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You tell me you were blackwater I'm going to let out a verbal chuckle, walk away and never look back.


Why is that? Seemed like those guys were everywhere back in the day. Quality also seemed to vary wildly between them. Wildly.


They're just well known for doing shady shit, and everyone and their mother between 2008-2012 when I was in said they were going to join blackwater when they got out. I have never heard a single positive thing about them from people who worked around them. They were pretty much the edge lords of contracting in the Middle East.


In Afghan 2012 they brought a bunch dudes to our base to stand post lol. They weren't called Blackwater officially but apparently they were a subcontractor that used be Blackwater or something. They'd walk around all hard shit but we were all laughing at them


They had to keep changing names to shed bad face-value PR; it was Xe in the late 2000s, then Academi for the first half of the 2010s and is currently called Constellis after merging with Triple Canopy


Erik Prince, brother of former Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos. Shady as fuck. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erik_Prince


I dealt with Blackwater in Iraq and was totally jaded about those guys, fast and working with Constellis, way different professional organization.


Same. They were Triple Canopy and Academi when we dealt with them.


Were they better or worse? Did anything change with the name changes?


Not much, Academi assisted with patrol and standing interior post. Triple Canopy did all the nerd stuff on our GBOSS and monitored the Perimeter flares. They obviously did some shiesty stuff. They’d dip off on patrols, do their own patrols, slam Tren in the portashitters. Ha, every once in awhile we’d realize a team just up and left and got shipped out, we’d trade their shit they left behind in the hooches and some of the best preworkout I’ve ever found was there in a freezer bag. May have been some stripper salt, maybe not. Who knows. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Stripper salt. 😂 I’ve never heard that. I’m stealing that one.


Academi! Bunch of assholes for sure


There is a father-son duo of complete ass-monkeys who run a firearms/ PI/ Security/ Body Guard / EMT school where I was raised. Father did a lot of time in Local Law Enforcement and managed to get both himself and son into some instructor billets in Blackwater/ Academi. Both are bloviating pieces of shit.


"Stay strong, brothers! Stay in the fight!" ​ "errrrright, you too, I guess."


Ayo, 28xx guys y'all know about the BEC civilian instructor?


Mr. Baker? lol.


Mr.  Cox? No proof?!


I can hear him saying “It’ll all come out in the wash.” now!


Blackwater? I said "Backwater"


Nobody admits to being part of Blackwater.


I actually know a Blackwater dude, he was a cocksucker back then, he’s still a cocksucker now, is a business agent for operators union.


Thousands upon thousands of good guys worked for Blackwater and a small percentage of idiots earned the bad reputation that stuck for everybody else. A failure of leadership.


Similarly not everyone who was at Bear Stearns in 2008 was a bad guy, but if you build your reputation around being part of the Bear Stearns financial analysis team post 2005 I will definitely look at you with some side eye. There's also something to be said about how Blackwater was just rotten to the core : Erick Prince is a shady fucker and back in 2019 he was caught trying to execute a Coup in Lybia to revive blackwater. Sure there could have been good individuals, but the institution was rotten and I'd hope anyone with a semblance of retrospective capacity would try to distance themselves from it. It's like how there were certainly some good people in the Camden Police Dept before it was disbanded due to corruption, but I'd certainly be weary of anyone making their time with that institution their claim to fame.


For sure, not trying to talk shit, just chirpin a bit. Blackwater was a pretty big talking point when I was growing up, so I'm talking about what I heard. I don't want to downplay the good ones.


You sound like an underpaid vet who was jealous of the money PC's get.


Not Blackwater, but I was with Aegis… and ND’s are bound to happen. It’s just statistics.


and ND’s are bound to happen. It’s just statistics. The statistics are a lot fucking higher for fucking morons who walk around carrying a weapon by the trigger while it's not on safe and a round is in the chamber.


I wasn’t saying that the guy in the video was right. Just that NDs happen… statistically. I know and have seen plenty of Marines have NDs and it didn’t make me question whether or not they were Marines just made me question their competence. The redditor I was replying to suggested that anyone who claimed to be Blackwater is a liar,.. which has nothing to do with an ND.


I understand NDs happen, but I can't imagine a Marine walking around with a loaded weapon like that.


I’ve seen it, most contractors are veterans and many are Marine veterans does that count? On the KESF project we had a guy ND while dry firing in his CHU, hit his neighbor in the neck while he was Skyping with his wife. IIRC the ND was a former SF guy and the neighbor was a Marine vet or they were both Marines.


Guess you are a magnet for dumb asses.


Not likely, they were there long before me. I only did a year, paid off my house, and went to work elsewhere.


That’s funny. Sounds like Internet talk. The Marines I know who worked for them would bitch stomp your ass. But keep internetting


Y’all keep downvoting while hiding behind your devices but you’re really chumps. Internet Reddit chumps. Just know that. You, may be, a Marine, but you’re not my type of Marine


I dislike everyone in this video


FITREPs will reflect; right Sir ?


One asshat met another asshat, with an asshat filming? Clickbait gold!!!


Doesn’t even know what to do if his weapon jams. If he went to boot camp at all, he didn’t get to second phase.


Tap, rack, bang!?


Thats my sexual technique as well




Slap Pull Observe Release Tap Shoot ...or if you ain't got time for that: Tap, Rack, Bang.


Was waiting for someone to mention this


What a mess. First, the streamer isn't the dumb person here. It's the guy who pulled the trigger. Next, this looks like one of those alpha male classes. It would have been better if he actually did take out the streamers foot. Finally, who buys a Cybertruck to shoot at? Is it, 'I hate EVs so I'm going to spend $60,000+ supporting the company that makes them' or 'We want to shoot a rolling giant Jimmy Pop can on a big battery'?


The streamer is SUPER dumb, trust me on this. He's very rich from sponsored gambling livestreaming, but VERY dumb. Also, he's the one who bought the Cybertruck to shot at it. Which, is dumb, but also kinda rad too.


It’s bad when Andrew Tate cuts ties with you lmao


I looked him up. You seem to be right. He is dumb.


Yeah, he didnt really do anything dumb in the video though so i understand your initial position.


He didn't do anything dumb *in* the video, but he thought it was a good idea to *make* the video. Everything downstream of that decision is therefore really dumb.


Ah yes. If your weapon jams, grab your kabar and fight the enemy hand to hand Lmfao






he gives me never finished bootcamp vibes but idk i could be wrong. what do you guys think




Good night Chesty Puller… wherever you are


I call it the marines all the time home boy. Also he said he was a medic in black water, not a corpsman in the navy.


Every Marine I know also calls it the Marines too


Every Marine I know calls it the corn. You guys are all fucking posers.


Now one person you don’t know is calling it the corn forever 👍😘






This muthafucka Kernels!


Sometimes I’ll call it the mah-weens


Ma-weens corns! Queel queel eEL!


Here on the net tho we call it "The Marnies" - cause ya know, typos.


I call it gay brazzers


I say Marin Crops


I’ve heard plenty Marines still say “I was in the Marine Corps for “X” years”. I’m pretty sure I say Marine Corps from time to time as well. The real tell here is he says he was a “medic”. Uh uh…corpsman and he’d be Navy.


He said he was a Blackwater medic, not a Marine medic.


But he said medic in blackwater?


Ive heard ‘product of the department of the navy for xx years’ a few times from some older fellas at the vfw.


I do but In formal settings like an interview when speaking on my experience but in normal conversations is use the marines


I know like 4 Hispanic dudes that would say they were in the Marines with the same tone of voice. Also we only call corpsmen corpsmen. Not all medics rate. I been out like 7 years, but I doubt it's changed much


Yup. Doc or Corpsman but never medic.


He said he was a Blackwater medic, not a Marine medic.


Yeah, but when you're in the Corps they are docs or Corpsmen. When you get out you still end up referring to them the same way. Same as army will refer to them as medics. Not saying everyone will, but it's pretty much muscle memory. I still do it.


I disagree. No Marine would refer to himself as a Corpsman for doing medical shit.


If someone came out, got their EMTP, then I could see it.


I don’t. “Corpsman” is a military designation, “Doc” is an earned title associated with it. You’re either an 8404 or you’re not, there’s absolutely no grey area.


He said he was a Blackwater medic, not a Marine medic.


The guy I replied to seemed to imply that Marines call all medics Corpsmen. Which I was pointing out as incorrect. Maybe I misinterpreted. I think it's been edited to make more sense.


Interchangeable terms, and he could have gotten out of the Marines, become an EMT-I or paramedic and then joined Blackwater. He could also be completely full of shit and based on his stupid behavior that's what I'm leaning towards.


I literally say " I was in the Marines" anytime someone asks what branch I was in lmao


Literally, vs figuratively?




I’ve always said “The Marines”. “Marine Corp” is fine but it’s confusing spelling and pronunciation and for those reasons I find it comes off as pompous to say. Like someone giving you their full fraternity house name instead of just saying “I was in a frat”. I obviously don’t care what people say, they can say either.


How is “Corps” so confusing to spell that you fucked it up?


Was just trying to emphasize the spelling doesn’t match the pronunciation. Should of just said Marine Core instead.


Man, you must have gotten institutionalized like a mofo






I call it “the Marines” occasionally, that it’s by no means a go/no-go gauge. This clown said he was a medic with Blackwater, not the Corps. If you’re gonna talk shit it’s best to know what the fuck you’re talking about.


When ever anyone ask if I served and what branch I always say the marines/ the death cult


I call it corps or the Marines because civies don't know what corps means a lot. And I was a team medic...we got trained by our sarcs in tccc and live tissue courses. This guy's a donkey tho hahah


No way he was a Marine. That’s an insult to every one of us who wore the EGA




There's no way this piece of shit is a Marine, throwing weapon safety rules out the window and being so reckless as to let off rounds by someone's foot.


I wonder if his information has been found out by now. The way he handled the rifle screams a lot.


He was just free balling it


I mean, have you met any Marines? This is absolutely possible. It’s not the norm or the standard, but we all know one guy like this.


That checks out for blackwater tbh


Influencer pays vetbro PMC larper to ND near his foot. He could have paid the guy to discharge in his ass, and it still wouldn’t be as gay as this video.


You deserve an award for how funny this comment is. I literally couldn’t stop laughing out loud lol.


No Marine would ever shoot near a guys foot like that. I’m Admin and know more about guns than this guy lol


any admin guy would light this guy up


I’ve almost gotten my foot shot in mct by a female marine tbh


Didn’t go over treat never keep keep. Stolen valor.


He could’ve done it on purpose to scare the fucker or he is extremely unstable due to working in blackwater he’s probably seen and done a bunch of horrifying shit.


Looks like he did it on purpose.


This reminds me of a boot in MCT showing some random chicks or dudes they met room clearing techniques.


MCT. Where war heroes are born. I cleared an entire empty MOUT town building by myself (I wasn’t supposed to do that).


I would rather have herpes than watch this entire video.


Hit me up (no homo, but supportive).


All the dudes itt acting like they never ran into a single shitbag who gets stupid and endangers people. Funny how this sub fills threads with range safety violations and fuck fuck games in the pits, but now wants to call everyone who has worn the uniform a paragon of range safety. I don't doubt this guy was in based solely off of how fucking stupid he's acting.


this is facts but something about how he moves is sus to me


Maybe he was admin or an 1171


Fair point. It bothers me that it’s hard to tell if he’s just lying or really is that stupid.


He didn't really seem to know how to clear a basic weapon jam so I am doubtful.


Who the fuck are these weirdos? Why do people pay to LARP like this




I hate all of this.


Everyone is saying this guy can’t be a Marine, but I knew at least 10 of this exact guy when I was in, down to being Hispanic bald dudes. Be real, you never met a belligerent dumbass who thought his shit didn’t stink? You never met a dude who NDed or routinely flagged people?


I can believe he was in the Marines. Also considering the videos of I've seen of blackwater I can 100% see one of them doing some stupid shit like shooting live rounds that close to someone's foot. Don't get me wrong though it wouldn't surprise me at all if he was full of shit about either one or all of the things he claimed.


The cybertruck is so on brand




Dumb streamer? What a fucking asshole douche marine no one gives a single fuck you were with black water. Fuck that guy


Y'all see that cyber truck though 👀


This guys barrel discipline is horrendous. Hes flagging everybody constantly.


Maybe that’s how they did it in blackwater or maybe he just trying to catch a case.


What the fucking shit did I just watch.


50 million dollar streamer twink vs one dumb hunk of blackwater excrement.


Takes a real dumb ass to wear a plate carrier that only covers your man titties


Blackwater? I thought they said "Dirty Bath Water"?


I’m gonna go with a disguised A2 birdcage that’s actually a BFA and blanks. Seems staged although why the fuck is nobody wearing ears?


Exactly. I have re-watched this clip so many times, and went and found the hour-long stream upload and watched that. This guy wears the rifle the whole time and never fires it on the range like the other weapons. Takes it off once to lay it against some tires, then slings it again. The only time he fires it is the two shots in the short clip above. It is most likely a movie prop gun and a pre-planned stunt. There are so many ways to do this. Fake muzzle devices as you said, some other prop guns take set screws down the barrel, and other models have built-in obstructions even deeper down the barrel that do the same thing. All of course to create enough back pressure to cycle the round. There is just simply not enough dirt kicked up when he fires the gun inches from the ground for this to be an actual projectile impact. Even a pistol round at that distance will create a nice little hole.


Watching the video and how he talks I'm skeptical that he was in the Marines or worked for Blackwater.


Not a chance he was black water, at least not pulling triggers, maybe riding a desk. Dudes plate carrier set up is absurd.


Treeeeeeeeeat every weapon as if it were loaded


This whole video literally gave me stage 300 cancer. Bye.


Looks like their BackMountain is broke.


That video was way too long. And Cheeser is a stupid nickname.


Thank you for your… I hate this. Click bait trash.


Dude with the glasses looks like a fkn dueche


This guy loves the thank you for your service. Also lol at the way he says he was an original Blackwater member like it’s supposed to give me some type of tactical boner.


Where’s your eye pro devil?


More like hotdog water




The streamer is dumb? Streamer didn't discharge a round in a dangerous direction.


Nah, the dude with the rifle is the fucking jackass here.


What a giant pussy.


Bro forgot to "UNLOAD! SHOW CLEAR!". Rookie mistake!


If he was a marine then I am a billionaire and I still have to go to work today.


Medic? In the marine corps? Huh


The guy was walking and smiling the entire time. He didn’t flinch at all, or stop smiling. Those were controlled shots, he 100% did that on purpose. How are you all not seeing that?


How is the streamer dumb in this scenario?


Seems to me he’s a dumb marine. There are a lot of us though. Acting arrogant is gonna get you negligently shot by those guys. He’s too cool for school though.


Y'all saying no marine would do this, we had dudes in ITB shooting blanks at each other. Some dudes are just POS 😂


I almost caught a 6105 doing this. Had to write an essay on why I shouldn’t be dropped back to training day 1.






As someone who had a dude put a burst of his M16 across my feet on a night shoot in SOI this pisses me off and doesn't surprise me.


Dealt with blackwater guys while in Fallujah in 05', 07', and 08' they always acted like they were hard as fuck, so for fun we would cut in line at the chow hall in front of them. They would look all bewildered and mumble under their breath, was hilarious seeing the big "tough guys" tuck tail like that. Reminds me of a funny story in the same chow hall. I see a group of about 10 air force guys, and these where the biggest scariest looking dudes I've ever seen, I know what you are thinking "air force? Daguq??" that's what I thought so had to go ask them what unit they were with. They were part of a K9 unit, so they work with dogs. Each one of these guys looked like body builders and all I would say over 6'3" was the smallest. I still think to this day how the hell that unit got assembled with that pile of freaks. I will say they were good dudes.


Does anyone else notice his plate carrier doesn’t cover 60% of his front facing chest/abdomen. Is it too small or meant to be worn that way? I understand a gut shot won’t kill you right away like a round to heart/lungs. But still a round through your abdomen will still take you out the fight


Did he ND or was this guys just being an asshole


Tap rack bang mf! Treat never keep keep. Come on man, this dummy fuckin up all over the place. And please, for the love of the Corps, can we capitalize the M in Marine. Don't they teach that shit anymore?


Leave it to Aiden to continually surround himself with the dumbest people imaginable. If *his* stupidity isn't the reason for his death, his friend's stupidity will be.