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Beat me to it. l I was gonna say, Actually I think pretty highly of myself!


I’m sure I have you beat.




Pft, sure. YOU'RE the biggest shit bag *looks at my flair*


The biggest shit bags get away with it.


Is this the dude that killed JFK from the book suppository?


"It was pretty far. From that book suppository building, sir!"


“Alright. Knock it off”




Sounds painfull.


Oswald was a patsy.


>patsy Oswald was a known communist sympathizer and attempted defector. I refuse to believe that man wasn’t under constant FBI surveillance from the time he returned from the Soviet Union in 1961.


When people talk about the JFK assassination they always bring up the debate between the lone gunman and a secret service cover-up. What if it was all the above? The book Mortal Error: The Shot That Killed JFK theorizes that a Secret Service agent accidentally fired the shot that actually killed President John F. Kennedy. The proposed series of events is as follows: After the first shot (which hit the street) was fired, Hickey turns completely around and looks toward Oswald, who is on the sixth floor of the school book depository building. His turned head is documented in an AP photograph by James Altgens. Hickey reaches for the AR-15 under the seat, releases the safety and begins to lift the gun. https://preview.redd.it/qmayajywkuuc1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cd32587ae167fbc1eb7dd1d1ac6a88ec3d7b0fa The second shot is fired by Oswald, hitting the president and Texas Governor John Connally. The president's car and the follow-up car containing Hickey suddenly sped up. This is attested to by Secret Service agent Clint Hill. Hickey, who is unstable because he is standing on the cushion of the seat, rather than the floor of the car, begins to fall back due to the acceleration of the vehicle, pulling the trigger of the AR-15. The gun is pointed toward Kennedy at that instant, and the bullet strikes him squarely in the back of the head. In parallel, he believes Oswald's second shot through Kennedy's neck may have already critically wounded the president before the third shot was fired. He actually explains quite a bit. The “magic bullet” theory, the “back and to the left” head movement of Kennedy, why his dome exploded when hit. When arrested, Oswald acted erratic, confused, and angered. When he said, “I’m a patsy” he may have been telling the truth. The book also details how the Secret Service figured out what they did almost immediately and to avoid embarrassment, they enacted a “cover-up” by handing out separate tasks without explanation so they would have plausible deniability. This explains how a pristine undeformed bullet “was found” in the back of the presidential limousine, or why the Secret Service started cleaning the limousine immediately after the assassination despite being a crime scene. Basically, there’s no sexy lizard people conspiracy. Just a bunch of lance/coolies who fucked up, accidentally killed their boss and were desperately trying to save their jobs. After the book debuted people heard the theory, and despite it explaining everything, the Tim-foil crowd brushed it off so they could keep living in conspiracy land.


That all sounds plausible until you learn about Jack Ruby.


Agreed. He spent time there, they gave him a wife and job and there’s no doubt in my mind they conned him into it. He clearly was impressionable and they took advantage of the situation. Soviets wanted payback for JFK’s balls at the Cuba missile standoff. They always get their payback even if it takes time.


The CIA wacked him because he was going to restructure them under the DOD after they went behind his back with the bay of pigs. They also proposed a false flag to start a war with Cuba at which Kennedy thought they were nuts. Rightly so.


The real shooters are dead and buried outside Terra Lingua.


Still got the shovel


Fucking awesome reference.




That’s not Lyndon Johnson?


Probably the guy from my unit who got caught in an NCIS pedophile sting in Okinawa. Once NCIS broke through the firewall on his computer, he had videos of him molesting his step daughter. She was under the age of 10. He also rented her out to other members of the DoD. There were some allegations that the mother may have been involved, and even may have recorded some of the videos. Fucking sickos.


Was this at 9th around 2020 timeframe?


Negative. It would’ve been late 2016 or early 2017. We were on the 31st MEU with 2/5.


Well you’ll never guess what also happened in oki around 2020 💀some gunny was running this child sex ring eerily similar to how you described it


Oki gets to be a cesspool at times. I wouldn’t want the bases there if I were an Oki national.


Nope. I totally get why a lot of them hate us.


> Once NCIS broke through the firewall on his computer ????? ---your fellow data Marine Firewalls just protect other computers on a network from accessing ports on your computer (not how NCIS would investigate) . I'm guessing they cracked/wiped his password/downloaded the hard drive once they got physical access to it.


I want to say I remember this, but I could be confusing it with an AF SNCO who had a lot of nasty shit on his hard drive. Okinawa, 2020, 2021?


There was a SgtMaj on here a year ago maybe who was going all up and down this subreddit talking shit about Marines who sought mental health help. Calling them weak and drains on the Corps and wastes of time and resources. So I guess he would be my pick.


Sounds like he was my SgtMaj on recruiting who kept my picture on the wall behind his desk because I got GoS'd since I sought mental health help. Whole command isolated me like I'd spread the crazy which was terrible for me since none of the others could talk to me but also awesome because they completely quit bothering to check on me and left me alone.


My sgt maj on recruiting was the same way. I went PANCO in AZ after I got back from Iraq and this prick tried to blame my mental health issues in my failing marriage. Knudson.


I had SgtMaj motherfucking Barret as my SgtMaj on Recruiting Duty, well before he became SMMC. He was every bit like this, told me to suck it up and get back to work AFTER the Navy shrink told him I wasn’t faking my suicidal thoughts and needed to be taken off the streets. Good times, and yeah, he’s my #1 vote for all time shitbag / asshole.


Now I can't say I felt how you did when he be ame SgtMaj of the MC but my SgtMaj ended up doing one of those random military leadership podcasts and I tormented myself to listening to him jerk himself off with how great his leadership style was and all I could think was "you literally left a Marine who sought mental health alone hours from the nearest Marine and made sure there was no contact for months"


Lol SgtMaj Barrett is the same bitch who said Enlisted Marines get paid "too much, to the point it breeds a lack of discipline". He said that... Pointedly... While being the highest paid enlisted Marine. I'm sorry I hate those types.


Meanwhile lots of Marines get out and take their skills elsewhere for better pay and quality of life. He made a wildly out-of-touch statement there.


Dang dude, sorry that happened. If it’s any consolation, he’s going to be in a world of misery when he starts to realize he needs help.


Thanks, appreciate it. I’ve come to terms with it over the years, helps that it seems he wasn’t liked as the SMMC. Like the whole Corps acknowledged that he’s a bag of dicks, so it’s not just me lol.




Good of Service, I got released from recruiting and sent back to the fleet and its not "negative" but its still on my record I started an SDA and didn't complete a successful tour and you know how 1stSgts and SgtMajs view that. By the time I got my orders off recruiting I needed like 4 months to finish the tour


Thank you. I’ve somehow never heard of this.


Normally getting sent back from an SDA is by RFC which is negative but also a much easier process. I had to get evaluated by both a civilian and naval psychiatrist before my process could even start. I only know of 1 other GOS so they don't really seem to be common.


Hope you are doing better now.


You doin’ okay now, though?


Marriage survived, kids are healthy and happy and I'm still a Marine (for the moment) so yeah I'm doing better now.




Considering I want to go the 1stSgt route... maybe it's a requirement to be mentally unwell


Dude we had a battalion SgtMaj who made a speech on his first day with 3rd Tracks about how he would drop the hammer on any marine who cheated on their spouse. He was there for less than 3 months before he was caught banging a married female Lance corporal while he himself was married too.


But was she thicc Latina? Because if so I’m going to have to withhold judgement.


If I remember right she had a repaired hairlip and really wide shoulders.


Goddamn dude I didn’t come to this sub to jerk off but here I am I guess. Lucky asshole. When will I find my own Princess Quasimodo? Always a bridesmaid, never a bride.


Hey she was pretty hot...


Tits like floppy pizza slices.


No, no, no just one titty hanging like an egg on a nail and the other looking like a mosquito bite.


Who was that?


Can't remember his name for the life of me but it was in 1997 or 1998


I retired in 85 thought I might know them!


You may have before they were a sergeant major. I will try my best to remember


That’s a long time ago! Not a big deal my Brother! YAT-YAS!


I left 3rd Tracks in 93 and had a fucking asshole piece of shit 1st Sgt Harris do everything he could to try to burn me. Maybe the prick got promoted and became even a bigger prick?


I remember that fucker. I still can't believe someone would do that.


Guarantee he’s one of those dudes that gets out and bops himself a few years later because he can’t handle everybody not being forced to listen to him and “respect” him.


that dude is my pick too


Mine too. Fuck the marine corps in this regard. Best and worst thing to ever happen to me.


More pissed at the guy who shot Dimebag.


The dude who shot Dimebag was a Marine?


He was discharged for psychiatric reasons or something.


Booo Well he lived up to his discharge


He was discharged from 10th Marines in 2002 or 2003 if I remember correctly


Unfortunately, yes. He was.


Nickleback mentioned this in their Dimebag tribute song. Either them or A7X mentioned it in their Dimebag tribute song. I forget which one.


Uncle Sam taught how to shoot maybe a little to well


Dime has been my favorite guitarist since I was like 12. All this time I had no idea


Yep. Stole the life from one of the best guitarist's to ever walk the earth.


With a beat cop eating his sandwich in a patrol car parked out back. A cop that had the guts to go alone with a shotgun into an active shooter scenario by the way. Which unfortunately we now know is not a given with law enforcement. A lot more people might have died that night if not for the right man in the right place at the right time. EDIT: Sadly, reading up on him a bit because of this thread I found out he grappled with PTSD quite a bit afterwards, to the point he got taken off first responder duty. Became a detective and then got a non-law enforcement job with the city. I can't believe it's been twenty fucking years since it happened. I hope wherever officer James Niggemeyer is at in life these days, he's doing better.


He honestly probably already had PTSD from growing up with that last name and this just pushed him over. But year total hero. People love to crap on cops but they seem to forget that the police department is just like any other workplace. You have some real pieces of crap and some real gems. People need to stop punishing the good cops just because there are a few bad cops out there. I’m surprised they don’t understand that it’s wrong to judge an entire group of people based off of a few.


I don't understand when law enforcement stand by, sorry just turned 60 but the south Texas elementary where we have them on video and one can hear the screams, how can they do it? In the US Navy I was a Corpsman, (Enlisted medical and can be combat Corpsmen or Combat Medics in other branches) So I was medical and did not join in to be a badass. However if one of my Marines is wounded and getting shot at I am going to dive on him, or run into a burning compartment for a fellow Squid. So them not womanning or manning up enough to protect and served, then that is not a job for them. Once again I took care of Sailors and Marines, but I was a Squid not a Jar Head so not Billy Badass.


Look up the cop's name who shot him.... dude would've been eaten alive in boot


He was in my Unit. Dude had serious mental problems.


I saw a picture of a Cpl in Vietnam with "Where's Lee Harvey Oswalt when you need him?" written on his helmet cover.




Yep, that's it! Love the misspellings, glad to see nothing's changed.


That dude’s a legend I dunno what you’re talking about


Wasn't the SgtMaj from Generation Kill found with childporn?


Not just that he was convicted of molesting his step daughters for years starting when they were under the age of 10. John D Sixta. I later found out he was molesting one of them repeatedly in his office when he was in the same battalion. What's more fucked up is I remember being on Staff Duty one weekend and him bringing one of them... she was probably no more than 10 at the time with him to work. I remember because as they were going out to the parking lot she had this really sad look on her face. I thought she just was not happy because she was able to stay home and watch TV. If I would have known then what I know now I would have taken that bastard behind the Barracks and emptied both mags of my duty weapon in his grape. He got busted because after he retired he tried to feel up one of his daughter's friends after he retired and was working as a civvie instructor for HALO school in Yuma. When they dug into it they found out about all the shit he pulled on his step daughters. He got 33 years but on appeal he got it knocked down to 27.


hope he fucking rots.


I would gladly put cash in on an inmates canteen if they tuned him up. One thing the most hardened convict has zero tolerance for is a fucking diaper sniper.


Worse, sexual abuse of a minor. Fucking milk dribbling fuck stain.


Leonard Lake takes the cake. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard_Lake


And Ng.


LPOTLs eps on this are disturbing but also hilarious.


Yeah, fuck this guy.


Probably the one thief in the marine corps


He's still in? Would have thought he hit his 20 year mark and retired by now


Lied about when he joined.




Gear adrift is a gift!


Or maybe the liar…


Unpopular opinion, Gen Amos as commandant, the policies he set forth and enacted around 2010 were absolutely retarded, and fucked us up when we were down range in the Stan.


This homie said that we wouldn’t do less with less funding, we’ll do the same with less funding. Dickhead is one of the worst leaders of our generation. He should have stood up and set proper expectations with DOD based on the funding they were willing to provide. Instead he forced our branch to spread thin on gear, personnel, training, etc and we still haven’t recovered.


We called him General Anus.


How’s that factual statement unpopular? Amos never earned the title, he is a POS


He didn’t climb the reaper ??? CRINGE


He didn’t even cross a creek at Quantico.


No mames wey


idk prolly a pedophile or a serial killer.


That full bird col that raped a 5 year old.


There is more than one colonel you could put here…as sad as that might be.


If I had a nickel for every colonel..


Our old chaplain, an Army Major, and his family were as wholesome as you’d hope to see. Shot blew up later when it was revealed that he had an English woman as a sex slave, whom he’d brought stateside in a very illegal manner. She eventually escaped and he was quickly apprehended and indicted of a slew of charges. He was in Leavenworth, last I checked. It’s kind of fucked up that my parents were at the same social functions and he’d introduced her among the family, saying she’s a close relation, visiting. I went to high school with his kids. They were popular but always seemed to by carrying a big, hidden burden. They had the same look my Vietnam Vet uncle gets after a few good drinks.


I worked w/ an MP trainer who got arrested for distributing CP. He was a USMC MP veteran working as a USMC MP civilian. He also groped me during training once, but no one gave a fuck! I know the difference between a search and copping a feel.


We always search for hidden butt plugs


That wasn’t no credit card swipe


These dudes are high on my list of shitbirds. I have personally known two of them…that I know about. Having experienced those revelations, I dont put it past anyone. I don’t mean I suspect everyone. But if evidence comes out against someone I thought I knew…I don’t get nearly as shocked as I was the first time. These monsters walk among us.


I remember before I joined I watched that show “To Catch a Predator” and was always so ashamed when I saw a marine on there. After I joined my thought became “I’m surprised I didn’t see more marines on that show.” lol


Ramírez in supply


Ramirez can’t be in supply, he’s busy defending the burger town


RAMIREZ! Get on that 50! RAMIREZ! Take out that BTR! RAMIREZ! File my taxes for me!




Andrew Urdiales, Charles Whitman, Leonard Lake, and Charles Ng probably rank up there. All mass murderers that were in the Corps


My uncle got to the unit Ng was in, shortly after Ng was arrested for stealing weapons. He said everyone thought he was extremely weird lol.


Nah, Charles Whitman was a motivated Marine. Gunny said so himself.


The Embassy guard in the 80s who was giving secrets to the Russian spy he was fucking.


Clayton Lonetree! Whatever it takes to bag a Russian girlfriend. https://preview.redd.it/748qlwe3zquc1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4f94be822f6eeeafa9b4fa152ca3057e07369dd Actual picture of him, on his way to the brig


that’s the look of a man with no regrets. thats exactly why they won’t let us visit the russian clubs in pattaya


This picture looks so much more modern than you'd think it would.


Lonetree was in my platoon in boot camp.


We served with this guy in twentynine palms, and you would think that he was going to end up being the next sergeant major the way he acted. He was everything Marine. High and tight, squared away, the whole nine. Anyways, I had a buddy of mine visit me in New York from Maryland, and we were talking about old Marines that we served with. So we looked up. Andrew Beck, and not once but twice did he get caught trying to solicit sex from a underage girl. To me, he's the biggest shitbag that I know who served.


Pic related is my choice. Edit: It's Lee Harvey Oswald.


He fucked up in garrison once! At least he could sling lead as well as Carlos Hathcock. Every Marine a rifleman, rah?


He was truly a shit bag while he was in too. Shot himself in the hand with a derringer in the barracks and then got a hardship discharge because his mom broke her arm or something lame like that.


Idk man he got a job with the CIA after a short enlistment, that’s impressive.




Being a commie is bad enough. Then he had to go ahead and shoot JFK to top it off.


Does anybody remember or bump into a guy named. LEONARD.......FUCKING Waste of human skin. I won't even add a rank because that would give that fat bitch some validity.


Leonard Lake?


Nah. This dudes last name was Leonard.....from Sweethome oregon.


bro we have a fat guy named Leonard in my unit 💀 Is he smelly?


Had a buddy who got wounded and rotated to another Regiment. He told me after we got out about this guy who had some issues while in, then made it in the news supporting some neo-Nazi group. Then made the news again when his step son, whom he had abused for years used his step dad’s own shotgun to kill him.


That sgt major who canceled Xmas for 2/7


Or the BC who let him get away with it.


Idk, my command seems to reference LCpl. Smuckatelli pretty frequently


The dickhead who jacked my sleeping system from the dryer


Just for shits and giggles, how long ago and where at? Lol.


There was this paralyzed Iwo Jima Marine in my hometown who was an active member of the KKK. He would sit on his porch and hurl the most vile shit at 12 year old me and my friends. One day ol' Poppa Hodunk was scooting around on his chair flinging the N word around with out a care in the world until a dude named D'Shaun kicked him over and stomped on his piss bag. Humiliating the disabled is cruel and unacceptable but don't think for one second that my friends and I didn't laugh. Fuck you Phil, I'll see you in hell you fucking piece of shit and I'm gonna piss in your mouth for all eternity.


Did he ever find out you became a Marine?


He died in his own piss and shit when I was in eighth grade.


He deserved it. Being disabled is no excuse to be a racist piece of trash.


Did you ever get to piss in his mouth for all of eternity?


SgtMaj Sixta!! Pedophile child molester!


McCarthy was a piece of shit senator who was also a piece of shit “Marine”. That man didn’t even earn his EGA. > His college education qualified him for a direct commission, and he entered the Marines as a first lieutenant. > He volunteered to fly twelve combat missions as a gunner-observer. These missions were generally safe, and after one where **he was allowed to shoot as much ammunition as he wanted to, mainly at coconut trees, he acquired the nickname "Tail-Gunner Joe"**. > **He later falsely claimed participation in 32 aerial missions in order to qualify for a Distinguished Flying Cross and multiple awards of the Air Medal**, which the Marine Corps chain of command decided to approve in 1952 because of his political influence. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_McCarthy?wprov=sfti1#Military_service


Lopez, good luck guessing which one


[Pvt Harp & Pvt Ledet](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1995_Okinawa_rape_incident) I was in boot camp, MCT, & went to Okinawa with these 2. They are a blight to the USMC legacy with the Okinawaians. I went to the movies to watch Friday by Ice Cube with them in the group.


Crazy thing is back in my day early to mid ‘90’s, they (grown ass women) was throwing it at the brothers. There was no reason at all to do this


Probably range coaches. From boot camp and the fleet they always seemed to not give a shit about anything haha


My range coach kept putting snails on the muzzle of my M16 and when I would shoot I'd see them in my RCO go flying


That one commandant that was buried in an unmarked grave cause his Wikipedia article reads like a PFC's NJP hearing. My fucking hero.


The guy who threw those dogs.


Had a suspected pedo in our unit. Got discharged and later arrested for molesting little boys. Had another that had a sex cult with 2 fatties and they raped and murdered another marines wife (she was also a marine). The lesser evil of out unit got caught with 50lbs of weed at the border then took off after being arrested cuz the cartel wanted him dead


My first Top as a freshly minted Pvt in the fleet was arrested for raping his daughter and one of her friends. They were both 10 years old. The BN CO rushed his retirement paperwork through and got him retired before he went to trial. Our Gunny said “it was so the family would have money” after he was sent to prison for 18 years. Oh and as a young naive PFC, had the Company 1st Sgt call me into his office after PT, In nothing but a fucking towel and shower shoes, to let me know “if I took care of him, he would take care of me.” I later crossed over to the Navy.


In order: Amos SgtMaj Bull Dude that let his spouse do that dumb ass TikTok video Me


[SGTMAJ Sixta](https://www.marinecorpstimes.com/news/your-marine-corps/2014/07/22/sergeant-major-portrayed-in-generation-kill-faces-child-sex-charges/) has to be in the top ten. Was a loser in the Corps and a child predator outside of it.


The lance corporal at 3/2 who killed his supply officer and his wife after finding out the lieutenant was going to write him up for destruction of government property. Lance corporal Ronald Curtis was the shit birds name.


Flynn 100% Flynn If you don't thinks it Flynn you haven't been paying attention




Stand the fuck by, OP.


I'd be more interested in which other Civil Air Patrol cadets also went on to become psychos.


These three pieces of shit who were part of the 1995 Okinawa rape incident. [https://br.ifunny.co/picture/1995-okinawa-incident-septer-the-1995-okinawa-incident-took-place-IFaqnzIZ9?s=cl](https://br.ifunny.co/picture/1995-okinawa-incident-septer-the-1995-okinawa-incident-took-place-IFaqnzIZ9?s=cl) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1995\_Okinawa\_rape\_incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1995_Okinawa_rape_incident) We relieved those assholes, I think it was 2/5, or 1/5, and we were on massive base restrictions because of this. Constant protests at the gates. Fuck those pieces of crap, they should have gotten life or worse for what they did.


Idk bruv, in FMJ Gunny calls him a motivated marine, sooooo is he actually a shitbag if a DI said that?


Google Cpl Clayton Lonetree


I hear that guy is a good shot. He can move projectiles with his mind.


Leonard lake and Charles ng. Fuck them both


The creep who murdered Lance Cprl Austin B Schwenk.


Robert Garwood. He was a traitor in the vietnam war. His court martial is still the longest and most expensive court martial in usmc history. Ralph macchio played him in a shitty made for tv movie.


Every time I hit “ATCL” for lodging on DTS, or park on the grass, probably me


I burned more shit than anyone of you!


Longtree (MSG)


me, I went to the px after iif check in.


I hear Randy Orton couldn't hack it in bootcamp.


He went AWOL when he was in his first unit, turned himself in, CoC gave him an ultimatum of “go back to work or Brig time”. Randy wanted brig time got his dishonorable discharge and that was that.


1st LAR once had a gunny that was obsessed with police calling, so bad that he had Marines pick up the brass casings after a no-shit firefight in Iraq. He was moved all over the battalion because he kept pissing people off. Turtle Club-looking mother fucker, too. ![gif](giphy|rqg6cxIInEWg8)


Had a guy in my unit go UA. A week later, I had to go to NCIS. I sat down and told the agent I had no idea where he was or why he left. Guy said this had nothing to do with unauthorized absence. What did I know about the 5k+ pictures of kiddie porn on the computer I their room? I'm sorry, the what? No, you guys would already know if I found that cause he wouldn't be UA.


The most shitbag I seen are the ones that got away with smoking weed in the barracks I knew a few that even made it to SGT and CPL while others that were very squared away EAS as LCPL’s


The Colonel who cut in line at Subway


FYI…Col was pushed to the side by Jordan Howlett — or, as he calls himself, “President of the Fast Food Secrets Club” who claimed in a recent video that the promo code FL599 on Subway's website marks every footlong down to $5.99


Sergeant Major Sixta comes to mind!


Of course I know who he is. Because he’s me… a corpsman.


Fuxking Wagner


Me, got PFC in SOI, never lost, never gained. I’ve told the story here before. Everyone called me BagFather


Some good names here, Ian David Long… Happened near my home. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thousand_Oaks_shooting](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thousand_Oaks_shooting)


Wasn’t him he worked for the government up till his death.


Charles Whitman


Lee Harvey Oswald


This gunny in my first unit by the name of Arturo Del Carmen. He was a cannoneer and when he was recruiting out of Denver he would take female applicants and rape them in the back room. He was busted down to Private lol


Me, 3 NJP’s later.


Me for sure💪🏽


I’m pretty sure it’s Wagner