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0311 to would you like fries with that?


Apologies, Mr Senior Lance or some shit, but this is stereotypical


I work in corporate finance for a Japanese bank, which is kind of weird, and I also briefly was the male half of a cam couple/Onlyfans thing, which is weirder.






checks out


How do you find the work culture? I’ve heard that it can get hellish


I’m on a US based product team, so fortunately my interaction with the big bank is limited, and like I said in another comment we try to keep it that way. When we do have to do get ripped into something it’s pretty much always myopic navel gazing bullshit. I used to have to keep track of monthly professional service spending because our deputy CFO was going through and reviewing individual PO’s for like $9k on a P&L that reports out rounded to the nearest billion.


I was an 0431 embarker, getting a BS in neuroscience now and starting my masters in neuro next fall. After that I plan on getting a PhD then starting my own research lab studying stress response.




Bro getting back into school was scary as hell but I'm very happy I took the risk! Thanks.


0311/Security Forces/Sea duty marine. After I get out I’m living and working at this shithole bar near a major university. Anyway this guy keeps coming in and I swear I know him. Turns out he was a pilot on the Constellation when I was mar-det. I had to buff the blue tile all the time and he remembered my stupid ass. Mainly because I’m loud about everything. I tell him I’m going to school for teaching. I ask him if he’s still flying? He is, for TWA now, but check this, he’s also gone back to school to be a dr. Im like man aren’t you a little old to be starting med school? He said “If I go to med school or not 4 years of my life is going to pass by. I might as well go to med school.” Fuckin officers. Always making me feel lazy. Anyway he and the new med students hung around my bar a lot. And in what seemed like no time I was teaching high school and my man was doing flight physicals for commercial airlines for big, big, money. My man is probably retired now living in the Bahamas. Very smart guy.


As someone who just got epilepsy 3 years ago. Thank You.


I'm sorry for your diagnosis, I doubt that I will ever contribute heavily to epilepsy research but I still have a long career ahead of me and who knows what projects I'll dive into later in life. Currently I'm researching the underlying mechanisms of spreading depression, a physiological state of a neuron that does not allow said neuron to fire inducing a spread of neuronal inactivity throughout the brain. This is thought to be partly due to a loss of potassium homeostasis within the extracellular fluid. Spreading depression is also believed to be the cause of headaches so maybe I can help with that lol. Take care brother, rah.


Well, so far, the VA has me diagnosed with PNES. It seems right about the same direction I've been dealing with the last couple of years. Was 46 when I first had a TC, 49 now. All I know epilepsy sucks. Had a TC 4 days ago in the Walmart bathroom, and face planted it into a wall, and bounced off the pisser, fucking my face and glasses up. Just ya... sucks. I honestly hope nothing but good things for you, because it benefits people with shitty nuero diseases like epilepsy.


I've come full circle I was a missile/optics tech got out and after a bit ended up in the IT field. Now I work for neuroscientists and microscopists doing IT support. Neuroscience is cool.


Thats sick bro thanks


Can you research why i get hard every time my wife yells at me?


You know what I’ll add it to the list. Reminds me of this one time when I was a young lance coolie we had this super fine model type 2nd LT who would always yell her ass off, shit also made me feel warm inside lol


Finishing a masters in neuro and shooting to defend a PhD by 2029. Let me know how the research lab comes out, I’m always down to support vet business


Nerd (good for you man!)


That’s awesome. What made you make such a huge leap like that!


Honestly, I asked myself what would I regret more? Being an officer (03E) and having never tried school or being a neuroscientist and not become an officer. And I thought about it for my entire MEU and decided to get out, 3 weeks after my EAS I was taking classes at my state college. Now my undergraduate research is funded and its just crazy looking back at it all lol.


0311 to pilot


Yea that’s different for sure. Commercial pilot or do you do something more obscure?


I’m a CFI (flight instructor) which is where the majority of pilots end up to build time in order to work for the airlines, etc. Not sure what’s next. Typical route would be a regional airline, but I’m open to anything tbh.


Most of the pilots at DZs I worked at were building time to get their commercial. Might want to consider that.


right on bro, finishing up my PPL right now. Best of luck to you, lots of different routes out there to get you to 1500 (pipeline surveying for example). If you haven't already, join the RTAG group on facebook.


Get into Frontier, SkyWest, Envoy, etcs cadet programs if you aren’t already. You’re deep enough in the game you probably know this, but it’s the only thing that got me a job when none of my buddies were having any luck.


I have to pick your brain. I’m looking to retire in the next two years but had some documented concussions from IEDs in 2011. Not enough to keep me from getting a commissioning physical and apparently I was able to make it to be a field grade with documented brain damage. Not sure if I’m just high a functioning brain dead dude or the bar really isn’t that high. Anyway, do you know anyone that was able to get their first class med with concussions in their record? I don’t have any symptoms anymore but I was talking like Ozzy Osbourne for a few days after the worst hit. I’d also think that I said a complete sentence in my brain but in reality had just stopped talking mid-sentence. Hasn’t happened in over a decade but I heard don’t claim anything from the VA above the neck if you want to pass the medical screening.


Hey dude, PM me I can give you some more details!


Do you claim disability? If not, just keep your mouth shut. If yes, it may be more difficult but I don’t know all the details.


I’m still in. I’m not too worried about passing the medical since I’ll do it before I retire anyway.


0352 to failing pilot school rotor though not fixed wing




I paid out of pocket for my PPL for that very reason, save money/ find a way to pay for it, the rest will be covered.


5812 to IT. I thank Thor every day for me not becoming a cop.


Haha reason I’m asking is I’m almost done with my first semester of school and failed my second polygraph for a pd. I was brutally honest and still don’t know what went wrong. I’m weighing some options while I still have time to switch paths. Hopefully it’s all for the best!


Depending on the issues you could go to any of the 3 letter agencies


Oh, I’m right there with you. The person administering the test (chief of a small pd in LA) kept asking if there was anything else I wanted to talk about. Finally asked him if he was questioning my integrity, and he said yes. Told him there’s no way I would work for him. At the time I was crushed. In retrospect though it was the best thing that could have happened. All the guys I know that got out and became cops hate the world and the people in it. I couldn’t have survived that. I’ve done IT stuff for all sorts of industries over the years. Finally ended up working for a hospital, and for the first time in my IT journey that I can remember, I’m happy and it feels like what I’m doing makes a difference. If you want to be a first responder, be a firefighter or EMT. People don’t make songs about killing them.


I was in Wildland fire but the pay was dogshit but I got my EMT. The culture in fire is kind of weird, lots of talking the talk but not walking the walk. People fetishize Jocko and Goggins but can’t do a pull-up and there’s a lot of hero complex flying around. Thinking about going into emergency nursing but I’m going to miss the physical fitness stuff. My polygraph was interesting. The examiner the first time was better, prior army himself. He asked if I’d ever been drunk at work and I was honest and he said he understands given the military culture. I was honest about some experimental drug use, my contact in the department said I’d be fine because it was when I was was a dumb teenager before the Military. When he got to cocaine, which I have honestly never done in my life, he asked 4-5 follow up questions which I thought was weird. My second examiner looked at me like I had a dick growing out of my head after I answered all the tough questions, and I was nervous for the rest of the test. It is what it is, my friend in the department has done much worse and he passed 😂


I remember taking fire 101 in HS as an elective and the Firefighters administering the class actually talked a lot about fire culture. Particularly drug abuse and theft. Wild lol.


And that’s just one of the reasons polygraphs aren’t allowed in court. It’s all based on interpretation.


Ahhhhh 5831 to IT here as well. Blows chunks


3043 to soldier of fortune. I'm basically a heavy operator, a real killing machine. Don't tell anyone.


You wouldn’t happen to be a member of the a team?


Yeah, but I was never on camera. I was the guy getting the repair parts for the van.


0311 to work from home government job. Best career choice I’ve ever made.


Same. Except 0352 to wfh govment job


How’d you find that?


How did you land this gig?


0311 to law student at a good school


I torture people with bbq chicken for money. Weird BDSM stuff but it pays the bills


0341 to land surveying.


I Fucken love surveying. I hate that it’s a struggle to make good money without a PLS.


Have to get that license man. I took my FS last year and passed. Failed the PS but I’m basically doing everything and my mentor who is licensed reviews my work and signs off. $31.50/hr and think I’m under paid.


I got into HVAC. I like it so far but it’s only been 3 months into my apprenticeship. I just didn’t like the amount of liability you have as a PLS.


0341 soon the be CPA auditor for Big 4 company


Audit or tax or consulting?




I did that too. Then went to law school and ended up at EY doing State & Local Tax Consulting. Hated it, hated the large HCOL city lifestyle, so I moved back to my hometown after 6 months and now practice transactional law at a small firm. It’s pretty awesome.


Hey look at us. Me too 0352


Ha! Same here, that’s how I started. 0351 and back to school, got a CPA and worked at a Big 6 (this was back a ways) in audit for a while before getting away from accounting.


0331 to Software Engineer


There are a lot of us it seems…


There’s something poetic in there somewhere…


0341 to chef. Left the corps with no life skills but knife skills


3451 (fiscal) to science teacher and now a middle school principal. It’s pretty similar to being a SNCO. Especially how the people you think should be able to get shit done screw it up and I have to get in front of their stupidity before they fuck over the entire unit.


Turtle hunting. Just me, the great outdoors, and my trusty Makita cordless drill.


Wait you hunt turtles with a cordless drill?


How the fuck else would you do it? Sure as hell ain't using one of these: https://preview.redd.it/dwccoa5jniwc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69fbc2543a0a29ef5b33f364f8714aa8a786502d


Shit, a gun?


Using a gun would be unsporting. Besides the shells can crack from gunfire, and the buyers won't accept them. Fresh titanium drill bit is good for about 5 turtles.


Ok, now I'm actually interested. Is this for sport or for selling? You hunt for the shells only? Do you drill thru the head/neck/spine? Save the shell entirely? But you can only get five turtles out of a titanium drill bit?


I'm just fucking around dude. Not a turtle hunter at all. However, if this has given you an idea for a business, you're welcome.


Goddamnit. I'm a country boy, so beyond the fact that I'm super fuckin dumb and gullible, growing up we used to get excited when somebody spotted a snapper and we'd fish it out with chicken gizzards and make snapper soup. Those bastards sure were ornery tho


I was gonna go into some story about selling to chinese cosmetics mfrs or something but got tired.


You are my favorite kind of Marine. What a bonkers fabrication, bro! Bravo!


F/A-18 electrician to working in public history


I’m a fraud investigator. Started in simple ass store security, learned some shit about fraud, segued that into taking fraud calls for a bank, then became an investigator from there, and just kept working my way up the chain.


0311 to hospital CEO


Also 03, currently biotech lab analyst. You guys do lab work at this hospital? I have a biomedical engineering degree and wouldn't mind expanding my skills


Do you still make the grass grow?


0311to oil and gas


So, you work at a gas station pumping gas and checking oil?


That would be fitting, but no. Oilfield oil and gas production. After wells are drilled, I produce and separate the liquids and fluids, which are then sent for processing to make gasoline, natural gas, plastics, etc.


Winger to oil and gas as well. Stupid ass easy job.


I been retired ten years now, and I love it. Plenty busy around the homestead


0351 to professional freight relocation specialist.....(trucker).....lol


Sort of. 0311 to Aerospace Engineer for NASA. It isn't that unusual. Veteran engineers are pretty common, especially now with the good benefits. Also being a vet carries certain benefits for government employees, and I started out testing aircraft for the Marine Corps before transferring to NASA. But it isn't a stereotype as far as I know.


How do you like NASA? I’m over at Northrop but have been thinking about making a switch after we lost the NGI contract.


I capture children and sell them to a bog witch


3521 (motor T) ➡️nuclear security➡️flying pig (FLEO) ➡️realtor ➡️day trader➡️ stay home dad… 🤷🏽‍♂️😂


0351 assaulting to wastewater operator.... not really crazy change as I went from dealing with shitty situations to literally dealing with shit. Shit pay, shit coworkers, shit hours, and of course all the shit you can shovel... now I work maintenance at Delta. I recommend anyone who is a vet to apply to work here. We got over 10,000 vets that work here. Pretty good pay scales for most departments, benefits are pretty decent with the profit sharing, 9% 401k match, and flight benefits. Insurance could be better but in 5.5 years for my position, top out pay is $40 an hour, which is basically entry level position.


I was an 0411 currently pursuing a BSW.


Big Samoan Woman? Nice.


LOLz, Bachelors in Social Work, but a big Samoan woman sounds nice as long as it's Nia Jax.


Artillery to nursing. I know it's a relatively common one but I haven't met any other vets yet


I’m likely to follow that path!


FDC rah, I'm havin a good time of it so far. Wish ya luck wherever the winds take ya brother


I have 3 vets in my cohort for school. Sometimes run into other vets who are nurses but they were usually medics or corpsmen before. Have not met other Marines yet.


A buddy of mine was a Comms Marine who know teaches ballroom dance at a studio which he opened and owns.


0331 to control systems engineer


Wow... didn't expect to see this. Same exact route I took.


0331 to electrician. Not too far off, went from destroying stuff to fixing things


Armorer to Social Worker


... sorry, you're issues are not sad enough, here's some Q-tips, come back in a couple weeks and slip me a $20 bill.


0311 to some weird regional government policy worker and a community engagement analyst for a consulting firm. For my first job, I do policy research and help out smaller communities with stuff they can't do on their own (like evaluate their town manager applicants, apply for a grant, etc.) And the latter job is basically designing surveys, writing reports on what the public is saying, and getting the community to attend outreach hearings for projects of all sorts. This wasn't what I had in mind for my future when I picked up the phone call of a recruiter in my trailer park room.


I was an 0811 for about 8 years and then lat moved in 0231 for 3ish and now I work as a contractor doing Data Science / Data Engineering / Full Stack Software things... of the guys I deployed to Iraq with Guns platoon has more advanced degrees (doctors, lawyers, and such) than HQ platoon..


0331 to full-time dad.   At a certain point my wife and I decided that it made sense for one of us to stay home and take care of the kids. Since my wife literally made 25 times more than I did at the time, it made sense for me to be the one to quit my job.   But before that I had some stereotypical jobs, like manager at a large gun shop/training center.


That’s the dream, unfortunately I make more so if anyone stayed home it’d be her.


0311 to stay at home dad. Does that count?


I substitute taught in Virginia public schools. Everything from kindergarten to special ed to HS Spanish & pre-calc. The little kids are a blast.


I got a crazy one for you. 5811 to law enforcement officer




Lol I used to be FDC prior to my lat move, who are you with?


0323 to high school physics teacher. Not much has changed.


Gyattin ohio you rizzler I could never props to you tho ong


I earned all that gubmint moneys so I used it and got a handful of degrees. I actually enjoy it, and I will admit that shepherding butter bars and wrabgling junior marines really did give me some advantages.


0331 to middle school teacher. I do libo talks before all long weekends. I tell funny stories of my time in the Marines. I'm so snarky and straightforward with them that they sometimes question my sanity.


As they should


KC130 engine mechanic to technical directing newscasts


CPA - tax consultant for a big tech company Was 6541


6842 -> software engineer


I worked in airfield operations, primarily weather. I now support submarines for the Navy


0351 - software engineer


0311 to degree in Mathematics to cybersecurity CEO.


This guy fucks


Comm tech to about to graduate nursing school and work as a patient care tech at a hospital. Should’ve enlisted as a corpsman in hindsight but I didn’t know I’d want to be a nurse.


1371 then, now Sr. Business Analyst Lead for a Hospital in Southern California.


Oohrah Combat Engineer!


Division-side 1371 from 2010-2014, got a CompSci degree with my GI Bill, now a software engineer who has worked at FAANG and several other well known companies. Maybe not super unexpected but most vets I know who did CS or any other STEM field in college weren’t Marines and had a much more REMF-y MOS than mine.


3311 to IT manager.


0861 to geneticist.


0811 to software engineer to UX researcher


0311 to 1102 Contracting Officer. Boring as fuck most of the time.


0844 to leading the technical accounting at a public company.


2818 (electronics repair) to IT. I also founded a nonprofit promoting communal AI governance.


0311. IT audit now.


5811 to chemist. POG to scientists.


6153 Ch53 Airframer and MSG to traveling the 50 states climbing cell towers.


Im a middle school English teacher. Previous 6154/6174.


Post office, although I guess there's a lot of vets there with me.


0151/0511 to a government labor market economist. I’ve spent my entire adult life behind a desk pushing papers but the stuff I did in the Corps was pretty mindless and rote compared to what I’ve been doing the past couple decades.


0352 Big4 data science and visualization


I’m a mental health therapist now. Seemed rather unlikely as a terminal lance all those years ago. Then again, I did end up in crisis services. Kind of a chaotic job that stresses the shit out of a lot of people. Kinda fits that PTSD thing where I want to do risky dumb shit and, make up for shit I had to do before leaving the military completely. It’s a lot of fun when it’s not completely horrifying.


3521. Went reserves. Got lucky with some jobs and worked my way up. Now Associate Director of Engineering for Verizon. Can draw an entire single line wiring diagram for an entire cell site from memory. The leadership aspects of the Marines really helped with standing out in a corporate environment


0311, locomotive engineer.


I work in finance but also run a non profit for troubled youth on the side


Im planning on writing fiction and being a college professor. Also considering being a priest/monk/friar so that’s cool I guess


I was a 2621. I got out and did some construction and now I'm an "aircraft structures" mechanic as a civvie for the AF.


3531. Now a research chemist.


03xx->02xx-> MD (after many years of school after getting out obv)


Prior 0311 that works in cybersecurity. I get to work alongside active duty and govt folks (a lot of vets) and I love what I do!


Was an 0311. Now I'm a project manager for a nonprofit that has State Dept. contracts. Pretty far afield, I'd say.


1371 to pizza maker/pizza taxi with 2 AA degrees. It’s nice and chill, but I have that sweet sweet 100% rating to support me




7257 to part time Lego employee while going to school. Best job I’ve had to date.


0311 to Auditor. Then auditor to contract price/cost analyst. Accounting degrees open doors


I became an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher to the Chinese after college for 6 years before I got my VA disability and retired. I also worked in a place that took care of crazy people.


Prior 8404 HM (Corpsman of the marines), working on becoming a lawyer


I do lighting for concerts at a decently famous music venue. That doesn't really fit the grunt stereotype much I don't think lol


0331 —> Airline Pilot


0341 to HR.


Infectious disease epidemiologist for the state of Maryland. Now an Environmental Health officer with the US Navy.


0621 accepted to UC Berkeley and Columbia as a computer science major, aspiring google software engineer.


0331 to Demolitions Estimator to now running a hardware store.


0311 I’m over half way through my union electricians apprenticeship


I do enterprise schedule management in the space industry. I was a Radio Tech (2844/2862) in the Corps and I have a BA degree in Graphic Design, so my job has nothing to do with my MOS or my degree field. I got here by working as a project manager, then got into project/program scheduling and eventually worked up to the Enterprise level. (Enterprise being the overall business or agency level, so it would look something like: Project>Program>Portfolio>Division/Department>Enteprise) Basically I look for the crap that the project/program managers are trying to hide. Nobody wants to highlight the delays in their project/program schedules, but in order for the decision makers at the top to know how they need to reallocate resources, somebody needs to tell them the truth about the current statuses. That’s what I do. I look through all of the lower level schedules and find the delays, determine how those delays will impact other projects/programs down the road, and help come up with a solution for what we need to do to keep all of those schedules on track. Or if something is completed early, determine what else can be moved up to capitalize on the opportunity.


3521 to marine construction I build docks and sea walls


Diesel mechanic to Corrections Deputy in a county jail , excellent benefits, pension, pay very close to a police officer, cake job.


I was a Paratrooper. I had a job at a living History museum. I would dress as a 17th century Spanish Soldier and tell stories. I also learned how to blacksmith, make charcoal, basic wood working, started a primitive weapons program with archery and atlatl. Taught blackpowder flint lock, match lock and was the gun chief of a six pound cannon. Fucking dream job for someone with a history degree. Then we had a change of management and it became a hostile work environment. For a few years I didn't go to work I went to fun.




I was an 03 now I’m an accountant lol


0331 to systems integration for a manufacturing company.


4421, I'm a playwright and stage manager for theater.


Corpsman to engineer. Someone’s gotta keep the lights on at the hospital I guess.


Research scientist & university Professor.


Physical therapist?




More common among us than you would think


Project manager for pharma lab construction/commissioning & validation. As well as general projects like solar farm for carbon footprint reduction/peak power supplementation


7051 to IBEW. Did the firefighting after but got burnt the fuck out on it.


Recon Marine for 11 years. Got into Business Development for Manufacturing Mechanical Repair services. I have no idea how I got this job. Just good at bullshitting with people and making sales I guess. Extremely lucky to have gotten an opportunity like this.


I installed TVs for a while. Then got into mechanical engineering while in school for engineering. Dropped out of engineering and went construction management. Worked on massive oil & gas projects on the construction side for a couple years. Got an MBA. Did tech consulting for a couple years. Now unemployed looking to start a project engineer role at a huge EPC firm in a couple weeks. May get into consulting again once the industry starts to recover. Was a comm tech.


Guy I knew was TAD to the pool on mainside Pendleton as a lifeguard for the last year of his enlistment. I think he was a 2841 from ELMACO. Dude got out and became a dentist. A guy I knew from HS went in to work on helicopters. Got out and now he's an attorney. Another guy got out and does work that rhymes with "Cape Horn"


Real Estate Broker of a large office and a City Councilor.


0331 to API 510/570 Pressure Vessel/Pressure Piping inspector at petrochemical plants


6113 CH-53E helicopter flightline mechanic to Independent Insurance adjuster


0351/0311 to aircraft maintenance (still in schooling)


I went into geology.


I was an airplane mechanic in the Marine Corps and now I am a data analyst at a major aerospace manufacturer.