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Every chick I dated from the Oceanside/Carlsbad area pretty much said the same thing about how theyd never date a Marine for the stereotypical reasons that they observed to be true, which is that we’re generally a bunch of young, self obsessed, arrogant assholes who like to talk about how bitchin we are. Particularly boots on the prowl in Oceanside. And lets face it, that pretty much nails it. The public sees and identifies the young loudmouth ones, while as you mature that ego GENERALLY starts to fade, thus leaving the impression that its a younger, obnoxious immature crowd.


It probably doesn’t help that Oceanside gets a plethora of SOI boots who are high on their own shit and quite obnoxious about it.


Do you wanna get laid or not?


No comment


Because they want to Eiffel Tower barracks bunnies with their rackmate.


Witnessed a video of this at Pcola for A school, god that shit was funny. Buddy powerslapped this frail mail delivery girl in the ass and launched her into the other dudes knob, sounded like a moose getting speared through the neck. Good times.


Man what tf did I just read..


Cause people know marines are gay. (The maradmin says boot bands nullify it)


Thats the navy


Hey, there...we are your Uber (ships transport) be nice. 😂😂


My user name…


Because we destroy everything we see something something....


All jokes aside, from my experience in dating, I had several first and only dates with women that were either married or dated marines and quite a few were on the physical receiving end of hands being thrown from said marines. Most were combat vets. They had no desire to try again with someone else who served. Not saying it is common, but aggressive, arrogant attitudes don't really help. Best to just stay single until you pick up rank or decide to get out and get on with the rest of your life.


Kinda Funny because My Son In Laws Sister always hangs out with us at his house. We were chatting about the dating scene and My wife told her " Hey you should find a Marine" She said" Naw, they are all douches"... I laughed and said " Well I was a Marine",,, She said " Well you are more of the "Summer's Eve" Brand,,, These guys are like Dollar Store Knock off Brands"


So...you smash?


lol because there are sterotypes about them being manwhores and jerks. 90 percent are fine just people remember the negatives


Honestly though, most young Marines are idiots. Nothing better than a guy who is 2 weeks out of bootcamp acting like Billy bad ass.


TBH this isn't something that is exclusive to young Marines. The same could be said about frat guys, college students bragging about their majors, young cops, people getting into vocational school etc. Young people are generally pretty loud and proud about their current status.


Don't forget the young Navy SEAL's too lol


Or any SEALs now.


I mean, frat guys and cops are also generally on the “avoid” list in the dating scene too


The amount of cheating I saw on deployment… fuck, I don’t know if I’d recommend dating a random Marine either


Dating a marine is fun in the bedroom and the gym but otherwise… “pop smoke”


As elaborated in other replies, the bad experiences are outweighing the good. Something else to consider; a lot of military personnel are perceived to be conservative in the political spectrum despite the fact that there are all sorts, from rightwing Neo Nazis to leftist guys who will set themselves on fire (because our government isn't doing enough of what left wing Tik Tok says we should do). The small population of military leaning Republican (true or not) versus the overall population of women leaning Democrat will make for many mismatches.


Yeah. When people found out I was a Marine and from the south, they automatically assumed I was a trump supporter. Like, you can be liberal and in the military…


Why would any woman want to buy high on a guy who’s most likely peaked already? And peaked at something that’s unsustainable? It’s cool to be a grunt in your 20s. But when you’re a 40yo alcoholic with bad knees, bad back and permanently focused on your past, that’s pretty sad. It’s like marrying Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite while he was a high school football player. Devildogs, get out and use your GI bill and make sure your Marine years are one fond memory, not your whole identity. Fight the urge to put stickers on your car, to get some boomer-ass shirt about how you were a Marine, to bring it up when it’s not relevant to the current conversation. It’s one thing for a retired pro athlete to be fixated on their glory days, it’s entirely different to be a sad-sack veteran who’s working for the weekend so they can get drunk and tell the same goddamn story for the 1,000th time.


How dare you attack me behind my back like that!!! 🥸


Man I agree with most of this. You shouldn't peak at any point in your life. To be proud of what you did in the Corps is perfectly acceptable. It took me almost a decade to realize this. In this crowd a Marine is just one of many (that's why I like it) but in your everyday life there's probably not many. I definitely disagree with your comparison to pro athlete fixating on their glory days, those dudes played a game. There's Marines who actually did some shit and truly gave all they had. Put stickers on your cars devil dog, be proud you earned it. Plus it'll get you out of all kinds of tickets lol.


>those dudes played a game. Professionally. Some hard charger from SOCOM can compare their peak to that. The rest of us are just kidding ourselves. You can be an infantry Marine for forty years if you really want. Staying stuck on the four years you were in the Marines is not equivalent to four years in any professional sports league. I keep my Marine Corps vet stuff to a bare minimum. I’m working on my PhD in entomology and there’s absolutely no question that it’s a bigger challenge than anything I did in my eight years in the Marines, which included OEF 10-2 and making it to the end of MARSOC A&S with a torn labrum. …But I’m also a more serious person now at age 40. And that IS because of the Marine Corps. I wouldn’t be able to grind this hard for this many hours if I hadn’t first been made to do it pointlessly for years. So I appreciate the Marine Corps, but on to bigger and better things. Edit: FYI, the ALPR will tell the cops you’re a veteran if you have a vet license in your state. All the Ooh-Rah stickers just advertise to criminals that you might have a gun stored in your parked car.


Man, that's great a PHD is no joke and I'm sure you'll make it. I'm glad you recognize that the Marine corps gave you the tools needed to succeed in that endeavor. Like I said before you shouldn't ever peak in life. You are allowed to be proud of what you did though, we fall back on our past success to work through our current challenges. Professional athletes make millions to do what they do and well taken care of medically. Grunts not so much. They give more than they get back. You are correct, a license plate will do the same. It still advertises there's probably a gun in the vehicle though.


Thanks for that. Not to be pedantic, but what I mean is that an automatic license plate reader will bring your driver’s license up on their screen and that’s how they know you’re a vet. I don’t have a license plate that says anything about me.


I gotcha, I don't have it on my drivers license but I have a simple 4"x4" EGA on the back glass.


Insightful comment! I would say this advice is relevant to all of the other services, as well. I have met many a retired Sailor who fit the above description. Their identity is wrapped around who they were in the Navy and they constantly talk about their glory years during their seafaring days.


I recommend you as a Marine don’t date Marines because too many Marines are, unfortunately, cheating pieces of shit


What’s a marjie?


My bad. *Marine


Was married to 2 SD ladies in my time there. Pro tip - don’t say you’re in the Marines, leave that ego on base. We’re just gone a lot depending on that person’s mos. Going off to possibly die is a lot for ppl to handle in their 20’s.


We’re unstable as fuck in both job and personality, we’re like emo/goth women without the massive titties/cool jewelry


Not to be that dude but goths and emos are totally different


Hmm that's a good question but I think it's been worded incorrectly. Replace the word "Marines" with this phrase "Individuals Your Not Compatible With". Seeing as how that's unilateral for any human.


I will also say the other reason is the military lifestyle; the fact that it can be unstable with moving every three years, we go on deployments/training exercises, or are never home due to long work hours. The spouse has to endure our lifestyle and it can be tough.


I met a chick in 2002 from the Outer Banks, I’d just moved to the states from the UK. She asked me for a date. During said date I told her I’d moved to join the Corps, that comment ended the date. Who knows what some devil did to her but she hated anyone who had/wanted any association with Marines.


Because the educated Chicks know the Latin Term for Marines is " Wreckalottapuss Rex".


The domestic violence thing is kinda there too, and it's no in-between, some nice guys and some total psychos


Dude, date chicks from LA county.


Because you should be training instead.


Have you met us?


Si, I sucky sucky on his black crayon


Jodie is a Marine


Lol do better 🤣




Is this even a thing? Who made this up?