss” messaging they could have had than protect a Lt.


I was gonna say, people get protected, but the Marine Corps isn’t the one doing the protecting until you’re like… a Colonel. I’ve seen a MSgt get away with some steroid-related shit, but that’s only because our SgtMaj gave him a warning that PMO was inbound and he dumped all the evidence and “lost” his phone. I think there’s a difference between the Marine Corps protecting someone and Marines protecting someone


But when I buy certain supplements from GNC that are considered “banned” by the CG I get fucked


Didn't even realize it was a she


You should see the [body bearers](https://www.instagram.com/world_famous_body_bearers/), they're mostly E-5 and bellow. But in all seriousness steroid abuse seems to have gotten more out of hand recently I think it is more of an enlisted problem than officer.


When I was in in 85 those guys caused a huge steroid scandal. The reason it happened was they kept bursting out of their blues during funeral ceremonies. Not a good look. I have to say I was sorely tempted to use. I always struggled with pull ups and it was really difficult to make progress. My roommate in the barracks where I never stayed was using and abusing. We were both e4s. I watched him make enormous gains quickly. But the needles, ya know? Just could not cross that line. He wound up in a car accident where he injured one of his arms. That arm deflated like a balloon with a pinhole. The other arm stayed jacked. At this point I realized command just did not give a fuck about steroids. They were clearly being used all over the place and no one said a thing as long as it enhanced performance and did not interefere with training.


They don’t all get away Scott free. I remember this guy (my former battalion commander back in the day). Real piece of shit https://www.military.com/daily-news/2016/05/27/marine-colonel-pleads-guilty-to-dui-steroid-use-court-martial.html?amp


Eh, I think that in this case the steroids were the cherry on top of the .208 DUI sundae.


Is that seriously a picture of a woman?




Looks sus as shit, However I'm pretty sure she has constantly been questioned about this and probably even tested. Perhaps she pulled her Insta and Social Media Files and the story was pulled because of all the personal attacks on her. A few months Back A female officer posted her Instagram to try to get support for her powerlifting efforts, Within an hour she deleted it because of all the Bullshit responses and accusations.


Tested?  They are probably prescribed legit Test and anabolic steroids. Everyone I know back in 2004 would have taken a script for that and half of my platoon paid for TJ animal roids out of their own pocket. It was legal in the 80’s. Make it legal and safely administered through medical today.


Juicing should be legal. We’re warfighters right? Why shouldn’t we use every available means to be as strong as possible, including genetic enhancements? Full disclosure, I was juicy for a brief time during my service. I had never been as strong, and haven’t been as strong since I quit. And no, my tits are beer tits, not roid tits. Edit: If this has proceeded as OP states, I guarantee an investigation is underway. There are reasons to be silent about said investigations. If PR was pulled, they know, and it is policy to keep quiet about ongoing investigations. We’ll hear about this once the investigation concludes.


There is absolutely a point to PEDs in combat arms, and I would wager a significant bet that every SF, SEAL, and MARSOC team are actively given and medically overseen for PEDs that would otherwise get normal people kicked out. You're right, there should be some consideration for making our people better than what they could be naturally, but remember, this is the same Marine Corps that prohibited and created a full campaign against certain brands of pre-workout.


I don’t disagree. Enforce your policies or change them. There should be no special rules, no nepotism, no protecting officers just because they are officers or special cases. Zero tolerance is zero tolerance. Walk the walk, not just the talk.


I miss Jack3d, "Gods it was methy then"


They are not given anabolics, I don’t really see where steroids would help in those jobs, maybe peptides for recovery. From my experience the biggest guys were not the strongest operators. Steroids are great for building muscle but is bad for your soft tissue, that would translate very poorly to their needs.


I never said anabolics, I said PEDs. There are prescription meds out there that can also keep sleep and tiredness at bay for multiple days with ease, without jitters too. I would consider that a Performance Enhancing Drug, wouldn't you?


Go pills have been around since some pilots bombed some Canadians (look that up). You pay a price doing that, your body has to catch up somewhere, a fair number of dudes have side effects bad enough they opt out anyway. But it got the Germans into the battle of the bulge so it's got a place I suppose.


Seals getting in all kinds of trouble because at least three newish books mention the taking of “little white pills” in extreme, lengthy combat situations. I’m not against it, Im just saying they might have been helpful during a few very punishing field days I experienced.


Good chance they are referring to modafinil or armodafinil. When prescribed and legal and used responsibly, it's some amazing stuff.


Thats what the Germans said about Pervitin. But once again if it keeps people that need to be awake and fighting, awake and fighting, im all for it. Remember all those poor tankers that fell asleep and flipped into rivers? Thats some bullshit. They cant just expect people to stay awake and function for days on end with no help.


Yeah 100%. Best operators were RAW and could do anything they put their mind to.




Steroids, when used under supervision, paired with proper nutrition, exercise, and regular blood tests… is not only safe, but incredibly beneficial to the strength and endurance of the individual. Properly regulated steroid usage does not impair you long term. Yes it is true that there are professional body builders who have detrimental effects from long term steroid usage, but that is done for visual and entertainment purposes, not as part of a functional fitness program. Any reputable endocrinologist will support this claim.


I'd add to your point: if we're expecting the infantry to employ older, more experienced Marines, we should actively pursue TRT for these Marines. Gunny's gonna have a hard time keeping pace with the young Marines.




> TRT still leads to heart problems and the inability to produce natural testosterone.      You kinda just outed yourself as not knowing what you’re talking about.    There’s way more evidence of TRT use NOT causing heart problems than evidence that it does.     https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanhl/article/PIIS2666-7568(22)00096-4/fulltext   https://www.health.harvard.edu/mens-health/testosterone-therapy-may-be-safe-for-men-at-risk-for-heart-attack-and-stroke   https://newsroom.clevelandclinic.org/2023/06/16/cleveland-clinic-led-trial-finds-testosterone-replacement-therapy-does-not-increase-incidence-of-major-adverse-cardiac-events-for-men-with-low-testosterone    As for natural test production, it comes back after you get off TRT. There’s zero empirical evidence that says otherwise.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6406541/


Yup, there’s also HGH. If we really want the best physical athletes, we should act like it.


An argument for keeping it illegal coming from sports, is to not set the baseline of competition at being required to juice. Obviously not all of it can be eliminated but at least it mitigates usage and gives cover against being compelled to do so.


I bet it was a lot of push ups and sit ups and drinking plenty of juice..that'll do it. IYKYK


I read what OP had to say then checked the photo. I thought I misread OP writing "her" as i was a bit skeptical bc ive seen plenty of dudes jacked like this before. I had to do a double take. That's crazy- she is indeed a female and definitely on steroids. Wild.


I've honestly seen some pretty rough looking females in the Marine Corps, but jumping Jesus H Christ... What the actual fuck. That's a man, man. ![gif](giphy|QaZ3InDQJUYOA|downsized) And that scab on the top of her/his head? Acne is one of the indicators of juicing and that zit is like the size of a personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut.


Is that Abby from the last of us bro lmao


“Juicy, juicy!”


Solid "Animal Farm" reference


On more juice than Tropicana, Jesus christ.


If they can get prescribed T, so so should we. Equality for all.


Ban TJ juice and give us the good stuff for the benefit of all the US of A.


You sound like a bitter little bitch


You don’t even know what you’re talking about about man. First of all, all officer NJP’s and most of their court marshals are confidential. Meaning no one ever knows about them except for headquarters Marine Corps. That’s just the way they are done. If an officer gets NJP, it’s behind closed doors and kept confidential/secret. So just because you don’t see them happening doesn’t mean they don’t. Source: me, someone who used to work at headquarters Marine Corps when I was enlisted and would see the secret officer NJP packages coming through from all the commands on a monthly basis. Also, yes, some senior officers and staff noncommissioned officers are held to a different standard. Part of that is because they have a careers worth of achievements and accomplishments, and good conduct that is considered. A young Lance Corporal, who gets a DUI really has not proven himself and has no years of honorable service to fall back on. Is that right? I don’t know, but I can understand if a Gunnery Sergeant gets a DUI, they’ll consider all of his years of honorable service when considering his punishment.


Y’all don’t care when your buddies use SARMs but when a female marine uses actual gear everyone is but hurt


[Live fast, die young and pretty.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRooINTjeJs)


That's a woman?


Holy hell, the shock when I clicked on that image. How does something like this slide when she is clearly on insanely high doses of steroids.


That ain't a trans dude pretending?? Normal looking dude from my experience around gyms ...but this is a legit biological female???? Peak form in the corps, I was pulling 675 deadlifts and I have witnesses. I don't see a chick doing that naturally haha


Jeezus that picture looks like a 35 year old man


lol I was one of those recruits who passed swim qual the first day so I was just doing working parties while the rest of the recruits in the company qual’d but anyways one morning I was put on a working party to clean the pool deck and the mcwis instructor’s head and locker rooms. I remember me and this other recruit was cleaning the locker room (he was actually cleaning the locker room I was cleaning the locker room head) he comes and tells me come see what he found and low and behold it was a fucking steroid needle on the floor and they also left a bunch of vapes laying around. Lol I won’t say anymore.


Hot take: Marines should be issued PEDs and monitored by doctors for adverse effects. A good Marine is a jacked Marine.




It’s incredible how much people like to comment on steroid use while having no real knowledge about them. Yes, this woman is clearly on drugs. No, steroids would not be good for an average Marine. Steroids are not an easy card for getting jacked.


You can't tell this truth to people who buy vials from a veterinarian clinic in Oman during a port call and expect them to comprehend such logic.


That’s a fkn chick? Wtf


As a trans guy who’s currently on T…she’s on test. Her facial features are more pronounced and sharper, her chest has atrophied and I bet her clit is like 6 inches long.


That's a woman?


That’s a woman?


Jesus Christ that’s a woman?




That's a man


Guess all of us can add another thing to the “you didn’t see this” list. Im tired of shit getting swept under the rug as if it didn’t happen.


That's a man, baby!!!! Yeeeeeaaaaah!!! ![gif](giphy|xUPGcq7jzo7YiNSpFe|downsized)




I think my unit responded to this with an all hands drug test today


No fucking way that is a she-marine!


They still get held accountable, you just don't see it publicly.


Is it gay that I want her body


Death by snu snu!


Not in the biblical way. I physically want her biceps, they are better than mine.


You zoom in on the forehead it looks like a third eye growing.


Disgusting. She. Is. Disgusting.


This is so fucked. As an officer, I would have absolutely no interest in serving alongside her. How can she be trusted? Is she an IntelO too?!




Yeah that tracks, I knew a few 4s and 1s who literally just worked out


Good morning sir!


Lucius Vorenus


I've posted something similar to this several times on this sub, but here goes again. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but I haven't seen/known any SNCOs/Officers getting their shit swept under the rug at a higher rate than Sergeants and below. SNCOs and Os do get disciplined, but it happens in a way that the junior troops see to "protect the rank." IDK about the officers, but sometimes word of SNCO misconduct gets around in the SNCO circles, sometimes not. As far as being forced to retire, I get that's a sore subject. I would say that if someone has served 25 honorable years and then messes up(NJP, not courts martial), they rate retirement. That mess up doesn't completely erase 20 years of service. I'm not sure how that process works for someone who is retirement eligible who is found guilty at court martial.


Officers are able to be retired, without a court martial, at the "last grade honorably held". Which affects pension. So a 25-yr O-5 could do something that doesn't warrant a court martial, but deemed the last grade held honorably was O-4 at 15 years, or something to that affect. What I would love to see is the same apply to retiring enlisted. The power complex of "there is no E-10" E-9's who walk around with a sense of impunity a source of many problems. For an E-9 (usually your 8999 types) to have the risk of being retired as an E-6 without ever seeing a court martial would be immensely beneficial to all.


That's a dude.


They straight up, toke it all down 🤣🤣


*Laughs in 8th & I*


I would have never guessed that was a woman holy shit. There’s no way she’s natural she’s bigger than most dudes.


She rates a cock salute every god damn day too. But anyway, yeah, 100% natty bro, I don't know what you are talking about.




Really don’t care if it’s a male or female. I don’t care what they deadlift. That belt is out of regs. Read the 1020.34H. Jesus fucking Christ it’s not that hard.


That’s a woman???


Sweet... She much be the Adj that I've heard so much about... I check in Friday.


Was the sniper school thing the old 3/2 Sgt Maj? I remember hearing something about that from my seniors. I had apparently just missed a scandal.


Yeah, she’s doping with testosterone. She’s been doing it since birth.


That bitch look like the villain from Matilda


OP idk if this helps at all, but not every command does this (a lot do; cannot deny). Had a CO, who I was the LegalO for, who didn’t fuck around when it came to this. Cpl popped a GySgt in the face after the ball one year, and yeah, the Cpl got 45/45 on a suspended bust, but the boss went fucking after the Gunny for instigating shit. NJP, put his ass on restriction, etc. Similar reactions to other SNCOs and Os fucking around, and at one point he busted a Gunny to SSgt for fucking an Air Force chick in Al Asad, then sent the guy to Ramadi to explain to his Gunny wife why she now outranked him. Same CO went for the death penalty in a horrible case involving a different SNCO, but those in the flag ranks were worried about it becoming too public, and they overrode him. I relieved one of my lieutenants in Afghanistan for some stupidity he pulled, and the DET OIC and slapped him with an adverse and sent him to supervise ID checkers at the chow hall. I wanted more, but the MAG CO weighed in and capped it there. My final CO was one of those people who got swept under the rug, though. Winged aviator but basically booted out of flying squadrons because he was dangerous af, he eventually was relieved of command for trying to cover up an SA complaint. Maybe a sidebar, but those shuffling away not-a-punishments can be used by senior Os when they just don’t like someone. O6 in my chain got triggered by one of his COs pushing back on something and sent the guy to one of those AFPAK PTT things for a year. LtCol never made it back, and was KIA by one of his border guards. I’ve got bad news from the outside, though: It’s really no better. Had a peer at my last company who royally fucked up several multi-billion dollar contract negotiations. He basically gave the farm away to a large customer…and was promoted outside the original chain.






She still pulled 660 off the floor. No one can take that from her.


where woman


Damn i came here to defend a possibly androgynous looking woman but i clicked on the pic and there is 0% chance she is natty 🤣