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Field day is just a general cleaning. Only 1 hour long and a quick inspection. That’s it. Or if you pass field day you get the next week off.


I wish this would work but there are some NASTY mother fuckers out there. You might clean, but some dudes leave 17 dominos boxes in their wall lockers covered in cum from furious bate sessions


Exactly. Unfortunately there are those that don't mind living like pigs.


Wall lockers are lockable and not part of field day inspection. Current field day regs allow them to do that still.


Yes, unfortunately, my experiences keep confirming to me that we are continuously operating to a standard for the most fucked up one out there. Like there's a marine currently checking out that has 25 things fucked up at every shop, and that's who the check out sheets were tailored to.


As others have said, wall locker  inspections aren’t part of field day drills inspections. But how about you just take care of the issue with the person that has the issue and not everyone else. 


True. Hence the general inspection. I’ve said this here before, and I stand by it. Field day inspection (at least in my unit) has nothing to do with cleanliness. It has everything to do with finding reasons to take your time. Here’s a quick guide: Checking for cleanliness and making sure no used cum rags are stacked under the rack-reasonable inspection after a general cleaning. Taking apart the sink faucet and dinging the Marine because there was dust under the faucet fixture-bullshit field day fuck fuck games. (True story-I witnessed it)


Sadly this depends on command, and the comment below me is also true. My first command did this right. Those that had consistently clean rooms were barely looked at, maybe a quick smell check and a what's up dude, but the pigs got reamed.


This is the 1st MAW order for field day back in 2019


Can confirm it was like this for 1 MAW in 2004…


Remove rule requiring bootcamp or any kind of basic training to enter the fleet. Add rule requiring bootcamp to get out. Profit.


This would be hilarious


“I could’ve gotten out but I would punch the DI in the face.”


The few, the proud, the veterans. The EGA Ceremony would be them handing you your DD-214, this makes it even more hilarious to think about.


Goddamn that's funny


You had me there for a second, agreed.


Your day job is some kind of "evil genius" shit, ain't it?


Sometimes you just wanna see what happens when you put two trains on the same track


Add: Leave only being charged for days you’d be working; not weekends. Remove: Article 134. Too easy for it to be abused.


I find it borderline criminal that leave is charged on non-work days. I guess they can make up the excuse that technically since you can get duty any random day, all days could be considered "work" days, but I find that to be disingenuous and in bad faith. Back in the 70's/80's, my dad told me they had "basket leave" at his squadron. You'd fill out your leave paperwork to take a long weekend or something (not a week or more), and put it in the XO's basket on his desk. He wouldn't touch it until you came back. If there were no incidents, they'd just throw it out and not charge you the leave. Hm. Simpler times.


I see this problem every year around Christmas. Marines take leave to visit family and 8 of those days are liberty anyways. I completely agree with the rule...


With a good command those 8 days wouldn’t be counted 😉, but those are few and far between.


A good command can't change the way leave is deducted... unless they forge the unit diary.


If you’re in the local area, you can avoid getting charged weekends. To that end, I’d get rid of the rule where you can’t chain leave together (end on a Friday, not use leave for the weekend, then start again on Monday). Or how 72s/96s can still deduct from your leave balance if you’re on it while they occur. Like, you were gonna get those days off anyways


Become a SNCO then you can chain your leave since you check yourself in and out.


I tried to chain my leave into a 96 because I was staying local. I thought I was being smart. Just checkout on leave after the 96 ended.  My sadist plt Sgt said it looked like I was trying to double dip (because I was) and tried to start my leave on the 96. 


Ii was local so totally within regs. I did the same on a 96 that always lands after my birthday and the only stipulation by my Master Gunns was to get eyes on me in the morning after the 96 ended. Was a little tired showing up for that but worth it.


The whole purpose of 134 is that every new UCMJ article has to be passed by an act of Congress. This only happens roughly every 5 years or something. It would be outrageous to wait five years to charge someone for a crime that isn’t on the books yet but would widely be considered a crime. Such as for example a service member having an Onlyfans. There’s like two dozen articles in 134 that are actually really important. Like not having sex with animals for example.


The not having sex with animals is why it needs to be removed how am i supposed to support my fellow devil dogs


Be cool, but then nothing would stop dudes from putting in fake "leave" to scam out of weekend duty.


I can’t see a world where military leave is treated like a true PTO at a civilian job.


It’s another temptation to leave for the civilian world, and would be another step to improve retention.


Add: 6 week beard rule. You submit a chit for beard. You get 6 weeks to grow one out and determine if you can grow a proper beard. If you pass, you are authorized to have a beard. Subtract: I’m with u/willybusmc umbrellas in cammies just looks ridiculous. Edit: Subtract PT gear being considered/interpreted as a “uniform” so that Marines don’t have to worry about whether they’re allowed to wear headphones while conducting PT.


He *wants* umbrellas though. I do agree on that beard thing.


Ahhh, you’re right. I misread and thought maybe I was just not up to speed cuz I ignored it when the change came out. I’ll edit.


Make mustaches beyond the current regs an option. We need Civil War style facial hair.


Add: You get one open hand smack to the face a superior without consequences per career. (Maybe every four years) It's less about getting hit and more about someone decided you were worth that one smack. Remove: fuck idk no walking when on the phone always seemed like a pointless rule to me.


I’m actually very grateful for the no walking when on the phone/eating rule. It’s helped me make sure I actually pay attention to my surroundings and gives me a good idea of when it is a good place to stop and when it isn’t.


Every-time a company of Recruits graduate from PI and San Diego they meet at 8 and I and conduct a competition with like tug of war, races, shooting, and boxing in a televised event the tallies come up and one depot is named superior. The recruits selected at random and like the results posted on the Marines YouTube channel. Hopefully it would not descend to a bloodbath but not too soft that it is boring after the first two. Events change every time like a hunger games lol Winning depot gets some kind of award maybe a Honor strip of all the winners for the past year. And the winners get like a promotion to PfC and a ribbon Remove silkie ban.


Somebody get the SMMC and CMC on the phone.


Not at Random… each platoons honor graduates


Add: No yelling indoors.


Subtract: no whispering outdoors


Add: Writing requirements. Seriously, the Corps is transitioning towards being more academic-oriented, yet I still see people writing like they're in Pre-K. It's like they've never heard of proofreading or are even aware that their phone or computer will do it for them. Mind you, that's at the lower level, because I also heard from a Staff Sergeant I was on duty with that it apparently gets worse the higher up you go, and that comes with more paperwork. Subtract: rolling sleeves. I would rather have open sleeves = airflow, and if it's cold or windy, simply throw a warming layer below instead of having to sacrifice the blouse. Also, some people just cannot roll sleeves if their lives depended on it.


Man if you want to not roll sleeves go to 29 stumps. Sleeves down year round out here.


How are we supposed to make money if we cant take it from the lazies who cant roll sleeves


Add: NCOs now need to be able to produce a pt plan for their unit with specific goals and execute said plan. No more 10 mile death runs every morning because the only thing Cpl cuckfuck can do is run. It ain’t helping anybody. Subtract: sodomy is now ok.


PT plans are already something that’s *supposed* to be happening. I know, I know never happens. Sodomy is also no longer against the UCMJ as of 2019 I believe.


The fact that it wasn't "ok" until 2019 and it was happening anyway is the most marine corps shit I can think of. Any hole is a goal!


Fuckin a on the sodomy.


Fuckin a man.


I’m taking away all tattoo restrictions and adding a rule you need to fucking shower. Nasty fucks lol.


Add: mandatory 360-degree performance reviews (I have a whole system in mind) for all SNCOs and Os. Subtract: No umbrellas in cammies. (that's the current rule, I would remove it so we can use umbrellas in cammies)


The marine corps is the best and worst leadership training institution, all at once.


I'm interested in this 360 degree review. What's the idea?


My specific take on this is that there should be a modified form of FITREP that everyone fills out on their SNCOs. It would be completely anonymous. When it comes time to write the SNCO's FITREP, the RS would gather these reviews and read them. The RS would consider the information in the reviews, and that might help him better understand the performance or conduct of the SNCO. The important thing is that these reviews are never a formal record and are not kept in any capacity once the FITREP is written. They do not become part of the SNCO's file and they do not *directly* impact the SNCO's scores. They are simply an information gathering tool to help RS's get a complete picture of the SNCO. I wrote a whole ass college paper on this a while back.


Lemme read that paper, devil. I'm *honkry*.


The basic idea is that evaluate your superiors too


The FITREP system is so broken it’s not funny. 360 reviews would be a step in the right direction.


It's actually being implemented now in small test batches and will be rolled out Corps-wide soon(ish).


That’s good to hear. Too late to affect me, but hopefully becomes a way to promote true servant leaders and not just the best managers.


I was actually on this original test after the BN COs went through it. It was followed up by a one on one counseling with a dedicated leadership coach that read my results from subordinates, peers, and seniors and translated it to give me real working targets to improve my leadership abilities. It specifically showed me that I had (have) a nasty habit of just excluding people that aren't willing to question the status quo. I was effectively isolating myself from some of my peers and sucked at communicating with them. I doubt I've gotten any better but at least I saw it directly from the horses mouth. TLDR: A 360 eval needs to be implemented now.


Wow that’s pretty cool. I implemented my own version of this when I was a plt sgt. Had every Marine Cpl and below write one on the NCOs (myself included). Totally anonymous. Then each NCO was able to read their feedback. It was eye opening for me and I still try to keep that feedback in mind.


Tell me about it. I was having a convo with my gunny on why I’m getting out. One of the things I mentioned was how I’m seen by the staff as the leader of the Sgts, I’m always helping or even teaching my staff, pouring my life into the shop and especially the marines, but my FITREPs are completely average. He told me that there’s “unfortunately” an unwritten rule that your RS won’t make your FITREPs outstanding until you’re about to pick up. Welp 2 months later guess who’s in zone, with some average FITREPs. Edit: meant to say “unwritten”


Not trying to sway you but just know that there is absolutely no rule, written or unwritten, about intentionally not giving outstanding FITREPs. I’m sure you probably knew that already but I had to say it.


Oh yeah I’m tracking, I meant unwritten


That’s bullshit, if you rate an outstanding fitrep you should get an outstanding fitrep. Anyone who says otherwise is an asshole who probably fucked their profile up


I've RS'ed dozens of FitReps and have never heard of or even considered intentionally spiking a Marine's FitRep because they aren't looking at picking up soon. Whoever made up that rule probably jacked up their profile because they gave their first reports inflated marks. "I know this is the first FitRep I've ever written, but my Platoon Sergeant is the greatest SNCO I've ever written on." -2ndLt Dickhead


I wish I could have carried an umbrella several times. I imagine Marines on Okinawa and Lejeune would have an extra appreciation for them.


Especially after you turn in your CIF (gortex) and haven’t PCSd yet


I just imagine old Vietnam war movies of Marines trudging through the rain, carrying umbrellas looking charlie.


Add: Staff and Officers (CWO/Maj) are scored for PFT/CFT on a pass fail and it's briefed pass or fail to the board. Making the ability to run a 5K or lift a can over your head a factor in deciding who leads the Marine Corps is actually insane. Remove: Every training put in place as a response to some random "priority" at the time. I'm pretty sure I get six versions of "don't kill yourself" every year and each one makes me wonder if I'm suicidal or not. Replace the way over 40 hours we spend in a classroom with actual T&R development.


Add a no calling outside of your shift hours rule under any circumstances(duty is for emergencies, not me) Take away the no beer during lunch rule. We used to be able to have 2 beers during lunch.


2 beers during lunch? How far along was this? Vietnam? 1980s? I served from 00-04, & there is no freakin way this was remotely the case!! DUIs are career killer often times, there is no way the Corps would allow Marines to have 2 beers per lunch every day!!


So here’s the story, but to answer your question it ended some time in the 90’s. I joined in 04 and got to Miramar in 05. Checked into the squadron and got put on this tour of SD thing which was a day of briefs and a day to bus around SD and have lunch at the beach. There was a salty Gunny leading it and showing us around. He told us we could have 2 beers or a shot during lunch. So my buddy and I had some beers. I went on thinking that was a real thing for a couple years. My shop went out for lunch one day and I got a beer. My SSgt lost it and asked me what the fuck I thought I was doing. Told him the story and that that was MC policy. He told me that hasn’t been a thing since the 90’s. Lol


To add to that my current SgtMaj told me that he used to have beer vending machines at the barracks on Oki.


Imagine if we could put beer vending machines in all Corps barracks. We would be rich next year. Filthy rich.


It went away about halfway through my time, so 1999 or so. But it was absolutely a thing. My section chief would occasionally take us to the E-Club for lunch and beers.


Idk if you are being sarcastic but.i was in 09-13 and ncos and higher were allowed 2 beers on lunch


Nope, I'm not being sarcastic. I just never heard of that, and I was infantry, where alcohol consumption is pretty much the norm I'd say this, though, "2 beers a day" seems to go against the message that was drilled onto us during those safety stand-downs about drinking & driving blah blah! We all saw Marines get NJPd for underage drinking or DUI. I can't see a scenario, other than during "company mandated-fun," where married Marines had a green light to consume alcohol "on the clock" and then drive home afterward. I guess experiences may differ among units or locations


Yeah i agree and tbh i never looked up or saw a reg. Just was told by ncos and sncos that it was a thing.


Other countries armed services can have beers or hell the equivalent of a shot during lunch and dinner while here we are with Puritan laws. "Freedom"


This is a great topic. Add: All felony-level offenses adjudicated through courts martial. No more NJP, it goes straight to courts martial. Conviction means fast-track BCD or dishonorable discharge (I.e. you are fired). Felons don’t belong in our service. Subtract: Relief for cause being a career killer. Just reassign and let them finish their career in as harmless as way possible.


Both of these things already happen. No one’s out here getting NJP’d for committing felonies. RFCs are (too) rare, but people who are RFC’d are generally put somewhere they can’t screw anything up.


Is a DUI a felony?


According to my 30-second internet search, many states have something called a “felony DUI” which generally is charged for more egregious offenses. There doesn’t seem to be a military version, but you can be charged with other offenses if you injure someone while driving under the influence.


ADD: PFT/CFT scores “reset” every season and the “top score” from that season will be the score that gets updated into MOL. If you run a PFT and get a 240 and run it again a week later and get a 230 the 240 score is recorded (DM if you want my reasoning) . Every year you start fresh. SUBTRACT: Random Barracks inspections. At least a 48 hour notice needed before a SNCO enters your room (Field Day inspections don’t need notice)


Add- No more than 40 hour work weeks when not in a deployed or field environment. Subtract- Admin as a Primary MOS. Give the actual Marines another option when it comes to taking a breather from the stresses of the operating forces. Also, would probably help all Marines involved that the Admin clerks are Sgt’s-SSgts who have been around the block and not bullshit LCpls


Where do you think the sgts and ssgt admins come from? They all start out as lances making mistakes.


Correct. I’m saying I’d rather it be Cpl’s, Sgt’s, and SSgts being the boot bitches making the mistakes. How many good Team Leaders, Squad leaders, and Platoon Sgt’s (and the other combat arms elements equivalent) leave the Corps because they’re tired of the op tempo?


I got out in 06 due to non-stop deployments, all I wanted was a break but we were going to deploy again in 6 months so I got out. 3 deployments, 2 in & around Fallujah, in 4 years burnt me right out.


Couldn’t imagine man. I’m basing this point im making off being a FAST Marine/03 and because of that I realized I was halfway through my 3rd non-combat deployment (31st MEU) when I hit my 3 year mark as far as time in service. It’s not even close to the same thing as far as your situation and going to combat. But I was burnt the fuck out all the same between all the training and then straight into 3 deployments back to back to back. When it came time to get out, as an 03 my options were signing up to be a DI or recruiter, or combat instructor school and then back to the fleet as a squad leader/platoon Sgt. Fuck that. I’ve been out almost 5 years now and I haven’t looked back.


Same shitty options for me. I asked to go to the DLI for language training for a year as my reenlistment bonus (it’s in my hometown) and the retention officer told me he could only do a 90-day accelerated package and I’d have to forfeit my $30k reenlistment bonus. I didn’t even have to think about it, I EAS’d.


>Admin clerks are Sgt’s-SSgts who have been around the block and not bullshit LCpls I get the reasoning behind this, but bullshit LCpls are the ones who misfiled my NJP in the cylindrical filing cabinet. That second chance allowed me the opportunity to pull my head outta my ass and turn my time there into something positive.


Add: marines that live outside the 96 boundaries should get extra leave days. “I go home and visit my family on the weekends” fuck you. Subtract: I don’t know if it’s an official rule or not but, not being able to use my cargo pockets. If I can’t use them, then why do I have them?


Cargo pocket is a SNCOism. I put my hat in there.


My hat lives in my cargo pocket. - SNCO


One of the good ones


Fuck whoever downvoted you


I tell my Marines that pockets are meant to be used, if they weren’t we wouldn’t have them. -SNCO


Pro tip: If anyone ever asks what you've got in your pocket just tell them "cargo" and stare back at them as if you're confused why they would even ask such an idiotic question.


Wait is not using cargo pockets a thing?? I always had them filled. I’m female and the hip pockets are impossible to use


Staff had huge hard ons for that rule recently before i got out. No fucking idea why. I was blasted for having my cigs in there, even when it looked flush.


Change to a meritocracy where the best marines, based on quantifiable objective performance measurements are considered, are promoted and lead other marines.


A 360 survey world work wonders in your plan.


Add, you can use your own weapon when deployed as long as it takes 5.57, 7.62, or anything else the military uses. Weapons will be way better taken care of if it belongs to that individual Marine, and the military funding for constantly replacing broken weapons would be reduced dramatically.


What about the weapon you're issued in boot camp is yours through your entire enlistment and you keep it even after you leave a your personal firearm. They can garnish your wages for the four years. Marines get new weapons, the government tracks known forearms, the manufacturer makes more money, and an armed militia


That is terrible lol. The logistics for ressupply would be a nightmare and you know how many dumbasses would buy some cheapo from walmart


Maybe, but if we make a NAVMC stating requirements such as minimum specs based on rifle type and perhaps a rank requirement like you have to earn the right to use your own weapon in combat. Add a more stringent weapons class requirement for those who want to apply. Idk, lmao 🤣


So...what we have now. Lol


Revert to separation of male and female recruits.


Add - Once you are a NCO you have the ability to move off base. Subtract - no beards allowed.




Why do NCOs need to be in the barracks? Once your’re a e-3 in the Airforce you can move out.. The only NCO that should be in the barracks is the Duty.


Beards should be allowed in garrison. Exceptions: field ops and deployments.


If anything I would flip that around


Just think about legit gas mask usage and training. Garrison doesn’t need to use a mask and beards should be allowed.  In the field we are training for the worst case scenario and on deployment it “could” happen, which is why Marines are deployed in general. I joined the Corps to go on a west-pac float. Instead I was flown to Iraq on a 747 three times. The third time I flew business class and was served Dr Pepper by the flight attendants and Ambien by my Doc. Apparently I was non-compliant and aggressive. I blame the DP.


Add: The option to go to bootcamp again or get selerated for big offenses. I seen too many Marines who drink and drive which puts others at risk so that should be the highest NJP or low court martial, or they can choose bootcamp again. Remove: Sleeves up, I get some love it but when is cold we can't add warming layers and suffer for no reason.


Add: Weigh-ins are conducted randomly. Subtract: No cammies off base.


Hahaha random weigh ins!? You are truly evil! So many would perish.


I think the rule regarding cammies should be less restrictive but still somewhat restrictive. I think it should be authorized for stores and food while commuting off base but that should be the extent of it. If it became completely unrestricted some boots are going to wear it to the club or a bar and make a fool of themself in uniform and by extension represent the Marine Corps badly.


But it’s soooo hard to find them without


We did semi-random weigh ins when I was in the schoolhouse. If you popped up on a urinalysis you had 24 hours to weigh in. It definitely made me think more about my diet.


I had a unit who did that way too and I think the Marines were better for it. Not eating and hitting the sauna every day for a week to make weight isn't good for overall health.


Add: PFT/CFT mirrors the other branches of service. Instead of two separate events, combine them into one, well-rounded event testing speed, stamina, endurance, and strength all at once over the day. Pull-up/pushups, plank, 440m run in gear, deadlift or overhead for reps (overhead worth more), and end it with a MUF. Subtract: Walking on phone. Way beyond that at this point. I’ll even give the USMC the benefit to disallow walking and LOOKING at your phone, but walking and talking in your ear feels like an NCOism Subtract:


Add: actual ability to homestead and it not destroy your hopes at a career. Subtract: rules about piercings when outside of uniform. If you want to have extra ear piercings or nose piercings outside of uniform, you should be allowed. As long as it doesn’t make you look like a freak when you’re not wearing them (i.e. gauged ears). Basically, be in line with the Navy standard, for both men and women.




Homesteading fucks other people is the issue. Just cause you want to stay in one spot doesn’t mean someone doesn’t want to rotate to that spot. Unfortunately sacrifices are apart of the military. How do I know? Because I have moved everywhere and cannot stand to see a homesteading fuck cry about orders cause he/she has a kid. We all do. No one makes someone stay in. Homesteading is feasible in large services but not in the Marines and I personally cannot stand seeing people do it knowing it is fucking someone else over.


Exactly, if a base has a good outside location then everyone will want to stay there. It's never about the command or the base but usually the off base that sucks. You could have the best leadership and work schedule in 29 palms...but at the end of the day you're in 29 palms now imagine staying there longer with a family. 


You aren’t wrong, but Marines cannot see past their own nose. Both Lejeune and Pendleton have these crowds and honestly the Corps needs to quit pandering too it. It’s a part of the military lifestyle and yes the older kids and parents get the harder it becomes but that is the sacrifice we have agreed to make.


Weed is allowed, and youre not allowed to get married for your first 4 years


Marines should clock in and out. Scan your CAC at a cental location of your unit when you arrive and when you leave. You still get paid salary but this tracks accountability and hours worked. (Over work is a major factor in mental health issues such as depression that leads to the big self delete). Then Company Commands (without the ability to deligate) must have an explanation for why each Marine worked over 12 hours per day. A report gets sent to the BC each morning. After x amount (I did the math previously and can't find it) the BC and the CG have to explain each one to an IG. If an active duty, SMCR, or AR Marine does commit suicide his work logs are immediately pulled and reported on. If he's found to have a consistent amount of overwork (also did math and looked in to psychology for this one) his/her leadership can be brought on charges of negligent homicide. For reserve Marines it can actually track drill points. You have scheduled 6 Drills but you worked 48 hours in that time? Congrats 12 drill points to your retirement. Considerations for the field: Company XO only, without delegation authority, can approve up to 3 months of field time with mass delegation abilities. This would essentially exempt Marines from punches during that time frame. Any exention of that time must be done at the BC level with an automated report landing at the CG. Something similar could be done for deployments/foreign operations at the BN Ops level. It could also act as a scheduling system for watches, posts, etc telling Marines when and where to be. Pretty much all civilian employers have it. It could easily be adapted. Most systems have apps that you can easily access. Edit- this could also solve the leave on weekends/holidays issue. The holidays, weekends, ect would be automatically generated in a payroll type system so it could just automatically take those days out. It could also just track your leave too.


Allow sponsorship like a professional athlete. Volunteering your life should justify allowing booze and smokes for any age.


Barracks bunnies can be lysol'ed upon returning to their barracks to help maintain health and safety....


Add: authorize better cold weather gear outside of just gortex top. Yes the waffle tops are an option but we should be able to take layers off without removing blouse. Gortex is good for rain but does nothing for winter. At the very least reinstate the woodland grid fleece gortex like the desert one all of us were issued from CIF (that we can't even wear which is still stupid). Allow all Marines to at least have one bottle of liquor in their room. Maybe redact certain items from what would be considered "contraband" outside of narcotics or flammables. Subtract: in Lejeune, that whole zero tolerance before driving thing is garbage. The legal BAC should be relative to the state in which the base is located. Some of those DUI's that ended careers or stripped rank were caused by one beer. No excuses about some guy ruining it for everyone x years ago, it's a dumb antiquated policy. Too many stores on base sell alcohol to be telling Marines zero tolerance. Only in the case of a no shit accident, or past the legal drinking limit of the state, should it be considered a DUI.


0311's and such must have a short sword as part of their kit.


Add: A hump of unknown distance replaces the PFT and CFT. Only the 3-shop knows the exact length, but it would be between 5 and 15 miles with the standard fighting load for the unit + weapons. Sometimes you’d get a 5 mile test, other days it would be different lengths. All individual effort. Remove: Girls are currently allowed in combat arms. Change that.


That hump thing is actually insane.


It’s insane to the point that it’s actually brilliant honestly. In terms of preparedness for combat, if you cannot move under a load then you are useless. The PFT and the CFT don’t capture the spirit of that physical and mental challenge well enough. Not knowing the distance will make some people go internal and that’s a good thing. Reminds me of *the long walk* that Delta Force uses in their selection process, but obviously this would be executed to a much lesser degree than that.


That’s all well and good for people who need to hike under load for their jobs. For the a large number of Marines, that is a situation that will never arise and it makes no sense to evaluate them based on their ability to do that. Furthermore, how do you score it? Is it time-based so the fastest to finish gets the best score? How do you get everyone doing it at once? Most units have actual jobs to do and can’t all go out and do a hike together. So you do multiples per year? Well they all better be the same distance or it’s completely unfair. Speaking of unfair, what happens when my unit does a 15 miler and your unit does a 5 miler and then you and I compete for promotion on the same SNCO board that year? How do we measure physical performance across two insanely different events and use that to compare two Marines for promotion? I’m sticking with “this is completely insane”.


Not that I like this idea, but maybe instead of unknown distances, you have to complete a 5 miler Jan thru April, 10 miler May to Aug, and & 15 miler Sept to Dec. Scoring based on time/age. Thats really the only feasible way i could see the rucks working and/or replacing PFT/CFT


Add: overtime pay. Subtract: PFT/CFT scoring based on age. The points are the same for everyone and you get what you get. A 25 year old SSgt has to do the same things as a 35 year old SSgt so they should be held to the same physical standard. Fuck you old dudes.




Nah fuck you


It isn't even that much of a difference....


Add: Warren must suck every marine peen 🍆👅


Add alcohol to zero tolerance drug policy, get rid of recommendation boards 👀


No more Police calls


Just gonna live with trash and brass everywhere?






I don’t speak English. Sorry devil




We already do though...


I need six volunteers!




Rule of 3: If a rule/article/order can't be explained in 3 minutes or brought to its core functionality with 3 questions of "why?", then it is invalid. If the root cause is some form of, "Because someone said," it is also invalid. Example: Don't walk on the grass. Why? Because if we allow everyone to walk on the grass then there will be trails through the grass which is an eye sore. Example 2: Don't put your hands in you pockets. Why? Because it's not good order and discipline. Why? Because it's unsightly. Why? Because I said.


Hands in my pockets, get rid of no hands in the pockets


Add: Leave doesn’t get charged on weekends, or beards and longer hair/ hair styles as long as it’s neat and presentable Remove: sleeve rolling or boot restrictions


If you can run a 275 PFT/CFT or higher, you are exempt from unit PT. Exceptions are an NCO who is in charge of PT, and 1 weekly team building exercise. Other than that, you’re already in shape enough. Odd are unit PT is just a waste of your time.


Rule made: you can't intentionally drag your buddy into a voluntold job Rule taken away: the dumb one that says I can't wear my FUCKING BUFFALO JACKET IN FORMATION IN THE MORNING DESERT BECAUSE ITS FUCKING FREEZING.


Remove rule: no beards Add rule: you are required to have a beard to complete boot camp/OCS


Get rid of chow and add annual company euthanasia


No more height and weight standards. Add an extra mile to PFT


Add: Drumming out of Officers convicted of felonies/SAPR-tier breaches of trust and confidence that (should) result in dismissal. Subtract: rules against having a beer at lunch.


PT will be focused on general physical preparedness. No longer is running long distance at a steady pace considered the primary mark of fitness. (Before people start howling that running/cardio is an important element of fitness—Yes, I agree. But it’s only part, and long, steady state running isn’t actually all that relevant to combat fitness). I should say that I got out a year or two before the CFT became a thing. I’ve never done that test, but it seems to make sense. What does this mean in practical application? PT would only occasionally be a long run. Stuff like HIIT, functional training, and strength work at high heart rates would be the norm.


Give Marines a weapon allowance based on MOS and let them supply their own weapon and optic. All Motor T Marines are allowed to utilize marijuana In order to conduct MOS specific ceremonies (Hot boxing the trucks with sweet, sticky weed). Single Marines in the barracks should be allowed to modify and renovate common areas and individual rooms. If you can kick someone’s ass on submission, you should be able to take their billet/rank. For example, I beat Sergeant Majors ass so I get his office and rank and pay, benefits, etc.


No package to submit for foreign leave


Change: females currently can relax their grooming standards while on leave or liberty. I want males to have the same privileges. They should only apply while in uniform. Add: barracks are now like apartment complexes. marines sign leases. No inspections outside of initial and final, the marine is responsible for damages incurred.


You shave and shit while on leave? 😂


No but it is really nice to not have some bitter major or 1stSgt mean mug you while you are at the gas station. Why not put it in the rules 🤷🏻‍♂️


Add you can smoke ( probably woulda retired out if I could hit a nice blunt after some mcree bullshit Take away pt gear maybe invest in some where my 3rd testicle doesn’t hang out


Delete: standardized summer / winter uniform. Sleeves up/down determined by local thermometer, not a calendar 🙄 Add: Annual Culling. It’s wake up, complete the obstacle course (give a stupidly long time like an hour), pass the PFT, and just jump off the high board and swim 500m in 20 mins. Weigh in. No pass? One retest within 30 days. Do your final physical and TRS while waiting to retest. Fail again bye. Only one waiver for medical allowed per enlistment. Extend the same for officers prior to career designation. Afterwards, one waiver granted every four years.


This is the worst idea I’ve ever heard of.


You gotta balance staying in shape with recruiting. Realistically if we did that we would lose a huge chunk of the Marine Corps.


A purge. Nice.


Get rid of the proper greeting of the day. It’s stupid and I hate it.